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Does Anyone Recommend Me With A Best Mosquito Spray Or Repellent In Cm In Case Of Dengue Fever?

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So unless you have a plastic prosthetic leg you should not worry about DEET !!!!

The simple fact is that there are many liquids that in concentrated amounts will dissolve things but we still ingest them. Coke dissolving nails and teeth comes to mind. DEET has been around for half a century and is accepted by the medical authorities as not injurious to us if used as directed.

Also, if you accept that your attractiveness to mosquitos is due to you individual body chemistry then the intelligent thing to do is to try various products until you find one or more that work for you. For example I like to use a natural spray like Sabu Sabu if I am at home. It advises reapplication every two hours which is fine when a bottle is close to hand, but I have to accept that as someone who is a mosquito magnet I need something stronger when I go out for a longer time. That is when I use a DEET spray. I like Jaico because it works for me but it is costly & even then I get the odd bite if I have not applied it sufficiently well.

If I get bitten I use Fenistil gel that I buy at Boots. It is by far the best at moderating the itching & redness but of course does nothing for protection against infection.

Good luck with your experiences, it is not easy to keep these insects at bay, but well worth the effort.


I was in a pharmacy the other day and they had a product that was 75% deet. I didn't even know they made that strength. The lady advised to keep that to the clothing. I was impressed.



Does it have to cover all areas or can one of the little buggers settle down for a meal on one inch away from a area that is covered?

In my case it is essential to make certain that all exposed areas are covered with repellant. So I spray a few times on my hand & then wipe it over a given area & repeat until all is covered. If I miss even a small area they find it. Drives me mad but it is the only way that I can stay pretty well without bites. Having said that a few days ago I was washing the car & one little bug*** got up my pants & savaged my gluteous maximus, so they even go where the sun don't shine!!!

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