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Army Denies Troops Involved In Red-Shirt Crackdown Had Sniper Rifles


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I read this and I wonder what planet you people live on...so biased and blinded by hate for anything that can remotely be associated with Thaksin. Of course the Army had snipers, they took out that general who was leading the red shirt defense....shot from the hospital across the way by a sniper...and whether it technically a sniper rifle or not, makes no difference...Sansern is simply distorting the truth to create a flase impression. Abhisit failed the country by not having ANY accountability for the slime that massacred innocent people who were fighting for what they believed in politically, which means that now we still have the problems we have today. What do you folk want, Abhisit's cover-up, or an investigation to uncover the truth and punish those responsible? Abhisit's a liar, plain and simple....when the shots were first fired, he claimed on television that the army didn't have any live rounds...next day he's demanding that the red shirts return all the ammo, guns and vehicles they captured...swallow too much kool aid propaganda and you will never get at the truth...but truth isn't really what is wanted here is it? Every one of these articles brings out the hate brigade and the snide witless comments....it's pitiful...grow up.

Actually it's you that needs to grow up if you believe in the rubbish you wrote.

Sae Daeng was shot, probably by a sniper, but there is no evidence to suggest it was from the hospital.

You seem to be (deliberately?) ignorant of Thaksin's role of starting the whole shambles to use ordinary paid & gullible people in order to (1) bring down the government & (2) get back his ill-gotten gains that the courts had rightly removed from him.

You also seem ignorant of Abhisit's offer to the red shirts of an early election - turned down by the same instigator via his lieutenant Jataporn.

The army didn't start shooting until several of their (unarmed) men, including a senior officer, were killed by red-black shirts - no one knows which.

Lastly you don't seem to have any idea why the army & not the police were involved. The police fled the scene, having proven over a number of years that they mostly support Thaksin. The government were forced to use the army, with predictable consequences & petty snipes over when & who ordered them to use live ammunition is just a distraction from those with an axe to grind.

Love it.

The unarmed army.................

Perchance were they disarmed by the Russian mercenaries introduced to another thread by an Australian voice of reason, depth of thought and military experience.................???

Is that supposed to be funny or a distraction? Unarmed as in no live ammunition.

Still too difficult to understand?

How come they admit to xxxx thousand rounds of issued and used ammunition ??

Still unarmed in your opinion ?

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If one visits the Chulalongklao Royal Military Academy in Nakorn Nayok, one can see first hand commendations on display for snipers and there is infact an indoor shooting range specifically for sniper training. Also, stickers on 4x4's roaming around Bangkok often have the battalion insignia and number.

And your point is what exactly? Just how big is the indoor sniper range ??

There is no such thing as an 'indoor sniper range'.

Sniping by it's very nature is long distance and outdoors.

You don't get any good at short distance and now sense of wind effects.

And since the army would have dozens of outdoor sharpshooter practice ranges

like one at EVERY army base of any size, unlikely that can't ALSO shoot from

500-1000 meters farther back from one or too and no one knows the difference,

because people are firing guns most of the day.

Additionally, any number of trained assassins, such as those available for hire in Macau, have no need for practice ranges. Say, for example, a business owner was tiring of losing millions because his business is closed, could decide to utilize one of these innocuous for-hire snipers to remove the cause of his business closure. He could then sit back in anonymity and relish as the entire investigation and discussion centers only on army versus men in black scenarios.

There's any number of viable sources and reasons for the removal of Sae Daeng.

And they all had beneficial consequences to them from his demise.

There's sure more than just the 2 mentioned.


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If one visits the Chulalongklao Royal Military Academy in Nakorn Nayok, one can see first hand commendations on display for snipers and there is infact an indoor shooting range specifically for sniper training. Also, stickers on 4x4's roaming around Bangkok often have the battalion insignia and number.

And your point is what exactly? Just how big is the indoor sniper range ??

There is no such thing as an 'indoor sniper range'.

Sniping by it's very nature is long distance and outdoors.

You don't get any good at short distance and now sense of wind effects.

And since the army would have dozens of outdoor sharpshooter practice ranges

like one at EVERY army base of any size, unlikely that can't ALSO shoot from

500-1000 meters farther back from one or too and no one knows the difference,

because people are firing guns most of the day.

You've ruined it now, I was waiting for him to come back and say 25 m or better still 750m wink.png

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A very dubious claim to say the least.

In any case not deploying snipers would had been a blunder, IMHO, who best equipped and trained to take out armed militias without harming unnamed rioters? Even police forces around the world use snipers in sensitive situations.

At the time of the crackdown in Bangkok, the red shirts were talking about the "watermelon soldiers", green on the outside, red on the inside. They showed footage of soldiers posing with the demonstrators, smiling and even accepting gifts. I don't doubt for a moment that such soldiers existed. The question that I have is; if it was the army that deployed the black shirts

and is responsible for their actions, why has there been no evidence or testimony from any of the red shirt sympathizers in the military. Seriously, has there ever been a government organization that could keep a secret?


Furthermore, if the Black Shirts were government stooges mingling with the Red Shirts to provoke a bloodbath then why haven't the Red Shirts campaigned for uncovering who those Black Shirts were? Why not coming forward with testimonies and evidence as to their identities and actions? Their silence is damning.

Part of military training in any nation involves spotting those with "sharpshooting" potential; hence, the emergence of annual shooting competitions such as in Bisley in the UK. Those who are found to have such talent are used as snipers in guerilla situations, which is essentially what we had in Bangkok. There is no army in the world that would not deploy its most effective sharpshooters in such a situation. So what is the point that the DSI spokesman is attempting to make?

It would also be very enlightening to hear some response from the DSI as to why they did not respond to evidence provided by the Army, particularly with regard to: (i) the attack on an Army helicopter and the arrest, and subsequent release without charge, of three men, despite having been found with weapons and ammunition; and (ii) the white van used by men dressed in black.

There was sufficient video evidence to show that the "black shirts" were fighting alongside the "red shirts" and the latter welcomed their presence. They ate, drank and slept together, and if there had been any doubt as to where they allegiance lay, they would have been subject to instant "justice" at the hands of the red shirts. For anyone to continue to suggest that they were operating on behalf of the government at the time is simply ludicrous.

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I read this and I wonder what planet you people live on...so biased and blinded by hate for anything that can remotely be associated with Thaksin. Of course the Army had snipers, they took out that general who was leading the red shirt defense....shot from the hospital across the way by a sniper...and whether it technically a sniper rifle or not, makes no difference...Sansern is simply distorting the truth to create a flase impression. Abhisit failed the country by not having ANY accountability for the slime that massacred innocent people who were fighting for what they believed in politically, which means that now we still have the problems we have today. What do you folk want, Abhisit's cover-up, or an investigation to uncover the truth and punish those responsible? Abhisit's a liar, plain and simple....when the shots were first fired, he claimed on television that the army didn't have any live rounds...next day he's demanding that the red shirts return all the ammo, guns and vehicles they captured...swallow too much kool aid propaganda and you will never get at the truth...but truth isn't really what is wanted here is it? Every one of these articles brings out the hate brigade and the snide witless comments....it's pitiful...grow up.

And YOU should just have a read through your own post, sounds like you are biased and blinded as the people you accuse !!

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Yep the "who shot JR",Sae Daeng? The most possible popular rationales say the Dem Government wasnt involved, the most lunatic Red rant has Abihist as the sniper. Impossible because it was an expert shot.

"I was at Sala Deang area near the MRT station. A group of us reported about noise coming from the the Dusit Hotel. What looked like a long stick extended from the roof top. Within minutes, the general was speaking to his supporters, offering water to an elderly lady and giving her a hug. Moments later, a shot was heard from overhead. The object had been pulled back and a man with a black hood stood up and walked away. About 5 min. later. A man wearing the same outfit was escorted out of the hotel into a black police van. Quickly, it took off and proceeded to go up Rama 4 and turned left to go towards MBK............ “The reporter, who was two feet away and facing the general, heard a loud bang similar to that of a firecracker.

“The general fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, and protesters took his apparently lifeless body to a hospital, screaming his nickname: “Seh Daeng has been shot! Seh Daeng has been shot!”


“This was frontier justice,” said a source. “The moment (Khattiya) bragged and took credit for some of the April 10 targeted assassinations of (Colonel) Romklao Thuwatham and other soldiers, he was a dead man.”

Several sources confirmed that Khattiya was targeted for breaking the Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy code of honor: thou shalt not kill a fellow officer. http://asiancorrespondent.com/32376/who-shot-sae-daeng/

Second, hardcore elements of the red shirts wanted to strike down Khattiya so that the ensuing upheaval would go out of control and in the end a national government could be formed as a compromise. http://www.correntewire.com/who_shot_seh_daeng

Khattiya was becoming a loose canon, he was disobeying Thaksin and had declared himself leader of the redshirts. He sabotaged the roadmap to peace and was forming a coup, so Thaksin took him out.

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Has it occurred to you that there are many armies in the world that have highly trained special forces, and that some of them work as mercenaries? Sign language is normally used for stealth, or in extremely noisy situations, but it could also be that speaking Russian or some other foreign language, might prove embarassing for their paymaster.

Are you seriously suggesting the presence of Russian mercenaries ???

Wow, that's really a new one.

Failed Reading and Comprehension 101? An example does not lead to exclusivity of choice.

There is plenty of suspicion the Black shirts were mercenaries, and those caught in at least on photo didn't look like Thais.

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Yep the "who shot JR",Sae Daeng? The most possible popular rationales say the Dem Government wasnt involved, the most lunatic Red rant has Abihist as the sniper. Impossible because it was an expert shot.

"I was at Sala Deang area near the MRT station. A group of us reported about noise coming from the the Dusit Hotel. What looked like a long stick extended from the roof top. Within minutes, the general was speaking to his supporters, offering water to an elderly lady and giving her a hug. Moments later, a shot was heard from overhead. The object had been pulled back and a man with a black hood stood up and walked away. About 5 min. later. A man wearing the same outfit was escorted out of the hotel into a black police van. Quickly, it took off and proceeded to go up Rama 4 and turned left to go towards MBK............ “The reporter, who was two feet away and facing the general, heard a loud bang similar to that of a firecracker.

“The general fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, and protesters took his apparently lifeless body to a hospital, screaming his nickname: “Seh Daeng has been shot! Seh Daeng has been shot!”


So let's get this right....

A trained sniper let off a loose round, the crowd looked up to see the trained snipers gun barrel hanging out over the roof. After SD went down, the trained sniper stood up, making himself totally visible to all before walking off.


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Yep the "who shot JR",Sae Daeng? The most possible popular rationales say the Dem Government wasnt involved, the most lunatic Red rant has Abihist as the sniper. Impossible because it was an expert shot.

"I was at Sala Deang area near the MRT station. A group of us reported about noise coming from the the Dusit Hotel. What looked like a long stick extended from the roof top. Within minutes, the general was speaking to his supporters, offering water to an elderly lady and giving her a hug. Moments later, a shot was heard from overhead. The object had been pulled back and a man with a black hood stood up and walked away. About 5 min. later. A man wearing the same outfit was escorted out of the hotel into a black police van. Quickly, it took off and proceeded to go up Rama 4 and turned left to go towards MBK............ “The reporter, who was two feet away and facing the general, heard a loud bang similar to that of a firecracker.

“The general fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, and protesters took his apparently lifeless body to a hospital, screaming his nickname: “Seh Daeng has been shot! Seh Daeng has been shot!”


So let's get this right....

A trained sniper let off a loose round, the crowd looked up to see the trained snipers gun barrel hanging out over the roof. After SD went down, the trained sniper stood up, making himself totally visible to all before walking off.



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Yep the "who shot JR",Sae Daeng? The most possible popular rationales say the Dem Government wasnt involved, the most lunatic Red rant has Abihist as the sniper. Impossible because it was an expert shot.

"I was at Sala Deang area near the MRT station. A group of us reported about noise coming from the the Dusit Hotel. What looked like a long stick extended from the roof top. Within minutes, the general was speaking to his supporters, offering water to an elderly lady and giving her a hug. Moments later, a shot was heard from overhead. The object had been pulled back and a man with a black hood stood up and walked away. About 5 min. later. A man wearing the same outfit was escorted out of the hotel into a black police van. Quickly, it took off and proceeded to go up Rama 4 and turned left to go towards MBK............ “The reporter, who was two feet away and facing the general, heard a loud bang similar to that of a firecracker.

“The general fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, and protesters took his apparently lifeless body to a hospital, screaming his nickname: “Seh Daeng has been shot! Seh Daeng has been shot!”


So let's get this right....

A trained sniper let off a loose round, the crowd looked up to see the trained snipers gun barrel hanging out over the roof. After SD went down, the trained sniper stood up, making himself totally visible to all before walking off.


There's more. First the sniper noisily cleared the rooftop from debris and garbage to make himself comfortable, thus attracting everybody's attention down below. then he would stick out his rifle barrel, which no sniper ever does, to make his evil intentions known.

It is always fun to read stories from people who couldn't find their own ass in the darkness that they have uncovered some high level conspiracy

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Yep the "who shot JR",Sae Daeng? The most possible popular rationales say the Dem Government wasnt involved, the most lunatic Red rant has Abihist as the sniper. Impossible because it was an expert shot.

"I was at Sala Deang area near the MRT station. A group of us reported about noise coming from the the Dusit Hotel. What looked like a long stick extended from the roof top. Within minutes, the general was speaking to his supporters, offering water to an elderly lady and giving her a hug. Moments later, a shot was heard from overhead. The object had been pulled back and a man with a black hood stood up and walked away. About 5 min. later. A man wearing the same outfit was escorted out of the hotel into a black police van. Quickly, it took off and proceeded to go up Rama 4 and turned left to go towards MBK............ “The reporter, who was two feet away and facing the general, heard a loud bang similar to that of a firecracker.

“The general fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, and protesters took his apparently lifeless body to a hospital, screaming his nickname: “Seh Daeng has been shot! Seh Daeng has been shot!”


So let's get this right....

A trained sniper let off a loose round, the crowd looked up to see the trained snipers gun barrel hanging out over the roof. After SD went down, the trained sniper stood up, making himself totally visible to all before walking off.


There's more. First the sniper noisily cleared the rooftop from debris and garbage to make himself comfortable, thus attracting everybody's attention down below. then he would stick out his rifle barrel, which no sniper ever does, to make his evil intentions known.

It is always fun to read stories from people who couldn't find their own ass in the darkness that they have uncovered some high level conspiracy

It could be that he was in a father Christmas suit complete with flashing lights to garner attention.

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Yep the "who shot JR",Sae Daeng? The most possible popular rationales say the Dem Government wasnt involved, the most lunatic Red rant has Abihist as the sniper. Impossible because it was an expert shot.

"I was at Sala Deang area near the MRT station. A group of us reported about noise coming from the the Dusit Hotel. What looked like a long stick extended from the roof top. Within minutes, the general was speaking to his supporters, offering water to an elderly lady and giving her a hug. Moments later, a shot was heard from overhead. The object had been pulled back and a man with a black hood stood up and walked away. About 5 min. later. A man wearing the same outfit was escorted out of the hotel into a black police van. Quickly, it took off and proceeded to go up Rama 4 and turned left to go towards MBK............ "The reporter, who was two feet away and facing the general, heard a loud bang similar to that of a firecracker.

"The general fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, and protesters took his apparently lifeless body to a hospital, screaming his nickname: "Seh Daeng has been shot! Seh Daeng has been shot!"


So let's get this right....

A trained sniper let off a loose round, the crowd looked up to see the trained snipers gun barrel hanging out over the roof. After SD went down, the trained sniper stood up, making himself totally visible to all before walking off.


There's more. First the sniper noisily cleared the rooftop from debris and garbage to make himself comfortable, thus attracting everybody's attention down below. then he would stick out his rifle barrel, which no sniper ever does, to make his evil intentions known.

It is always fun to read stories from people who couldn't find their own ass in the darkness that they have uncovered some high level conspiracy

It could be that he was in a father Christmas suit complete with flashing lights to garner attention.

and he was laser targeted by the video camera's light.

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and he was laser targeted by the video camera's light.

I think we should alert Chalerm. Such a person should not be hard to find.

Oh! Hang on! Chalerm already knows it was a policeman. As head of the police, one would think he would make his red friends happy and arrest the person responsible?

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M16 with sight is NOT a sniper weapon.

At a distance, it is so inaccurate, that by aiming at the legs, the bullet can eventually end up penetrating the heart.


Sniper is a person...not a specific caliber of weapon. I personally have served in this position with an accurized M-14. BAR's make excellent long distance sniper rifles just ask the Viet Cong.

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Yep the "who shot JR",Sae Daeng? The most possible popular rationales say the Dem Government wasnt involved, the most lunatic Red rant has Abihist as the sniper. Impossible because it was an expert shot.

"I was at Sala Deang area near the MRT station. A group of us reported about noise coming from the the Dusit Hotel. What looked like a long stick extended from the roof top. Within minutes, the general was speaking to his supporters, offering water to an elderly lady and giving her a hug. Moments later, a shot was heard from overhead. The object had been pulled back and a man with a black hood stood up and walked away. About 5 min. later. A man wearing the same outfit was escorted out of the hotel into a black police van. Quickly, it took off and proceeded to go up Rama 4 and turned left to go towards MBK............ “The reporter, who was two feet away and facing the general, heard a loud bang similar to that of a firecracker.

“The general fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, and protesters took his apparently lifeless body to a hospital, screaming his nickname: “Seh Daeng has been shot! Seh Daeng has been shot!”


So let's get this right....

A trained sniper let off a loose round, the crowd looked up to see the trained snipers gun barrel hanging out over the roof. After SD went down, the trained sniper stood up, making himself totally visible to all before walking off.


There's more. First the sniper noisily cleared the rooftop from debris and garbage to make himself comfortable, thus attracting everybody's attention down below. then he would stick out his rifle barrel, which no sniper ever does, to make his evil intentions known.

It is always fun to read stories from people who couldn't find their own ass in the darkness that they have uncovered some high level conspiracy

No sniper with ANY skills would be seen by anyone,

especially right after he made his shot.

Of course a NON-sniper could pretend to be the real sniper and get caught,

and then released for no evidence, as a cover for the real one to quietly walk away unseen.

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I read this and I wonder what planet you people live on...so biased and blinded by hate for anything that can remotely be associated with Thaksin. Of course the Army had snipers, they took out that general who was leading the red shirt defense....shot from the hospital across the way by a sniper...and whether it technically a sniper rifle or not, makes no difference...Sansern is simply distorting the truth to create a flase impression. Abhisit failed the country by not having ANY accountability for the slime that massacred innocent people who were fighting for what they believed in politically, which means that now we still have the problems we have today. What do you folk want, Abhisit's cover-up, or an investigation to uncover the truth and punish those responsible? Abhisit's a liar, plain and simple....when the shots were first fired, he claimed on television that the army didn't have any live rounds...next day he's demanding that the red shirts return all the ammo, guns and vehicles they captured...swallow too much kool aid propaganda and you will never get at the truth...but truth isn't really what is wanted here is it? Every one of these articles brings out the hate brigade and the snide witless comments....it's pitiful...grow up.

It is always a hilarious moment in every forum, when someone who firmly believes in fairytales tells other people to grow up and share his beliefs.

But back on topic.

"[...] that general who was leading the red shirt defense" Seh Daeng Sawasdipol was of course not the military mastermind behind the bamboo and tyre barricades. Mostly because he was just a loud-mouthed idiot who would walk around the camp in a carnival costume of jungle fatigues, a vietnam-style hat decorated with safety pins of hand grenades, combat boots and a web belt with a machete and attached canteen - in the centre of a mega city like Bangkok. But he was useful as he drew the attention away from those men in black, that constantly gave the army a hard time in their nightly raids, while Seh Daeng was busy instructing the red rabble to pile up old tyres and decorate them with pointy bamboo sticks.

All good things, however, had to come to an end. Seh Daeng grew overconfident and started to think that he was actually Thaksin's "Chief of Staff". So when the negotiations between the Leaders of the Red Shirts and the Government seemed to reach an agreement on premature elections, Seh Daeng declared those Leaders as removed from their posts. A most unwelcome turn of events. But Seh Daeng was too popular with the red rabble,so kicking him out of camp would have caused massive protests. As the cause needed a martyr and he had become a liability, he was quickly taken out by a trained marksman. Some of the witnesses correctly but most probably accidentally pointed out the location of the shooter in the redshirt held territory, while others just heard the supersonic crack of the passing bullet and were 90 or more degrees off the mark. But his killers correctly asumed that the red shirts and their fan group, including retarius and others, would blindly believe that he was taken out by the army because of his "military experience"

As Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm, has told us, the General Seh Daeng was taken out by Police Snipers. He also said that the men in Black were police. Could it be that big brother was not pleased with Seh Daeng telling the press that he was taking orgers from Mr. T?

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Yep the "who shot JR",Sae Daeng? The most possible popular rationales say the Dem Government wasnt involved, the most lunatic Red rant has Abihist as the sniper. Impossible because it was an expert shot.

"I was at Sala Deang area near the MRT station. A group of us reported about noise coming from the the Dusit Hotel. What looked like a long stick extended from the roof top. Within minutes, the general was speaking to his supporters, offering water to an elderly lady and giving her a hug. Moments later, a shot was heard from overhead. The object had been pulled back and a man with a black hood stood up and walked away. About 5 min. later. A man wearing the same outfit was escorted out of the hotel into a black police van. Quickly, it took off and proceeded to go up Rama 4 and turned left to go towards MBK............ “The reporter, who was two feet away and facing the general, heard a loud bang similar to that of a firecracker.

“The general fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, and protesters took his apparently lifeless body to a hospital, screaming his nickname: “Seh Daeng has been shot! Seh Daeng has been shot!”


So let's get this right....

A trained sniper let off a loose round, the crowd looked up to see the trained snipers gun barrel hanging out over the roof. After SD went down, the trained sniper stood up, making himself totally visible to all before walking off.


Not to mention that there´s 250 or 300 meters from the hotel to the station and the rooftop is 20 stories up... at night. Sharp eyes to see a gun barrel then and there.

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Yep the "who shot JR",Sae Daeng? The most possible popular rationales say the Dem Government wasnt involved, the most lunatic Red rant has Abihist as the sniper. Impossible because it was an expert shot.

"I was at Sala Deang area near the MRT station. A group of us reported about noise coming from the the Dusit Hotel. What looked like a long stick extended from the roof top. Within minutes, the general was speaking to his supporters, offering water to an elderly lady and giving her a hug. Moments later, a shot was heard from overhead. The object had been pulled back and a man with a black hood stood up and walked away. About 5 min. later. A man wearing the same outfit was escorted out of the hotel into a black police van. Quickly, it took off and proceeded to go up Rama 4 and turned left to go towards MBK............ “The reporter, who was two feet away and facing the general, heard a loud bang similar to that of a firecracker.

“The general fell to the ground, his eyes wide open, and protesters took his apparently lifeless body to a hospital, screaming his nickname: “Seh Daeng has been shot! Seh Daeng has been shot!”


So let's get this right....

A trained sniper let off a loose round, the crowd looked up to see the trained snipers gun barrel hanging out over the roof. After SD went down, the trained sniper stood up, making himself totally visible to all before walking off.


Not to mention that there´s 250 or 300 meters from the hotel to the station and the rooftop is 20 stories up... at night. Sharp eyes to see a gun barrel then and there.

I don't believe it was at night, but early evening and fully light out.

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If one visits the Chulalongklao Royal Military Academy in Nakorn Nayok, one can see first hand commendations on display for snipers and there is infact an indoor shooting range specifically for sniper training. Also, stickers on 4x4's roaming around Bangkok often have the battalion insignia and number.

And your point is what exactly? Just how big is the indoor sniper range ??

There is no such thing as an 'indoor sniper range'.

Sniping by it's very nature is long distance and outdoors.

You don't get any good at short distance and now sense of wind effects.

And since the army would have dozens of outdoor sharpshooter practice ranges

like one at EVERY army base of any size, unlikely that can't ALSO shoot from

500-1000 meters farther back from one or too and no one knows the difference,

because people are firing guns most of the day.

I have seen semi indoor "sniper" (actually hunting but where is the difference) ranges. You sit in the semi warm room and shoot outside. Which is nice when it has -20 degree Celcius.

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I read this and I wonder what planet you people live on...so biased and blinded by hate for anything that can remotely be associated with Thaksin. Of course the Army had snipers, they took out that general who was leading the red shirt defense....shot from the hospital across the way by a sniper...and whether it technically a sniper rifle or not, makes no difference...Sansern is simply distorting the truth to create a flase impression. Abhisit failed the country by not having ANY accountability for the slime that massacred innocent people who were fighting for what they believed in politically, which means that now we still have the problems we have today. What do you folk want, Abhisit's cover-up, or an investigation to uncover the truth and punish those responsible? Abhisit's a liar, plain and simple....when the shots were first fired, he claimed on television that the army didn't have any live rounds...next day he's demanding that the red shirts return all the ammo, guns and vehicles they captured...swallow too much kool aid propaganda and you will never get at the truth...but truth isn't really what is wanted here is it? Every one of these articles brings out the hate brigade and the snide witless comments....it's pitiful...grow up.

What makes you think Abhisit is avoiding accountability. He has said he is prepared to give up immunity and answer questions and in fact already has. Apparently if I remember correctly there is enough evidence to prove he is responsible but despite this nothing has happened. As I've already said on another thread the only ones who don't seem to want him brought to justice are Thaksin and his party. They want an amnesty for him so Thaksin can avoid prison. I have no idea what happened but if Abhisit is responsible then let's see some evidence in court and have a fair trial. I suppose you'd then like him to receive whatever punishment the court hands out, unlike Thaksin.

I think it's you that needs to grow up.

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