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Microsoft Is Changing Its Corporate Logo


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Microsoft is changing its corporate logo


For the first time in 25 years, Microsoft is changing its corporate logo (new logo, see above).

Microsoft, which has used its solid, boldfaced, italicized logo since 1987, is expected to unveil its new, more colorful logo Thursday at the Boston opening of the 23rd Microsoft store. It will also appear Thursday at the Seattle and Bellevue Microsoft stores, as well as on the microsoft.com home page.

The new logo, which incorporates a multicolored Windows symbol in addition to the "Microsoft" name in straightforward, lighter type, is intended to "signal the heritage but also signal the future — a newness and freshness," said Jeff Hansen, Microsoft's general manager of brand strategy.

Full story: http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/businesstechnology/2018972097_microsoftlogo23.html

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Metro without having to use the word Metro. wink.png

Microsoft's new logo emphasizes Windows, Metro

By AppleInsider Staff

Published: 10:02 AM EST (07:02 AM PST)

For the first time in 25 years, Microsoft has updated its logo, with a tiled symbol that evokes the logo for its Windows operating system, as well as the new tile-driven Metro interface being pushed by the company.

The intent behind the new logo was explained by the company in a post to its official blog on Thursday. Jeff Hansen, general manager of brand strategy at Microsoft, said his company wants to have a common look and feel across all of its products, including upcoming launches of Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, and the next version of Office

"This wave of new releases is not only a reimagining of our most popular products, but also represents a new era for Microsoft, so our logo should evolve to visually accentuate this new beginning," Hansen said.

The new logo uses the Segoe font for the Microsoft name. That same font is used by the company in its products as well as its marketing communications.


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That probably cost millions to get done..

They could have asked me, I would have done it for free and between 2 beers.
Jeff Hansen, general manager of brand strategy at Microsoft, said his company wants to have a common look and feel across all of its products, including upcoming launches of Windows 8, Windows Phone 8, and the next version of Office

But if they had kept the old logo they would have had the same common look and feel for the new products as that they had for their previous releases,not.

is expected to unveil its new, more colorful logo Thursday

As far as I can notice it has the exact same colors in the same position as the old logo.

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It looks cheaper than the current logo.Maybe business isn't that good at Microsoft whistling.gif


less is more...

Minimal and clean design (google like) replaced the old paradigm of webpages like yahoo or hotmail

The new logo seems similar to me to the new interface on Windows 8

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