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I’ve always been amused by the constant reference to “phee” or ghosts here in Thailand but a recent eerie experience has made me rethink my skepticism of spirits visiting from another dimension. Thai culture seems to accept the existence of spirits. Why? What is the origin of this belief? Has anyone else had strange supernatural experiences (while sober)?

:o Mymechew :D

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yep they are as real as vampires and alien abductions my friend,meanwhile one of my girlfriends still would not go within 100metres of the beach at night.she was so afraid she would start crying if i tried to make her,poor thing.


Yes, absolutely. I know one: He, she or it often closes doors in my house with a big bang.

He, she or it manifests itself thereby as a chilly draught.

Jokes aside.

I think these are elements of the oldest belief system, animism, in the practice of faith.

There are many, maybe less recognizable, in Christianism as well.

The beautiful thing in Thailand is the harmonious way aspects of both beliefsystems are balanced in daily practice.

For that reason I think the answer should be yes. It is in the minds of our Thai friends and if you live here long enough you become more sensitive to it yourself.

The mind influences the perception of reality, so it is part of it, isn't it?

Limbo :o

I am told that the Lahu (Muser) here in Northern Thailand still profess the purest form of animist Sjamanism.

Try to visit their New Year celebration (but don't ask me when it is).


If you read my Blog here on TV, ( its nearly one of the first post I made ) you will read about my Dream/Coincidence/Vision or what ever. Even today it sometimes gives me an errie chill when I think about it.



WHat Jimbo said it true, but personally i have never felt and sensed any Phee yet since i was born. so im not afraid of them. In the past Thais are belive in ghost or spirit , it is comes from the religion. if u are noticed they also pay high respect to mother or female's spirit as u can see from many name from moutains Districs village names etc..they mosty begin with the word Mae which is mean mother or Nang which is mean women . :o

  • 2 weeks later...

On christmas day i ordained as a buddhist monk in Phitchit. One evening in early January myself and a few lun pee`s were sat around a fire within the temple grounds, I decided to take some pics of us all and then realised i had a full on phee in one of the pics!! :o

I showed it to ajarn and he confirmed it was a monk that passed away some 45 years earlier. I will share this pic with you all very soon....

They definately are out there....


I believe in ghost about as much as i believe in Jesus, Mohommand, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and Elmer Fudd. Not all all.

When you die,...then energy in your body fades away the same way fire does before it flickers out. After that, nothing else. It is over.

The only afterlife you provide is for the bugs surviving off your dead body.

I believe in ghost about as much as i believe in Jesus, Mohommand, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and Elmer Fudd. Not all all.

When you die,...then energy in your body fades away the same way fire does before it flickers out. After that, nothing else. It is over.

The only afterlife you provide is for the bugs surviving off your dead body.



I haven't seen a ghost yet, but know people who claim they have...

I suspend judgement, I am not convinced either way.

Meanwhile, I enjoy scaring my scum-bag brother in law off staying with us - last night I heard a sobbing voice upstairs again, but there was nobody there... :o:D


Well i find it more interesting to believe in them, I used to laugh at my gf coz she says she saw her grandmother or something.

She regular hires TV shows called Ghost Hunter from the Thai shops in sydney.

When i first watched them i was laughing my ass off. But then i just thought hey its better to believe as the show is very interesting if it was all true.

There is no harm in believeing, its actually more fun...

On christmas day i ordained as a buddhist monk in Phitchit. One evening in early January myself and a few lun pee`s were sat around a fire within the temple grounds, I decided to take some pics of us all and then realised i had a full on phee in one of the pics!! :D

I showed it to ajarn and he confirmed it was a monk that passed away some 45 years earlier. I will share this pic with you all very soon....

They definately are out there....

:D Around 5AM one morning, while it was still dark, I went outside to take a leak. As I was enjoying this early morning release the locked iron gate to the property opened and a woman walked in, smiled then walked back out closing the gate behind her. I was still a little sleepy since I hadn’t yet had my first cup of coffee so didn’t give much thought to the incident. I assumed she was pleased or amused by what she saw and left it at that. :D

An hour or so later I was working in my office located upstairs next to the bedroom of one of the kids. I noticed the clock and realized it was time for me to wake him up for school. I heard the bedroom door open, then close so thought he had gotten up on his own. A minute later he rushed into my office and asked me who the woman was that just came into his room. He described her as about 18 or 19 years old wearing a striped shirt and having dark circles under her eyes – an exact description of the young lady who grinned at my male organ earlier. To ease his fear we checked every room in the house to be sure no strangers were present (I did not reveal to him the pulsating, nerve-tingling sensation I was experiencing during this search). :D

Over the course of the following week nobody in the house was willing to be alone or sleep alone. It didn’t help much when some Thai friends who were familiar with the history of the house told us that this house had always been haunted and that a teenage girl hung herself in one of the rooms many years ago. I eventually came up with an explanation that seemed to satisfy, though not relieve the anxiety. Our dog had been killed the day before – so I suggested she (the dog) was on her way to dog heaven and her spirit had just stopped in to say good bye.

It’s either that or the “phee” just wanted to see my “pee pee” pee! :o

:D Mymechew


I have had many experiences which are unexplainable by normal logic, including seeing so-called ghosts in places which are supposed to be haunted. As a child it used to frighten me and my mates would take the p1ss if I told them. However, when I was about 5 yrs old my mum told me that she had the same "gift" and perhaps I had inherited it from her.

To me what I see and feel is real but nothing to be afraid of.

My wife is typical Thai - scared stiff of anything "supernatural".


my Fiancee is scared of the dark because she thinks she might see a ghost hahahahha i always found that amusing as she is 29 and not a kid anymore



When you die,...then energy in your body fades away the same way fire does before it flickers out. After that, nothing else. It is over.


What if the mind/consciousness is exactly that energy?

I'm sure the energy is part of the mind/consciousness. But I believe when you die, that energy fades into nothingness.

There is no afterlife...pergatory.....life with the prophets...kingdom of heaven or anything else mystical waiting to claim your soul when your brain stops functioning.

Religion is something made by man to control other men by promising rewards for good behavior and faith and punishment for bad behavior and lack of faith. It explains the unknown by saying, "we don't know why but it is the will of god".

The existence of ghost are just another twist of fabeled religions trying to scare people.

Religion has killed more people than anything else in the history of the world. When these people died, the energy (mind/consciousness) in their body faded away into nothingness and not into ghostleness.



When you die,...then energy in your body fades away the same way fire does before it flickers out. After that, nothing else. It is over.


What if the mind/consciousness is exactly that energy?

I'm sure the energy is part of the mind/consciousness. But I believe when you die, that energy fades into nothingness.

I wasn't trying to prove or disapprove anything. I just wanted to note that one of the most fundamental principles of physics is that energy is always conserved and does not fade into nothingness, but only changes forms, such as matter, light, radio, heat, etc. My remark was that if the mind/soul is associated with the body's energy then when somebody dies and that energy is transferred from the body, it can still carry the information about the soul/mind but in a different form (electromagnetic energy for example which is invisible).



When you die,...then energy in your body fades away the same way fire does before it flickers out. After that, nothing else. It is over.


What if the mind/consciousness is exactly that energy?

I'm sure the energy is part of the mind/consciousness. But I believe when you die, that energy fades into nothingness.

I wasn't trying to prove or disapprove anything. I just wanted to note that one of the most fundamental principles of physics is that energy is always conserved and does not fade into nothingness, but only changes forms, such as matter, light, radio, heat, etc. My remark was that if the mind/soul is associated with the body's energy then when somebody dies and that energy is transferred from the body, it can still carry the information about the soul/mind but in a different form (electromagnetic energy for example which is invisible).

If we accept that energy does not disappear but goes elsewhere or takes a different form – then how do we explain the reason for this new form of energy, often appearing deceptively in it’s old form, to become visible to some and not others. And, why would it materialize at times that seem relevant and at other times random.

:o Mymechew


Think of the energy like smoke. For a while, you can see it.

As your life force fades away (you die) the energy dissapates in the air till it is no more recognizable as energy but instead loses its individuality and blends in with other types of energy such as sunlight, radio/tv/microwaves, etc and retains no similarity to its former self.

Much the same way smoke from a fire does when it goes up into the atmosphere and fades away with the wind.

Thus, fading away into nothingness.



A friend or mine studied in Brisbane for 3 years stayed for a short time in an old house at Kangaroo Point . He told me that on a number of ocassions he was woken by a ghost that would pull on his leg or just make loud steps around the house late at night. One night the ghost pulled on his leg and my friend shouted "I am not going anywhere so just go away"! He never felt the spirit again. He never believed in ghost's before either. Me, I'll believe it when I see it.




I believe in ghost about as much as i believe in Jesus, Mohommand, Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and Elmer Fudd. Not all all.

When you die,...then energy in your body fades away the same way fire does before it flickers out. After that, nothing else. It is over.

The only afterlife you provide is for the bugs surviving off your dead body.



I'm just an ignoramus from northern Europe, not too well versed in English.

What in the world is an "easterbunny" and what on earth has it got to do with this topic?



I'm just an ignoramus from northern Europe, not too well versed in English.

What in the world is an "easterbunny" and what on earth has it got to do with this topic?


The topic began as a discussion of ghosts but has drifted on to a debate between believers and nonbelievers – of spirits, scientific theory and religion. The latter includes the Easter Bunny who was never holy but definitely entertaining for little Christian kids searching for hidden eggs on Easter morning.

:D Homealone

Think of the energy like smoke. For a while, you can see it.

As your life force fades away (you die) the energy dissapates in the air till it is no more recognizable as energy but instead loses its individuality and blends in with other types of energy such as sunlight, radio/tv/microwaves, etc and retains no similarity to its former self.

Much the same way smoke from a fire does when it goes up into the atmosphere and fades away with the wind.

Thus, fading away into nothingness.

Definitely a nonbeliever!!!

:o Homealone

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