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Tablet Computer Distribution Kicks Off In Thailand


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I humbly suggest too few commentators have seen the engaging multi-sensory learning that can come from well designed (pedagogically, technically and visually) apps.

If you had you would soon become aware that much of our old style teaching is in fact regressive. Even the best of teachers will tell you that they hold back a majority of children with senseless repetition of examples of things they can already do, and are unable to explore the various learning methods of all the kids.

While I would never suggest that tablets should or even could be used to teach the whole curriculum, they are brilliant at engaging and especially so for the youngest of children. Audio, visual and even tactile (the screen buzzes under the finger) response can be given and the child is 100% engaged and well motivated to learn.

Tablets are TOUCH machines, What is more natural suitable for children than the tablet.

lastly, remember the set of encyclopedias you had at home. We had both Junior and the full set of adult Britannicas. Brittanica is now OUT OF PRINT, IT IS ONLINE ONLY. In 50 years how many books.

You really don't understand what a lot of are saying. We agree with you that their are problems with the way kids are being tought (see I can't even spell and I am old school and this fool machine can't help me) today. We say retrain the teachers. Don't leave them incapable and replace them with a pad. The first few years in school there brains are not yet mature. They are also learning to get along with others. Why throw all that away. It is things they will be able to use the rest of their life.

It is bad enough now with face book. We are raising a generation of people unable to work together unless it is done electronically. Bring on the pads in the late third grade and fourth grade. By this time if teachers are properly trained they will be able to reason for them selves. To work through problems for them selves.

To give a first grader a pad is no better than teaching by rote because he has not developed reasoning skills and you are just saying here is how it is done. No different than the teaching method they use today Educate your educators first.

A friend of mine just got his license to teach English. After a month they called him into the office. They wanted to know if he would be willing to teach another class. The thing was the students would be the other teachers.

I know you are a man of ideas out of the norm (good ones) but look at yourself mid fifties and here you are communicating ideas electronically. Imagine if in grade one they had made you dependent on electronics where would you be now. I predict a lot of the people who enter school and are handed a tablet now will grow up to be isolated people in later years. Nobody and I mean nobody should be told to rely on a pad until they are at least in the third grad. And then it should be a reliable product with intelligent programs on it.

Some one else mentioned the eye sight. I don't know if it will make a difference but I use big screens so I can have reasonable size words on it with out spending half my time scrolling down. When you get to be my age you learn to take things like that into consideration. In first grade I was invulnerable in my mind. Today I can reason with myself and along with experience realize that I am very vulnerable.

I just had a thought. If all are knowledge came from pad's computer's and what not electronic thingies these conversations would be a list of statistics and reference points.

Edited by hellodolly
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WHY don't the Thai govt put our fears to rest and publish on YouTube some tutorials for students, parents, and the rest of us, showing exactly what's been pre-loaded on the tablets, as well as some videos for teachers showing suggested uses?

Maybe it's a bit too technical for them? Or too simplistic?

You need internet which most don't have at home. AND What makes you think the Thai Gov. knows how to post to YT.

Of course, sorry I was thinking 1st world. So sad, it seems like the infrastructure just isn't there to make this thing work. Just another empty election promise turning into a very costly disaster, no doubt after which the govt will announce a huge success and hold themselves a banquet in honor of, well, themselves...

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I humbly suggest too few commentators have seen the engaging multi-sensory learning that can come from well designed (pedagogically, technically and visually) apps.

If you had you would soon become aware that much of our old style teaching is in fact regressive. Even the best of teachers will tell you that they hold back a majority of children with senseless repetition of examples of things they can already do, and are unable to explore the various learning methods of all the kids.

While I would never suggest that tablets should or even could be used to teach the whole curriculum, they are brilliant at engaging and especially so for the youngest of children. Audio, visual and even tactile (the screen buzzes under the finger) response can be given and the child is 100% engaged and well motivated to learn.

Tablets are TOUCH machines, What is more natural suitable for children than the tablet.

lastly, remember the set of encyclopedias you had at home. We had both Junior and the full set of adult Britannicas. Brittanica is now OUT OF PRINT, IT IS ONLINE ONLY. In 50 years how many books.

Thank you.

A breath of sense against the "they don't deserve it, can't use it, teachers are stupid,no electricity, could be better spent on submarines,it's only corruption,populist, etc etc nonsense.

How can it be a bad idea to introduce kids to computers in a learning environment ??

Only folks on TVF say it can.

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I humbly suggest too few commentators have seen the engaging multi-sensory learning that can come from well designed (pedagogically, technically and visually) apps.

If you had you would soon become aware that much of our old style teaching is in fact regressive. Even the best of teachers will tell you that they hold back a majority of children with senseless repetition of examples of things they can already do, and are unable to explore the various learning methods of all the kids.

While I would never suggest that tablets should or even could be used to teach the whole curriculum, they are brilliant at engaging and especially so for the youngest of children. Audio, visual and even tactile (the screen buzzes under the finger) response can be given and the child is 100% engaged and well motivated to learn.

Tablets are TOUCH machines, What is more natural suitable for children than the tablet.

lastly, remember the set of encyclopedias you had at home. We had both Junior and the full set of adult Britannicas. Brittanica is now OUT OF PRINT, IT IS ONLINE ONLY. In 50 years how many books.

You really don't understand what a lot of are saying. We agree with you that their are problems with the way kids are being tought (see I can't even spell and I am old school and this fool machine can't help me) today. We say retrain the teachers. Don't leave them incapable and replace them with a pad. The first few years in school there brains are not yet mature. They are also learning to get along with others. Why throw all that away. It is things they will be able to use the rest of their life.

It is bad enough now with face book. We are raising a generation of people unable to work together unless it is done electronically. Bring on the pads in the late third grade and fourth grade. By this time if teachers are properly trained they will be able to reason for them selves. To work through problems for them selves.

To give a first grader a pad is no better than teaching by rote because he has not developed reasoning skills and you are just saying here is how it is done. No different than the teaching method they use today Educate your educators first.

A friend of mine just got his license to teach English. After a month they called him into the office. They wanted to know if he would be willing to teach another class. The thing was the students would be the other teachers.

I know you are a man of ideas out of the norm (good ones) but look at yourself mid fifties and here you are communicating ideas electronically. Imagine if in grade one they had made you dependent on electronics where would you be now. I predict a lot of the people who enter school and are handed a tablet now will grow up to be isolated people in later years. Nobody and I mean nobody should be told to rely on a pad until they are at least in the third grad. And then it should be a reliable product with intelligent programs on it.

Some one else mentioned the eye sight. I don't know if it will make a difference but I use big screens so I can have reasonable size words on it with out spending half my time scrolling down. When you get to be my age you learn to take things like that into consideration. In first grade I was invulnerable in my mind. Today I can reason with myself and along with experience realize that I am very vulnerable.

I just had a thought. If all are knowledge came from pad's computer's and what not electronic thingies these conversations would be a list of statistics and reference points.

"I predict a lot of the people who enter school and are handed a tablet now will grow up to be isolated people in later years."


your whole post comes across as extremely old fashioned and technophobic.

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I humbly suggest too few commentators have seen the engaging multi-sensory learning that can come from well designed (pedagogically, technically and visually) apps.

If you had you would soon become aware that much of our old style teaching is in fact regressive. Even the best of teachers will tell you that they hold back a majority of children with senseless repetition of examples of things they can already do, and are unable to explore the various learning methods of all the kids.

While I would never suggest that tablets should or even could be used to teach the whole curriculum, they are brilliant at engaging and especially so for the youngest of children. Audio, visual and even tactile (the screen buzzes under the finger) response can be given and the child is 100% engaged and well motivated to learn.

Tablets are TOUCH machines, What is more natural suitable for children than the tablet.

lastly, remember the set of encyclopedias you had at home. We had both Junior and the full set of adult Britannicas. Brittanica is now OUT OF PRINT, IT IS ONLINE ONLY. In 50 years how many books.

Thank you.

A breath of sense against the "they don't deserve it, can't use it, teachers are stupid,no electricity, could be better spent on submarines,it's only corruption,populist, etc etc nonsense.

How can it be a bad idea to introduce kids to computers in a learning environment ??

Only folks on TVF say it can.

No idea why you would dismiss all concerns (educational, technical, financial) as nonsense, unless you are motivated by blind partisanship. Given your other posts, it seems to be the case.

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I humbly suggest too few commentators have seen the engaging multi-sensory learning that can come from well designed (pedagogically, technically and visually) apps.

If you had you would soon become aware that much of our old style teaching is in fact regressive. Even the best of teachers will tell you that they hold back a majority of children with senseless repetition of examples of things they can already do, and are unable to explore the various learning methods of all the kids.

While I would never suggest that tablets should or even could be used to teach the whole curriculum, they are brilliant at engaging and especially so for the youngest of children. Audio, visual and even tactile (the screen buzzes under the finger) response can be given and the child is 100% engaged and well motivated to learn.

Tablets are TOUCH machines, What is more natural suitable for children than the tablet.

lastly, remember the set of encyclopedias you had at home. We had both Junior and the full set of adult Britannicas. Brittanica is now OUT OF PRINT, IT IS ONLINE ONLY. In 50 years how many books.

I suggest "grafted" you know what your talking about reference new style learning. BUT and its a big but. This is Thailand. My humble suggestion is that you put your thoughts into the context of Thailand.

A country that has 2000 schools with no direct electricity. A country were out of 7000 schools ONLY 235 have sufficient internet capacity to run a school full of wifi connected tabs. A country that has 70 % more black boards than white boards.

Maybe with some perspective tablets are NOT a good idea at this time.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

Edited by thaicbr
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I humbly suggest too few commentators have seen the engaging multi-sensory learning that can come from well designed (pedagogically, technically and visually) apps.

If you had you would soon become aware that much of our old style teaching is in fact regressive. Even the best of teachers will tell you that they hold back a majority of children with senseless repetition of examples of things they can already do, and are unable to explore the various learning methods of all the kids.

While I would never suggest that tablets should or even could be used to teach the whole curriculum, they are brilliant at engaging and especially so for the youngest of children. Audio, visual and even tactile (the screen buzzes under the finger) response can be given and the child is 100% engaged and well motivated to learn.

Tablets are TOUCH machines, What is more natural suitable for children than the tablet.

lastly, remember the set of encyclopedias you had at home. We had both Junior and the full set of adult Britannicas. Brittanica is now OUT OF PRINT, IT IS ONLINE ONLY. In 50 years how many books.

Thank you.

A breath of sense against the "they don't deserve it, can't use it, teachers are stupid,no electricity, could be better spent on submarines,it's only corruption,populist, etc etc nonsense.

How can it be a bad idea to introduce kids to computers in a learning environment ??

Only folks on TVF say it can.

Its a good idea IF the education system is fully working and up to date. Its a Bad idea when they are using funds that could be bringing the system up to date.

Again have you ever seen a government school classroom. Or taught in one. 40 to 60 kids in one room I'm all ears to how you use this 7 android tab for a lesson with this amount of P1's :blink::P

Have you asked any Thais what they think. I have!

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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Meanwhile, Mr Anudith said that the ICT's procurement committee conducted a random sampling with 500 and found seven of them with some errors, in particular errors about the touchscreen display.Still, the flaws discovered in the random sample met the procurement criteria and were considered acceptable.

Interesting, oh so long ago on the 10th this month someoe said"As of now, 61,000 tablets have been delivered and the ICT Ministry started checking them yesterday. It will check all tablets on a lot-by-lot basis, with 500 picked for a random check. It expects to spend five days on checking each lot of 50,000 tablets....ICT Ministry permanent secretary Jeerawan Boonperm said that if seven units in a lot of 50,000 did not meet international standards, the ministry will reject the entire lot."


So the flaw were very minor flaws indeed, nothing to worry about, touchscreens need to be touched with a wee bit more force only wink.png

Like maybe with a hammer? whistling.gif

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I humbly suggest too few commentators have seen the engaging multi-sensory learning that can come from well designed (pedagogically, technically and visually) apps.

If you had you would soon become aware that much of our old style teaching is in fact regressive. Even the best of teachers will tell you that they hold back a majority of children with senseless repetition of examples of things they can already do, and are unable to explore the various learning methods of all the kids.

While I would never suggest that tablets should or even could be used to teach the whole curriculum, they are brilliant at engaging and especially so for the youngest of children. Audio, visual and even tactile (the screen buzzes under the finger) response can be given and the child is 100% engaged and well motivated to learn.

Tablets are TOUCH machines, What is more natural suitable for children than the tablet.

lastly, remember the set of encyclopedias you had at home. We had both Junior and the full set of adult Britannicas. Brittanica is now OUT OF PRINT, IT IS ONLINE ONLY. In 50 years how many books.

You really don't understand what a lot of are saying. We agree with you that their are problems with the way kids are being tought (see I can't even spell and I am old school and this fool machine can't help me) today. We say retrain the teachers. Don't leave them incapable and replace them with a pad. The first few years in school there brains are not yet mature. They are also learning to get along with others. Why throw all that away. It is things they will be able to use the rest of their life.

It is bad enough now with face book. We are raising a generation of people unable to work together unless it is done electronically. Bring on the pads in the late third grade and fourth grade. By this time if teachers are properly trained they will be able to reason for them selves. To work through problems for them selves.

To give a first grader a pad is no better than teaching by rote because he has not developed reasoning skills and you are just saying here is how it is done. No different than the teaching method they use today Educate your educators first.

A friend of mine just got his license to teach English. After a month they called him into the office. They wanted to know if he would be willing to teach another class. The thing was the students would be the other teachers.

I know you are a man of ideas out of the norm (good ones) but look at yourself mid fifties and here you are communicating ideas electronically. Imagine if in grade one they had made you dependent on electronics where would you be now. I predict a lot of the people who enter school and are handed a tablet now will grow up to be isolated people in later years. Nobody and I mean nobody should be told to rely on a pad until they are at least in the third grad. And then it should be a reliable product with intelligent programs on it.

Some one else mentioned the eye sight. I don't know if it will make a difference but I use big screens so I can have reasonable size words on it with out spending half my time scrolling down. When you get to be my age you learn to take things like that into consideration. In first grade I was invulnerable in my mind. Today I can reason with myself and along with experience realize that I am very vulnerable.

I just had a thought. If all are knowledge came from pad's computer's and what not electronic thingies these conversations would be a list of statistics and reference points.

"I predict a lot of the people who enter school and are handed a tablet now will grow up to be isolated people in later years."


your whole post comes across as extremely old fashioned and technophobic.

I would say its a little extreme. The problem is the government has not actually set a curriculum on how to use these tabs. My understanding is that they are to be used in every subject. How I'm not sure. I would love to know.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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How will giving grade one students a useless piece of crap with no wifi help the education revolution?

The only revolution might be when the kids realize what utter crap they have been given

But, maybe Thailand will become the "Angry Bird" hub of Southeast Asia. Something to look forward to and be proud of. intheclub.gif

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I humbly suggest too few commentators have seen the engaging multi-sensory learning that can come from well designed (pedagogically, technically and visually) apps.

If you had you would soon become aware that much of our old style teaching is in fact regressive. Even the best of teachers will tell you that they hold back a majority of children with senseless repetition of examples of things they can already do, and are unable to explore the various learning methods of all the kids.

While I would never suggest that tablets should or even could be used to teach the whole curriculum, they are brilliant at engaging and especially so for the youngest of children. Audio, visual and even tactile (the screen buzzes under the finger) response can be given and the child is 100% engaged and well motivated to learn.

Tablets are TOUCH machines, What is more natural suitable for children than the tablet.

lastly, remember the set of encyclopedias you had at home. We had both Junior and the full set of adult Britannicas. Brittanica is now OUT OF PRINT, IT IS ONLINE ONLY. In 50 years how many books.

You really don't understand what a lot of are saying. We agree with you that their are problems with the way kids are being tought (see I can't even spell and I am old school and this fool machine can't help me) today. We say retrain the teachers. Don't leave them incapable and replace them with a pad. The first few years in school there brains are not yet mature. They are also learning to get along with others. Why throw all that away. It is things they will be able to use the rest of their life.

It is bad enough now with face book. We are raising a generation of people unable to work together unless it is done electronically. Bring on the pads in the late third grade and fourth grade. By this time if teachers are properly trained they will be able to reason for them selves. To work through problems for them selves.

To give a first grader a pad is no better than teaching by rote because he has not developed reasoning skills and you are just saying here is how it is done. No different than the teaching method they use today Educate your educators first.

A friend of mine just got his license to teach English. After a month they called him into the office. They wanted to know if he would be willing to teach another class. The thing was the students would be the other teachers.

I know you are a man of ideas out of the norm (good ones) but look at yourself mid fifties and here you are communicating ideas electronically. Imagine if in grade one they had made you dependent on electronics where would you be now. I predict a lot of the people who enter school and are handed a tablet now will grow up to be isolated people in later years. Nobody and I mean nobody should be told to rely on a pad until they are at least in the third grad. And then it should be a reliable product with intelligent programs on it.

Some one else mentioned the eye sight. I don't know if it will make a difference but I use big screens so I can have reasonable size words on it with out spending half my time scrolling down. When you get to be my age you learn to take things like that into consideration. In first grade I was invulnerable in my mind. Today I can reason with myself and along with experience realize that I am very vulnerable.

I just had a thought. If all are knowledge came from pad's computer's and what not electronic thingies these conversations would be a list of statistics and reference points.

"I predict a lot of the people who enter school and are handed a tablet now will grow up to be isolated people in later years."


your whole post comes across as extremely old fashioned and technophobic.

I would say its a little extreme. The problem is the government has not actually set a curriculum on how to use these tabs. My understanding is that they are to be used in every subject. How I'm not sure. I would love to know.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

i don't know many details myself re: the exact curriculum on how they will be used.

but i'm a firm believer of technology being a huge part of pushing progress in all walks of life including education, so i don't see how this can be viewed as a bad thing.

it's fair enough the point about the state of some of the schools and obviously they are things that need to be looked upon with great importance also.

Edited by nurofiend
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HDolly said: Imagine if in grade one they had made you dependent on electronics where would you be now. I predict a lot of the people who enter school and are handed a tablet now will grow up to be isolated people in later years. Nobody and I mean nobody should be told to rely on a pad until they are at least in the third grad.

Addressing this first - Nobody can say precisely how this program will be implemented. Innovation WILL happen. Teachers everywhere are mostly decent, smart people, they are not likely to make kids "dependent" "isolated" "rely on a pad" You make many bare faced, unsupported statements. "raising a generation unable to work together unless it is done electronically."

I was interested to read the specs.


The tablet is to be pre-loaded with content for five core subjects for classes from first to third grade.

Dual core CPU of at least 1 GHz fabricated on a process smaller than 45 nanometres, 512 MB of RAM, 7-inch screen and 16 GB of flash storage, GPS and Wi-Fi and a full-sized SD-card slot.


Note the sensible inclusion of the SD card slot. A bunch of content included - OK - that's something. Likely it is not too well optimised for snappy presentation, but there's time for that. The SD Card means that WiFi access is not necessary to make some great use of a tablet. Imagine how many interactive story books you put on a single 16gb SD Card. They could be graphically rich, and have programming requiring interactive responses throughout. They could even be multi lingual - read a page once in Thai, tap an icon and it appears in English, tap another icon and hear a real or synthesised voice.

Try stopping kids reading this kind of storybook.

Each story could be accompanied by a huge variety of language usage and extension exercises to be completed either on the tablet or on paper. No WiFi, no problem.

Any entrepreneurs listening?

Edited by Grafted
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"The SD Card means that WiFi access is not necessary to make some great use of a tablet. Imagine how many interactive story books you put on a single 16gb SD Card."

exactly, good point.

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Nuro. Its not 'some' its most schools. Technology in this environment should be cost effective. High quality and able to do the job for as many students as possible. For every 40 tabs ( one class) you can equipt 2 classrooms with a decent computer and Projector ( or 1 classroom with a decent interactive white board).

There are also considerable more teaching programs available for windows than for android

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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"The SD Card means that WiFi access is not necessary to make some great use of a tablet. Imagine how many interactive story books you put on a single 16gb SD Card."

exactly, good point.


"The SD Card means that WiFi access is not necessary to make some great use of a tablet. Imagine how many interactive story books you put on a single 16gb SD Card."

exactly, good point.

HDolly said: Imagine if in grade one they had made you dependent on electronics where would you be now. I predict a lot of the people who enter school and are handed a tablet now will grow up to be isolated people in later years. Nobody and I mean nobody should be told to rely on a pad until they are at least in the third grad.

Addressing this first - Nobody can say precisely how this program will be implemented. Innovation WILL happen. Teachers everywhere are mostly decent, smart people, they are not likely to make kids "dependent" "isolated" "rely on a pad" You make many bare faced, unsupported statements. "raising a generation unable to work together unless it is done electronically."

I was interested to read the specs.


The tablet is to be pre-loaded with content for five core subjects for classes from first to third grade.

Dual core CPU of at least 1 GHz fabricated on a process smaller than 45 nanometres, 512 MB of RAM, 7-inch screen and 16 GB of flash storage, GPS and Wi-Fi and a full-sized SD-card slot.


Note the sensible inclusion of the SD card slot. A bunch of content included - OK - that's something. Likely it is not too well optimised for snappy presentation, but there's time for that. The SD Card means that WiFi access is not necessary to make some great use of a tablet. Imagine how many interactive story books you put on a single 16gb SD Card. They could be graphically rich, and have programming requiring interactive responses throughout. They could even be multi lingual - read a page once in Thai, tap an icon and it appears in English, tap another icon and hear a real or synthesised voice.

Try stopping kids reading this kind of storybook.

Each story could be accompanied by a huge variety of language usage and extension exercises to be completed either on the tablet or on paper. No WiFi, no problem.

Any entrepreneurs listening?

Let's hope the developers move real fast, before the kids trash the machines, lose them, sell them, or they become technologically redundant. What is the predicted useful life? When they do break, how do they get repaired? Or are they replaced? For free?

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Nuro. Its not 'some' its most schools. Technology in this environment should be cost effective. High quality and able to do the job for as many students as possible. For every 40 tabs ( one class) you can equipt a 2 classrooms with a decent computer and Projector ( or 1 classroom with a decent interactive white board).

There are also considerable more teaching programs available for windows than for android

sent from my Wellcom A90+

"and able to do the job for as many students as possible"

one computer and a projector defeats what the purpose of introducing tablets is, and that is precisely to do the job for as many students as possible.

"There are also considerable more teaching programs available for windows than for android"

which is why this is a great foundation to start from, there will be huge progress made in this area of android technology in the future... i can guarantee you that.

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HDolly said: Imagine if in grade one they had made you dependent on electronics where would you be now. I predict a lot of the people who enter school and are handed a tablet now will grow up to be isolated people in later years. Nobody and I mean nobody should be told to rely on a pad until they are at least in the third grad.

Addressing this first - Nobody can say precisely how this program will be implemented. Innovation WILL happen. Teachers everywhere are mostly decent, smart people, they are not likely to make kids "dependent" "isolated" "rely on a pad" You make many bare faced, unsupported statements. "raising a generation unable to work together unless it is done electronically."

I was interested to read the specs.


The tablet is to be pre-loaded with content for five core subjects for classes from first to third grade.

Dual core CPU of at least 1 GHz fabricated on a process smaller than 45 nanometres, 512 MB of RAM, 7-inch screen and 16 GB of flash storage, GPS and Wi-Fi and a full-sized SD-card slot.


Note the sensible inclusion of the SD card slot. A bunch of content included - OK - that's something. Likely it is not too well optimised for snappy presentation, but there's time for that. The SD Card means that WiFi access is not necessary to make some great use of a tablet. Imagine how many interactive story books you put on a single 16gb SD Card. They could be graphically rich, and have programming requiring interactive responses throughout. They could even be multi lingual - read a page once in Thai, tap an icon and it appears in English, tap another icon and hear a real or synthesised voice.

Try stopping kids reading this kind of storybook.

Each story could be accompanied by a huge variety of language usage and extension exercises to be completed either on the tablet or on paper. No WiFi, no problem.

Any entrepreneurs listening?

Those specs are out of date. It is a single core 8gb unit. There has been NO mention of an additional budget for any SD cards.

Grafted. I would still like your input on how you would use these in a 40 student classroom environment. Thanks

oh and the thai entrepreneurs were listening they tried bidding for the contract so keeping the money in Thailand. Alas to no avail. I wonder why!

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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HDolly said: Imagine if in grade one they had made you dependent on electronics where would you be now. I predict a lot of the people who enter school and are handed a tablet now will grow up to be isolated people in later years. Nobody and I mean nobody should be told to rely on a pad until they are at least in the third grad.

Addressing this first - Nobody can say precisely how this program will be implemented. Innovation WILL happen. Teachers everywhere are mostly decent, smart people, they are not likely to make kids "dependent" "isolated" "rely on a pad" You make many bare faced, unsupported statements. "raising a generation unable to work together unless it is done electronically."

I was interested to read the specs.


The tablet is to be pre-loaded with content for five core subjects for classes from first to third grade.

Dual core CPU of at least 1 GHz fabricated on a process smaller than 45 nanometres, 512 MB of RAM, 7-inch screen and 16 GB of flash storage, GPS and Wi-Fi and a full-sized SD-card slot.


Note the sensible inclusion of the SD card slot. A bunch of content included - OK - that's something. Likely it is not too well optimised for snappy presentation, but there's time for that. The SD Card means that WiFi access is not necessary to make some great use of a tablet. Imagine how many interactive story books you put on a single 16gb SD Card. They could be graphically rich, and have programming requiring interactive responses throughout. They could even be multi lingual - read a page once in Thai, tap an icon and it appears in English, tap another icon and hear a real or synthesised voice.

Try stopping kids reading this kind of storybook.

Each story could be accompanied by a huge variety of language usage and extension exercises to be completed either on the tablet or on paper. No WiFi, no problem.

Any entrepreneurs listening?

Those specs are out of date. It is a single core 8gb unit. There has been NO mention of an additional budget for any SD cards.

Grafted. I would still like your input on how you would use these in a 40 student classroom environment. Thanks

oh and the thai entrepreneurs were listening they tried bidding for the contract so keeping the money in Thailand. Alas to no avail. I wonder why!

sent from my Wellcom A90+

Grafted. I would still like your input on how you would use these in a 40 student classroom environment. Thanks

you would use them the exact same way as you would use text books, the difference is these can hold thousands of them.

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Let's hope the developers move real fast, before the kids trash the machines, lose them, sell them,


well that's just extreme pessimism on your part.

Get real

i am being real, i'm not saying what you said will never happen in any instances.

but the way you put it sounds like that is all that will happen, so it's pointless to give them to these machine trashing, thieving kids.

that's where the pessimism comes in.

Edited by nurofiend
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Nuro. Its not 'some' its most schools. Technology in this environment should be cost effective. High quality and able to do the job for as many students as possible. For every 40 tabs ( one class) you can equipt a 2 classrooms with a decent computer and Projector ( or 1 classroom with a decent interactive white board).

There are also considerable more teaching programs available for windows than for android

sent from my Wellcom A90+

"and able to do the job for as many students as possible"

one computer and a projector defeats what the purpose of introducing tablets is, and that is precisely to do the job for as many students as possible.

"There are also considerable more teaching programs available for windows than for android"

which is why this is a great foundation to start from, there will be huge progress made in this area of android technology in the future... i can guarantee you that.

With respect. <deleted>.

Schools are there to teach core subjects. You teach the whole class. The teacher interacts with the students,shows the students the basis of what is being learned.

The use of computer and Projector ( or interactive white board)

enables this and expands on this. Dont forget we are talking P1

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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Let's hope the developers move real fast, before the kids trash the machines, lose them, sell them,


well that's just extreme pessimism on your part.

Get real

i am being real, i'm not saying what you said will never happen in any instances.

but the way you put it sounds like that is all that will happen.

I'd just like to see a bit more common sense applied, without the hype.

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Nuro. Its not 'some' its most schools. Technology in this environment should be cost effective. High quality and able to do the job for as many students as possible. For every 40 tabs ( one class) you can equipt a 2 classrooms with a decent computer and Projector ( or 1 classroom with a decent interactive white board).

There are also considerable more teaching programs available for windows than for android

sent from my Wellcom A90+

"and able to do the job for as many students as possible"

one computer and a projector defeats what the purpose of introducing tablets is, and that is precisely to do the job for as many students as possible.

"There are also considerable more teaching programs available for windows than for android"

which is why this is a great foundation to start from, there will be huge progress made in this area of android technology in the future... i can guarantee you that.

With respect. <deleted>.

Schools are there to teach core subjects. You teach the whole class. The teacher interacts with the students,shows the students the basis of what is being learned.

The use of computer and Projector ( or interactive white board)

enables this and expands on this. Dont forget we are talking P1

sent from my Wellcom A90+

with respect... <deleted>

haha ok

"Schools are there to teach core subjects. You teach the whole class. The teacher interacts with the students,shows the students the basis of what is being learned."

so tell me how tablets make this not possible???????

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HDolly said: Imagine if in grade one they had made you dependent on electronics where would you be now. I predict a lot of the people who enter school and are handed a tablet now will grow up to be isolated people in later years. Nobody and I mean nobody should be told to rely on a pad until they are at least in the third grad.

Addressing this first - Nobody can say precisely how this program will be implemented. Innovation WILL happen. Teachers everywhere are mostly decent, smart people, they are not likely to make kids "dependent" "isolated" "rely on a pad" You make many bare faced, unsupported statements. "raising a generation unable to work together unless it is done electronically."

I was interested to read the specs.


The tablet is to be pre-loaded with content for five core subjects for classes from first to third grade.

Dual core CPU of at least 1 GHz fabricated on a process smaller than 45 nanometres, 512 MB of RAM, 7-inch screen and 16 GB of flash storage, GPS and Wi-Fi and a full-sized SD-card slot.


Note the sensible inclusion of the SD card slot. A bunch of content included - OK - that's something. Likely it is not too well optimised for snappy presentation, but there's time for that. The SD Card means that WiFi access is not necessary to make some great use of a tablet. Imagine how many interactive story books you put on a single 16gb SD Card. They could be graphically rich, and have programming requiring interactive responses throughout. They could even be multi lingual - read a page once in Thai, tap an icon and it appears in English, tap another icon and hear a real or synthesised voice.

Try stopping kids reading this kind of storybook.

Each story could be accompanied by a huge variety of language usage and extension exercises to be completed either on the tablet or on paper. No WiFi, no problem.

Any entrepreneurs listening?

Those specs are out of date. It is a single core 8gb unit. There has been NO mention of an additional budget for any SD cards.

Grafted. I would still like your input on how you would use these in a 40 student classroom environment. Thanks

oh and the thai entrepreneurs were listening they tried bidding for the contract so keeping the money in Thailand. Alas to no avail. I wonder why!

sent from my Wellcom A90+

Grafted. I would still like your input on how you would use these in a 40 student classroom environment. Thanks

you would use them the exact same way as you would use text books, the difference is these can hold thousands of them.

Nuro. You live in a world of dreams. You cannot use a tablet in the same way as text books. The students write and draw in their books.

have you used an android tablet? Have you tried using a thai virtual keyboard. Its not easy. Even for some grown ups. Are the students to disregard writing skills?

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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Get real

i am being real, i'm not saying what you said will never happen in any instances.

but the way you put it sounds like that is all that will happen.

I'd just like to see a bit more common sense applied, without the hype.

well if you're referring to me, i'm not hyping anything and my views on this are based on common sense.

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Nuro. Its not 'some' its most schools. Technology in this environment should be cost effective. High quality and able to do the job for as many students as possible. For every 40 tabs ( one class) you can equipt a 2 classrooms with a decent computer and Projector ( or 1 classroom with a decent interactive white board).

There are also considerable more teaching programs available for windows than for android

sent from my Wellcom A90+

"and able to do the job for as many students as possible"

one computer and a projector defeats what the purpose of introducing tablets is, and that is precisely to do the job for as many students as possible.

"There are also considerable more teaching programs available for windows than for android"

which is why this is a great foundation to start from, there will be huge progress made in this area of android technology in the future... i can guarantee you that.

With respect. <deleted>.

Schools are there to teach core subjects. You teach the whole class. The teacher interacts with the students,shows the students the basis of what is being learned.

The use of computer and Projector ( or interactive white board)

enables this and expands on this. Dont forget we are talking P1

sent from my Wellcom A90+

with respect... <deleted>

haha ok

"Schools are there to teach core subjects. You teach the whole class. The teacher interacts with the students,shows the students the basis of what is being learned."

so tell me how tablets make this not possible???????

Ok. You tell me.

You have forty 7 year olds in front of you how do you tell them what to do. How do you know they have done it. How do you interact with them.

Think about it and let me know. Ok

sent from my Wellcom A90+

Edited by thaicbr
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Nuro. You live in a world of dreams. You cannot use a tablet in the same way as text books. The students write and draw in their books.

have you used an android tablet? Have you tried using a thai virtual keyboard. Its not easy. Even for some grown ups. Are the students to disregard writing skills?

sent from my Wellcom A90+

i wish i was living in a world of dreams, i love dreams.

unfortunately for me my comments are based on common sense.

"You cannot use a tablet in the same way as text books"

i meant as in books of learning, so yes, you can...

clearly you don't yet understand the capabilities of tablets.

and their introduction doesn't mean they won't teach the kids how to write!!! laugh.png

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Ok. You tell me.

You have forty 7 year olds in front of you how do you tell them what to do. How do you know they have done it. How do you interact with them.

Think about it and let me know. Ok

sent from my Wellcom A90+


1) with your mouth

2) you check

3) again, with your mouth where the words come out of.

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