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Are There Any Luk Kreung Groups Or Forums Available In Thailand?


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Hello there everybody !

Just returned from meeting one of the missus's friends earlier this night over a late dinner. Was talking over various of stuffs, until the missus's friend brought up a question on our conversation. She wanted to know if we have any luk kreung friends half blood Thai that we know of, so that we can introduce them to her son. Her son is about 28-29 years old currently, living in Songkhla province running a small cafe business in town. Her son has limited Thai friends. He doest easily open himself to a full Thai. Mostly keep to himself & his few trusted friends. His mother would like him to mix around more with people the same kind as his, if it possible. The mom explained the son encountered countlessly unsincernce Thais befriending him to take advantage of his kind goodwill. He always on the treating side. Used to pay for everything. But once the moohlah is dried, Nobody ever cares. Heard he was deeply traumatized by this, according to the missus's fren. More details not elaborated by the mom on her son.

So anyone has a luk krueng club or something that the kid could join or something? Maybe a friend or someone you know? I put him up through you if someone matched the description. Hopefully someone who is in the age range as him. or someone who is older doest mind at all to befriend & 'mentor' this kid on his life in Thailand.


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  • 2 weeks later...

As a father of 2 younger versions of the kind referred to in the OP, I can say this. The Boy is 29 years old. Perhaps it's time for him to stop wearing diapers.

We all have things from childhood days that shape us I suppose. He just needs to get off his ass, get a hobby where skin colour / ethnic background is not the focal point and get out there. When all 4 or you on the 17th tee with 200 yards of water to carry to the green, nobody gives a shit what your ethnic background is.

Btw, I have seen this half half groups on fb and I have seen the 100% Thai groups too. Both are groups I am not interested in having my sons be a part of. Smacks of things from wars gone by. Pure garbage.

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