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3Bb Dsl Speed On The Countryside?


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When I fly back to Thailand in 2 month , I want sign up 3bb Internet connection in Isaan!

My girlfriend told me tot national post is not avalible because not to much people want to sign up for it, so we have only 3 bb in the village !

Some question about this provider, the website says one time installation coast Is 3590 bath!

When I want watch hd videos maybe I sign up for the highest 20 mbit package for 3500 bath month, but i am not sure does it really reach the full speed or not, if not can I downgrade the package to 6 mbit , on the next month? Or how long I must be connected to the package I sign up for!


Can I change every month?

Here in Europe the installation first setup is free I can always upgrade to more faster and expensive product, but then I must stay on the same product one year, after that I can downgrade to a cheaper and slower speed, but not via versa!,does it handle in Thailand the same way, I need 20 bit for the half of the year when I go home over the summer time I want downgrade to 599 bath 6 mbit, is this possible with 3bb


Did this company also offer normal lAnd line telephone, include in the package !


How much does it coast?

Sorry that I post in general section I not find the Internet computer section with the iPhone app!

Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Installation is free up to 350 meters of cable after thath it is 16 baht a cable, speed will be dependend on cable lenght.

no need to take a phone number to use their lines and 3BB is by far superior to TOT adsl.

my advice, take the 6mbit and you can later change if you want.

Edited by NHJ
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When you go in PERSON to a real office (not Big C / Tesco mini office) of 3BB bring the GPS coordinate, or a good map, or copy of land paper, or the "house book" to show the LOCATION of the house you desire 3BB service. While you might easily afford the monthly fee for a "better faster package", depending on your exact location, you can or can NOT receive the level of service package. At least my experience in Buriram, they were HONEST about what speed was and was NOT possible in our small nearby town. The 3BB customer service operator from Bangkok would gladly have me sign up for the fastest most expensive package, but the staff in Buriram, while they did not speak much English, it became clear via some pointing and rough translating, what REAL level of service was in fact possible for our location. By and large a very DEPENDABLE ISP in my opinion. If you phone them about a problem (rare we have had problems since they installed their OWN lines and ditched the TOT sharing of lines) they actually phone back with seemingly honest and helpful answers. It has been YEARS since a service tech from 3BB was requested to come to our home. They also offer a small discount if you pay one year in advance. 3BB is one of the better firms in Thailand in my experience.

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