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Is There Employment For An Alcohol/drug Counselor In Thailand..


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I have been reading some of the threads in regards to alcohol problems. I have been a counselor for drug/alcohol programs for 12yrs. I am getting ready to make the move to Phuket, and figured that there would be no employment opportunities in my field. After reading the posts, I am wondering, does Thailand have drug rehab programs? Problem being my Thai is limited and not sure if they would have programs geared toward farangs? If anyone knows anything regarding this..a reply would be appreciated. Or, possibly the need for, one on one free lance counseling in this area? Thank you in advance


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(4) Being mentally unstable or having any of the diseases as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

Above is MFA quote on qualifications for a visa to Thailand. As alcoholism or drug use are among the diseases as prescribed there is obviously no requirement for your services among the foreign community. :o

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(4) Being mentally unstable or having any of the diseases as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

Above is MFA quote on qualifications for a visa to Thailand. As alcoholism or drug use are among the diseases as prescribed there is obviously no requirement for your services among the foreign community. :o


Well thanks for the info, but I am not quite sure what you mean by that? *S* It is very early in the morning here, and maybe I'm just not awake. Could you elaborate a bit more? I am also not familiar with the abbreviation MFA. I am just wondering if there is a need for such services, ie: drug and alcohol counseling, and if they have drug and alcohol rehabs in Thailand? Thanks so much, for your time on this matter...*S*


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I have been reading some of the threads in regards to alcohol problems. I have been a counselor for drug/alcohol programs for 12yrs. I am getting ready to make the move to Phuket, and figured that there would be no employment opportunities in my field. After reading the posts, I am wondering, does Thailand have drug rehab programs? Problem being my Thai is limited and not sure if they would have programs geared toward farangs? If anyone knows anything regarding this..a reply would be appreciated. Or, possibly the need for, one on one free lance counseling in this area? Thank you in advance


Hi Sunshine,

There are positions available. I do some voluntary work in the largest drug and alcohol rehabilitation/treatment centre in Thailand, but just really to keep myself sober. This is in Isaan, i'm not sure about Phuket, but I'll try to find out for you. There will be a lot of tourist/expat in the hospitals there but they will be treated by Thai doctors. If you are wanting to do it for very little cash, you can. I was offered a full-time position for 5,000 baht a month, which was of course not enough.

Your best bet would be to do freelance work. There is a guy doing it in Bangkok at a place called PSI on Sukh soi 43. I could maybe find out a contact address for him.

If you want more info - PM me.



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MFA is Ministry of Foreign Affairs - if you US that would be Department of State.

To obtain a visa to Thailand you must not be a drug user or alcoholic is the regulation.

Humor was the intent. :D

Obviously fell flat. :o

Hi there,

Thanks for clearing that up for me..*S* I guess if I was more familiar with things, I would have gotten the humor. There are many different terms in Thailand, which I will have to familiarize myself with. Thanks again


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doh! accidentally hit reply and can't edit my post.

Anyway, what i was trying to say is there is a new health resort on Layan beach in phuket called Bundarika. I was told that their spa was going to have detox programmes for people who wanted to give up alchohol or cigarettes (possibly drugs as well i guess).

They might be interested in hiring a counselor.

They haven't opened yet but u can try emailing them. Their website is:


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there is a new resort on Layan beach in Phuket called Bundarika.

I heard

And? You have shares? :o Seriously... do they have a Wellness centre? I'm also interested in this line of therapy for written research.

lol, no i dont have shares but i know someone who works there.

I was told it was going to be along the lines Chivasom in Hua Hin but not as strict - dieticians issuing controlled diets spa regimes, yoga etc.

It was meant to open last year but was destroyed by the tsunami 1 day before they were due to open. Dont know much more about them apart from its quite small and their rates look pretty expensive.

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There are a few upmarket Phuket resorts now with Health & Wellness centres. You might consider approaching them to offer your services to wealthier visitors on detox programs.

Hey Khall64au,

Once again, excellent feedback. I will most definately look into that, sounds very interesting. Thanks again, you are like a vast well of knowledge..*S* I really enjoy your imput...take care


doh! accidentally hit reply and can't edit my post.

Anyway, what i was trying to say is there is a new health resort on Layan beach in phuket called Bundarika. I was told that their spa was going to have detox programmes for people who wanted to give up alchohol or cigarettes (possibly drugs as well i guess).

They might be interested in hiring a counselor.

They haven't opened yet but u can try emailing them. Their website is:


Hi Tom yum goong,

Nice to meet you, thank you for your reply. I will most certainly look into that, sounds right up my alley. Do you know what their estimated opening date would be? I will check into the web site. Thanks again for the feedback, really good stuff. Take care..


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