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A Depressing Day

Gary A

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I have had similar luck as Tommo. Quite a few years ago we lost 5 liters of fuel, but everyone knows who it was and the guy was in pretty bad shape financially. Everyone shamed him pretty bad. We have bananas that hang out over the road and people don't even take the purple flower pod. My farm is one of only a few that got the solar cells from the government. And about 6 years ago the government was dumping gravel on the dirt track going to my farm and one truckload was dumped on the road inside of my gate. A friend of BIL talked him and my wife into planting long eggplant. He told us what sprays to use and how to plant and then took my BIL and our first 2 picks to Lomsak (we paid for fuel) and introduced BIL to the buyers. Theiving does go on, but it seems to be more impulse as opposed to planned theivery and my place is way off the beaten path.

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Gary, sorry to hear about your troubles. I can understand how you feel. I also have a pond and fish that I raised from fingerlings to decent size, purely for fishing and relaxation. Knowing someone stole my fish and was probably bragging and eating them would really piss me off.

I have a fence topped with barbed wire around my 12rai - not really to keep people out, but to keep pit bulls in. Whilst the dogs sleep with me, they are very sensitive to noise.

On that fence I put big signs in Thai "Beware of Dogs" and locals see me walking the dogs around the property regularly. It would be a pretty brave (or drunk) person to jump over my fence to try and steal a few fish.

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Gary, sorry to hear about your troubles. I can understand how you feel. I also have a pond and fish that I raised from fingerlings to decent size, purely for fishing and relaxation. Knowing someone stole my fish and was probably bragging and eating them would really piss me off.

I have a fence topped with barbed wire around my 12rai - not really to keep people out, but to keep pit bulls in. Whilst the dogs sleep with me, they are very sensitive to noise.

On that fence I put big signs in Thai "Beware of Dogs" and locals see me walking the dogs around the property regularly. It would be a pretty brave (or drunk) person to jump over my fence to try and steal a few fish.

Think you are in more danger from the pit bulls than the locals. Jim
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