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Govt Will Never Drop Unity Bills: Thaksin Aide


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Govt won't drop unity bills, Thaksin aide

The Nation


BANGKOK: -- The government will never withdraw the reconciliation bills despite demands from the opposition Democrat Party and the People's Alliance for Democracy to abandon them, former premier Thaksin Shinawatra's local spokesman said yesterday.

Noppadon Pattama, Thaksin's legal adviser, said he did not think the bills were a ticking "time bomb" that would cause more strife in society.

"Thaksin and the Pheu Thai Party want to avoid conflict in order to keep politics stable. And for the government's survival, we won't do anything that could ignite a new conflict," he said.

The Democrats have campaigned against the government-sponsored constitutional amendment bill and reconciliation bills as trying to "whitewash" Thaksin, who has been convicted of political offences.

Noppadon said the ruling party would have to act fast on charter amendment after the Constitution Court released its official verdict in the case.

House Speaker Somsak Kiartsuranond should also stop trying to persuade the proponents of the reconciliation bills to retract them, he said.

"He should only do his job and stay impartial," he said.


-- The Nation 2012-07-31

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The most interesting thing here is the total absence of posters who in another thread complain about "Judiciary getting involved where they shouldn't" without even proof, but cannot be bothered to complain about a fugitive directing the current government's actions ermm.gif

I am not to surprised.
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"Thaksin and the Pheu Thai Party want to avoid conflict in order to keep politics stable. And for the government's survival, we won't do anything that could ignite a new conflict," he said.

If Thaksin want to avoid a conflict, why doesn´t he just shut the <profanity removed> up and stay in his sandpit in Dubai?bah.gif

Edited by metisdead
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Just trying to give himself a bit if free advertising, he has been out of the press for a few days, can't have that can we, i have noticed though that only a few posters have bothered to post ( if we ignore him maybe he will go away )

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Just trying to give himself a bit if free advertising, he has been out of the press for a few days, can't have that can we, i have noticed though that only a few posters have bothered to post ( if we ignore him maybe he will go away )

Thaksin is like herpes - it won't go away until they find a cure to kill it.

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The most interesting thing here is the total absence of posters who in another thread complain about "Judiciary getting involved where they shouldn't" without even proof, but cannot be bothered to complain about a fugitive directing the current government's actions ermm.gif

There is proof that the CC (I presume you're referring to them) has got involved where it shouldn't and is in plain view to posters on this forum. If you wish to ignore that proof, that is your choice, but do not deny its existence.

Possibly because they are underwhelmed by the hypocritical posters on here decrying the judges decisions with regard to granting bail to convicted police killers yet claiming judges should not be criticised as their rule is sacrosanct.

To your loaded "question" :

Possibly because they do not believe that Thaksin is running the government on a day to day basis like some on here.

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Move along folks, nothing new here. coffee1.gif

Not quite sure there is nothing new. I note the terminology in the article now says that Khun Thaksin was convicted of "political crimes".

Is this a deliberate downplaying of the seriouness of his crimes?

These news items based on Amsterdam press releases and Thaksins checkbook alway use the terms, "self exile" and Political offences". These terms paint Thaksin in a better light than convicted criminal and fugitive from justice.

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Just trying to give himself a bit if free advertising, he has been out of the press for a few days, can't have that can we, i have noticed though that only a few posters have bothered to post ( if we ignore him maybe he will go away )

Thaksin is like herpes - it won't go away until they find a cure to kill it.

yes...if you are strong, the herpes is hiding, when you are weak it is attacking again......So really Thaksin is the herpes of Thailand.

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Yesterday, Noppadon says:

The government will never withdraw the reconciliation bills

Noppadon speaks the truth...which lasted one day.

Today, the government spokesman says:

The government is shelving the reconciliation bills

I suppose it is a waste of time explaining to you the difference between withdrawing and shelving bills but I'll try.

To withdraw a bill is to retract it i.e not to support its passage through parliament, to stop it in other words.

To shelve a bill is literally to put it to one side until the moment is right to re - present the bill.

In other words your interpretation is wrong, not that you'll admit of course and will no doubt spin this part of the thread into the universe and beyond. I've said my piece and I've explained that what Noppodon said on two seperate occasions leads to the same meaning.

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Yesterday, Noppadon says:

The government will never withdraw the reconciliation bills

Noppadon speaks the truth...which lasted one day.

Today, the government spokesman says:

The government is shelving the reconciliation bills

I suppose it is a waste of time explaining to you the difference between withdrawing and shelving bills but I'll try.

To withdraw a bill is to retract it i.e not to support its passage through parliament, to stop it in other words.

To shelve a bill is literally to put it to one side until the moment is right to re - present the bill.

In other words your interpretation is wrong, not that you'll admit of course and will no doubt spin this part of the thread into the universe and beyond. I've said my piece and I've explained that what Noppodon said on two seperate occasions leads to the same meaning.

So they are withdrawn from the current agenda right?

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The most interesting thing here is the total absence of posters who in another thread complain about "Judiciary getting involved where they shouldn't" without even proof, but cannot be bothered to complain about a fugitive directing the current government's actions ermm.gif

There is proof that the CC (I presume you're referring to them) has got involved where it shouldn't and is in plain view to posters on this forum. If you wish to ignore that proof, that is your choice, but do not deny its existence.

Possibly because they are underwhelmed by the hypocritical posters on here decrying the judges decisions with regard to granting bail to convicted police killers yet claiming judges should not be criticised as their rule is sacrosanct.

To your loaded "question" :

Possibly because they do not believe that Thaksin is running the government on a day to day basis like some on here.

1. your proof is nothing more than an interpretation by some based on laws and (in Thailand non existing) jurisprudence). Others give a totally opposite view.

2. So some do not believe Thaksin runs the government on a day-by-day base. So do I. It's more on a weekly base with regular feedback sessions, phone-ins to wish the cabinet well, etc., etc. For some that seems OK then as long as it's not daily ermm.gif

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The most interesting thing here is the total absence of posters who in another thread complain about "Judiciary getting involved where they shouldn't" without even proof, but cannot be bothered to complain about a fugitive directing the current government's actions ermm.gif

There is proof that the CC (I presume you're referring to them) has got involved where it shouldn't and is in plain view to posters on this forum. If you wish to ignore that proof, that is your choice, but do not deny its existence.

Possibly because they are underwhelmed by the hypocritical posters on here decrying the judges decisions with regard to granting bail to convicted police killers yet claiming judges should not be criticised as their rule is sacrosanct.

To your loaded "question" :

Possibly because they do not believe that Thaksin is running the government on a day to day basis like some on here.

1. your proof is nothing more than an interpretation by some based on laws and (in Thailand non existing) jurisprudence). Others give a totally opposite view.

2. So some do not believe Thaksin runs the government on a day-by-day base. So do I. It's more on a weekly base with regular feedback sessions, phone-ins to wish the cabinet well, etc., etc. For some that seems OK then as long as it's not daily ermm.gif

Whatever, rubl...........whatever

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Yesterday, Noppadon says:

The government will never withdraw the reconciliation bills

Noppadon speaks the truth...which lasted one day.

Today, the government spokesman says:

The government is shelving the reconciliation bills

I suppose it is a waste of time explaining to you the difference between withdrawing and shelving bills but I'll try.

To withdraw a bill is to retract it i.e not to support its passage through parliament, to stop it in other words.

To shelve a bill is literally to put it to one side until the moment is right to re - present the bill.

In other words your interpretation is wrong, not that you'll admit of course and will no doubt spin this part of the thread into the universe and beyond. I've said my piece and I've explained that what Noppodon said on two seperate occasions leads to the same meaning.

You do realize that Noppadon is not the government spokesman, yes?.... although being Thaksin's spokesman is not that different a position.

The vernacular is indeed pliable.... "never" could mean infinity and "shelved" could mean 25 years.

So yes, if they are "unshelved" in 25 years, Noppadon's "never" is an accurate statement. :rolleyes:

Never mind that the actuality of Noppadon's statement and the government spokesman's statement are incongruent.

Laughable to be defending Noppadon's variances of speech... :cheesy: but go right ahead.


Edited by Buchholz
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