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Good Bye Bangkok Shopping


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The word spells d-e-c-a-d-e-n-c-e and is the basis for successful marketing.

Successful marketing is to sell something that costs you 10 bucks in production for 150 bucks. Sure you can sell dog <deleted>. Just put a proper label on it and the rest is marketing. Needless to say that Lassie's poop has got to have its price but on the other hand it is undoubtedly premium poop. The priviledged surely stick to it 'coz why shouldn't they punish themselves with anything less than the real <deleted>.

Welcome to Bangkok. Show me a shirt for Baht 5,000 and I show you exactly the same quality for Baht 500 just less the Baht 4,500 that go directly as margin into the filthy rich designer's pockets to effort the own expensive snobistic life of their creators.

Yes, you actually get what you pay for - pure Lassie poop instead of the produce ot a worthless stray. Jealous? Nope, never got a kick out of Lassie and that's why I enjoy life in BKK.

Happy shopping - wherever.

Richard :o

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The word spells d-e-c-a-d-e-n-c-e and is the basis for successful marketing.

Successful marketing is to sell something that costs you 10 bucks in production for 150 bucks. Sure you can sell dog <deleted>. Just put a proper label on it and the rest is marketing. Needless to say that Lassie's poop has got to have its price but on the other hand it is undoubtedly premium poop. The priviledged surely stick to it 'coz why shouldn't they punish themselves with anything less than the real <deleted>.

Welcome to Bangkok. Show me a shirt for Baht 5,000 and I show you exactly the same quality for Baht 500 just less the Baht 4,500 that go directly as margin into the filthy rich designer's pockets to effort the own expensive snobistic life of their creators.

Yes, you actually get what you pay for - pure Lassie poop instead of the produce ot a worthless stray. Jealous? Nope, never got a kick out of Lassie and that's why I enjoy life in BKK.

Happy shopping - wherever.

Richard :o

There was another one who does not even have hot water in, he would call it "his" house, who said Lotus-Tesco is an alternative for quality products.

Any more poverty-packing alternatives?

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TTM is a sucker for marketing campaigns and brand-labelling. He believes buying a 200 Bt T-shirt at the Emporium for 2.000Bt is a good deal. :o:D

How did you know I buy things only in the finest establishments like this one in Pattaya? I would not settle for anything less than that...


I also tend to fly on ANA or Singapore Airlines, while exactly the same seat on exactly the same type of plane can be had half price on Air India or Biman Bangladesh.

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"Mass transit throughout BKK is cheap."


I use mass transit a lot and spend about 2000 B per month mainly for Skytrain and busses, sometimes vans and subway. Add 600 B for motorcycle taxi into my soi.

For about the same money I can buy a ticket in my hometown which allows unlimited travel after 9 a.m. for one month (I usually do not get out before 9 a.m. anyway).

In my hometown, mass transit is fast, reliable, not stuck in traffic jams, and does not stop at 11 p.m.(buses in Bangkok) or 12 midnight (BTS) - so I am never forced to take a taxi. In Bangkok, I have to take a taxi very often (2500 Baht per month and more), and if I am really in a hurry I have to take a motorcycle which is dangerous.

Oh, BTW in my hometown I can use my bicycle so I don't have to use public transport at all.

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"Mass transit throughout BKK is cheap."


I use mass transit a lot and spend about 2000 B per month mainly for Skytrain and busses, sometimes vans and subway. Add 600 B for motorcycle taxi into my soi.

For about the same money I can buy a ticket in my hometown which allows unlimited travel after 9 a.m. for one month (I usually do not get out before 9 a.m. anyway).

In my hometown, mass transit is fast, reliable, not stuck in traffic jams, and does not stop at 11 p.m.(buses in Bangkok) or 12 midnight (BTS) - so I am never forced to take a taxi. In Bangkok, I have to take a taxi very often (2500 Baht per month and more), and if I am really in a hurry I have to take a motorcycle which is dangerous.

Oh, BTW in my hometown I can use my bicycle so I don't have to use public transport at all.

So stay in you HOMETOWN if you like it so much!!!

You are wrong, not all the buses stop at night in BKK, you still can go anywhere by bus after 11pm.

You pretend to have to spend 2500 baht a month for taxi, but this is not an obligation, buses are everywhere and Taxi are not faster in traffic jam.

Motorcycle in Soi? You must be lazy!

So "Mass transit throughout BKK is still cheap".

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"you still can go anywhere by bus after 11pm"

Wrong. After 11 pm busses run only on the main thoroughfares (like no 2, 25, 59, 71), in intervals of up to 1 hour.

"buses are everywhere and Taxi are not faster in traffic jam."

Wrong. Busses (almost always) do not run on the expressways. Taxis do. For example: At 7 p.m you can get from Khlongtan to BTS Onnut in 10 minutes by taxi. Takes almost 1 hour by public transport. If you have a job, you may not be able to afford this hour.

"Motorcycle in Soi? You must be lazy!"

Walking in most sois is not safe after dark for females.

During daytime, walking the soi (which BTW can take 45 minutes, depending on the length of the soi) is not recommended if you have to look clean for work.

Edited by uhuh
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"Mass transit throughout BKK is cheap."


I use mass transit a lot and spend about 2000 B per month mainly for Skytrain and busses, sometimes vans and subway. Add 600 B for motorcycle taxi into my soi.

For about the same money I can buy a ticket in my hometown which allows unlimited travel after 9 a.m. for one month (I usually do not get out before 9 a.m. anyway).

In my hometown, mass transit is fast, reliable, not stuck in traffic jams, and does not stop at 11 p.m.(buses in Bangkok) or 12 midnight (BTS) - so I am never forced to take a taxi. In Bangkok, I have to take a taxi very often (2500 Baht per month and more), and if I am really in a hurry I have to take a motorcycle which is dangerous.

Oh, BTW in my hometown I can use my bicycle so I don't have to use public transport at all.

Sounds like you aren't happy here. But let's hear where you're from; the first world country where I grew up has no bus system after 12am and runs infrequently in weekends. There is no other mass transit system for most of the city. You cannot safely walk around the city in a way like BKK; taxis are about 5 times the price and almost impossible to find. In a city of 1.5 million people, realistically you cannot work in most jobs or get around unless you own a car.

Whereever you are from has some sort of great system; out of interest... is the city massive? does it charge a tax and how does it fund the system? is it hot like Thailand? is it part of a developing country? Do you live right near a station there?

BTW some buses do run on the express way; also private systems like taxis and rot doo also go on the express way. Also... motorcycles are one option in sois; there are also other solutions such as the songtaew in the bigger sois; and also the tiny vans as well. I cannot think of ANY sois that you would walk 45 minutes in that do not have a songtaew system to meet demand...but anyway prove me wrong, and let's hear your tale of woe.

Edited by steveromagnino
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hmmm Can't think of a major city in France that has a great transpo system other than Paris ... and well .... that is Paris ... ewwww

But really... at 4 am I can mae it from Saphan Kwai all the way to Onnut 83 by taxi for cheap ... less than turning on the meter in almost any city in the West.

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hmmm Can't think of a major city in France that has a great transpo system other than Paris ... and well .... that is Paris ... ewwww

But really... at 4 am I can mae it from Saphan Kwai all the way to Onnut 83 by taxi for cheap ... less than turning on the meter in almost any city in the West.

Paris at night, nothing, but your feet and drunk taxis!

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TTM is a sucker for marketing campaigns and brand-labelling. He believes buying a 200 Bt T-shirt at the Emporium for 2.000Bt is a good deal. :o:D

How did you know I buy things only in the finest establishments like this one in Pattaya? I would not settle for anything less than that...


I also tend to fly on ANA or Singapore Airlines, while exactly the same seat on exactly the same type of plane can be had half price on Air India or Biman Bangladesh.

u should rename urself magic man. //edit

if you want bargains in bkk just stop being so stuck up and have alook around. i am not a big shopper but i find bargains when i do look. its a matter of footwork. eg. i dont agree with about suits, i found a place which made my suit for 14000B, tailored for myself with good material, i dont think i could get a similar priced suit of the same quality back home.

i bought casual and dress shoes for 3500b each, from experience i would say they would be at least 2 times the price at home, maybe 3 times in a more pretentious establishment.

i got very good quality 'counterfeit golf' clubs, from the way they play i think that they are the same clubs as the brand name but not sold through the official channels. thailand makes alot of qaulity merchandise as well as tat, some is chepaer and some is more expensive as people have pointed out.

why sneer at chtuchak market anyway? been there once and i think if i was interested enough i could find plenty of decent presents to give the folks back home.

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u should rename urself magic man. because i cant figure out how u manage to stick ur nose so high in the air while having ur head up ur own arse

You missed the irony made a*** of yourself.

The place in pic is one of indian "Taylor of the year 2007" shops that can only in a 3rd world country bear the sign that's somebody else's trademark.

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u should rename urself magic man. because i cant figure out how u manage to stick ur nose so high in the air while having ur head up ur own arse

You missed the irony made a*** of yourself.

The place in pic is one of indian "Taylor of the year 2007" shops that can only in a 3rd world country bear the sign that's somebody else's trademark.

u mean thats not a real versace shop :D:D:D :what a shock i would never have guessed. :o (im being ironic btw :D )

i wasnt actually commenting about the picture in any case.

tbh i think its u who have made an a*se of urself, u made a ludicrous declaration about shopping in thailand and to anyone who tries to point out there are in fact fairly decent bargains to be had, you become obnoxious and condesending for no justifiable reason.

u have the money to indulge ur sense of style about which u are so insufferable, just because other peope dont have the same taste or money as you doesnt mean they cannot make judgements about value.

i think u are not much more than a poseur.

another example of bragins that came to my mind is getting custom jewellry made. it must be so much cheaper than in western countries, u could probably make any design u wished and make substantial savings. honestly i havent looked into it, but if i ever need anything like that then i certainly would.

ur example about the airlines was stupid as well. an airline is not just a label tacked on to any old plane in the sky, different airlines have substatially different fleets, levels of service, schedules and tickets. a consumer must make an choice on a variety of factors, for most it will be getting the cheapest ticket and enduring a few hours of relative discomfort, for others safety records of an airline may take precedence. u pay ur money and u take ur chance.

thats very different from paying a massive premium just so u can have some tacky label on the outside or inside of ur outfit. when u can get something evry similar for a fraction of the price.

this is a stupid thread, learnt a bit about prices but not that much as the op just sneers down any contribution that has the audacity to differ from is priggish world view.

ur in dire need of a humility enema.

ure a funny guy ttm :D:D

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Guys, this is an interesting thread, can we keep it on subject, rather than making unnecessary comments about the Original Poster.

Thanks :o

fair enough i did have a dig, but to be even handed the op was making unjustified comments himself. som num na imho

i apologise ttm i did go ott.


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