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Officials Decide Military Reshuffle, Not The Thai Govt: Yuthasak


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Here is how the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is selected in the US.

The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, (The head General of the Armed Forces) is appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate.

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I don't know why Thailand needs so many senior army officials. Surely all they do is cause trouble and fill their pockets. Hmmm maybe that is the reason.

Looking historically many modern countries have many more General grade officers than say WWII. Things tend to grow and promotions happen. "Citizen armies are answerable to the citizens" Seems Rome did away with the draft too. Way too many generals.

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to kimamay;

​I take your point and of course you are right inasmuch as the orders are most likely coming from on high. Which of course begs the question ... 'Will Thailand ever have a powerful femaile leader?' I'm thinking Margaret Thatcher / Golda Meyer / Angela Merkel . Or even a Hilary Clinton / Madeline Albright / Condi Rice. Not saying I admired them all... couldn't stand Thatcher and Rice, but it is a thought.

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to kimamay;

​I take your point and of course you are right inasmuch as the orders are most likely coming from on high. Which of course begs the question ... 'Will Thailand ever have a powerful femaile leader?' I'm thinking Margaret Thatcher / Golda Meyer / Angela Merkel . Or even a Hilary Clinton / Madeline Albright / Condi Rice. Not saying I admired them all... couldn't stand Thatcher and Rice, but it is a thought.

I haven't checked the history of all of these but the ones I know about all worked their way up to the positions they held. They would have had to be really good to get past the normal male dominance and although like you I didn't agree with all of the opinions and actions they'd earned the right to be associated with them.

I'm sure Thailand will get a proper female PM one day. Any woman with a sound record in politics would be head and shoulders above most of the present lot. The difficulty will be finding an honest and professional politician of either gender and then getting them past all of the corruption, cronyism, bribery and favouritism that seem to be prevalent right now.

In the UK at the moment there seems to be a trend for putting women and minorities forward for election based on some sort of quota which means a lot of people being in positions due to sex or ethnicity ect. It makes it difficult for genuine participants.

It looks like a lot of this situation with the Thai military is due to promotion for reasons other than ability. This is probably true of the government and the military opinions.

Edited by kimamey
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Yingluck role is in the kitchen, NOT run the army.

Can she boil an egg?

Can she find the kitchen?

"What's a 'kitchen' ? Note to self, to ask that nice Super-Chalerm, he knows everything !" rolleyes.gif

Edited by Ricardo
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