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Uk Settlement Visa Application

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Thank God I found this forum before we applied.

I've read lots of the posts on this forum and they are extremely helpful. I'm feeling prepared but just have a few questions. I guess I'm being selfish but I'm getting stressed out and I hope it will be of help to others too.

Basically I've been with my girlfriend (now wife) for around 10 months, we got married last month. Just about to apply for the settlement visa but here are my issues.

1. My wife and I are both 23 and neither of us have ever had a proper job since we finished studying. However my Dad has a house a big house and a good monthly salary - does this mean I should put him as the sponsor or shall I be the sponsor but with supporting documents from my Dad.

2. My wife and I have lived together for the entirety, as such we never email each other, neither can we access our phone records coz we both have 1-2-Call 'pay-as-u-go' phones. This seems to leave a huge chunk of 'evidence' unnaccounted for and seems like a potential problem. Is it?

3. We have lots of photo's but not so many of us together. However we've travelled a lot and the background often demonstrates that we are both in the same place. Is this acceptable?

4. My Dad and both my brothers have been in Thailand and met my wife on seperate occasions. Should I include letters from them stating this?

5. We have been living together but the lease is in my name and all bills are addressed to the owner of the apartment. Do you know any other way that I can prove that we've been living together?

I'm sorry if these questions are a little jumbled but I'm at a bit of a loss. I will have loads of documentation showing that we can support ourselves in the UK but seem to be missing a lot of evidence regarding our relationship. I can understand why the embassy is suspicious of certain farang-thai relationships but our relationship is genuine, we are young and in love and didn't for one second think that we'd ever need to document our relationship. Any ideas what evidence I can include?

Any help would really be greatly appreciated and good luck to all you guys out there who are also applying for visa's for your loved ones. Hopefully love will conquer all! (Although I fear it may not)!

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The more info you can supply the better.

But not having a job in blighty might prove to be a stumbing block.

A letter from your dad`to say she can live there would be ok.

Not sure if this would work for supporting her though.

Best of luck.

I was in the Embassy from early morning till closing.

Found the staff to be very unpleasant but got the visa at the end.

In my opinion they looked at every letter,photo etc.

So supply as much detail as you can.

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Hi, Alex, using your numbering.

1) You are the sponsor as you are her husband. However, your dad can offer to accommodate and support you both until you find work, and he should write a letter making this offer. He will obviously need to prove that he can do so, and so should include the same proof as a sponsor would, i.e.:-

Bank statements and salary slips for the last 6 months.

Details of the accommodation available, including number and type of rooms and who else will be living there, names, ages and relationship. Also, if he owns the property some form of proof (e.g. mortgage statement) or if he rents then a letter from his landlord confirming that there is room for you and that they have no objections to you living there.

It will also be a good idea if you show what efforts you have already made to get a job when you get back, and you should include your bank statements as well.

2) If the ECO is satisfied that you are living together this wont be a problem, especially as you are married. Do you have any letters, e-mails etc. from before you started living together? (See also Q4)

3) As many of you together as possible, and any that you have of her with your family, but make sure she knows who they are in case the ECO asks! I used one of those mini albums most photo shops in LOS give you when they develop a film and filled it up. Top up if necessary with photos of each of you taken in the same place at the same time.

4) Wouldn't hurt, as it strengthens the evidence of your relationship, just briefly saying when they met her and how long you've been together. Obviously your dad should mention this in his letter offering support and accommodation.

5) Are you both on the Tabien Bahn? Any letters addressed to either or both of you?

Some of the things I've suggested almost certainly wont be necessary, but I firmly believe in a belt and braces approach and would much rather supply something they didn't want then not supply something they did!

Best of luck.

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bank statements as well.

I used one of those mini albums most photo shops in LOS give you when they develop a film and filled it up. Top up if necessary with photos of each of you taken in the same place at the same time.

Excellent idea - think I will pinch that one!!

Sorry Alexjw I am in the same position as you i.e going through an application, so I can't really give any advice other than provide as much as you can - and take advice from the experts on here.

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Your post is very similar to an earlier one: a guy wanted to bring his GF to the UK, but neither he nor she had any money, and they were going to live with his mom. At least you're married, but, without a clue how you (not "your father") are going to support you and your wife is a real conundrum.

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Hi, Alex, using your numbering.

1) You are the sponsor as you are her husband. However, your dad can offer to accommodate and support you both until you find work, and he should write a letter making this offer. He will obviously need to prove that he can do so, and so should include the same proof as a sponsor would, i.e.:-

Bank statements and salary slips for the last 6 months.

Details of the accommodation available, including number and type of rooms and who else will be living there, names, ages and relationship. Also, if he owns the property some form of proof (e.g. mortgage statement) or if he rents then a letter from his landlord confirming that there is room for you and that they have no objections to you living there.

It will also be a good idea if you show what efforts you have already made to get a job when you get back, and you should include your bank statements as well.

2) If the ECO is satisfied that you are living together this wont be a problem, especially as you are married. Do you have any letters, e-mails etc. from before you started living together? (See also Q4)

3) As many of you together as possible, and any that you have of her with your family, but make sure she knows who they are in case the ECO asks! I used one of those mini albums most photo shops in LOS give you when they develop a film and filled it up. Top up if necessary with photos of each of you taken in the same place at the same time.

4) Wouldn't hurt, as it strengthens the evidence of your relationship, just briefly saying when they met her and how long you've been together. Obviously your dad should mention this in his letter offering support and accommodation.

5) Are you both on the Tabien Bahn? Any letters addressed to either or both of you?

Some of the things I've suggested almost certainly wont be necessary, but I firmly believe in a belt and braces approach and would much rather supply something they didn't want then not supply something they did!

Best of luck.

If she is on the same tabien baan as you then that is good. If you want add a bit more weight to this aspect take her, with the tabien baan, to your local amphur. For a nominal fee (about 40 baht) they will provide a letter certifying that she is living with you. You might need to get the letter translated, depending on what visa type you are applying for. For a VV it's not necessary.

Photos are definitely good. Preferably the two of you together but if, like my GF and me, you don't have too many, photos of you and her separately but in the same location / time seem to be acceptable.


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