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just a quick question.girlfriend having obtained a visa for the uk. is it best to get an open return flight ticket or a set date.


It does not really matter as long as she does not overstay the visa.

Eva offer open returns on the front of their website.

Direct to UK include Thai, BA, Qantas and Eva.

Cheapest would probably be Aeroflot

Qatar have a current sale on, and maybe a few might as well.


thanks guys. Jim just read your post i think your being to honest . suggest a little white lie or two about your lady,s work situation


Really her ticket should reflect what your girlfriend has indicated in her application.

You will be aware that possession of a visa doesn't guarantee admission to the UK, the IO at the border will decide that, however to refuse admission the IO would need to show that there was a material change in circumstances or the visa was obtained fraudulently. If your girlfriend indicated that she was visiting for a couple of weeks, and if asked at the border presented an open ticket, it could make the IO ask further questions.

A return ticket isn't strictly necessary, all she has to do is is convince the IO that she is a genuine visitor and has the means to leave the UK, but after a long flight she doesn't need any hassle.

I personally would get a standard return, as others have said they are substantially cheaper and it will not leave her open to problems at the UK Border.



good advise mate. for such a long haul its not worth comming over for 1/2 weeks at least 1 month

would be the best. you have pointed out something that i was not aware of. IO at uk. she has already got her visa but on arrival at the UK an io officer who is having a bad day can refuse her entry. can you please explain this ?


The IO cannot refuse entry simply because they are having a 'bad day.'

As theoldgit said

the IO would need to show that there was a material change in circumstances or the visa was obtained fraudulently.

Even then, before refusing entry the IO would need to get the approval of the senior IO on duty.

Remember that the IO will be able to see, if they wish, what was said in the visa application; if she is questioned and her answers differ from what was said there then she may have problems.


The Immigration officer has a copy of her paperwork on his computer as soon as he places her passport in the reader it comes up, if she indicated only a 2 week stay, but he asks her and she says she wants to stay longer, or has no return ticket he can refuse her entry into the UK, until she passes Immigration she is not legally in the UK.


from your experience when completing the application what is best said on the length of time she requires to stay ? or can she leave this question open ?

from your experience when completing the application what is best said on the length of time she requires to stay ? or can she leave this question open ?

No she cannot leave this question, or indeed any question, open.

The ECO will be looking at the overall application and will make their decision after looking at application in the round, and they don't have long to make their decision, so the fact that it's a genuine visit needs to jump out at them.

There is no right and wrong answer and neither is there a template for a suitable length of stay, it depends on the plans of the applicant.

You are right in saying that it's long way to go for a two week trip, though I have travelled to the UK for a week, but it depends on her circumstances and what you have planned. Does she work, and if so can she have an extended holiday, even more important if she has been in her current employment for a short period.

What are you plans for her trip, Are you going to tour the UK, are you at work and leaving her to her own devices.


from your experience when completing the application what is best said on the length of time she requires to stay ? or can she leave this question open ?

No she cannot leave this question, or indeed any question, open.

The ECO will be looking at the overall application and will make their decision after looking at application in the round, and they don't have long to make their decision, so the fact that it's a genuine visit needs to jump out at them.

There is no right and wrong answer and neither is there a template for a suitable length of stay, it depends on the plans of the applicant.

You are right in saying that it's long way to go for a two week trip, though I have travelled to the UK for a week, but it depends on her circumstances and what you have planned. Does she work, and if so can she have an extended holiday, even more important if she has been in her current employment for a short period.

What are you plans for her trip, Are you going to tour the UK, are you at work and leaving her to her own devices.

as i am freelance. i can take time off. my plans are to tour with her and show her as much off the UK as i can, she will not be left on her own.

one other question if i may ask is.I would like to take her to the Irish republic which is not part of the UK, where can I apply for a Schengen visa ?


What did you put on the original application ?

They have access to your application form if required once she enters the UK?

sorry the application form is not completed yet just asking in advance


one other question if i may ask is.I would like to take her to the Irish republic which is not part of the UK, where can I apply for a Schengen visa ?

The Republic of Ireland is not part of the Schengen area.

She needs to apply for an Irish visa via the Irish Consulate.


one other question if i may ask is.I would like to take her to the Irish republic which is not part of the UK, where can I apply for a Schengen visa ?

The Republic of Ireland is not part of the Schengen area.

She needs to apply for an Irish visa via the Irish Consulate.

thanks 7by7 and to all for great advise

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