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How Would Thailand Rate With Crime Rates Against Europe?


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After reading the new section and replies, it sounds like Thailand are the most violent people on earth and there all out to get us laugh.png

So, how would Thailand rate against Europe? I can;t be bothered Googling, maybe someone can.

UK up at the number 1 spot.


Source: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1196941/The-violent-country-Europe-Britain-worse-South-Africa-U-S.html

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Some crime stats follows. Who knows if accurate as the old saying goes; garbage in, garbage out.

e.g. a United States (US) based professor who is an expert on crime and law enforcement in Thailand stated in a telephone interview with the Research Directorate that "crimes are under-reported" in Thailand (11 Dec. 2009). He explained that

most people don't tend to report property crime unless they have a reason to – for example, unless they plan to make an insurance claim. Moreover, police statistics are not necessarily reliable since there is a lack of rigour in the way that the data is collected. In particular, not all crimes are necessarily captured by all police units in their statistics. There is also no standard methodology for categorizing crimes. (Professor 11 Dec. 2009)


a study undertaken by researchers from the Bangkok-based Chulalongkorn University on behalf of the Thai Justice Ministry reportedly found that 63 percent of 1,531 crime victims surveyed in Bangkok did not file reports with the police (Bangkok Post 27 Dec. 2007).


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If the UK is reported as having the most 'violent crime' of any country as in that chart, the UK must use an extremely loose definition of violent crime compared to other countries.

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e.g. a United States (US) based professor who is an expert on crime and law enforcement in Thailand stated in a telephone interview with the Research Directorate that "crimes are under-reported" in Thailand (11 Dec. 2009). He explained that

If he's the same professor who made that chart you posted his opinion is questionable, that gun murder statistic is widely spread mistranslation of gun crime, not murder, which includes possession. There are no statistics for gun murder in Thailand, only murder.

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e.g. a United States (US) based professor who is an expert on crime and law enforcement in Thailand stated in a telephone interview with the Research Directorate that "crimes are under-reported" in Thailand (11 Dec. 2009). He explained that

If he's the same professor who made that chart you posted his opinion is questionable, that gun murder statistic is widely spread mistranslation of gun crime, not murder, which includes possession. There are no statistics for gun murder in Thailand, only murder.

No stat chart is from a different source. Only used the quote to underline the common opinion of lack of reliability of crime stats reporting in Thailand

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That chart (The league of shame) was published in 2009. If you are going to compare at least use up to date figures!

The most violent country in Europe: Britain is also worse than South Africa and U.S.


UPDATED: 23:14 GMT, 2 July 2009

Read more: http://www.dailymail...l#ixzz21SP454FS

Edited by Tafia
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Crime stats from any country are a total load of fabrication. The only real stats are the insurance companies. Politicians manipulate crime stats for there own good. Insures need the truth or they lose money. As am example [ maybe change now] US car thief, UK take and drive away, No thief, illegal use. Some counties unlawful killing is murder, others manslaughter, not on the murder stats. JIm

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99% of crime in the UK is reported, mostly for insurance reasons.

1% of crime in LOS is reported.

Any statistics can be interpreted to suit.

Go with your heart and gut instinct.....Where would you feel safer?

agree 100%

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99% of crime in the UK is reported, mostly for insurance reasons.

1% of crime in LOS is reported.

Any statistics can be interpreted to suit.

Go with your heart and gut instinct.....Where would you feel safer?

...is the correct answer. Statistical reporting, budgets available for data gathering and interpretation and willingness to publish accurate figures in a honest manner. You are more likely to be mugged in England, but would suggest most disputes are settled in court in England, whereas here they would be settled by a gun. How many people have actually had the crime reporting system work for them here?

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If the UK is reported as having the most 'violent crime' of any country as in that chart, the UK must use an extremely loose definition of violent crime compared to other countries.

Believe that in UK Assault can be classed as such by merely pushing someone or in fact by merely laying on of your hand, eg a verbal dispute escalates to assault if you just push someones shoulder or chest etc.

Can then be classified as crime against a person

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I think this all depends on visibility, many countries are not happy to publish crime rates visibly, methods of determining a crime as a burgalar may depend only on reports, of course it may mean some countries have more clever criminals than others, the amount of English I see in news in Thailand means we do produce dumb fuc_kers when it comes to crime

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Notice a few posters are comparing England against others. Does this mean that Scotland doesn't have any crime or is it all caused by Englishmen in Scotland?

As far as I can see the stats refer to UK or have "we" gone independant behind my back ?w00t.gif

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Anyone see the video of that morning fight outside the bkk nightclub. It is like 10 minutes long and the police never show up. dude is running around shooting at people and then him and his lads beat some kid unconscious. no police, no arrests, no problem. if it is not reported, it did not actually happen!

i have no idea about statistics but one cant help but notice that there is a strong level of lawlessness in Thailand and the criminals are often the ones wearing brown uniforms.

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99% of crime in the UK is reported, mostly for insurance reasons.

1% of crime in LOS is reported.

Any statistics can be interpreted to suit.

Go with your heart and gut instinct.....Where would you feel safer?

More like 120% of crime in the UK is reported, often for insurance purposes....

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Go with your heart and gut instinct.....Where would you feel safer?

I don't know about the UK. But I absolutely feel safer walking around Bangkok alone at night than I do in any big US city I've been to. You'd have to be mad to do so in places but I don't feel the slightest concern walking around at 3am in Bangkok and have done so for many years. The white middle class suburb I'm from is quite safe but the actual city you wouldn't want to be walking around downtown alone at night.

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If the UK is reported as having the most 'violent crime' of any country as in that chart, the UK must use an extremely loose definition of violent crime compared to other countries.

Believe that in UK Assault can be classed as such by merely pushing someone or in fact by merely laying on of your hand, eg a verbal dispute escalates to assault if you just push someones shoulder or chest etc.

Can then be classified as crime against a person

Yeah that's why stats such as 'violent crime' are pretty worthless comparing across borders. One country looking at someone funny and giving them a push is a violent assault, in another it doesn't count unless they end up in the hospital. Same goes for many crimes.

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If the UK is reported as having the most 'violent crime' of any country as in that chart, the UK must use an extremely loose definition of violent crime compared to other countries.

Believe that in UK Assault can be classed as such by merely pushing someone or in fact by merely laying on of your hand, eg a verbal dispute escalates to assault if you just push someones shoulder or chest etc.

Can then be classified as crime against a person

Yeah that's why stats such as 'violent crime' are pretty worthless comparing across borders. One country looking at someone funny and giving them a push is a violent assault, in another it doesn't count unless they end up in the hospital. Same goes for many crimes.

I think, before in Scottish Law they had Assault as described above and then the more serious offence of Aggravated Assault, not sure where it crossed the line though, probably depended on how good your lawyer was.

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Go with your heart and gut instinct.....Where would you feel safer?

I don't know about the UK. But I absolutely feel safer walking around Bangkok alone at night than I do in any big US city I've been to. You'd have to be mad to do so in places but I don't feel the slightest concern walking around at 3am in Bangkok and have done so for many years. The white middle class suburb I'm from is quite safe but the actual city you wouldn't want to be walking around downtown alone at night.

Yes I agree. I spent most of my years living all around Los Angeles. The streets in BKK are much safer. Violence here, like the morning BKK nightclub fight, arise from a dispute...in that case probably over a girl. Or maybe a fight or shooting arises from a traffic incident. Or maybe drug-related or money related. Or school-gang related. This type of violence happens all over the world.

However in the US, in some neighborhoods you can get jumped by gang-bangers for looking at them wrong. You can get beat to death by attending a baseball game. People have been shot sitting in their living rooms from drive-bys. Senseless violence at a movie theater. Serial killers. Road rage. The Police. Cults. Texans. Mexican gangs. Naked face-eating zombies.

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Crime rate look higher in europe, because in these country police are forced to do their job. I mean record the complain and do a proper investigation.

I know a thai girl, that have been clubbed on her neck/head for her gold necklace. At the police station in bangkok, the officer just told her they can do nothing, they dont even record her assault, as the robber is gone... That why dont most thai dont even bother to report petty crime.

The crime rate is obviously higher in thailand than in europe. Just one fact, a easy one. If thailand is a safe place, so why there are more murder in thailand than in all europe( i mean 25 country all together). More murder in a nation of 67 mln people than in europe with 500 mln people.

edit: ps: hey op go have a look this and give us your thought www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/572312-whats-wrong-with-thai-youth-today/page__gopid__5515480#entry5515480

Edited by Bender
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The crime rate is obviously higher in thailand than in europe. Just one fact, a easy one. If thailand is a safe place, so why there are more murder in thailand than in all europe( i mean 25 country all together). More murder in a nation of 67 mln people than in europe with 500 mln people.

That isn't true all. And although Europe has extremely low murder rates in most countries, Thailand wouldn't be the highest in the EU, that would go to Lithuania, the Baltic countries all have rates higher or about the same. Thailand's murder rate is roughly the same as the US( 5.0 vs 5.3 per 100,000 people), most European countries are between 1 and 2. Both the US and Thailand are several times higher than most European countries but neither are particularly high world wide however.

The reason Thailand can have can feel safe and a low assault rate but a higher murder rate is the nature of society. Random attacks from strangers are less common than in most countries, but if two people get in to a fight with one another it is more likely to escalate beyond a beating and end up with someone dead due to loss of face. Random street crime is less likely to happen here, but a dispute between two people is more likely to result in murder. I don't have much experience in Europe but like I said, Thailand feels far safer than most big US cities. No fear at all walking around Bangkok late at night, back home is a completely different story.

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