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Tv Documentary On Sex Trafficking In Thailand Delves Into The Bangkok Underworld


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Now how difficult would it be for immigration to make random checks for passports and if missing, off to the monkey house where the guys in the document could have their pick of informants. There's an angle there, I bet. Somebody's got to be on the take.

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thx for posting the video 'notstupid', pretty sure the cable companies here will blackout nationalgeographic when this one airs.. "umm sorry we're having technical difficulties just on this one channel tonight, we apologize for the inconvenience"

Ok. Now we have your idle speculation. I bet if I took the time to go through these posts I would find someone else saying that it will probably be aired frequently with a spin to glorify the efforts of Thai officials in combating the problem- Which would be as inane as your post.
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I wonder where the "euro" came into this thread due documentary itself is mostly about Uzbekistan girls which is in central Asia.

You do have a point rahi. However this whole trafficking thing, having

been around about as long as humans have been around, really

kicked off after the fall of the Iron Curtain...beginning mainly in the

Ukraine then spreading through what was once known as Yugoslavia

and now further eastwards into "The Stans" of Central Asia...next?

Who knows. Europe is cracking down hard on sex traffickers and

helping the "trafficked" to find a better life....Asia is still wide open for

the heads or trafficker bosses...that's why one sees more here today

than before...and mainly do to rampant corruption...since almost every

"official" out has his or her price.

I've edited for punctuation & brevity...ss51

Edited by sunshine51
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This is a shocking story in the extreme and Celtic Boy you ought to be ashamed of yourself! This is not something a normal human being jokes about. I must say one thing though I do worry about the informants the reporter has used. (Ever see the insider?) What kind of protection has been afforded the these poor girls and their families both here and in Uzbeckistan? Sensationalist reporting has responsibilities too!!!

I must say I wonder about another issue too when I hear "Most of the Mamasan's have IRANIAN boyfriends who deal drugs"???? How come he's so sure they are IRANIAN? Even if they are Arabic why are they not Egyptian? or perhaps Syrian? Maybe even an od Algerian? or a Somali? One might be a NATO Turk, is there a chance of that? But the bold Iranian statement now doesn't that make us all feel real happy cause they are the bad guys in the world now aren't they????????

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So everyone here is worked up that a bunch of European hoes are in a hoe area selling what they sell to Africans and Arabs. Other than skin color how is any of this different than what goes on in pattaya, phuket, pat pong, or any other place for whores in the country. Why hate now?

why hate it now??? Its about HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSE. A financial transaction between a man and a woman regarding sex, is their business. A person whos rights are violated and are FORCED to do something against their will is a victim of abuse. From the way you write "hoe" regarding a PERSON who makes money using their body.. would indicate you think people then no longer have rights as human beings?

Uzbek problems, Uzbek go fix it.

Nothing to do with Thais.

Also, many of these girls are playing both side for maximum profits and pleasure.

See above.."human rights abuse".


Unbelievable about some people. Where are peoples sense of humanitarianism???

Some of those who think this is a joke have lost their posting rights for insensitive comments. This is not the place for them. Have a bit of class please.


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While I have the utmost sympathy with anyone forced to work in prostitution or subject to human rights abuses, I also find the moral outrage triggered by this "revelation" absurd. This is Thailand, sex capital of Asia, where daily and in plain view girls sell their services. It is known and accepted by society here, and everyone knows that part and parcel of this trade is abuse.

The distinction between a girl working of their own free will and those forced into the situation is a blurry one, but it does seem that those that daily turn a blind eye to these events involving local girls are somehow more offended when it involves foreigners... I think there are some tangible double standards at play here.

How many of the Northern Thai girls working in prostitution do so out of an obligation to provide for their family? How many feel "forced" into the trade in the knowledge that should they stop, their children will go hungry? How many are sent from their family home by their own relations, paid to provide the girl, who then has to work off her debt in less than ideal conditions?

All the human rights issues that effect prostitutes are as a direct result of the accepted "illegality" of the profession. Legalise it, control it and then those working in the sex industry are not shamed into being unable to seek assistance, not scared to report abuses because they know they will face prosecution themselves (or worse). Same goes for the drug trade, but like prostitution this will never happen, because the powers that be stand to make far more from it as an illegal trade, giving them free reign to play both sides of the game...

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I should say to enforce certain laws and to force certain Asian men to pay for the breed they produced and left behind. Also ask the authorities to spend money for social laws to help (young) widows left behind after their husband died in a (motorbike) accident and don't spend this money on second-hand sub-marines, useless Zeppelins and bomb-detectors......................


Edited by mistitikimikis
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When I think how much time and research was spent on this one case and then see even the enslaved hookers afraid to admit the truth or turn in their pimps in, there seems to be no quick easy fix to this kind of adult slavery.

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sex traficking in thailand? come on guys, wake up.

For every foreign prostitute here you have at least 1000 thai prostitute...

For every foreign prostitute coming to thailand how many thai prostitute going abroad(japan, europe, us...)?

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sex traficking in thailand? come on guys, wake up.

For every foreign prostitute here you have at least 1000 thai prostitute...

For every foreign prostitute coming to thailand how many thai prostitute going abroad(japan, europe, us...)?

..but whats your point?

This is about sex trafficing.

How could one documentary cover all?

There are other documentaries about this...covering different countries and nationalities, including Thai.

This documentary chose to focus on this side of things, doesnt make sex-trafficing of Thai women either in their own countries or other countries any less appauling.

So..what exactly are you asking us to wake up to?

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The PTP government does not have the time or money to deal with trivial things like human-slavery and mass-exploitation in the capital, PTP are instead focusing on far more important things like cleaning-up Thaksin's image.


To be fair the government have got their priorities right here. Thaksin's image will be far harder to clean up than Bangkok's.

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omg the more I watch the more this is the worst show i have ever seen, the narrator keeps doing spooky voices and then WOW lightening strikes ba ba ba


who is the audience?

If you are going to do a documentary about something serious than you can not expect a real brain to believe this with so much drama added to the tv show.

Edited by JohnBozi
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thank god for america to show us such drama.

If you are busted for being here illegally would you blame someone else? Of course you would. there has to be serious believable study done not, this American hero with drama music.

Choice 1. you have being do illegal things by your own choice.

Choice 2. you agree to have american tv pay you money and say you were forced to do illegal things.

I wish for something more objective. Gouster is the super hero, Gouster this Gouster that, what the hell is this?

this show is all a show set up to so the Thais can say we do good things to stop bad things.

But in reality, why is there no crack down on real places, cracking down on local underage prostitutes etc.? Because the corruption leads to the top and any show allowed to air any where will be just a tv show.

DEADLY EVIDENCE! OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH WITH A SURGICAL STRIKE! bit of aliteration "and they are taking no chances"


come on, this is tv drama at its best, as if nobody else recording him or the other two vehicles or the police team spotted the two vehicles! Why the hell are the traffickers caught in the middle of nowhere? couldn't they have been caught in Bangkok or Pataya with their faces shown? Not some bit of hollywood pretend?

Please everyone grow a brain. this is propaganda at it's worse.

Yes this stuff does occurr but don't make a money out of it with fake tv shows!

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Did someone notice: the docu is from 2008 or so ??

Where do you see this? All i can see is that the first airing of this documentary is recently.

Likely the undercover work and filming was done some time ago (although 4 years ago would be a lot).

Would just like to know where it shows this is from 2008.

sorry i was two years off. corrected my post already. Copyright tag from 2011 – scheduling on NatGeo - post production - filming, that lands you somewhere in 2010


2011 and I thought I saw most of the undercover footage with date stamps in July through September 2011.

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thank god for america to show us such drama.

If you are busted for being here illegally would you blame someone else? Of course you would. there has to be serious believable study done not, this American hero with drama music.

Choice 1. you have being do illegal things by your own choice.

Choice 2. you agree to have american tv pay you money and say you were forced to do illegal things.

I wish for something more objective. Gouster is the super hero, Gouster this Gouster that, what the hell is this?

this show is all a show set up to so the Thais can say we do good things to stop bad things.

But in reality, why is there no crack down on real places, cracking down on local underage prostitutes etc.? Because the corruption leads to the top and any show allowed to air any where will be just a tv show.

DEADLY EVIDENCE! OOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHH WITH A SURGICAL STRIKE! bit of aliteration "and they are taking no chances"


come on, this is tv drama at its best, as if nobody else recording him or the other two vehicles or the police team spotted the two vehicles! Why the hell are the traffickers caught in the middle of nowhere? couldn't they have been caught in Bangkok or Pataya with their faces shown? Not some bit of hollywood pretend?

Please everyone grow a brain. this is propaganda at it's worse.

Yes this stuff does occurr but don't make a money out of it with fake tv shows!

Perfect example of the type of attitude that allows the violation of human rights and oppression of women to pervade.

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The PTP government does not have the time or money to deal with trivial things like human-slavery and mass-exploitation in the capital, PTP are instead focusing on far more important things like cleaning-up Thaksin's image.


Don't tell me that this didn't excist before the year 2001 laugh.pngclap2.gif

"Working" in 2008, lower Sukhumvit

That's right. I was not telling you that.

I can list some more things that I was not telling you, if you like.


Things about the Democrat governments?
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The more interesting and informative documentary film would be following the private outsourced swat team with hoods and their capture of the two Thais M-7 and the other guy. It would be interesting to see how they got more information from them and how they acted on it on the higher ups in the food chain.

We are all probably aware that girls get hijacked on false premises and get "handled" by folks like Rano and Sharo. What we never see or hear about is tracking the bigger busts up the food chain to the Thai Mr. Big and the Uzbek Mr. big who made the deals that make all this happen.

It would also be interesting to see the USAID grant proposal that Galster submitted to get the funding. Did it include the use of black hooded outsourced secret guys with M-16s and AK47s? What does USAID believe that Galster is doing with this money and who did he hand it off to? There should be a follow up documentary on that.

You also don't hear much about the majority of these women who know full well what they're getting into and do it voluntarily because they don't want to work in factories 100 hours a week in horrible wages and conditions...Then they get caught and claim they were "forced".... Does it happen? Of course.. But the vast majority are prostituting voluntarily...

I wonder if you feel they should just "work in factories 100 hours a week in horrible wages and conditions"? I certainly don't blame them for becoming hookers.

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The principal reason why the politicians and police do not combat this issue is because most of them directly profit from it or get their jollies from it. Like asking a man to punch himself. Never going to happen.

However, I think this is the first ever marginally well written news article in the Nation. They actually used the word scandalous. Getting better.

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Total censorship... Where is the show?

Sent from my GT-N7000 using Thaivisa Connect App

Maybe they got the time wrong? It may be show at 10pm on the program Inside. Just my thinking.

Edit: It says it should be about the Rolling Stones. So <deleted>?... oh wait TiT.

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Sad they let this go on...The whole of Sukhumvit, Soi 3 and now even soi 4 has many of Eastern European prostitutes. It has grown massively since all the Arabs moved into Soi 4 hotels etc. As most cater for them. If you walk from Asoke to Soi 3 at around midnight to 2 am the streets have many Africans and Eastern European girls. The whole demograhics of this area has changed. It now has an edge at night, feels slightly unsafe and some very questionable people. African pimps, young Eaastern European men who runs girl. One buidling my friend lives in in soi 4, Omni Tower seems to caters for groups of Eastern European prostitutes. The big fat lady pimps and young guys who run the girls sit outside openly and are always there when I meet my buddy. It is so obvious you would have to be an idiot not to realise what is going on. So why they are not arrested I do not know. Sad to see it happening as it just ruins the area, the crime goes up, and socially it looks horrible. I feel sorry for anyone who lives around there.

This is not news...

This area has been populated by African and Arab traders for decades; but unfortunately for them the vast majority of Asian service ladies never wanted to cater for them.

Who said it was mate. I am not cnn ha ha ha...funny

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