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Has 'Ajarn' Died?


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Traveller 45, 'weak characters around who might be enticed to imitating..'

If someone is depressed or commits suicide, why do you judge them as weak? Is this your area of expertise?

If you are an expert, enlighten me, if not, you are in no position to judge.

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What gets me is that in 'his' article on his website he states he has no friends and his parents, brothers and sisters are all dead. Then on the City Life site his sister is posting comments.


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What gets me is that in 'his' article on his website he states he has no friends and his parents, brothers and sisters are all dead. Then on the City Life site his sister is posting comments.


Often happens...

Families break up for lots of reason. Deaths force a reunion of sorts. I wish his sister well and hope she will come to terms with it..

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First--let me add my condolences and respects to the 'late' gentleman--but there really does seem to be something strange going on after reading through the CityLife page--his non-existant sister seems very much alive and obviously very sad and upset; and there are other 'inconsistencies'. Not trying to suggest anything 'untoward' but, from reading his siter's comments--one and one do not add up.

Please can the people who really did know this unfortunate guy--sort things out--for his remaining family--here and abroad.

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Extremely suspicious. Forensically it's full of oddities, leading me to the conclusion at the end.

I'll let you decide:

It gets more than 1 million people viewing each month.

Normal: It gets more than 1 million viewers each month.

This type of syntax is often seen when Asian speakers write, due to the structure of their native language.

As written: I am allowed by noone to do whatever I want.

Normal English: I can do whatever I want.

Note: Again, a common error for native Asian speakers. The sentence makes no sense to an American.

That gives me a great sense.

This makes no sense, but again, this is a common construct for an Asian speaker.

An American would write: I feel at ease here, or I have a great or good sense of security here.

Dyeing = to color fabric with a chemical that imparts color.

Dieing = the process at the end of life.

Note: This one alone sticks out as an English teacher looks for common mistakes that he can predict a student will make where similar sounding words have different meaning. Anyone who teaches English knows the difference.

But it is a comfortable time for me

Odd sentence, most would write simply: I’m comfortable here

I found a good woman to marry, which will keep the police away.

This just doesn’t make any sense at all.

Unless it’s meant to say: "If you find my body, realize that I am telling you that I will kill myself—so let my new wife have all my remaining money, then go away, and please don’t investigate my death because you might find that I (the writer of this odd page) actually murdered him for what was left of his estate."

I do hope his death is investigated. If he died penniless that is one thing...if he died with a considerable amount of money left, one must wonder...

Edited by jsflynn603
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Jeez, how sad.

I remember reading his site, his recipes, and all his motorcycle trips - how he just managed to reach the shelter of a highway flyover before the torrential rain hit etc.

Must be well over 10 years ago, in the early days of the internet. He seemed to have such an active life.


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Extremely suspicious. Forensically it's full of oddities, leading me to the conclusion at the end.

I'll let you decide:

It gets more than 1 million people viewing each month.

Normal: It gets more than 1 million viewers each month.

This type of syntax is often seen when Asian speakers write, due to the structure of their native language.

As written: I am allowed by noone to do whatever I want.

Normal English: I can do whatever I want.

Note: Again, a common error for native Asian speakers. The sentence makes no sense to an American.

That gives me a great sense.

This makes no sense, but again, this is a common construct for an Asian speaker.

An American would write: I feel at ease here, or I have a great or good sense of security here.

Dyeing = to color fabric with a chemical that imparts color.

Dieing = the process at the end of life.

Note: This one alone sticks out as an English teacher looks for common mistakes that he can predict a student will make where similar sounding words have different meaning. Anyone who teaches English knows the difference.

But it is a comfortable time for me

Odd sentence, most would write simply: I’m comfortable here

I found a good woman to marry, which will keep the police away.

This just doesn’t make any sense at all.

Unless it’s meant to say: "If you find my body, realize that I am telling you that I will kill myself—so let my new wife have all my remaining money, then go away, and please don’t investigate my death because you might find that I (the writer of this odd page) actually murdered him for what was left of his estate."

I do hope his death is investigated. If he died penniless that is one thing...if he died with a considerable amount of money left, one must wonder...

I got to thinking about how some of the misspellings and poor syntax might have occurred. It is possible that, because of his failing health, he dictated the contents of the webpage to a Thai person. Particularly if the dictation were progressing slowly, or thoughts had been repeated for the benefit of the typist, and then given that the typist was not a native speaker of English, I can see how the resulting messages on the website came about.

On another thought though, who else among us is feeling friendless and hopeless? It can be a lonely place here, even with thousands of others all around. Let's not be afraid to ask for a little companionship and maybe even hand holding when we feel the need.

Edited by MrBrad
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I'm not sure how I feel about this.

For sure I feel sad for Larry. He was faced with difficult decisions and I hope he made the right ones.

But mostly I feel sad that he felt he had no friends and felt so alone. From comments, he clearly had a lot to offer. Perhaps if many of us had known, we would have done something. I believe I would have.

I also hope he jackhammered some holes in the bottom of that pool he loved so much, but that the garden continues to bloom.

I have never used an emoticon before...so this ones for you Larry.sad.png

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Extremely suspicious. Forensically it's full of oddities, leading me to the conclusion at the end.

I'll let you decide:

It gets more than 1 million people viewing each month.

Normal: It gets more than 1 million viewers each month.

This type of syntax is often seen when Asian speakers write, due to the structure of their native language.

As written: I am allowed by noone to do whatever I want.

Normal English: I can do whatever I want.

Note: Again, a common error for native Asian speakers. The sentence makes no sense to an American.

That gives me a great sense.

This makes no sense, but again, this is a common construct for an Asian speaker.

An American would write: I feel at ease here, or I have a great or good sense of security here.

Dyeing = to color fabric with a chemical that imparts color.

Dieing = the process at the end of life.

Note: This one alone sticks out as an English teacher looks for common mistakes that he can predict a student will make where similar sounding words have different meaning. Anyone who teaches English knows the difference.

But it is a comfortable time for me

Odd sentence, most would write simply: I’m comfortable here

I found a good woman to marry, which will keep the police away.

This just doesn’t make any sense at all.

Unless it’s meant to say: "If you find my body, realize that I am telling you that I will kill myself—so let my new wife have all my remaining money, then go away, and please don’t investigate my death because you might find that I (the writer of this odd page) actually murdered him for what was left of his estate."

I do hope his death is investigated. If he died penniless that is one thing...if he died with a considerable amount of money left, one must wonder...

It would seem that the police may be interested in interviewing this David dude mentioned in City Life, whoever he is. There was something in the Thai papers about this case perhaps 2-3 weeks ago that also made mention of a guy named David who apparently knew about the finances of the man who claimed to not have any friends. So there are some odd things here.

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I have just viewed his website and sitting here in tears for Christ sake. A most depressing, sad and tragic state of affairs.

Did anyone who knew of his plight take any interest in this guy, as it is obvious he was suffering both inside and out. He must have died destitute, alone and with a feeling of great pain, sadness and hopelessness. Cannot think of any words to describe this.

I am wondering how many other ex-pats that are living in Thailand are also in pain, feeling depressed and suffering in silence, where no one wants to get involved or cares?

Thank you loaded for bringing this story to our attention. It is certainly an eye opener.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Apparently someone else is now running Larry's website:

Posted A week ago

Hello All,

I am a long-time friend of the original owner, Lawrence Wheeler. I was his neighbor in Chiang Mai and we spent many evenings together talking about travel and food. Lawrence has recently handed over control of this website to me. I will do my best to keep it up to his standard.

Over the next few weeks I will be updating the site and look forward to your suggestions.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you,

Robert Mortenson

Check this page from Google cache:


It was visible earlier today, now it's gone....:


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I was acquainted with Larry well enough over the decades that on the rare occasion that we met on the street we would nod or exchange short pleasantries although we would rarely remember each other's name. On the other hand, online, we exchanged thoughts often over many years, beginning on SCT. I never realized the man I would on the rare occasion briefly greet was the same person I knew online and who I engaged with in extended online conversations. We were both equally guarded about our privacy in that sense. I had a similar experience after Blink Bill passed, learning that this online presence that I found quite distasteful was actually someone I use to drink with on a regular basis back in the 1980s.

So to my acquaintance Larry, as well as to my long time online friend Achaan, happy trails, smooth sailing, and bye bye for now.

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Thanks maejoman for the link to Larry's website!! Al tho I only knew him a short time after his first stroke and his speech was quite impaired, I felt that 'there was something more to this guy' and his writings on his travels are testimony to that.....wonderful read and great fotos. It will turn out that his legacy as a historian will live on long after his passing.

RIP Larry

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It would seem that the police may be interested in interviewing this David dude mentioned in City Life, whoever he is. There was something in the Thai papers about this case perhaps 2-3 weeks ago that also made mention of a guy named David who apparently knew about the finances of the man who claimed to not have any friends. So there are some odd things here.

David is a member here I believe, he can probably put our minds at ease and supply additional information.

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I didn't know Larry at all and, as a matter of fact, this is the first time I have heard about him. But reading what he wrote has struck me deeply. I strongly hope that wherever he finds himself now he can have that serenity and peace that he would have deserved here.

May your soul rest in peace.

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I am not usually a conspiracy theorist but here I can't help but go...hmmmm.

First his sister's comment on CityLife, then the poor English but most of all, how was he destitute? His website might look like something from 1998 but it alone is enough to comfortably live on, and if he couldn't monetize it I am sure he was at least aware an aged website with traffic is worth very good money to the right person.

Edited by firestar
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When someone knows the funeral arangements please post them. It is unlikely that I can come but I am sure he will see that he did indeed have friends.

The funeral was on 21 July.

I don't think it was announced anywhere, which may well have been according to his wishes.

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Very sad story. Saddest though is that - due to the well-spotted spelling and grammar mistakes on Larry's website - doubts are bubbling up in regards to possible foul play... The answer to this we most likely will never learn.

The part about the Thai landlord however is so "real life in Thailand" and making me so dam_n angry, that today again is one of those days where I wonder if I really have found the right country to eventually retire...

RIP, Larry! Hope you are happy and healthy and in your prime, surrounded by magical colors, music and landscapes, unconditional love, and family. And I hope that you get dealt a better hand of cards for your next life on earth, since all is eternal and nothing is lost.

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Ok, enough of the junior detective posts. If you think something wrong was done, this is not the place to deal with it. Stop derailing this topic. We had one chance to say good bye, and unfortunately the thread got hijacked.

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