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Chiang Rai Bikers Day Ride Aug. 10, Friday


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The following e-mail went out to all on the mailing list concerning the August 10 Chiang Rai Bikers Day ride. Further details will come next week.

Hello all. I hope this e-mail finds you well. As always, if you would rather not receive these e-mails, just let me know. I will remove you from the list. And as always, if you know of someone who would like to be on the mailing list, let me know or have them contact me to be added.

We have a route for the Chiang Rai Bikers day Ride, August 11. The route is basically, leave CR PTT and exit town on the1211 highway (Old Chiang Mai Highway) and head south to the 118, head south on the 118 with the first stop being the Charin Resort for coffee, pie and take a pee. From Charin Resort, continue south on the 118 to the 120, which right before Mae Kachan. East (left) on the 120 to Phayao and lunch. (We will scout out lunch possibilities this week and send further info after the scouting ride). After lunch, some will head back to Chiang Rai via Highway 1 if they have had enough riding for the day and others will do the previous route in reverse. The reverse of this route is highly recommended because of the scenery on 120 and the desire to see the area from a different point of view than what was experienced on the way into Phayao. There will likely be another coffee session at the Charin Resort on the way back to Chiang Rai. (Charin has GREAT pie!)

Any tweaks in the route will be published soon in another e-mail after the scouting ride this coming week. Google map link for the start point and the route will be published and e-mailed at that time.

Looking forward to seeing you all on August 10. All bikes, all sizes and styles are welcome as are all riders, regardless of riding style and skills. The scooter crowd will enjoy this as much as the fast bikers will. I ride at the back of the group so if you’re a slower rider, we can keep each other company. I like to see the scenery. Also, cars and pickup type vehicles are welcome to join us with as many occupants as you care to bring. We also have one Chiang Rai lady who would like to go along if anyone has an extra seat in a four wheeI vehicle. Contact me for her contact info. If it is raining on the 10th, we will push the ride to the 11th. If it is still raining on the 11th, we will cool our heels and see what the weather is for the following week is. One way or another, we will get our August ride in with good weather.

Will send out an update at the end of the coming week but plan on joining us for the 10th.

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Hi everyone. My husband writes this below. Hope you can be with us on that day.smile.png

Hello all.

Please note that the Chiang Rai Bikers Day Ride for August is going ahead on the 10th (Friday) not the 11th. If there is big rain that day, we will push the ride back to the 11th. The Aug. 10 Chiang Rai Bikers Day Ride participants will meet at the PTT and Amazon Coffee stop on the super highway (Highway 1) at 08:30 and will depart at 09:00. The PTT is the one at the junction of the old bus station street and Highway 1. Grid coordinates for the PTT are 19.90334 and 99.84097

There is a basic route map at this link- http://goo.gl/maps/Qsx9j

Select satellite view and you can zoom in on Chiang Rai and see the PTT start location in relation to other local landmarks, such as the Highway 1 river bridge (north) and the old bus station (west). The blue route marker line, with a few negligible errors, shows the route through town and onto highway 1211, then to route 118, then to route 120 and then to Highway 1 and into Phayoa for the lunch break along the lake front. There is a white coffee cup marker on the route south of Chiang Rai and this indicates the Charin Resort and Café, which is the first and only “scheduled” stop between Chiang Rai and Phayoa. Between Charin resort and Phayao, everyone will stop as needed when they see a place that suits them. If anyone knows of an ideal spot after Charin resort, let us all know on Friday morning at the PTT.

Once lunch has finished, some will make the return trip to CR on the same route they came in on for another view of route 120. I am told that the return trip on the 120 is as worthy as the ride into Phayoa is. Others who need to get to CR quicker after lunch will take Highway 1 directly back to CR. The Highway 1 route is going to be a shorter ride to CR for those that have had enough at Phayao.

As always, all bikes and bikers are welcome, slow, fast, big, small and of course, four wheel vehicles are welcome too. I’ll be bringing up the rear with the slower crowd, 100cc to 200cc.

See you all on the 10th. Bring your cameras and your friends. Someone in CM make sure you have JB in tow.

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Hi everyone. Message about tomorrow ride is below. See you there!!smile.png

Ride is on for tomorrow, 60% chance of rain, same as today, which was beautiful here. Might encounter some rain on the ride but can sit it out over coffee and go again. See you all there. If we get rained out at meeting time tomorrow, we'll go for Saturday the 11th.

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Hi everyone. My husband writes about our ride from Friday. We have good fun on the day.clap2.gifbiggrin.png Hope to see you all next time. See his words below. Can pm me for add to the mailing list.wai.gif

The following e-mail went out to all on the day ride mailing list.

Hello all.

The August 10 ride went well. All told, we had 26 or 27 bikes participating, some of those were two-up. We left CR at 09:00 with a fair number of riders and enjoyed an extended coffee break at Charin Resort. At the junction of 118 and 120, we pulled off the road to regroup and were joined by several more bikes from CM. Arriving at Phayao, we discovered four more bikers from CR who had missed the 09:00 start time but wanted to make sure they joined us for lunch. I had guessed that we would have the smallest group yet because of the weather forecast but in the end, we had the most bikes attending to date. The ride is becoming a little more diversified all the time, with a total of, I think, thirteen Thai citizens joining us at one point or another. We had a nice variety of bikes, from scooters to the “hog” and of particular note, one CM group was riding the new Honda CRF bikes. I believe there were five of those, the wife thinks there were seven.

We had a nice collection of former participants with us as well as quite a few CR Day Ride first-timers. It is always nice to see the known friends and the new faces on these rides. Several times during the day, I heard comments mentioning that it was really great to be meeting new folks and making new acquaintances. And it is, isn’t it? I can’t speak for others but for me, this is the one event each month where I can say I have met yet another big group of really fine people who enjoy getting out and doing some of the same things I enjoy doing. As much as I enjoy spending time with the folks I already know, I am always pleased to ride with a group that has some new faces. Each ride I attend adds several really nice folks to mine and my wife’s list of acquaintances and for reasons I can only guess at, these rides attract some really, really good people.

The wife didn’t get too many pics on this one except for during the stops we made. We did make a u-turn and get some snaps of a waterfall and then about a minute later, rode by another without stopping to snap it. And of course, on the 120, there is a scenic turnout very high up where a person can get some nice panoramic snaps of the huge valley and distant mountains but we rode by that one without stopping, too. I think the wife really wanted to just enjoy the ride and do away with some of the “responsibility” that she typically carries with her. She did mention that we should have stopped at the scenic overlook though. My bad. I’ll post pics in the Chiang Rai Ties forum and in the following thread as I have time to do it and I’ll send a quick e-mail when it is done but as of this mailing, it isn’t done-


Rain? What rain? True, some of us did hit a couple of places where the clouds gathered briefly and spit at us for a minute or two but in the end, biker safety gear and all, I ended up with very minor sunburn. Temps were cool, the wind was down and the air was smoke-free. There were some really nice views on the 120 and that road surface was in pretty good condition. With all of the turns, ups, downs and the good road surface, I see why the road is popular with the faster bikes. And knowing we were going to be out there on a weekday, I expected quite a bit of traffic but once out of CR, we seemed to have the road to ourselves. Traffic was so sparse in places that I kept questioning myself as to whether I had the days mixed up and perhaps we were out on a Sunday instead of a Friday.

Meeting new people, expats and locals alike, adds so much to the day rides. Learning from other rider’s extended local knowledge of the surrounding areas and the route is just one benefit of spending time with a group. Discussing bike’s and bike capabilities also helps one choose more wisely when selecting the next model to be purchased. With the large selection of bikes participating in these rides and the willingness of the riders to share honest evaluations of their rides, I have learned so much about the advantages and the limitations of the different models and styles of bikes on the market. For me, every ride is an education in addition to a full, fun, social experience.

Another thing I notice on these rides is the safety factor that is observed by fellow riders. One fellow asked me before the start of this ride what the rules are for riding in a group. I told him that as far as I know, there really aren’t any hard rules but the one pet peeve I have is not riding in another rider’s blind spot and not having another rider in my blind spot. If a fellow ever has to swiftly change lanes, he sure doesn’t want to cut off, or collide with, a fellow rider. And truly, these participants are just as aware of the hazards as I am, which allows me to spend less time on the “defensive” and makes it a more pleasurable ride for me. I would guess that the fact that so many of the riders are old hands at this and have seen all the mistakes made before is what makes them a very safe group of folks to spend time with on the road. Thanks to all of you for helping make mine and my wife’s days a less cautious and more pleasurable experience.

For September, we do not have a route yet. A couple of fellows are thinking about calling that ride but if any of you want to lay out the route, let me know. We have lots of years and lots of rides in the future so anyone and everyone will have a chance to plan a route. September 10 of this year falls on a Monday and as far as I know, is not a Thai holiday.

Overnighter to Nan. Quite a few folks have expressed an interest in a longer ride, with an overnight stay in Nan. I am told that the routes there are beautiful and exciting. Since there is so much interest in this, we will add that ride to the list in the future. We will wait until the rainy season has subsided so we can get maximum participation. I think it would be good to make this the usual Chiang Rai Bikers Day Ride with everyone going as far as the lunch stop and after lunch, folks needing the day ride only can return to CR via a nice route and those wanting the overnight thing going on to Nan. However, if others think it would be better to have this on a separate day from the regular day ride, speak up. I am happy to do two rides that month if necessary. If any others of you think you have an interest in such an overnighter, please let us know. One night or two? Up to you all. Also, this ride may a good opportunity for some of the not-so far away Issan folks to join us at Nan. We are getting quite a bit of interest in our rides from the Issan area riders. At this point, I don’t know if we will need to coordinate overnight rooms in Nan or if we can just show up and be assured lodging. I’ll poke around and get some answers as we start to get an idea of how many will be going.

One other note concerning the overnighter- I have been thinking that I would like to have a nice group dinner on a night prior to a day ride. Maybe that overnight ride is a good time to do it. I am thinking of having an all-you-can-eat BBQ rib, baked potato, Southwest chili and taco feed for the group. Depending on how many show, we will select a local restaurant that can provide seating, service ware and drinks for however many attend. I would do the cooking of the ribs, chili and tacos, the restaurant would offer the drinks and whatever menu that they choose. Folks, I make some mean ribs, some fine chili and do pretty decent tacos so it would be a pretty darned good meal and a good time to visit and socialize. I wouldn’t want to foot the bill for this but I would like to offer it at cost. We would set a price for dinner, drinks would be extra from the restaurant and if we made anything over the cost, we can donate it wherever it is needed and if I went in the hole a bit on it, no big deal. As much as I would like to just provide a nice big free meal in order to get everyone together, the thing would surely be a funeral dinner for me as my wife would break my head. She watches the money a little more closely than I do. In fact, she doesn’t know that I am writing this and will soon have me explaining myself to her. HA! I am not afraid!

Okay. I’ve yacked enough. Thanks to all who participated in past rides and welcome to all who wish to participate in the future rides. Any feedback on anything to do with the rides is welcome and will be considered. We want only for the rides to get better as the years go by. So far, you folks have helped to make this ride the coolest thing going on in Chiang Rai each month. Thanks for that.

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