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Rat Repellents In Thailand.


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Our property backs on to a field. The Thai kitchen is outside the back of the house and next to the field, but obviously everything is kept inside. I've seen rats there after dark if I come out and turn on the light.

I did the glue traps and cage traps, but these are futile as it's right next to the field and there'll always be rats in there. I don't want them coming over the wall and into the Thai kitchen area.

Are there repellents like those frequency ones you plug in available here?

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using an archaic thaistyle kitchen has its drawbacks. if you don't like the stink smell of certain Thai food in your home there are easy ways to ventilate an indoor kitchen to avoid that. an even easier way is to limit the cooking to Thai food with appetising and mouth watering smells.

let me tell you a secret. a huge variety of delicious Thai food exists which does not require additives such as rotten sea mammal or whale vomit. personally i consider a week without at least five times Thai food extremely "un-gourmet" and i never travel abroad without a bottle of nam pla and (depending on the length of stay) an appropriate amount of local chillies.

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Yet again someone who cannot answer the OP. sad.png

a question asking for something that is impossible cannot be answered.

Quite often on these fora we find someone who is determined to do things in what we consider to be an ineffective and counterproductive way

- How do I prevent the tide coming in?

and they refuse to consider other suggestions:

- build on stilts

- build above the tide line

- learn to swim

- untie the children


We should not be offended, as there may be others reading who have learnt something from your helpful posts; perhaps people who were too shy to post the original question or who had not yet realised a problem that they were about to encounter.

Sometimes our OPs forget that it is not just about them...


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The ultrasonic repellers do not work with rats. They actually communicate via ultrasonic and it may work for a short time, maybe a couple of days, and they get accustomed to the 'new rat' in the neighborhood and will return. Tried it at work and they came back after a day or two.

Rat behavior

//edit - Rat Management University of California

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