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  • Small thoughtful inexpensive gifts like a rose, or pocket Anglo-Thai dictionary etc. WILL be appreciated.

If you don't have any of them at hand, a house, car or iPhone would do it too!

and gold

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Don't fall in love with a prostitute -- ever.

Crikey. Are you sure?

My fiance is different from all the other bar girls. I know that when I go off to work, she doesn't go with customers. I know it, because she told me.

The 20,000 baht I send every month gives her the income so that she doesn't have to date other guys. Plus, I know that she doesn't fool around because her brother comes to stay with her when I'm not there and he keeps an eye on her. They do everything together and it is really a close brother-sister relationship. He even gave up his job as a ping pong artist on Bangla to do this. I'm so lucky. whistling.gif

Don't worry my sister is a good girl, I think you've found a keeper there GK.

Please send extra baht this month though, as she isn't very we'll and I've had a motorbike accident.


Don't have a "silent meal".

You know the one I mean, where the older heavyweight caucasian man is eating with an attractive Thai lady. They don't speak at all during the meal. Just sit there and eat and never really look at each other.


Don't have a "silent meal".

You know the one I mean, where the older heavyweight caucasian man is eating with an attractive Thai lady. They don't speak at all during the meal. Just sit there and eat and never really look at each other.

Like the bloke in your avatar.

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Don't have a "silent meal".

You know the one I mean, where the older heavyweight caucasian man is eating with an attractive Thai lady. They don't speak at all during the meal. Just sit there and eat and never really look at each other.

I enjoy my food as well. Belch. Fart. Show some appreciation. But for God's sake, don't interrupt the meal with BLOODY CONVERSATION.

I'm trying to enjoy my meal, woman. Let me concentrate.

And I'm sure she feels the same, though more discretely, and in a quiet, feminine sort of way that scarcely smells at all. I'm not even sure if they DO burn...perhaps an interesting topic for a future thread...


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But also offered some absolute clangers.

Here are two of them …

  • Small thoughtful inexpensive gifts like a rose, or pocket Anglo-Thai dictionary etc. WILL be appreciated.

  • Do NOT be surprised if your lady wants to trim your nails, comb your hair, and enjoys attending to your washing and cleaning etc.

Why are these absolute clangers?

The first one sets a precedent. The second one assumes all Thai women are docile and subservient.

The one about laundry etc, just suggests to not be surprised, not to expect it :) so its not making an assumption about all, just a percentage (probably a large percentage based on my experience + that of other guys I know?)


Some more 'Pearls of Wisdom' from the organisation providing up to date information on Thai Cultural practises.

  • Do understand that from her point of view; if you become “boyfriend” and “girlfriend”, and are seeing each other every day to the exclusion of all others; she will be expecting that sometime in the not too distant future you will be proposing marriage to her.

Is this relevant advice in today's Thailand?


Don't have a "silent meal".

You know the one I mean, where the older heavyweight caucasian man is eating with an attractive Thai lady. They don't speak at all during the meal. Just sit there and eat and never really look at each other.

That one always makes me laugh when I see it.


Some more 'Pearls of Wisdom' from the organisation providing up to date information on Thai Cultural practises.

  • Do understand that from her point of view; if you become “boyfriend” and “girlfriend”, and are seeing each other every day to the exclusion of all others; she will be expecting that sometime in the not too distant future you will be proposing marriage to her.

Is this relevant advice in today's Thailand?

I think so, and it should be reduced to "meet with her three times in any month (even if you pay cash each time)"


Just another thought of what not to do when dating (Thai related)............wait for her to pay the bill.....

....it could end up a very long and lonely night. whistling.gif

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this one could save some time and money

at the risk of sounding like the complete dog that i am

don't think you need to wine or dine her

even if it is the first date

unless you want to


Thai dating faux pas.

Don't bring last night's rental to the date, wink, and ask your date if she swings both ways.

Don't make your first date at the 7-11 and grandly declare " Microwave anything you like love it's on me. But no Magnum Almond for dessert. Have you seen the f#cking price?"

At the end of the evening don't spend 30 minutes standing in the rain with your date arguing with the tuk tuk driver because he wants 70 baht and you're only willing to pay 65.

Don't arrange your first date at 9pm near the bins behind Tesco Lotus because that's when KFC closes and the staff throw out the stuff they couldn't sell.

Do not wear the following t-shirt prints:

Pattaya Muff Diving Club.

Sex Instructor - First Lesson Free.

Or one of a grinning cartoon mouse with a massive schlong back-scuttling a cat with the words :Here Kitty Kitty..:" above the pic.


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