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Retirement Visa - What About Wife & Kids?

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Having not found the answers so far through googling and before I approach the Thai embassy in Switzerland, maybe there are Thaivisa members which have been in similar situations:

Am about to retire to Thailand, age and funds not an issue, but these are the possible issues:

- having a wife who is neither Thai nor Swiss citizen (Swiss C permit) => what kind of Visa would she need / get ?

- she has a small kid to which I am not the father, but she is the sole guardian (father did give up all rights) and kid is 10 => would the kid get the Visa automatically through the mother?

Furthermore the question of future for wife and kid will also come up:

- what if I die and she is not yet 50? Would she have to leave Thailand then?

- what about the kid once it reaches adult age? Would the kid have to leave Thailand then?

Thanks in advance for all answers from people who have been in the similar situation / know about the Visa laws of Thailand.

P.S.: no, I don't need any other advice about whether I should or should not do, pure facts about the Visa situation will be enough.

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As I understand things after you have applied and received extension based on retirement your wife and child would be able to obtain extension as your dependents provided they meet following:

(1) The alien has obtained a temporary visa (NON-IM);

(2) Proof of family relationship;

(3) In the case of a spouse, the marital relationship shall be dejure (legitimate) and de facto; or

(4) In the case of a child, adopted child or child of his/her spouse, the said person must not be married, must be living with the family, and must be less than 20 years of age

If you die your wife would no longer be allowed to remain in Thailand as dependents on your extension. If over 50 she could apply for extension for purpose of retirement provided she meets requirements. The child once it reaches 20 years of age can no longer remain as dependent and would have to leave.

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If Not 50 yet and you die, she wouls have to leave Thailand (or find her own reason to stay in Thailand, such a study or work).

Once the child reaches 20, the kid will have to leave the country or find it's own reason for staying in Thailand.

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If you are applying for a non-O-A (retirement) visa, outside of Thailand, be advised that my wife was turned down for a corresponding non-o visa at Chaeng Wattana. There is a conflict of authority between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who issuer visas at consulates and embassies outside Thailand, and the Bureau of Immigration, who issue extensions of stay. I would suggest applying for a single-entry non-o for yourself and for your wife and child at the Embassy, and then applying for extension of stay in Thailand, based on retirement, and ones for your family based on that.

Generally, your local Embassy should be able to advise you. Don't be afraid to tell them what you want to do, and ask for their advice as to how to do it.

Good luck.

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If you apply for a non immigrant O-A visa your dependents should be issued a non immigrant O visas from the same Consulate upon request. Such a visa is not available inside Thailand but with proof of extension in spouses passport and marriage a Consulate can issue.

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