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Where To Meet Good Girls?


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A lot of contradicting advice here so I will give you mine. Troll or not, my comment stands that the best of the best are not found in the farang getto and you must get yourself away from anywhere that foreigners go. Learn some fluent Thai and you will wow the local girls and impress their parents. It is easy to impress a poor rice farmer, but try it on a rich business man and his family?? Now that is a good catch. Hang out at Ram Intra Rd where all the local Thais go on the weekends for dinner, and you will see some real stunners. Be shy, put on your best charm, and know some Thai language. It doesn't get any better than the uni girls that work there. Good luck.

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I guess I should have expected such constructive replies, but I'm really not trolling and honestly wondering how to go about it in Thailand. I'm in the middle of nowhere, I don't go to school, I work from home, it really is hard to find datable girls. I know there's not some magic solution but there's got to be some good place to find them or way to go about it out here and I'm truly curious.

Some serious advise if your serious with you intentions. Make friends with Thais, most Thai women I know like to fix up relationships and will be happy to introduce you to all of their single friends. The first thing my girlfriend asks when she meets one of my friends is "does he have a girlfriend" and if the answer is no then she immediately proceeds to start asking me which of her friends he would be interested in. For the record, my girlfriend is, what i believe, you would call a "normal girl" and so are all her friends (never worked in a bar, never dated a farang except me, has good income for a Thai, college educated etc). It is quite common in Thailand to get fixed up through a third party. The problem many foreigners have is that their approach is too direct for the girls here. Thai's are used to telling a friend they like someone and having them make the approach. Its very Junior High by western standards, but that just the way they do things here. Good luck.

OP - this post gives the answer to you to a 'T".

This is my experience too. When people talk rural Thailand or Isaan parsay, then the general thought is poor rice farmer and bull herder. Siitting in the big rural cities are just normal everyday middle class families. They are generally no different to western middle class families. The kids are educated all be it to a Thai University standard, actually have decent morals and values but with their own thai oddities added in (the same as we westerners provide oddities in return), and have the same dreams and ambitions that as parents we would wish for our own (or those we are gifted). And the females in this group are the girl next door type of girl you would have grown up with in most western cultures, but with the added blessing of having full family value jaidee and feminine thainess tucked in. It took me neigh on 7 years back and forth to get into, and be welcomed and loved within that group. I have been with my wife for the same 7 years again to date. During that time I have seen plenty of partnering go on all around our family / friends circle and the two ways it seems to go mostly is through the large hang out group where they get to know each other, and also as this poster also sees, they are match maked.

Add these two avenues as paths to your long term goal.

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What he needs is a wingman with your obvious charm and charisma

EDIT: And good looks.

Are you volunteering?

Can I call you 'Goose'?

(note to the Iman ... that was a nod to the TopGun movie)

Edited by David48
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... I'm generally quite happy with the village life,

Just out of curiosity ... how do you come to be living in a relatively small Thai Village at the age of 24 without a Thai partner?

Should you eventually get to a City, you could always frequent some of the Beauty/Make-up counters in the larger Dept. Stores.

The ladies who work there usually speak at least a little English, as they have to deal with foreign customers and are usually very friendly ... and certainly well made-up.

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... I'm generally quite happy with the village life,

Just out of curiosity ... how do you come to be living in a relatively small Thai Village at the age of 24 without a Thai partner?

Should you eventually get to a City, you could always frequent some of the Beauty/Make-up counters in the larger Dept. Stores.

The ladies who work there usually speak at least a little English, as they have to deal with foreign customers and are usually very friendly ... and certainly well made-up.

Inspired David......ah yes......"Sorry darling I can't go shopping with you ever again, as the assistants keep on winking at me and I know how ya feel about that kinda thing....."

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have a day out at the beach, and i dont mean pattaya beach,,lol,,,

ive had girls when im there with the wife and kids trying to chat to me to practice there english,

and as for just the hi so girls being able to speak english or bar girls,

my daughter is going to be able to speak perfect ish english, so saying that in my opinion is total shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiite

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Try talking to the "fat 60 year old men with attractive Thai wives", also to the ones whose wives are now middle-aged, as many of our wives have cousins/sisters/friends who they might be willing to introduce you to, once they're reassured that you are a good-hearted, financially-secure & mature good-prospect yourself !

They wouldn't want to stitch-up their friends or family, with someone who might turn out to be a cocky penniless immature sex-maniac, which I'm sure the OP isn't. So they do need to get to know you first !

The middle-aged ones might have luk-kreung daughters of marriageable-age too !

A side-benefit might be that we "fat 60 year old men" might also be interesting or helpful with good-advise, having lived here for longer and got to know a bit about the culture, and we clearly met 'good' girls ourselves, we might just share the secret !

Good Luck to the OP ! smile.png

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... I'm generally quite happy with the village life,

Just out of curiosity ... how do you come to be living in a relatively small Thai Village at the age of 24 without a Thai partner?

Should you eventually get to a City, you could always frequent some of the Beauty/Make-up counters in the larger Dept. Stores.

The ladies who work there usually speak at least a little English, as they have to deal with foreign customers and are usually very friendly ... and certainly well made-up.

Not sure they would be happy with a 'village life'. BTW, many of them are not female. wink.png

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And stay off the LowCow. whistling.gif

I'd recommend staying with the LowCow. They tend to just stand there placidly chewing the cud. Now pigs, that's a different matter, always struggling and squealing,.........

Sounds like a sick buffalo! If that is ever mentioned, good girl or not, get the flock out of there!............thumbsup.gif

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Most good educated Thai lady's who come from privileged family's don't go out with westerners, they are racist and look down on Thai lady's who have falang husbands, so how do you refine good girls, maybe you should look inward about yourself and how you class other people .

I don't believe this to be the case at all. I'm sure most respectable families would frown upon their daughter associating with the stereotypical farang who comes to Thailand to drink and fuc_k bar girls every night without ever leaving Bangkok/Pattaya. I am far from being in your typical farang situation though, and I doubt any family that got to know me would disapprove.

Also, I have no idea what you're talking about with me needing to "look inward about myself" but I don't give two shits about how priviledged a potential girlfriend's family is, and whether they're educated or not is not particularly important. I am far more concerned with their personality, character, maturity, work ethic, etc. I would actually be less interested if they came from a wealthy family because of their expectations about the lifestyle a farang would provide as opposed to a less privileged girl. I've only been seriously interested in one girl since I've been here, and she's dirt poor, never went to university and speaks

about ten words of English.

Let me get this straight

The OP wants to meet respectable girls for 'dating', but isn't interested in marriage.

So what does he want these girls for?

And if you were a Thai would you want to introduce him to one?

I think I know the answer to both questions.

Where did I ever say I'm not interested in marriage? All I said is that I'm not going to marry a girl as a preface to us beginning a relationship, which I understand to be a common practice in Thailand. If I wanted girls just for sex do you really think I would go through all this trouble? It sure is difficult to find girls who are willing to sleep with young, relatively attractive farangs with money. A reasonably attractive 32 year old woman offered me 50,000 baht to sleep with her a few weeks ago.

To Roadman and yourauntbob, thanks a lot for that advice. That seems to me to be how it works here, being forward with girls and trying to expedite the process does not seem to be the way to attract the type of girls I'm interested in. As you said the girl next door type is exactly what I like. I think integrating myself as much as possible with the locals and Thai culture is key. It really all comes down to improving my Thai though, it's tough to get anywhere with the locals around here when you don't speak their language.

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Try some of the dating websites. I'm not sure if I'm allowed to post them so just PM me if you're interested. I used two. One seemed to be many working girls. The other seemed to be more interested in real love. Join them both and find some ladies. If you're in rural thailand though I would suggest going outside of your village etc to meet some ladies. Unless you find "the one" n your village everyone will instantly know you're dating and other ladies in that village will likely stop looking at you. At least you can start learning how to talk to the nicer ones and learn how to pick out the ones that are working girls.

I'd say a general rule is if they know english really good, have tattoo's, or are really good at pool they're probably a working girl or had a farang boyfriend already. Be weary if their english is really good. Ask them why it's so good. I'm sure you'd get a lie if they're good but it doesn't hurt to ask.

Good luck

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Where did I ever say I'm not interested in marriage? All I said is that I'm not going to marry a girl as a preface to us beginning a relationship, which I understand to be a common practice in Thailand. If I wanted girls just for sex do you really think I would go through all this trouble? It sure is difficult to find girls who are willing to sleep with young, relatively attractive farangs with money. A reasonably attractive 32 year old woman offered me 50,000 baht to sleep with her a few weeks ago.

and you said no?

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(To OP) Hard to find one who is honestly love you for life. Most Thai women like to hang out with rich farang, once they run out of money they got dumped. I am going to honestly tell you that most decent and above average social class Thai ladies have no interest in foreigner, especially farang. Unless you are lucky enough to bump into one.

During my whole life here in Thailand. All I can see is Thai women who married to farang are those who are unattractive to Thai male. While those who are good looking usually got married to the Thais (above social level) and other Asian nationality. These are from my personal and friends' experience.

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Most good educated Thai lady's who come from privileged family's don't go out with westerners, they are racist and look down on Thai lady's who have falang husbands, so how do you refine good girls, maybe you should look inward about yourself and how you class other people .

I don't believe this to be the case at all. I'm sure most respectable families would frown upon their daughter associating with the stereotypical farang who comes to Thailand to drink and fuc_k bar girls every night without ever leaving Bangkok/Pattaya. I am far from being in your typical farang situation though, and I doubt any family that got to know me would disapprove.

Also, I have no idea what you're talking about with me needing to "look inward about myself" but I don't give two shits about how priviledged a potential girlfriend's family is, and whether they're educated or not is not particularly important. I am far more concerned with their personality, character, maturity, work ethic, etc. I would actually be less interested if they came from a wealthy family because of their expectations about the lifestyle a farang would provide as opposed to a less privileged girl. I've only been seriously interested in one girl since I've been here, and she's dirt poor, never went to university and speaks

about ten words of English.

Let me get this straight

The OP wants to meet respectable girls for 'dating', but isn't interested in marriage.

So what does he want these girls for?

And if you were a Thai would you want to introduce him to one?

I think I know the answer to both questions.

Where did I ever say I'm not interested in marriage? All I said is that I'm not going to marry a girl as a preface to us beginning a relationship, which I understand to be a common practice in Thailand. If I wanted girls just for sex do you really think I would go through all this trouble? It sure is difficult to find girls who are willing to sleep with young, relatively attractive farangs with money. A reasonably attractive 32 year old woman offered me 50,000 baht to sleep with her a few weeks ago.

To Roadman and yourauntbob, thanks a lot for that advice. That seems to me to be how it works here, being forward with girls and trying to expedite the process does not seem to be the way to attract the type of girls I'm interested in. As you said the girl next door type is exactly what I like. I think integrating myself as much as possible with the locals and Thai culture is key. It really all comes down to improving my Thai though, it's tough to get anywhere with the locals around here when you don't speak their language.

She probably offered you 50,000 because she wants you to marry her and give her a 5 million baht house. That's a 100 fold return on her investment.

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Where did I ever say I'm not interested in marriage? All I said is that I'm not going to marry a girl as a preface to us beginning a relationship, which I understand to be a common practice in Thailand. If I wanted girls just for sex do you really think I would go through all this trouble? It sure is difficult to find girls who are willing to sleep with young, relatively attractive farangs with money. A reasonably attractive 32 year old woman offered me 50,000 baht to sleep with her a few weeks ago.

and you said no?

It happens to me all the time, young attractive females approach every where I go and frequently offer me large sums to sleep with them but I always refuse, I'm just not that kind of boy, it gets tiring after a while.

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Where did I ever say I'm not interested in marriage? All I said is that I'm not going to marry a girl as a preface to us beginning a relationship, which I understand to be a common practice in Thailand. If I wanted girls just for sex do you really think I would go through all this trouble? It sure is difficult to find girls who are willing to sleep with young, relatively attractive farangs with money. A reasonably attractive 32 year old woman offered me 50,000 baht to sleep with her a few weeks ago.

She probably offered you 50,000 because she wants you to marry her and give her a 5 million baht house. That's a 100 fold return on her investment.

Now, now, let's not be envious.

I, too, have been propositioned in this manner. The women concerned believed that, as a black guy, I'd be er . . . more "generously endowed".

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7-11's, family marts, roadside stalls. Loads of young girls working and usually single. Keep in mind you still have to pay some money no matter hansum you think you are. 20k per month is the going rate if you rent like me. giggle.gif

And no payment? Have you heard the term "no money no honey"?? I pay my wife monthly.

As far as paying the wife is concerned, I actually believe you.

Lol - this whole thread has had me laughing since the first post.

As for "paying the wife" - my Thai friend "pays" his (Thai) wife 35k a month. She uses that to pay the bills, buy the food, take care of the boy, etc and whatever she can squeeze out of that is hers to do with whatever she wants. I highly doubt he is "unique" for doing things this way (in Thailand at least).

And (lol) the sweet young thang that is living with me now is from Sukothai. Apparently there aren't any good looking, young farang guys around Sukothai, that she'd be interested in, so she moved in with me (again). Gotta laugh, 'cause teerak's mother is a few years younger than me, and has a farang boyfriend who is older than me. Never asked teerak why her Thai father decided to abandon his wife after fathering 3 children with her, but she seems happy now, as does her farang boyfriend. As for my teerak, I give her a few thousand baht every week to do whatever she wants with, plus I pay all the bills and most of the miscellaneous expenses of course. She says she loves me, I tell her I know she is lying. We get along quite nicely.

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I agree with Yourauntbob and Roadman, which is why I said that expending your network is very important. This actually transcends all modern cultures, and is how you would meet more women. They don't all gather in a herd at a specific shoe or handbag boutique, they are all spread out. Meeting a girl in your network or extended network is simply easier because you know more about them and they will know more about you (this is where best behaviour comes in) and would be more inclined and less guarded to meet with you, as opposed to a girl you approach at a seemingly random location.

Learn about "face", because you certainly have not understood that, thus the high level of trolling you received. In your first post alone, you seemed like an arrogant introvert who is trying to justify his arrogance. Do I really believe you are one? Of course not, because I know I should expect such from a non-Asian. But you are certainly not going to get the same level of understanding from most (as proven here). This will affect the long term relationships you are in, as well as the word about you when friends are talking about you to others.

But most importantly, think about your intentions of a long term relationship and settling down. And specifically, what lead you to that.

We all can imagine meeting the perfect girl, having a textbook romantic lifestyle, followed by eventually retiring to a rural but sufficient house in Thailand, with a large green field beside and the two of you enjoying the company of each other on a single hammock. You know, what you see in the movies before the credit roll.

But can you imagine being stuck to a girl forever? To suffer her burdens, which include physical, mental and financial burdens? Can you bare to wake up everyday to stare at the same face, that gets older and older with age, and witness firsthand as her body is ravaged by time and disease? Can you imagine spending less time, even quitting the activities you enjoyed because you just don't have enough time to take care of her and the family? Can you imagine working hard, not for a new outfit, gadget or meal at a fancy restaurant, but for money to support your family?

Those are just questions that might give you a glimpse of the path you asked for, there are no right or wrong answers.

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I smell a troll here........24......self confessed "good looking", also a good "catch".


stinks like a troll

"I don't think I should have trouble finding girls. I hear "ฝรั่ง หล่อ" whenever I'm out, there's always girls giggling and staring at me"

Probably his zap has broke and little ham hanging out

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Please note the culture in thailand is not like your country so forget any experience you learnt elsewhere. Casual affairs including sex with "good" thai girls is verY rare, maybe a few hisOs in bkk. Be aware that sex wIth a virgin is virtually a commitment to marry. Also be aware that you will pay. Rich men in Thailand (all farangs are rich) are expected to support their wifes and the wifes family. Many Thai girls will feel they need to know you for a year before they can Choose you as partner material.

Good luck.

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Josh, at 24 I was all about finding nice girls, and looking back on it, it was all a tragic waste. as the decades drift by, you realize that your chances of finding someone who could have made you happy throughout all the changes that you go through in that time was pretty close to zero. you aren't who you will be in 10 years (I know I thought I was at 24 too), or even 5 years. I don't mean you should rebrand as an assole, I mean put your situation in context and be careful what you wish for.

as other have alluded to in this thread, tradition and obligation in Thailand are closer to those of 18th century Western cultures that what we think of as normal today. if you were so lucky as to find a top girl, move in with her, and go fishing with her dad, your life on the tiles will be done with - short of grimy trysts in Pattaya that you were so determined to avoid in the first place.

so learn Thai to a point where you know what people are saying about you in the street, if you can actually retort/converse then you'll be in the game. start by getting to know the older women running the shops & stalls around town - once they have a chance to figure you out, they'll que up to introduce you to their daughters... flirt around, catch some tail where you can, but don't be in a rush to settle - Buddha knows most Thai guys aren't, and most of them have 2 or more on the go at once - some with the consent of all involved.

speaking of Thai guys, I'm sure you can recall this from back home, but they will all have been working very hard to crack the top girls in town for a long time. if you think you can swan in and cop their cream because you're a farang, you have some hard lessons ahead.

good luck, and remember - enjoy!

Edited by timbothaivisa
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I have met a few on Thailovelinks My current girlfriend soon to be wife was also found there. She was a bit of luck for sure not wise to the world or jaded yet. I have met some pretty fast women on the site also. I think the most important thing is getting to know them a little before trying to bang them like a BG. The average Thai girl hates Farangs it is just part of the culture kind of like if Thai guys came to your country and starting boning all the good looking women. That being said the % that do like us far exceeds the number of Farang in Thailand. Countryside is tough all those girls know each other. I would suggest trying to be more proactive about visiting markets and festivals. Most countryside towns always find a reason to throw a party at least once a month. The local library is good also a ton of 18 to 22 students. Learn a couple phrases and be polite it never hurts you can be a bastard after you bang them. You can also look into a local college for language classes then hit any coffee establishment within a 200m radius of the place. They hear horror stories about us but they also hear tales of gold. Don't settle for trash sooner or later a nice one comes along. You have to understand if you want a nice girl its a lot more effort you can have your cake and eat it too but they do not take too kindly to that kind of stuff. The good ones will make you work for it if they are worth anything remember if its easy for you then it was easy for every Tom Dick and Dartain before that. Depending on where you are living also look to lakes and rivers Thais like to sanook mak mak and in the countryside everyone kind of has a hang out spot. Malls are OK you can chat up the kiosk girls pretty easy <Warning sausage hidding in those stalls> Your age group in Thailand loves eating and drinking find a fatty or a grenade and meet her friends. If that fails then try a massage parlor they are BG lite and don't bang for money most of the time.

Edited by BigRick
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Troll or not (we don't know). But, when a " pretty good looking, tall and in good shape" 24 year old have to ask questions about where to meet/date girls on a internet forum, I think there must be something fishy going on. Or, the op should not have left the comfort of his home where he came from.

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