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Favorite Funniest Movie Moments


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I was just thinking about my favorite funniest movie moments. There are mine, what’s yours?

10) American Pie2, using glue for lube

9) Airplane – Otto the auto pilot

8) Blazing saddles – when the new sheriff rides into town

7) Space balls, Pizza The Hut (otherwise stupid movie BTW)

6 ) Airplane – The screen where they are beating up the hysterical passenger

5) Monty Python Holy Grail – the Knights of the round table song (although there are a tone of great scenes in that one)

4) American Pie, The Nadia/Internet scene

3) Being John Malcovich – the story of the 7 ½ floor (i think it’s 7 ½, i can’t remember) and the Scots man and the midget wife.

2) Life of Brian, the space alien battle

1) Being John Malcovich – where John Cuzak meets Nadine in the bar after work and he’s trying to be all cool. She says “do you like my t_i_t_s” and says “oh no, i wasn’t thinking about your t_i_t_s”, and she says “oh, i get it, your gay, well lets swap recepies some time, bye” and he replies in a panic, “no, I love your t_i_t_s, i want to f&%k ‘em now”!

There’s a lot more but these are just off the top of my head

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There is something about Mary...

When the two policemen subject to interrogation to Ben Stiller for murder...actually the murderer was the hicth-hicker he pickep up on the road...but he knows nothing about it so there is a great misunderstanding...I particularly like when one of the police men hit him and he fall from the chair ( this situation is a bit similar in the book WILT by tom sharpe)

I also like the film meet the parents...I like when Robert de Niro is reading the poem that he wrote to his mother...What a horrible poem!

there are many more but these two will do for now...

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"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the War Room!" (Dr. Strangelove) :D

All the moments involving women in Henry Miller's "Quiet Days in Clichy"

In "Fear and loathing in Las Vegas", when the guy casually walks into the room and you notice he's got a dinosaur tail :D

Sooo many Mel Brooks moments had me laughing mein ass off, one particular one was when the professor in "Young Frankenstein" gets so excited in his lecture that he sticks a little knife in his leg!

So many hilarious moments in Pulp Fiction too, one of my favs is when they think they got away with it and Mr. Wolf sez "Well, let's not start sucking each other's dicks just yet."

And, of course, the scene in Full Metal Jacket which needs no refering to, since it's been a part of any male on this forum's life at some point or another :o

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Slapshot - The first shift where the Hanson brothers got on the ice.

American Pie2 - The look on Eugene Levy's face when the scene opened in the ER waiting room.

American Wedding - "I told you that guy wanted to ______ me!"/Granny in the closet./"Well I did ____ your mom....twice"

Night Patrol - The opening scene where he pulls over the perverted frenchman in the straightjacket.

Dumb & Dumber - The toilet scene with Jeff Daniels.

Beevis & Butthead Do America - "Cornholio" in the whitehouse.

Up in Smoke (Cheech & Chong) - "I had to follow that dog around for a week" / "Dave's not here man"

so many more.................


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One of the Pink Panther movies when Sellers asks the motel manager "Does your dog bite?" - when told no, he pets the dog and it bites him.... Peters says "I thought you said your dog did not bite!" and the manager said "That is not my dog!"

Or any other of the 100's of moments that Peter Sellers gave us.

Monty Pythons "The knights who say Nii" from Holy Grail

The meaning of life. When john Cleese is actually showing the children at school about love making.as he is having sex with his wife, he is asking the kids questions as only a school teacher could.

Farting scene of Blazing Sadles...(flatulent cowboy syndrome ? ) :o

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Austin Powers, Goldmember.

Where he meets the Japanese twins, striking out things to do before dying, when the beer pops "I swear it never happens".

The scene where he talks to Foxy Cleopatra through an old ugly katoey.

The scene with dirty bastard in the changing room "I don't remember eating that".

Hilarious movie, practically end-to-end with excellent cracks.

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For me the funniest movie I have watched in ages is the brilliant "Wasabi" with Jean Reno. Even though it is sub-titled from the original French, it takes nothing away from this non stop hillarious film. Particularly good are the katoey bank robbers scene, and the wasabi scene.

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Ah... so many great moments...

my favorite has to be the scene in a movie called "The Money Pit".. where something happens which sets off a chain of hilarious events within the house as it's being renovated.. :o

Also a movie to note is The Big Lobowski... the humour in that film is fantastic.

totster :D

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My favourite, favourite has to be the lift scene in one of the Pink panther movies where Peter Sellers has cotton wool stuffed in his mouth to make him sound like the Godfather.

Three other guys in the lift are also "Mafia Types"

Then somebody farts... and their eyes are all darting from one person to the other.

I heard it took about 30 takes because the Producer would just say the word "NOW" and they would all just crack up laughing :o

PRICELESS, Sellers was a comedy genius.

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The scene in 'NL's Vacation' where Chevy Chase is trying to convince Rusty that the naked girl in the pool with him was a waitress come to take his order

'Do you think Mom will buy it?'

'Life Of Brian' The stoning scene amongst so many others. 'Making it worse for myself???.........'

'The Big Lebowski' When asked if he's employed...'This is a work day?'

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Why has no-one mentioned the drunken and the horse scene from Cat Ballou? Also Jack Lemmon diving off the tower in The Great Race. " I have a boat waiting". The paint firing guns in Kelly's Heroes. The opening scene in 'Dead men don't wear plaid' with Steve Martin shaving his tongue. Clousou's servant jumping out the fridge. Also the opening bit of 'The Jerk' But one of my favourites was the catacombs in ' What Did You Do in the War Daddy'

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This thread is fun.. lots of memories....

And jeez, there are soooo many good movie moments, but yeah, I{m gonna have to go with Peter Sellers leading in terms of the number of absolutely ROTFLMAO moments....And, also a very honourable mention must go to Herbert Lom (Chief Inspector Dreyfuss) and Burt Kwuok (Cato the oriental servent)

Memorable Quotes from

Revenge of the Pink Panther (1978)


Cato: Please, boss! I thought you were dead!

Clouseau: So! As a tribute to my memory, you open this... this Chinese nookie factory!


[Philippe Douvier just set up a trap for Chief Inspector Jacques Clouseau and "invited" him to it with a phone call]

Simone Le Gree: That's so obvious, he's bound to think it's a trap...

Philippe Douvier: Yes, or it's so obvious that he's bound to think it can't be a trap.

Cato: It's so obvious, it's bound to be a trap.

Clouseau: That is why you'll never be a great detective, Cato. It's so obvious that it could not possibly be a trap.

Clouseau´s (sellers) timing was impeccable and he was a master at his art in all his films, from Kubrick to Edwards of course....

As it is the year of the Pink Panther , here´s some more one liner´s from the man, back in the 60´s

Memorable Quotes from

The Pink Panther Strikes Again (1976)

[after Clouseau accidentally reduces a piano to a pile of splinters]

Mrs. Leverlilly: You've ruined that piano!

Clouseau: What is the price of one piano compared to the terrible crime that's been committed here.

Mrs. Leverlilly: But that's a priceless Steinway!

Clouseau: Not anymore! :D


Francois: Do you know what kind of a bomb it was?

Clouseau: The exploding kind.


Clouseau: Does your dog bite?

Hotel Clerk: No.

Clouseau: [bowing down to pet the dog] Nice doggie.

[Dog barks and bites Clouseau in the hand]

Clouseau: I thought you said your dog did not bite!

Hotel Clerk: That is not my dog.


[last lines - Cato as usual is lying in wait for his boss...]

Clouseau: Cato! You imbecile! Not now!


Clouseau: There is someone in this room who knows more about the murder than he is telling.

Mrs. Japonica: Murder?

Clouseau: What was that you said?

Mrs. Japonica: I said "murder".

Clouseau: What murder?

Mrs. Japonica: I-I-I don't know, y-you said "murder".

Clouseau: I said murder? *You* said murder!

Mrs. Japonica: No, I said murder because *You* said murder.

Clouseau: *I* said murder?


Clouseau: [on the phone] Hello?... Yes. There is a beautiful woman in my bed, and a dead man in my bath.


Clouseau: [after knocking Cato unconscious, goes to answer the phone] Relax. I'll get it.


Clouseau: Now then, what do we know? One, that Professor Fassbinder and his daughter have been kidnapped. Two, that someone has kidnapped them. Three, that my hand is on fire.


[Clouseau has dressed himself as a local doctor/dentist in order to gain access to the gothic castle that is Dreyfus' headquarters; he is now examining Dreyfus for a bad tooth, but accidentally puts his thumb in Dreyfus' eye instead]

Dreyfus: OW! My eye!

Clouseau: Your eye? I thought it was your tooth.

Dreyfus: It IS my tooth!

Clouseau: I wish you'd make your mind up; I don't normally make castle-calls in the middle of the night! :o


[Clouseau is walking through a pitch-black room with a match in his hand; calling out]

Clouseau: Is there anybody hiding there in the dark?


Clouseau: Hello Mr Commissioner. How are Mrs Commissioner and the little Commissioners?

and of course...One of the best of the series...

Memorable Quotes from

The Return of the Pink Panther (1975)

Blind beggar: I am a musician and the monkey is a businessman. He doesn't tell me what to play, and I don't tell him what to do with his money.


[after an incident involving a blind beggar]

Dreyfus: The beggar was the lookout man for the gang.

Clouseau: That is impossible. How can a blind man be a lookout?

Dreyfus: [insinuating Clouseau] How can an idiot be a police officer?

Clouseau: Well, all he has to do is enlist...

Dreyfus: Shut up!


Clouseau: I arrest you, Sir Charles Phantom, the notorious pink Lytton. :D


[after inadvertently destroying much of the hotel he is in]

Clouseau: I must leave. Zis Hotel is deteriorating rapidly.


[to a Taxi driver]

Clouseau: Follow that car!

[driver gets out of the taxi and follows the car]


(Kayo entry) Entering a hotel in Gstaad... a man approaches Clouseau, and says,

"May I take your coat?"

"Oh thank you" and Cl. gives his coat.

"May I take your Hat?" -Gives the hat,

"Your Gloves?"

Your Car Keys?"

The man goes outside, puts on the hat, coat and gloves, gets into clouseau´s car, adn drives off.... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Clouseau: Does Lady Lytton have a swimming pewl?

Hotel Concierge: A swimming pewl?


Col. Sharkey: I will be forced to shoot you.

Claudine: Who's forcing you?


[Chief Inspector Dreyfuss has gone berserk, shooting at Clouseau and Lytton]

Sir Charles Lytton: He's out of ammunition.

Inspector Jacques Clouseau: He's out of his mind, that's what he's out of. :D


[Cato has just attacked Clouseau, causing extensive damage to the restaurant he's eating in]

Clouseau: You raving Oriental idiot! There is a time and a place for everything, Cato! And this is it!

[Clouseau goes to attack Cato with a extreme slow motion flying karate kick, but misses and destroys the restaurant's kitchen]


Inspector Jacques Clouseau: [in Dreyfus' office, after Clouseau's apartment has been bombed]

I tell you, infamous powers are at work! The instant you assign me to a case, the Underworld hears about it and I am set upon! It is amazing that I am still alive!

Dreyfus: [forcing himself not to giggle] "Amazing" is the polite term.

Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Do I detect something in your voice that says I am in disfavor with you?

Dreyfus: YES! I wish you were DEAD!

Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Well, of course, you are entitled to your opinion. :D


Dreyfus: [after Clouseau's fiasco with the bank robbers] ... You are suspended for six months, without pay, effective immediately! Have you anything to say?

Inspector Jacques Clouseau: ...Could you lend me fifty francs? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Dreyfus: [after Clouseau has demolished two trucks and a swimming pool in Nice] Now he's off to Gstaad. Today, a paradise in the Swiss Alps - tomorrow, a wasteland.

[rolls his eyes and lets out a deep breath]

Dreyfus: Compared to Clouseau, Attila the Hun was a Red Cross volunteer!


Inspector Jacques Clouseau: [at Lytton Manor in Nice, while working undercover as a telephone repairman, Clouseau has already annihilated the Lyttons' doorbell!] ... I am from the Nice Telephone Company; there is some trouble with your phone.

Lytton Valet: ...I don't think there's any trouble with the telephones here.

Inspector Jacques Clouseau: I know when there is a trouble, and when there is not a trouble, and you may rest assured that there is a trouble.

Lytton Valet: Since when?

Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Since it was reported.

Lytton Valet: By whom? And what sort of trouble is it?

Inspector Jacques Clouseau: If I knew that, I could simply call you up and tell you what the trouble with your telephone is!

Claudine: Well... Whatever the trouble is, I hope you locate it.

Inspector Jacques Clouseau: Madame, it is my business to locate trouble...

[He misses the door to the study, crashing headlong into the wall; being Clouseau, he isn't even fazed]

Inspector Jacques Clouseau: ...Er, no trouble back there!

And then, just for a bonus, one of my favorites was a non Pink Panther, but very much Blake Edwards/Peter Sellers veichule...

In this one, a lot more of the humour is Visual, but still, there was something hugely eccentricly excellent about Peter Sellers playing aan Indian, crappy movie star wannabe...

Read in Indian AAccentss:

Memorable Quotes from

The Party (1968)

Peter Sellers is Hrundi V. Bakshi:

Hrundi V. Bakshi: Birdie Num Num


Hrundi Bakshi: Wisdom is the province of the aged, but the heart of a child is pure.


Director: You.

Hrundi V. Bakshi: Me?

Director: Yes, you. Get off of my set, and out of my picture. Off, off! You're washed up, you're finished! I'll see to it that you never make another movie again!

Hrundi V. Bakshi: Does that include television, sir?


Hrundi V. Bakshi: We have a saying in India...

Michelle Monet: Yes?

Hrundi V. Bakshi: Yes.

Michelle Monet: Well?

Hrundi V. Bakshi: Well what?


Hrundi V. Bakshi: Hrundi V. Bakshi.

Michelle Monet: Pardon?

Hrundi V. Bakshi: That is what my name is called.


C. S. Divot: You mashuga!

Hrundi V. Bakshi: I am not your sugar.


Hrundi V. Bakshi: Howdy partiner.


Levinson: [Comes in with a plate of hors d'oeuvres with Hrundi's shoe on top of it]

Would you care for some hors-d'oeuvres sir?

Hrundi V. Bakshi: I am on a diet, but to hel_l with it!

[Takes his shoe]


Edited by kayo
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"Blue Collar Comedy Tour" - Jeff Foxworthy talking about ridiculous law suits - going to sue Hustler magazine for Carpel Tunnel Syndrome of the wrist for looking/wanking over too many centerfolds! :o

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Any moment in a Harold Lloyd film. :D

Ah, I used to love watching Harold Llyod films as a kid, but can't remember them at all now apart from the opening credits when he used to hang off the buildings wall clock.

Peter Sellers in 'The Party'

Woody Allen throughout 'Annie Hall', and 'Play it again, Sam'

and pretty much all of Bogie's dialogue in 'The Big Sleep'. :D

couple of modern ones -

'Zoolander', when they are trying to get the files out of the computer and parody '2001'. :o

Brad Pitts brief appearence as the dopehead in 'True Romance' and Oldman playing 'Drescall' springs to mind too.

Ah, too many classics scenes to name, I hate these threads really, just not enough time to put everything in.

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The Brady Bunch Movie. Alice and Sam the Butcher had been to the meat cutters ball and Alice comes out from under the stairwell with full bondage gear on.

Nearly peed my pants at that.

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Slapshot - The first shift where the Hanson brothers got on the ice.


I'd forgotten about that, but after looking for ages, I found a videotape of it.Then I had to borrow a sodding video player, as everything I have is on DVD. Watched it the other day. Quality.

When the team first meets the Hanson brothers: "they're f***ing HORRIBLE!"

Also, when discussing the sexuality of one of the players, the French-Canadian says: "'E 'as a big c0ck. Like a 'orse".

The facial expressions as well make it for me.

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Fast Times Ridgemont High: Arnold complaining about Bronto burger and Brad asks him if he wants to work at All American Burger.

Spicoli meets Mr Hand in his bedroom and talks about the american revolution "Washington and Jefferson came to America to get away from this bogus place called England. If we dont get some cool rules ourselves, we're gonna be bogus too"

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Thanks for all the hilarious movie suggestions guys

I think it will be a beer and movie weekend

Old School - Wil Ferrel streaking through the town alone

National Lampoons xmas Vacation - Chevy Chase being a total idiot for two hours

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Bob Hoskins in The Long Good Friday, on discovering that one of his henchmen has been nailed to a floor, says: "What? You can't crucify someone on Good Friday".

Not a comedy, but a classic line all the same.

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All time favorite: The Monty Python scene with John Cleese dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood. Long quote, but it bears repeating. Don’t think I have ever laughed THAT hard:

“Once upon a time there was a little house in a dark forest. In this house lived a humble woodcutter and his wife and their pretty daughter, Little Red Riding Hood. And in the middle of this deep, dark forest, there lived a vicious wolf! One day Little Red Riding Hood sent off to take some things to her old grandmother who lived deep in the forest. The vicious wolf saw Little Red Riding Hood and thought: "She looks very good to eat!" "Where are you going my, pretty one?" "Oh, kind sir, to my grandmother's." "Ha, ha, ha, ha!" smirked the wicked wolf and dashed off through the forest to grandmother's house. "Knock, knock, knock" went the wicked wolf. The door opened wide, but it wasn't grandmother who opened it. It was Buzz Aldrin, America's #2 spaceman! For this was not Granny's little house at all, but the headquarter of NASA, the American space research agency. The wicked wolf was shot by security guards. So all was quiet in the forest again. The humble woodcutter and his wife sold the their story to Der Speigel for 40 000 DM. NASA agreed to limit the number of nuclear tests in Granny's little house to two on Thursdays and one on Saturdays after tea.”

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slightly off topic, but...

On this day in 1959 did die one of movie's funniest>

Born and raised in Paterson, New Jersey (a city he invariably mentioned in almost all his movies and TV shows), Lou Costello dropped out of high school and headed west to break into the movies. He got a job as a carpenter at MGM and Warners. He went from there to stuntman and then to vaudeville as a comic. In 1931, while working in Brooklyn, his straight man became ill and the theater cashier, Bud Abbott, filled in for him. The two formed their famous comedy team and, through the 1930s, they worked burlesque, minstrel shows, vaudeville and movie houses. In 1938 they got national exposure through the Kate Smith Hour radio show, and signed with Universal Pictures the next year. They debuted in One Night in the Tropics (1940). Their scene-stealing performances in that film landed them their own picture the next year, Buck Privates (1941), with The Andrews Sisters. It was a runaway hit, grossing what was then a company record $10 million on a $180,000 budget. In 1942 they topped a poll of Hollywood stars. They had their own radio show (ABC, 1941-46, NBC, 1946-49) and TV show ("The Abbott and Costello Show" (1952)). After the war their movies shifted formula to one in which they met various monsters or found themselves in exotic locations. The team split up in 1957, with both winding up completely out of money after troubles with the Internal Revenue Service. After that Lou appeared in a few television shows and the movie The 30 Foot Bride of Candy Rock (1959), released a few months after he died.

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