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Happy As A Satellite Dish


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ดูหน้านังกบสิ บานเป็นจานดาวเทียมเลย” Look at Mrs. Gop happy as a satellite dish.

Can anyone explain that one ? I was thinking either it's a smile like the side view of a satellite dish or

maybe she's happy because of she's getting a lot of attention from the media.

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มีพรายกระซิบมาบอกผม I wonder if บาน means "flat" or "concave" in this context. Or, alternatively, "broad" or "wide-open mouth". A frog can open its mouth wide and when it does so, its mouth resembles a concave satellite dish.

( I think that’s it.)

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Yes, บาน means "broad", or "wide". So หน้าบาน is "wide-faced", and depending on the context, can mean either the person literally has a wide face, or they're smiling so broadly their face appears to be wider than normal.

"ดูหน้านังกบสิ บานเป็นจานดาวเทียมเลย"

"Look at Kop's face! It's as wide as a satellite dish!"

or "Look at Kop, grinning like a satellite dish!"

(Note that นัง is not the same as นาง "Mrs.", even though they may have the same origin. นัง before a girl's name expresses familiarity or contempt, and is probably used most often by schoolgirls. It's similar to อี- but not nearly as vulgar.)

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Thank you for the enlightenment on นัง I wasn't aware of that. In this case I think it denotes contempt. A middle aged ga-tuuey

referring to another middle age ga-tuuey that he/she despises.

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จมูกบาน is Thai for a flat nose, flared nostrils.

by coincidence I ran into จมูกแบนหัก What kind of nose is that? a crooked flat nose?

I saw it on a slang listing:

ฮักกี้ = กะเทยที่จมูกแบนหัก

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