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Swedish Man Arrested For Allegedly Killing New Zealand Tourist In Pattaya


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Death penalty, not because of eye for and eye or for punishment in any way, not even as deterrent to others just get this asshol_e off the planet and stop any possibility of him breeding his jeans. This human is defective dangerous and unreliable worthless and useless --reject.

keep him alive in prison --what for? not worth the food to keep him. I nearly got bottled on the face by a big stupid Swede down town years ago --he would be about 40 now --I hope its him,---- I was talking to his freind

Edited by Fishface
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Strange this has not been reported in the NZ press that I have found. Shame on the NZ press. Could there be more to this story? Unless the Swede was really over it drowned in alcohol, I don't know a sane person that would react this way.

I found it is quite difficult avoiding aggressive people at times in Thailand, because you do not know the guy you are saying a friendly hello to at the bar, restaurant or the club. Because they come from different cultures, it is harder to "sniff out" Jabba the Hutt, you may believe you are talking with Princess Laya, but infact you are talking with a Wookie..

I just googled the guy. It's all over the NZ press now. Maybe 15 minutes after you posted.
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killing for a pet---all we have are maybes...**maybe,,,when the go to their hotel room,,,she asked her GF,,, why did you play with the pet dog?? do you like Him?? do you love him??....lady answer:: No!! I just player with the dog?? you sure?? its ok if I will kill him?? OK..... she forgot to inform her jealous boyfriend,,that i he will kill him,,,he has to also prepare for jail......

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Lets hope he is given the death penalty. An "eye for an eye!"

Yes, given the success of death penalties, cruel punishments (drawing & quartering, floggings etc) in wiping out crime..............hang on it didn't wipe it out at all, did it?

Stupid crime can never be stamped out by preventive measures.

Prevention can work for some crimes, but stupidity cannot be cured nor prevented.

The most sensible thing to do is to get rid of the stupid murderers.

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Unhealthy surroundings attract unhealthy people. The solution is quite simple: If you value you life and your health, stay away form these places. If your purpose is to find a girl or have drink, there are countless other otions. All of them safer. Count the cost. The price is too high. And don't foolishly believe it cannot happen to you. It does. All the time.

Its not that bad, just dont stroke dogs, keep and eye out for skin heads and always be ready to pay a bill and scarper. Listen to your surroundings and keep a feel for arguments--any suggestion of animosity,-- pay bill,-- leave.

Just like I would London New york you name it.

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Part of the reason I live here is to avoid people like this. When you hear stuff like this, it really saddens you.

That person stabbed in the neck could have been anyone.


This sort of thing doesn't only happen in Thailand, there are looneys in every country, despite some of the things that happen here, I still think Thailand is one of the safest countries in the world to live.
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This sort of crap is happening all the time in good ol safe OZ, makes you wounder where it's all going to end up, generally they're in a state of intoxication and spaced out of their minds, dumb bums without a life.Possum 1935 summed it up , Thailand is safer than most countries, i consider Perth, much to my disappointment, very dangerous after 10pm at night. Condolences to the family across the Tasman.

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Lets hope he is given the death penalty. An "eye for an eye!"

Yes, given the success of death penalties, cruel punishments (drawing & quartering, floggings etc) in wiping out crime..............hang on it didn't wipe it out at all, did it?

If found guilty of pre meditated murder im Thailand it is an automatic death sentence but often gets reprieved to life if plead guilty & show remorse. Anyway another senseless & brutal crime with a tragic outcome.

Pleading guilty means a life sentence of 99 years normally reduced on either the kings birthday/anniversary each year...Sweden also has a reciprocal agreement with Thailand meaning after 6 years he will be transfered over to Swedish prison authorities..

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I could understand it if the victim guy was playing with the GF's pussy cat.... But the girl playing with his dog... I don't get it...

"Would you like to play with my puppies?" <Example>

Something said in fun and misunderstood through language and alcohol mix is all that it takes for some to kick-off. We read what they write and listen to what they say, but unless we were there and have seen it from both sides we can never fairly judge (if it ever is our job to do so)

However, we can never condone premeditated murder

RIP my Kiwi friend, nobody deserves that............wai.gif

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Sorry to say,but drinking at some of the open bars late at night in Pattaya reminds me of the segment of the first Starwars movie, where the customers (creatures) come from various galaxies sitting around drinking. Quite entertaining.

Nice observation.

All that's missing is Jataporn the Hut....!

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My god where do these morons come from? I really wish these idiots would just stay in their country. I came to Thailand to get away from these vile subhumans.

Maybe you came to the wrong country then ;)

Thailand is probably not the wrong country but Pattaya IS the wrong place for sure!

Sent somehow from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Why does Thai law allow bar keepers to continue to sell alcohol to customers that are Drunk?

What a stupid thing to say.

Wow is getting drunk in a bar illegal?


Similar to a guy who wants to buy petrol, already having a full tank. isn't it called business????-------

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Lets hope he is given the death penalty. An "eye for an eye!"

Yes, given the success of death penalties, cruel punishments (drawing & quartering, floggings etc) in wiping out crime..............hang on it didn't wipe it out at all, did it?

Stupid crime can never be stamped out by preventive measures.

Prevention can work for some crimes, but stupidity cannot be cured nor prevented.

The most sensible thing to do is to get rid of the stupid murderers.

With this paradigm, the stupid have to murder before they can be eliminated.

Edited by MaxYakov
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Why does Thai law allow bar keepers to continue to sell alcohol to customers that are Drunk?

What a stupid thing to say.

Wow is getting drunk in a bar illegal?

I do not know who is more stupid, for in every country in the world bartenders are supposed ( by lato stop serving alcohol to obviously drunk customers

Sent somehow from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

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Lets hope he is given the death penalty. An "eye for an eye!"

Yes, given the success of death penalties, cruel punishments (drawing & quartering, floggings etc) in wiping out crime..............hang on it didn't wipe it out at all, did it?

You are correct harsh punishment will never wipe out crime....nothing will, but soft punishments has led to an general increase in crime throughout the world. Do gooders that believe that the criminal is the real victum have a lot to answer for.

Edited by Billmont
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R.I.P Robert E Hollick and sincere condolences to your family these murders in Thailand seem to be becoming a terrible daily norm now absolutely shocking behaviour from the Swede if found guilty I hope he gets the death sentence or even worse life in Thai prison. The more people read stories like this the more it frightens ordinary tourists away from Thailand.

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Lets hope he is given the death penalty. An "eye for an eye!"

Yes, given the success of death penalties, cruel punishments (drawing & quartering, floggings etc) in wiping out crime..............hang on it didn't wipe it out at all, did it?

It's a punishment, not a deterrent...take this scum off the face of the earth...murder for petting an animal deserves the death penalty.

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Strange this has not been reported in the NZ press that I have found. Shame on the NZ press. Could there be more to this story? Unless the Swede was really over it drowned in alcohol, I don't know a sane person that would react this way.

I found it is quite difficult avoiding aggressive people at times in Thailand, because you do not know the guy you are saying a friendly hello to at the bar, restaurant or the club. Because they come from different cultures, it is harder to "sniff out" Jabba the Hutt, you may believe you are talking with Princess Laya, but infact you are talking with a Wookie..

It is making the news here in NZL now.

These things really dont help.

I have a Thai wife and we would like to semi retire there in the future ( not Pattaya ).

But this constant bad news from Thailand is making my wife afraid to live there.

A thai person!

It is almost weekly.

I knew one of the people that deceased a couple of years ago in Phuket. He was 100% good guy.

Bag snatch for gods sake.

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