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I also think that Pearl wrote a great post :o

I have a question to all of you who prefer a more conservative marriage

Would you like your daughters to be also housewifes?

I read a post ( i don´t remember if in this topic or some other) which said something that old times where better...that´s why this question pop out...

Is a humble question...and i am interested in the point of views...so please don´t start to call me things or bash this question. ...I just want to know peoples opinion...

Edited by Glauka
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That site only explains men to me. Little did I know that ALL men think with their little heads instead of their big ones. Or that they are all so superficial as to be incapable of carrying on a non-sexual relationship with a woman.

How sad for men if they are as simplistic as this theory holds.

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Would you like your daughters to be also housewifes?

If that was what made her happy.....then YES......


That site only explains men to me. Little did I know that ALL men think with their little heads instead of their big ones. Or that they are all so superficial as to be incapable of carrying on a non-sexual relationship with a woman.

How sad for men if they are as simplistic as this theory holds.

I personally resent that remark sbk......I have many non sexual friendships with women

Shame as a mod you should know better. :o

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she was taking the p!ss out of the link posted by terminator!!!!

I·ro·ny ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-n, r-)

n. pl. i·ro·nies

The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.

An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.

A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect. See Synonyms at wit1.

Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs: “Hyde noted the irony of Ireland's copying the nation she most hated” (Richard Kain).

An occurrence, result, or circumstance notable for such incongruity. See Usage Note at ironic.

Dramatic irony.

Socratic irony.


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Would you like your daughters to be also housewifes?

If that was what made her happy.....then YES......


That site only explains men to me. Little did I know that ALL men think with their little heads instead of their big ones. Or that they are all so superficial as to be incapable of carrying on a non-sexual relationship with a woman.

How sad for men if they are as simplistic as this theory holds.

I personally resent that remark sbk......I have many non sexual friendships with women

Shame as a mod you should know better. :o

I concur. Very disappointing post SBK.

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she was taking the p!ss out of the link posted by terminator!!!!

I·ro·ny ( P ) Pronunciation Key (r-n, r-)

n. pl. i·ro·nies

The use of words to express something different from and often opposite to their literal meaning.

An expression or utterance marked by a deliberate contrast between apparent and intended meaning.

A literary style employing such contrasts for humorous or rhetorical effect. See Synonyms at wit1.

Incongruity between what might be expected and what actually occurs: “Hyde noted the irony of Ireland's copying the nation she most hated” (Richard Kain).

An occurrence, result, or circumstance notable for such incongruity. See Usage Note at ironic.

Dramatic irony.

Socratic irony.


Then perhaps the quote feature could have been used............ :D:D

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Would you like your daughters to be also housewifes?

If that was what made her happy.....then YES......

Let's put it differently, and this is not directed at you personally:

"would you object if your daughter wanted to be something different from a housewife, and would this conflict with what you expect women to be, i.e. what you are looking for in a woman to marry?"

Yes, it's a trick question. :o

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That site only explains men to me. Little did I know that ALL men think with their little heads instead of their big ones. Or that they are all so superficial as to be incapable of carrying on a non-sexual relationship with a woman.

Well welcome to the real world, however, according the ladder theory, we are capable of non-sexual relationships with horrendously ugly women, as women are capable of falling in love with men with little money, as long as the guy is good looking and/or treats them badly enough. :o

Edited by Ulysses G.
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That site only explains men to me. Little did I know that ALL men think with their little heads instead of their big ones. Or that they are all so superficial as to be incapable of carrying on a non-sexual relationship with a woman.

Well welcome to the real world, however, according the ladder theory, we are capable of non-sexual relationships with horrendously ugly women, as women are capable of falling in love with men with little money, as long as the guy is good looking and/or treats them badly enough. :o

:D:D Ulysses I think you are lost cause :D

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I attended a party last night at a resort and spa where a friend of my wife works and soon found myself alone and holding a beer and sought western conversation.

There were many western women and not one of them reciprocated eye contact, though I did get an almost awkward smile from a black American.

Later on I did manage to have a converstaion with an English woman in her 30's but it was mostly one way and didn't last long and she ended up going off to dance.

Why is it so difficult to get the ball rolling with you farang girls, we want to be your friends but it's almost as if you avoid western men in Thailand, we can have a conversation with a gal without thinking about sex.

That said, later still the singer from the band sat opposite me and despite being Thai she had blonde hair down to her butt.

Her English was questionable but we chatted away and I tried not to notice her lovely bulbous cleavage. All was going well until Johnny-among-the-maids (AKA Little Brain) woke up and was determined to make his presence known.

Sure enough I ended up taking her back to her bungalow and obviously I couldn't stay the night but I had a great time for a couple of hours and once she had fallen asleep with that special Thank-God-for-real-men smile on her face, I repaired back to the party where my wife was fawning all over some idiot Danish DJ called 'Spectrum'. :D:o

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With all due respect, I have Western male friends here, but it is usually a fluke in the way it comes about. Your quotes:

"Why is it so difficult to get the ball rolling with you farang girls, we want to be your friends but it's almost as if you avoid western men in Thailand,"

Yes, I do; have you read the comments on this site? Most also go out of their way to avoid me. And when they don't, I almost always wish they did, because it usually becomes a situation where they want to sleep with me when they are married to a Thai woman. Which brings me to your next quote:

"I repaired back to the party where my wife was fawning all over some idiot Danish DJ called 'Spectrum'."

Generally, many male expats here have a different point of view when it comes to women, which is generally supported by Thai culture.

In a nutshell, many Western women do not support or feel any need to accommodate those point of views.

And I hope you don't mind if I ask a question: If you miss conversation and communication so much why didn't you marry someone who could share this with you?

Edited by kat
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Why is it so difficult to get the ball rolling with you farang girls, we want to be your friends but it's almost as if you avoid western men in Thailand, we can have a conversation with a gal without thinking about sex.

...and then

Sure enough I ended up taking her back to her bungalow and obviously I couldn't stay the night but I had a great time for a couple of hours and once she had fallen asleep with that special Thank-God-for-real-men smile on her face, I repaired back to the party where my wife....

you may find the answer to your question by looking at your 2 quotes... :o

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Why is it so difficult to get the ball rolling with you farang girls, we want to be your friends but it's almost as if you avoid western men in Thailand, we can have a conversation with a gal without thinking about sex.

...and then

Sure enough I ended up taking her back to her bungalow and obviously I couldn't stay the night but I had a great time for a couple of hours and once she had fallen asleep with that special Thank-God-for-real-men smile on her face, I repaired back to the party where my wife....

you may find the answer to your question by looking at your 2 quotes... :o

So what are you saying my friend, I can't have a normal friendship and conversation with a farang lady AND fool around with a Thai woman, I must make a choice???

I wanted to talk to the farang woman about my business developments and ask her what she thought about the English girl and the murder trial, I wasn't gonna come on all sleazy.

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So what are you saying my friend, I can't have a normal friendship and conversation with a farang lady AND fool around with a Thai woman, I must make a choice???

no - not at all wes... i was merely drawing my first impressions on reading your post.. just in fun mate - just in fun


Edited by rio666uk
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So what are you saying my friend, I can't have a normal friendship and conversation with a farang lady AND fool around with a Thai woman, I must make a choice???

no - not at all wes... i was merely drawing my first impressions on reading your post.. just in fun mate - just in fun


No problem!

Hey, is it not true that western chicks love to be friends with men who are womanisers?

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I personally resent that remark sbk......I have many non sexual friendships with women

Shame as a mod you should know better. :o

I guess nobody recognized my ironical comment since, as we all know, americans are incapable of irony. Next time I will be sure to put a little whistling guy next to my post to convey my intentions.

I merely wanted to point out what a load of codswallop the link pointed to.

Guess my irony fell flat. God thats sad. :D

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So what are you saying my friend, I can't have a normal friendship and conversation with a farang lady AND fool around with a Thai woman, I must make a choice???

no - not at all wes... i was merely drawing my first impressions on reading your post.. just in fun mate - just in fun


No problem!

Hey, is it not true that western chicks love to be friends with men who are womanisers?

no idea - lets ask em..

ladies ??????

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what an odd question.

I don't have many female friends but what I meant was that none of them would dream of sleeping with me, and they are not unamused by my womanising.

I have a couple of friends who are hookers but I wouldn't sleep with them :o actually I probably would - take that back.

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I personally resent that remark sbk......I have many non sexual friendships with women

Shame as a mod you should know better. :D

I guess nobody recognized my ironical comment since, as we all know, americans are incapable of irony. Next time I will be sure to put a little whistling guy next to my post to convey my intentions.

I merely wanted to point out what a load of codswallop the link pointed to.

Guess my irony fell flat. God thats sad. :D

To be truthful I didnt even bother to look at the link...couldnt be bothered to waste my time, I waste enough of it here anyway. :D

As your post didnt have a reference point I just took it at face value.... :o

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Later on I did manage to have a converstaion with an English woman in her 30's but it was mostly one way and didn't last long and she ended up going off to dance.

Why is it so difficult to get the ball rolling with you farang girls, we want to be your friends but it's almost as if you avoid western men in Thailand, we can have a conversation with a gal without thinking about sex.

Are you sure it isn't one-way conversations like this which make it 'difficult' to 'get the ball rolling'?

Thai's always wash their vagina before sex whereas it's not a priority for western women, especially Swedes, but on the upside westen women get the beers in and they know how to have fun, though not always whe to stop drinking - especially if they're British.


:o :lol Edited by blabbel
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Why is it so difficult to get the ball rolling with you farang girls, we want to be your friends but it's almost as if you avoid western men in Thailand, we can have a conversation with a gal without thinking about sex.

From what little I've seen of your posts, I doubt you'd be capable of thinking of anything else.

she had fallen asleep with that special Thank-God-for-real-men smile on her face

This is my favourite line. :o

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