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Can I Apply To Visa At Same Time And Use Only One For The Moment?

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I just read in another topic, that Ed visa maybe canceled next year!

Now I want know, is it possible to apply for to visa at the same time, at Thai embassy in my home country, for Ed and non emigrant o, I plan to study later when immigrant o running out, end of next year!

Can I disided, what visa I want apply and use on the first entry!?

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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How do you plan to qualify for the O visa? You can study on that visa or even a tourist visa so why would you want two? No you can not have two active visas in passport and no there is no information about any end to ED visa category next year

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thx for information!

I have enough pension for non imigrant o, got it always in my embassy without any problems !

Within half hour, go there pay the fees, short look at income paper !

Sure the law not yet come, but when it would come , then I must apply maybe this year before the new law has been activated, during that time I use the non imigrant o , but getting to pass boards , is possible a German tourist told me last year, but you need a strong argument for example you go to 2 country's that dont like each other like china and Taiwan!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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