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Pad Tells Thai Govt: Withdraw Bills Or We Will Rally


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Maybe the PAD are right. Maybe the PTP should get on with governing the country for the good of all Thais not just a convicted criminal.

I hear this tiresome line of attack constantly here and by the BlueSky boys. PT are governing the country. They have made significant inroads into the drug epidemic, rife under the Dems; delivered on many of their election promises, such as min. wage, tablets, etc.; done significant work on flood prevention; undergoing feasibility studies on high speed rail; solved border tension issues and agreed on joint ventures with neighboring countries.

For those who persistently falsely accuse the government of not delivering on election promises, don't you remember that they also promised rewriting the constitution, reconciliation bills and bringing home TS.

How long have you been out of Thailand with no communication mean?

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One can count on PAD to spoil the party...........clap2.gif

Oh GK don't be so myopic in your view. We live in a pluralist society surely 'One can count on PAD / UDD / PTP / Dems to spoil the party' would have been a more balanced statement given the recent history.

Nice point, should that also apply to Thaksin, Appisit, and dozens of other politicians involved in shall we say unsavory tactics or do TV posters just pick on Thaksin?

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One can count on PAD to spoil the party...........clap2.gif

Oh GK don't be so myopic in your view. We live in a pluralist society surely 'One can count on PAD / UDD / PTP / Dems to spoil the party' would have been a more balanced statement given the recent history.

Nice point, should that also apply to Thaksin, Appisit, and dozens of other politicians involved in shall we say unsavory tactics or do TV posters just pick on Thaksin?

Some examples please of insavory antics that Abhisit has done. Thanks.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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I say, let them rally. They are hardly much of a force to be reconed with anymore. They're much like a bunch of spoiled, priveleged rich kids who will take their toys and go home, if they can't get their way. The people have spoken and the government in power was overwhelmingly elected, again. The PAD needs to be spanked and sent to their room without supper.

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I say, let them rally. They are hardly much of a force to be reconed with anymore. They're much like a bunch of spoiled, priveleged rich kids who will take their toys and go home, if they can't get their way. The people have spoken and the government in power was overwhelmingly elected, again. The PAD needs to be spanked and sent to their room without supper.

The exalted opinion of a highminded individual is always welcome.

I find the overt corruption more refreshing and "honest" than the more covert and sophisticated corruption that exists in developed countries like the USA and Great Britain. When westerners point the finger at Thailand, I find it quite amusing. Either they are blind to the widespread corruption in their own political systems, or they are in complete denial. At least I have access in Thailand because I am just as able to slip an official a couple of thousand baht as much as the next guy. In the USA, I am not allowed access.

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Maybe the PAD are right. Maybe the PTP should get on with governing the country for the good of all Thais not just a convicted criminal.

I hear this tiresome line of attack constantly here and by the BlueSky boys. PT are governing the country. They have made significant inroads into the drug epidemic, rife under the Dems; delivered on many of their election promises, such as min. wage, tablets, etc.; done significant work on flood prevention; undergoing feasibility studies on high speed rail; solved border tension issues and agreed on joint ventures with neighboring countries.

For those who persistently falsely accuse the government of not delivering on election promises, don't you remember that they also promised rewriting the constitution, reconciliation bills and bringing home TS.

And then you woke up.

no he turned to the other side.biggrin.png

Does that take any nonpartisan thought?

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One can count on PAD to spoil the party...........clap2.gif

So in your view it's OK for the UDD to rally but not PAD. Interesting.

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

and what's your view? the opposite?

My goodness. It is true your incapable of reading.

Just good at chopping people's posts so you can make a snide comment.

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

how about you check what time you edited your post and then get back to me about chopping posts and being incapable of reading...


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Deputy Agriculture Minister Natthawut Saikua, a red-shirt leader, said the PAD's demand was an old issue.

"They just want to make governing difficult."

Unlike the red shirts who were models of cooperation 555555.

And unlike the red shirts who want to make democracy impossible

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It won't be over until the PAD AND UDD go to war on the streets and terrorize Thailand ... It ain't over until the COUP happens

no, it didn't start between them until the coup happened.

No it started before the coup..........

The PAD was formally established in February 2006 as a political movement inspired by a radio show that, after being dropped by a major radio station, gained notoriety for its anti-government tone on the internet.

The show was hosted by Sondhi Limthongkul, who became the movement’s first leader, and broadened the coalition to include some Buddhist religious figures. http://www.rfi.fr/ac...rticle_1615.asp

2 months later..........

April 5 (Bloomberg) -- Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said he will step down as premier after his declared victory in a weekend election failed to resolve a political standoff that crippled his government.

Thaksin, 56, speaking in a live television broadcast in Bangkok late yesterday, said he will stay on as interim prime minister until a new leader is chosen, after meeting with the country's King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Thaksin said he will retain his leadership of the Thai Rak Thai party and remain a member of parliament. http://www.bloomberg...=top_world_news

After 6 months a new leader wasnt found, nor were elections legally held but constitutional amendments were still ongoing..........

Thai Rak Thai party leader Thaksin Shinnawat made offers to political parties to make a social contract on Constitutional amendments after the general elections.

Prime Minister Thaksin held a meeting with other political parties at the parliament at 6PM yesterday to find ways to set up a central committee to conduct political reforms..... http://thainews.prd....id=254902280012

Its protests over Thaksin’s corruption and land reforms eventually led to a bloodless military coup on 19 September 2006. http://www.rfi.fr/ac...rticle_1615.asp

and on........

The installation of a coalition government led by the Peoples Power Party (PPP), which is loyal to ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, has created an uneasy standoff with the military and its backers, who removed Thaksin. The PPP’s plans to alter the constitution are now threatening to trigger renewed political conflict. http://www.wsws.org/.../thai-a14.shtml

and continue..........

yeah great you can google, just one problem to your point... how did trouble start between pad and udd before udd even existed?

rhetorical question.

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Maybe the PAD are right. Maybe the PTP should get on with governing the country for the good of all Thais not just a convicted criminal.

I hear this tiresome line of attack constantly here and by the BlueSky boys. PT are governing the country. They have made significant inroads into the drug epidemic, rife under the Dems; delivered on many of their election promises, such as min. wage, tablets, etc.; done significant work on flood prevention; undergoing feasibility studies on high speed rail; solved border tension issues and agreed on joint ventures with neighboring countries.

For those who persistently falsely accuse the government of not delivering on election promises, don't you remember that they also promised rewriting the constitution, reconciliation bills and bringing home TS.

I hope your nic is not a description of the contents of your cranium, but what in reality have the PTP done for the Thai people apart from the imaginary items you mentioned?

what in reality did the dems do to completion for the thai people in the time they were in office?

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It won't be over until the PAD AND UDD go to war on the streets and terrorize Thailand ... It ain't over until the COUP happens

no, it didn't start between them until the coup happened.

No it started before the coup..........

The PAD was formally established in February 2006 as a political movement inspired by a radio show that, after being dropped by a major radio station, gained notoriety for its anti-government tone on the internet.

The show was hosted by Sondhi Limthongkul, who became the movement’s first leader, and broadened the coalition to include some Buddhist religious figures. http://www.rfi.fr/ac...rticle_1615.asp

2 months later..........

April 5 (Bloomberg) -- Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra said he will step down as premier after his declared victory in a weekend election failed to resolve a political standoff that crippled his government.

Thaksin, 56, speaking in a live television broadcast in Bangkok late yesterday, said he will stay on as interim prime minister until a new leader is chosen, after meeting with the country's King Bhumibol Adulyadej. Thaksin said he will retain his leadership of the Thai Rak Thai party and remain a member of parliament. http://www.bloomberg...=top_world_news

After 6 months a new leader wasnt found, nor were elections legally held but constitutional amendments were still ongoing..........

Thai Rak Thai party leader Thaksin Shinnawat made offers to political parties to make a social contract on Constitutional amendments after the general elections.

Prime Minister Thaksin held a meeting with other political parties at the parliament at 6PM yesterday to find ways to set up a central committee to conduct political reforms..... http://thainews.prd....id=254902280012

Its protests over Thaksin’s corruption and land reforms eventually led to a bloodless military coup on 19 September 2006. http://www.rfi.fr/ac...rticle_1615.asp

and on........

The installation of a coalition government led by the Peoples Power Party (PPP), which is loyal to ousted Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra, has created an uneasy standoff with the military and its backers, who removed Thaksin. The PPP’s plans to alter the constitution are now threatening to trigger renewed political conflict. http://www.wsws.org/.../thai-a14.shtml

and continue..........

yeah great you can google, just one problem to your point... how did trouble start between pad and udd before udd even existed?

rhetorical question.

They never existed. They came about by IVF financed by a surrogate scrotum

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Maybe the PAD are right. Maybe the PTP should get on with governing the country for the good of all Thais not just a convicted criminal.

I hear this tiresome line of attack constantly here and by the BlueSky boys. PT are governing the country. They have made significant inroads into the drug epidemic, rife under the Dems; delivered on many of their election promises, such as min. wage, tablets, etc.; done significant work on flood prevention; undergoing feasibility studies on high speed rail; solved border tension issues and agreed on joint ventures with neighboring countries.

For those who persistently falsely accuse the government of not delivering on election promises, don't you remember that they also promised rewriting the constitution, reconciliation bills and bringing home TS.

I hope your nic is not a description of the contents of your cranium, but what in reality have the PTP done for the Thai people apart from the imaginary items you mentioned?

what in reality did the dems do to completion for the thai people in the time they were in office?

They extended free education to M3 level (15-16 years old). The lowest education level to ensure a reasonable job. it was previously P6 (11-12 years old)

Streamlining the health care scheme to make it free. And allowing people to change their designated hospital to place of work rather than registered address.

there were a few others but I cannot remember exact details.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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Nuro. No idea how to check on the android app. But if that's the case I was a bit harsh. Still at least you now have your answer wink.png

sent from my Wellcom A90+

a bit harsh?

you were completely out of line and wrong, but i suppose this is the closest you will get to swallowing your pride and apologising, so i guess we'll leave it there and move on.

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One can count on PAD to spoil the party...........clap2.gif

Oh GK don't be so myopic in your view. We live in a pluralist society surely 'One can count on PAD / UDD / PTP / Dems to spoil the party' would have been a more balanced statement given the recent history.

Nice point, should that also apply to Thaksin, Appisit, and dozens of other politicians involved in shall we say unsavory tactics or do TV posters just pick on Thaksin?

Some examples please of insavory antics that Abhisit has done. Thanks.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

Being the most recent PM "allegedly" responsible for bringing arms to bear on his own people* resulting in the deaths of many and injuries to thousands?

*not strictly true as he is british born and of Hokkien extraction but there is Thai in there as well.

Edited by phiphidon
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I'm not worried about what the wacko Yellows do. I'll be watching for whether the police allow PMs in and out of the building or stop Yellows from disrupting the functioning of Parlament. That's where the real action is..

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Abhisit is Thai. The king is Thai. Thaksin is Thai. Stop being stupid.

The person who bankrolled the red rally/ riot and refused negotiations is ultimately responsible for any bloodshed. Thaksin.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

Edited by thaicbr
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Nuro. No idea how to check on the android app. But if that's the case I was a bit harsh. Still at least you now have your answer wink.png

sent from my Wellcom A90+

a bit harsh?

you were completely out of line and wrong, but i suppose this is the closest you will get to swallowing your pride and apologising, so i guess we'll leave it there and move on.

Your welcome

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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Maybe the PAD are right. Maybe the PTP should get on with governing the country for the good of all Thais not just a convicted criminal.

I hear this tiresome line of attack constantly here and by the BlueSky boys. PT are governing the country. They have made significant inroads into the drug epidemic, rife under the Dems; delivered on many of their election promises, such as min. wage, tablets, etc.; done significant work on flood prevention; undergoing feasibility studies on high speed rail; solved border tension issues and agreed on joint ventures with neighboring countries.

For those who persistently falsely accuse the government of not delivering on election promises, don't you remember that they also promised rewriting the constitution, reconciliation bills and bringing home TS.

What a load of B/S , min wage only in 7 countys who for the most part were being paid that anyway, tabs, under a million distributed of the 11000000 promised , work on FLOOD prevention ??? lets wait till the rains come, we are still waiting for the promised COMPENSATION and the list goes on, take off your rose tinted classes and get REAL.

300 baht policy is a failure. It should be removed.

Why should I pay my maid 300 Baht / day for doing almost nothing. It is not my problem that she has an aggressive out of work drunk husband and 5 kids.

120 Baht, in my opinion is already too much, as she did not contribute much; just do a little house work.

Before we have the maid, I don't remember paying anything to my wife for doing the same, plus warm my bed at night.

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300 baht policy is a failure. It should be removed.

Why should I pay my maid 300 Baht / day for doing almost nothing. It is not my problem that she has an aggressive out of work drunk husband and 5 kids.

120 Baht, in my opinion is already too much, as she did not contribute much; just do a little house work.

Before we have the maid, I don't remember paying anything to my wife for doing the same, plus warm my bed at night.

So fire the Maid, that's what all the other employers are doing when they feel they can't/don't want to pay that level of wages...

So the govt will have implemented their 300b minimum wage (in a few provinces) but watch the unemployment figures explode ;)

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Maybe the PAD are right. Maybe the PTP should get on with governing the country for the good of all Thais not just a convicted criminal.

I hear this tiresome line of attack constantly here and by the BlueSky boys. PT are governing the country. They have made significant inroads into the drug epidemic, rife under the Dems; delivered on many of their election promises, such as min. wage, tablets, etc.; done significant work on flood prevention; undergoing feasibility studies on high speed rail; solved border tension issues and agreed on joint ventures with neighboring countries.

For those who persistently falsely accuse the government of not delivering on election promises, don't you remember that they also promised rewriting the constitution, reconciliation bills and bringing home TS.

What a load of B/S , min wage only in 7 countys who for the most part were being paid that anyway, tabs, under a million distributed of the 11000000 promised , work on FLOOD prevention ??? lets wait till the rains come, we are still waiting for the promised COMPENSATION and the list goes on, take off your rose tinted classes and get REAL.

300 baht policy is a failure. It should be removed.

Why should I pay my maid 300 Baht / day for doing almost nothing. It is not my problem that she has an aggressive out of work drunk husband and 5 kids.

120 Baht, in my opinion is already too much, as she did not contribute much; just do a little house work.

Before we have the maid, I don't remember paying anything to my wife for doing the same, plus warm my bed at night.

Offcourse you paid the wife. And a dam_n lot more than 300b a day :D:D:p

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

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The PAD worries too much, our PM already said so in March this year

"Yingluck insisted that the on-going charter amendment was not aimed at helping anyone in particular.

She said the amendments sought to set up a new constitution drafting assembly and critics were worrying too much."


I'm sure we'll get more reinsurances soon as lots of Pheu Thai MPs have visited k. Thaksin to congratulate him with his birthday

Edited by rubl
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Also solved border tensions. Hahaha.

The border situation was instigated on the request of the former personal economic advisor to Hun Sen.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

Presumably your opinion, unless you have proof of treason that is?

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The PAD worries too much, our PM already said so in March this year

"Yingluck insisted that the on-going charter amendment was not aimed at helping anyone in particular.

She said the amendments sought to set up a new constitution drafting assembly and critics were worrying too much."


I'm sure we'll get more reinsurances soon as lots of Pheu Thai MPs have visited k. Thaksin to congratulate him with his birthday

Well I'll be more than interested in you telling me how the amendment to Section 291 were going to "help anyone in particular" which is presumably your usual veiled speaking approach which really meant "to help bring back thaksin".

So having got that into the open I'm sure you'll agree with me that the PAD have nothing to fear as the amendment to Section 291 was to provide for a CDA. Now thanks to the deliberate paranoia of the PAD and the dems the more democratic way where the people would have been involved in the writing of the constitution has been closed off (mainly due to the threatened mob demos causing trouble in the streets and the expense of having to have two referendums).

Amendments to the constitution will now more than likely take place within parliament with no public participation possible whatsover (unless you call skirmishes by the dems in parliament and PAD demos public participation).

So do you agree with me that the PAD "worries too much" ?

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Writing an entirely new constitution? When was that decided?

So, PPD apparently now thinks Parliament is unrepresentative of the people. That's a change from the previous tune. Whichever way the wind blows, as long as it suits your agenda. Machiavelli has little need for principle or consistency clap2.gif

And such touching concern about the huge expense of 2 referenda (no public participation here, either, apparently). Good one, PPD! cheesy.gif

Edited by Reasonableman
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Also solved border tensions. Hahaha.

The border situation was instigated on the request of the former personal economic advisor to Hun Sen.

sent from my Wellcom A90+

Presumably your opinion, unless you have proof of treason that is?

No proof. I was told that by a Thai. In a conversation about the Democrats. The person could not give evidence. Do you have evidence to state otherwise?

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

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