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I was walking by and she was talking with some old Thai man when she saw me and asked if I spoke English. I think she was holding some papers or a clipboard, I didn't really look at her(she wasn't one of the pretty ladies they used to use). I shook my head no with a smile and kept walking and then she yelled after me if I spoke Thai. Is it the timeshare survey scan again?


I went to one of those hard sell deals once in Phuket sort of out of curiosity. It so was NOT worth my time! But of course I didn't cave and buy that junk either.


They used to have beautiful ladies or Philippinos doing it, guess the only people who want to do it now are older Thai ladies that can speak English.


I went to one of those hard sell deals once in Phuket sort of out of curiosity. It so was NOT worth my time! But of course I didn't cave and buy that junk either.

I/we went to one in Florida, after my consistent no's l thought we were to be shot. sad.png
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I went to one of those hard sell deals once in Phuket sort of out of curiosity. It so was NOT worth my time! But of course I didn't cave and buy that junk either.

I/we went to one in Florida, after my consistent no's l thought we were to be shot. sad.png

Yeah it wasn't pleasant.

Went to one presentation in Patts once. We just listened politely and kept on explaining we did not need time share as we had a house in Pattaya which suited our needs. We turned down all their ofers of lunch etc and eventually they gave up on us and the head deal closer and my wife and I chatted together for about an hour or so. Really nice chap from California . He was in LOS, in love with a Thai lady , just trying to survive too,


RC were one mob selling timeshare in Pattaya although they told you it wasn't, it was worse; extended expensive payments for discount nights at resorts worldwide aimed at rich gullible travellers.

I was stopped by two rather attractive Irish girls & won a scratch ticket sort of thing , chance to win prizes including a camera and free nights in one of their rooms , of course after turning up at their office to claim I was given the hard sell by two expats , drank their beer & waited them out.

Restrictive conditions made it impossible to claim the free nights so a wasted 2 hours , but the free beer was OK.


Why didn't you just take 4 seconds to ask her what she wanted? If it was time shares you could have walked away then.

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I went to one of those hard sell deals once in Phuket sort of out of curiosity. It so was NOT worth my time! But of course I didn't cave and buy that junk either.

I/we went to one in Florida, after my consistent no's l thought we were to be shot. sad.png

i went to few in Florida, quite enjoyed them, i worked in Sales so was an education in Sales techniques as America was and probably still is streets ahead of UK, plus FREE Disney tickets.

Samui is plaqued with them, i have yet to come across any in Pattaya. The guys in Samui i new, some of them offered 600 baht to go to presentation, 50/50 split on what they got. never did though.


Why didn't you just take 4 seconds to ask her what she wanted? If it was time shares you could have walked away then.

That's BS. They try to avoid telling you the truth. Their goal is to lure you into the meeting with whatever deceptions and "you win the special prize!" come ons that they can. It's their job but you don't have to play along. Let them get the NEXT sucker.

RC were one mob selling timeshare in Pattaya although they told you it wasn't, it was worse; extended expensive payments for discount nights at resorts worldwide aimed at rich gullible travellers.

I was stopped by two rather attractive Irish girls & won a scratch ticket sort of thing , chance to win prizes including a camera and free nights in one of their rooms , of course after turning up at their office to claim I was given the hard sell by two expats , drank their beer & waited them out.

Restrictive conditions made it impossible to claim the free nights so a wasted 2 hours , but the free beer was OK.

Sorry but i just have to ask. Was a night in one of the Irish girl's rooms or a night in one of the resort's rooms ?


Why didn't you just take 4 seconds to ask her what she wanted? If it was time shares you could have walked away then.

That's BS. They try to avoid telling you the truth. Their goal is to lure you into the meeting with whatever deceptions and "you win the special prize!" come ons that they can. It's their job but you don't have to play along. Let them get the NEXT sucker.

Yeah,,,,,,,,,,,, a combination of attractive young Irish girls & the lure of free gifts had me interested , I don't regret the time I spent chatting to the girls,,,,,,,,,,,,,as for the rest, no harm done really & I got an insight in to how the business works , & free beer.


RC were one mob selling timeshare in Pattaya although they told you it wasn't, it was worse; extended expensive payments for discount nights at resorts worldwide aimed at rich gullible travellers.

I was stopped by two rather attractive Irish girls & won a scratch ticket sort of thing , chance to win prizes including a camera and free nights in one of their rooms , of course after turning up at their office to claim I was given the hard sell by two expats , drank their beer & waited them out.

Restrictive conditions made it impossible to claim the free nights so a wasted 2 hours , but the free beer was OK.

Sorry but i just have to ask. Was a night in one of the Irish girl's rooms or a night in one of the resort's rooms ?

HAHA I wish it was with one both of the Irish girls , really lovely girls they were, back packers, really lovely girls & made a few hundred Baht for each sucker they could get in to the office,,,,,,,,, Pattaya Hill Resort or Royal Hill Resort it was , I won a weeks accommodation but it had to be a leap year on the blue moon,,,,,,,,,,,,,,single occupancy no Irish girls , Ahhh really lovely girls , really lovely girls,,,,,, Ooops .


I was a timeshare tout in Tenerife in the late 80's early 90's. Each "up" or couple over 25 under 65 that stayed in the resort for an hour you got paid 10,000 pesetas about 50 quid English. When you hit 11 "ups" they rose to 12,000 pesatas, the average weeks ups for me was around 12 due to the relentless partying each night it was difficult to do a full days graft but for a teenager that was great money back then all tax free. The money was so good due to the fact on average 2 couples bought out of every 10 you sent in a taxi and that was another big bonus when they bought.

Many folk from the UK used to go on "Timeshare Holidays" they turned up for 2 weeks and spent a few hours each day in every timeshare resort pretending to be interested in buying a timeshare when all they were doing was getting the free gifts, duty frees, aqua park tickets, 3 days rent a car, perfume vouchers etc etc basically blaggers blagging the blaggers, brilliant.


Once there were two young gals (so worth my time to stop and chat),. They claimed to be doing a survey for their university project on housing and rentals and what foreigners would want. So they asked a bunch of questions about style of hotel I liked, or needed or might like, price satisfaction, etc. Nothing was sold. No personal information was asked. Most of the times the "pollsters" ask other stuff. When I refuse to give real name and hotel room number the girls start crying and saying they won't get the 30 baht for the survey per customer, etc. Sorry. I will cooperate up to a point


Why didn't you just take 4 seconds to ask her what she wanted? If it was time shares you could have walked away then.

Because in my life I have learned no good ever comes of responding to a stranger on the street asking you if you speak English (unless they look like they need directions or something). And if you do stop it is a lot harder to get rid of them, I don't like to be rude but sometimes you have to.

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