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British Woman R_aped On Holiday In Pattaya


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I hate to be provocative (it's a Thai thing) but; 1. accepting a ride from any man in Pattaya??? 2. how many rapes/murders actually occured considering there must be 1000's of tourists in Thailand and 3. what if the opposite happened where a Thai girl was raped by a white guy, I don't think the same uproar would be created due to some double standards.

Sorry, Kamalit, but I strongly disagree as to the origin of double standards here.

Let's start with foreigners: first of all, this is the first British tourist to get a TRIAL, not the first victim. That speaks volumes in and of itself, leading us to the next point:

It is common knowledge that the Thai justice system is heavily skewed against foreigners. There are countless examples of this. I'll give you one recent example: someone I know just gut physically attacked by a Thai woman with whom he was involved. He wanted to end the relationship after learning of her marriage to someone else, and general dishonesty throughout the relationship. She finds someone to let her in his apartment, attacks him with a knife, which resulted in a trip to the hospital and stitches to long wounds across his torso and arms, wrecks his apartment and causes up to 30,000 baht in damage, and then goes to the police station and files a report that he abused her, which the police accepted, and made no attempt to hear his side of the story. There are many other examples of how the Thai justice system is completely stacked against foreigners here when it involves a case pitted against Thais.

Thirdly, rape and abuse are rampant in this society, and to be fair, other parts of Southeast Asia. Yes, rape and abuse occur everywhere, but the nature, degree, and proportions are completely different. In the West, and specifically America, you get lunatic serial killers and pedophiles that kidnap children. However, these cases are blasted and broadcasted all over the media for everyone to see. The apprehension and arrest of these subjects are transparent. In Southeast Asia and Thailand, we are lucky if the victims report a rape at all. There is a culture of irresponsibility and a belief that men cannot control themselves, which is then encouraged by blaming the woman for immodesty or poor judgement if a rape occurs. Where do you think the shame of reporting a rape comes from? Not to mention, that because of these cultural attitudes towards women and men, there is little enforcement or punishment, making the matter even worse. If rape or abuse is committed by male members of her family or friends, thén the incentive to keep her mouth shut is even worse, and for the "non-interference"of others; Non-interference, is an Asian cultural value, not a Western one. You should deal with these issues, rather than make statements that have no basis in the situation as it really exists. Politically correct comments will get you no where in addressing these issues as they occur, I'm afraid.

My last point: There are local pedophiles and rapists everywhere, but when a foreign ped is apprehended in Thailand (with foreign help 99% of the time), his picture is splashed all over the media. Why do you think that is? Do you know that child trafficking and pedophilia wasn't even an issue here until foreign activists put the pressure on their governments, who then put the pressure on Thailand? Publishing the photos of foreign peds is a major face-saving mechanism.

I'm all for apprehending and punishing pedophiles, but until we confront the local demand and business of abusing, using, and trafficking children and girls for sex, it's another charade in the land of smiles.

As you can see, the rapist in this case was already guilty of raping at least 2 other Thai women, but nothing would have probably happened if it wasn't for this tourist that came forward. And in all honesty, nothing has ever come of a case like this in the past (tourist rape, and rape/murder as in Kirsty Jones), until the major embarassment and economic fear of losing the tourist trade 1 week after Horton.

*edit: Now that they've been hit by SARS, birdflu, and the tsunami on the Andaman Coast, the Horton event now occurs on Samui. With this in mind, you can very clearly see the object of their newfoudned urgency. It has very little to do with the victims of rape or murder.

Edited by kat
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Just to add to my earlier posts-

I was talking to a copper last night who was part of the team that arrested the guy etc.

It happened about 12am and they found the guy at around 4am, I don't know why Trepprasit rd was mentioned because it did'nt happen anywhere near there, I don't know where he picked her up but he took her to the soi that runs parallel with jomtien beach rd (past the tax office and view talay villas), that was where he raped her. This is a pretty remote area. :o

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I just put your source to a search and guess what ???


Guess again. It simply means I glanced at the top of their website (livepool.co.uk), when I typed their addy...

but to satisfy you, it should be:


but thanks for not disappointing me in STILL proferring your hypothesis of ...

as mentioned earlier, I half-expected it.

Edited by gburns57au
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I just put your source to a search and guess what ???


Guess again. It simply means I glanced at the top of their website (livepool.co.uk), when I typed their addy...

but to satisfy you, it should be:


but thanks for not disappointing me in STILL proferring your hypothesis of ...

as mentioned earlier, I half-expected it.

thanks for that.....I have looked at the site and both articles that are printed in it.....But I take it that you and others are assuming that I believe he is innocent....I have never said that....the point of my debate is that there were deficiences in the police case...They didnt conduct the investigation in the best way possible to secure a conviction.

They didnt send her to a medical exam straight away but the next day after she had showered and I would guess at thoroughly showered compared to normal...thus vital evidence was lost. Any damage to the gential area would not stand alone to prove rape and again wasnt mentioned in the court report. Even the bite mark on his shoulder cannot stand alone to prove the case.

DNA was mentioned earlier but that seems to have disappeared in the later reports and indeed at the trial....Surprise surprise....my earlier remarks were that the DNA was not evidence of anything concerned with consent.

It is not unheard of for confessions to be coerced by the police...under threat or duress, As I stated earlier...we dont know how the confession was obtained...we never will.

The ID of the suspect....there are still areas here that could be defended...the ID parade has fell by the wayside also...the court report makes no mention of this...The only thing said was she fingered him on a face to face meeting...This was after she had chatted to him for a quite some time in a well lit area and he was still wearing the same clothes.

So to look at this from a defence point of view.....

Yes , we had sex and it was quite physical, she even bit me during the act....and yes I did ejaculate in her. but she was consenting. One bite mark that occurred in a struggle on uneven littered ground during a resisted rape doesnt make for great evidence.

Of course she knew what I looked like, we had talked for some time in a well lit area, I wasnt wearing a helmet and when the police arrested me I was still wearing the same clothes as I was at the time this all happened.

I confessed because I was scared that if I didnt I could go to jail for a very long time, that is what the police told me.

The acceleration away on the bike to an unlit area, the unanswered screams etc...is all unsupported evidence...

So I have been playing the devils advocate if you like, based on the facts as reported in various media, and as I said from the beginning if he is proven to have raped her then he deserves to go to jail....but the investigation was at best very shoddy and that is what I have been alluding to all the time....my apologies to those who thought otherwise.:D

Just to add to my earlier posts-

I was talking to a copper last night who was part of the team that arrested the guy etc.

It happened about 12am and they found the guy at around 4am, I don't know why Trepprasit rd was mentioned because it did'nt happen anywhere near there, I don't know where he picked her up but he took her to the soi that runs parallel with jomtien beach rd (past the tax office and view talay villas), that was where he raped her. This is a pretty remote area. :D

Didnt look that remote in the pics Dave....there were buildings nearby and some signs of inhabitation...mind you that doesnt mean that it was occupied at the time....

Did you ask him how they got the confession from him.... :D:D

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Just to add to my earlier posts-

I was talking to a copper last night who was part of the team that arrested the guy etc.

It happened about 12am and they found the guy at around 4am, I don't know why Trepprasit rd was mentioned because it did'nt happen anywhere near there, I don't know where he picked her up but he took her to the soi that runs parallel with jomtien beach rd (past the tax office and view talay villas), that was where he raped her. This is a pretty remote area. :o

You mean soi 9 dave?

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...They didnt conduct the investigation in the best way possible to secure a conviction.

Has that EVER happened here in ANY criminal case??? Since the answer is no, your pointless and needless post could......

oh never mind....it's no use... :D:o:D

I'll stop and allow you to master bate by yourself. Enjoy.

Edited by sriracha john
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Just to add to my earlier posts-

I was talking to a copper last night who was part of the team that arrested the guy etc.

It happened about 12am and they found the guy at around 4am, I don't know why Trepprasit rd was mentioned because it did'nt happen anywhere near there, I don't know where he picked her up but he took her to the soi that runs parallel with jomtien beach rd (past the tax office and view talay villas), that was where he raped her. This is a pretty remote area. :o

You mean soi 9 dave?

I don't know the soi number, if thats the one that soi 5,6 etc go onto then yes :D

It does get very remote out there :D

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...They didnt conduct the investigation in the best way possible to secure a conviction.

Has that EVER happened here in ANY criminal case??? Since the answer is no, your pointless and needless post could......

oh never mind....it's no use... :D:o:D

I'll stop and allow you to master bate by yourself. Enjoy.

I notice SJ you have now resorted to insults....that says more than anything I could say. :D

Just to add to my earlier posts-

I was talking to a copper last night who was part of the team that arrested the guy etc.

It happened about 12am and they found the guy at around 4am, I don't know why Trepprasit rd was mentioned because it did'nt happen anywhere near there, I don't know where he picked her up but he took her to the soi that runs parallel with jomtien beach rd (past the tax office and view talay villas), that was where he raped her. This is a pretty remote area. :D

You mean soi 9 dave?

I don't know the soi number, if thats the one that soi 5,6 etc go onto then yes :D

It does get very remote out there :D

Another totally different report says that it was behind the 73 Apartment block or something like that...???

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Ironically the more the Thai government tries to curb the sex industry, the more rapes will occur. I don’t get it, this guy could not afford to find a lady? You can’t walk 100 meters without getting hit on there.

:D rape is not about sex it's about power

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  • 4 weeks later...

Iam sorry to hear that another british lady being raped,and i agree with kurgen Stick his apology where the sun don't shine and castrate him.

i hope they lock him away for long time

hmm..well thats rather Neanderthal like thinking. Kill the killer, Castrate the Raper, it is all simplistic thinking. The reasons for the crimes are much deeper than simple answers. The revenge justice thing simply does not work. If you cut off the hand of thieves does it stop others from stealing? If you kill a killer does it stop others from killing? Of course not.

Also it is kind of ironic that the rape took place in Pattaya a place where rape(economics related) goes on nightly, the thai women working the scene are raped/used/bought thousands of times over and over, who cries for them? I know lets castrate all the customers also, that will solve the problems related to the exploitation of woman working the sex industry.

I do not want to minimize the British ladies suffering, but lets put things into perpective. 1 British woman is raped and the world cries a thousand tears. Lets not put more value on a persons suffering because they come from a wealthy country.

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Ironically the more the Thai government tries to curb the sex industry, the more rapes will occur. I don’t get it, this guy could not afford to find a lady? You can’t walk 100 meters without getting hit on there.

:D rape is not about sex it's about power

Yes I agree. I have often thought that the sex going on between customers and sex workers is also a act of POWER, not sex. If you meet the average farang expat living in Pattaya, he is usually divorced with woman issues. He is usually an older guy who has hostility to western woman and woman from his past. I have often thought that the guy doing the sex thing in Pattaya is on a power trip not a sex trip. The act is very similiar to rape, its not about the sex its about the power over woman, gives vent to their anger. So in a sense its kind of like paid/bought rape.

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Ironically the more the Thai government tries to curb the sex industry, the more rapes will occur. I don’t get it, this guy could not afford to find a lady? You can’t walk 100 meters without getting hit on there.

:D rape is not about sex it's about power

Yes I agree. I have often thought that the sex going on between customers and sex workers is also a act of POWER, not sex. If you meet the average farang expat living in Pattaya, he is usually divorced with woman issues. He is usually an older guy who has hostility to western woman and woman from his past. I have often thought that the guy doing the sex thing in Pattaya is on a power trip not a sex trip. The act is very similiar to rape, its not about the sex its about the power over woman, gives vent to their anger. So in a sense its kind of like paid/bought rape.

As a long time resident of Pattaya, please allow me to take exception to this statement about power.

Having never raped anybody, I cannot confirm or deny the "power" theory. I will leave this one alone.

However, I have had sex before (Yes, Martha, I ain't no virgin!) and I can positively, absolutely guarantee you that the few times I have had the pleasure, it wasn't about "power". I won't go into my feelings at length other than to say "power" over the willing partner never entered my mind.

I am an average farang expat living in Pattaya so I respectfully state....your theory is full of mud. :D

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Ironically the more the Thai government tries to curb the sex industry, the more rapes will occur. I don’t get it, this guy could not afford to find a lady? You can’t walk 100 meters without getting hit on there.

:D rape is not about sex it's about power

Yes I agree. I have often thought that the sex going on between customers and sex workers is also a act of POWER, not sex. If you meet the average farang expat living in Pattaya, he is usually divorced with woman issues. He is usually an older guy who has hostility to western woman and woman from his past. I have often thought that the guy doing the sex thing in Pattaya is on a power trip not a sex trip. The act is very similiar to rape, its not about the sex its about the power over woman, gives vent to their anger. So in a sense its kind of like paid/bought rape.

Are you trolling?

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Iam sorry to hear that another british lady being raped,and i agree with kurgen Stick his apology where the sun don't shine and castrate him.

i hope they lock him away for long time

hmm..well thats rather Neanderthal like thinking. Kill the killer, Castrate the Raper, it is all simplistic thinking. The reasons for the crimes are much deeper than simple answers. The revenge justice thing simply does not work. If you cut off the hand of thieves does it stop others from stealing? If you kill a killer does it stop others from killing? Of course not.

Also it is kind of ironic that the rape took place in Pattaya a place where rape(economics related) goes on nightly, the thai women working the scene are raped/used/bought thousands of times over and over, who cries for them? I know lets castrate all the customers also, that will solve the problems related to the exploitation of woman working the sex industry.

I do not want to minimize the British ladies suffering, but lets put things into perpective. 1 British woman is raped and the world cries a thousand tears. Lets not put more value on a persons suffering because they come from a wealthy country.

any rape is one too many

you must be english with the new attitude

protect and understand the criminal :o , chastise or understand why the victim put themselves in a situation where they were victimised :D

i notice you did not put your punishment forward for the crime, or do you think we should just talk him to death..

definate troll

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Ironically the more the Thai government tries to curb the sex industry, the more rapes will occur. I don’t get it, this guy could not afford to find a lady? You can’t walk 100 meters without getting hit on there.

:D rape is not about sex it's about power

Yes I agree. I have often thought that the sex going on between customers and sex workers is also a act of POWER, not sex. If you meet the average farang expat living in Pattaya, he is usually divorced with woman issues. He is usually an older guy who has hostility to western woman and woman from his past. I have often thought that the guy doing the sex thing in Pattaya is on a power trip not a sex trip. The act is very similiar to rape, its not about the sex its about the power over woman, gives vent to their anger. So in a sense its kind of like paid/bought rape.

So you have met "the average farang expat living in Pattaya" have you? :D

Do tell us more about the profile of such a specimen as you seem most knowledgeable.

Also, please share how you gleaned all this information and under what guise (sex toursist would of course be out of the question :D ).

I can hardly wait. :D

Are you sure you are not talking about yourself and your feelings toward women? :o

Classic Oedipus Complex fits rather well... :D

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I think he's not wrong for pointing out that 'power over' is a strong psychological undercurrent in using prostitutes for some guys.

I wouldn't generalise for "the average farang expat living in Pattaya", though.

Also the choice of words in "paid/bought rape" is unfortunate, a bit of an oxymoron. :o

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any rape is one too many

you must be english with the new attitude

protect and understand the criminal :D , chastise or understand why the victim put themselves in a situation where they were victimised :D

Protect the criminal, hmm, from the barbaric doings of the lynch mob and hobby online judges, perhaps?
i notice you did not put your punishment forward for the crime, or do you think we should just talk him to death..

definate troll

I don't think there is a requirement to put out punishment for people on the internet, based on a news clip, or have I missed something here?

And, I do wonder after reading his and your comments, who the Neanderthal and troll is? :o

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Ironically the more the Thai government tries to curb the sex industry, the more rapes will occur. I don’t get it, this guy could not afford to find a lady? You can’t walk 100 meters without getting hit on there.

:D rape is not about sex it's about power

Yes I agree. I have often thought that the sex going on between customers and sex workers is also a act of POWER, not sex. If you meet the average farang expat living in Pattaya, he is usually divorced with woman issues. He is usually an older guy who has hostility to western woman and woman from his past. I have often thought that the guy doing the sex thing in Pattaya is on a power trip not a sex trip. The act is very similiar to rape, its not about the sex its about the power over woman, gives vent to their anger. So in a sense its kind of like paid/bought rape.

What an absolute load of boll*ox.

Rape against a woman is having sexual intercourse without the woman`s consent and this is where the dominant power of the male comes into it.

A man, as you say `doing his sex thing in Pattaya` is no different from a man `doing his sex thing` anywhere else in the world. It is primarily for pleasure and relief. Your amalgamation of words paid/bought rape is a contradiction in itself and is a very strange and mixed up way of thinking.

During the act of sex and love making whoever takes the leading role is their business only.

Are you a lesbian by any chance? or have you had such female dominance that you cannot accept and understand the normal sexual acts which occur between males and females?

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The act is very similiar to rape, its not about the sex its about the power over woman, gives vent to their anger. So in a sense its kind of like paid/bought rape.

What an absolute load of boll*ox.

Rape against a woman is having sexual intercourse without the woman`s consent and this is where the dominant power of the male comes into it.

A man, as you say `doing his sex thing in Pattaya` is no different from a man `doing his sex thing` anywhere else in the world. It is primarily for pleasure and relief. Your amalgamation of words paid/bought rape is a contradiction in itself and is a very strange and mixed up way of thinking.

During the act of sex and love making whoever takes the leading role is their business only.

Are you a lesbian by any chance? or have you had such female dominance that you cannot accept and understand the normal sexual acts which occur between males and females?

Hmm, either way his answers and the follow on discussion could make for interesting reading.

I hope he's a lesbian... :o

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any rape is one too many

you must be english with the new attitude

protect and understand the criminal :D , chastise or understand why the victim put themselves in a situation where they were victimised :D

Protect the criminal, hmm, from the barbaric doings of the lynch mob and hobby online judges, perhaps?
i notice you did not put your punishment forward for the crime, or do you think we should just talk him to death..

definate troll

I don't think there is a requirement to put out punishment for people on the internet, based on a news clip, or have I missed something here?

And, I do wonder after reading his and your comments, who the Neanderthal and troll is? :o

as he was questioning the severity of the punishment, i would expect him to come up with an alternative if not why critisise, :D all the man was trying to do was come up with a solution to a problem.

this is a forum for dicussion and views and ideas not waste material, : :D if you do not post and provoke reaction then what is the point of any discussion. :D

and my dear sir if you can not work out whom the troll might be then i'm afraid you may be a lost soul!!!!


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A man, as you say `doing his sex thing in Pattaya` is no different from a man `doing his sex thing` anywhere else in the world. It is primarily for pleasure and relief. Your amalgamation of words paid/bought rape is a contradiction in itself and is a very strange and mixed up way of thinking.

During the act of sex and love making whoever takes the leading role is their business only.

Are you saying paid sex -prostitution is no different from other forms of sexual engagement?

Gerry was not talking about 'leading role', but 'power over'.

Are you a lesbian by any chance? or have you had such female dominance that you cannot accept and understand the normal sexual acts which occur between males and females?
That was uncalled for. What has gender or sexual orientation got to do with this?

I start believing Gerry's comment got too close for comfort, judging by the over-the-top reaction of some Patty residents here. :D

as he was questioning the severity of the punishment, i would expect him to come up with an alternative if not why critisise, :D
No, he was questioning the poster's attitude as "Neanderthal". :D

all the man was trying to do was come up with a solution to a problem.
Do you mean this 'solution':

"Stick his apology where the sun don't shine and castrate him." :D

... and my dear sir if you can not work out whom the troll might be then i'm afraid you may be a lost soul!!!!


I have no pronlem working out who the troll is. :D:o Edited by zzap
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A man, as you say `doing his sex thing in Pattaya` is no different from a man `doing his sex thing` anywhere else in the world. It is primarily for pleasure and relief. Your amalgamation of words paid/bought rape is a contradiction in itself and is a very strange and mixed up way of thinking.

During the act of sex and love making whoever takes the leading role is their business only.

Are you saying paid sex -prostitution is no different from other forms of sexual engagement?

Gerry was not talking about 'leading role', but 'power over'.

Are you a lesbian by any chance? or have you had such female dominance that you cannot accept and understand the normal sexual acts which occur between males and females?
That was uncalled for. What has gender or sexual orientation got to do with this?

I start believing Gerry's comment got too close for comfort, judging by the over-the-top reaction of some Patty residents here. :o

Your defence of Gerry is quite admirable....but please don`t get as confused as he/she obviously is.

I spelled out what RAPE is in the 2nd sentence of my post which you seemed to omit.

Why was my question to him uncalled for?...He is perfectly at liberty to answer it. :D

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Hmmmm never heard such rubbish before prostitution=rape? Perhaps a radical feminist definition, but thats certainly not main stream by most peoples' standards.

I'd like to think Gerry has a a bit more intelligence than that, but certainly in this case lack of it seems to be the presiding theme. :o

Edited by britmaveric
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Guys n gals.....

This is getting into difficult areas....exertion of power over a female by a male is not always rape....many women want the man to be dominant and take a leading role in the act of sex...because it shows that the man desires her. They want the man to be powerful.....Steady ladies I am coming to you later. :o Sometimes this can manifest itself in an extreme manner but it is still consensual. Therefore it is an exertion of power but it is not rape.

Now on the other hand, there are women that like to exert power over the man. They will make the first move, sometimes aggressively....They want to be the dominant partner...is this exertion of power over a man not a form of rape also, if rape is about exertion of power or dominance ....the answer must be yes.....

Rape is not about dominance or power....it is about consent....or lack of consent...or withdrawal of consent. What two people do in their homes or under a financial agreement is not rape as long as it is consensual.

A woman may allow a man to have sex with her...but she is not happy about it....she has neither given or withdrew her consent....the man believes that because the consent has not been withdrawn or denied that he is not raping her....the woman says I never gave consent...but I let him carry on anyway....so he raped me......no force or violence was used....Who is right and who is wrong ???

Murky waters now indeed....

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Ok if you want to get technical prostitution = form of rape. whistling.gif Now go play with Spee!!! tongue.gif
The knob isn't around at the moment. :D

And, no I don't "want to get technical", what gave you that idea? :o

You, and others, still haven't got the point:

'power over': rape is a non-consensual, violent form

within the area of prostitution, there is an element of men asserting power over women, by paying for sex with the woman ( ever heard of 'money equals power'?) This is not rape, but it is, combined with the bitterness and frustation some guys feel about their ex-wife/gf quite high up on the scale of sexual involvements which are more about 'asserting power over' than having sex for fun and tender moments to nurture.

This does also happens within the scale of non-prostitution sexual engagements, but, by its nature, prostitution is more prone and easily available for this, because prostitutes are more likely to agree to 'service' a customer, whether they like it or not, an 'ordinary' sexual encounter does imply that both partners have set out to enjoy the encounter, whoever may be domineering and whatever practises may be involved.

Is this a bit clearer now? It's not about 'defending' what Gerry said, I just picked up what I consider worthwhile inspiration from his posts.

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Ok if you want to get technical prostitution = form of rape. whistling.gif Now go play with Spee!!! tongue.gif
The knob isn't around at the moment. :D

And, no I don't "want to get technical", what gave you that idea? :o

You, and others, still haven't got the point:

'power over': rape is a non-consensual, violent form

within the area of prostitution, there is an element of men asserting power over women, by paying for sex with the woman ( ever heard of 'money equals power'?) This is not rape, but it is, combined with the bitterness and frustation some guys feel about their ex-wife/gf quite high up on the scale of sexual involvements which are more about 'asserting power over' than having sex for fun and tender moments to nurture.

This does also happens within the scale of non-prostitution sexual engagements, but, by its nature, prostitution is more prone and easily available for this, because prostitutes are more likely to agree to 'service' a customer, whether they like it or not, an 'ordinary' sexual encounter does imply that both partners have set out to enjoy the encounter, whoever may be domineering and whatever practises may be involved.

Is this a bit clearer now? It's not about 'defending' what Gerry said, I just picked up what I consider worthwhile inspiration from his posts.

You don`t think that it`s the prostitute who has the power then?....

....she gets the sex....and the money!......think about it :D

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