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"o" Type Visa

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I am planning on visiting g/f for 6 months in April, and think the most suitable visa would be the "O" type Non-Immigrant visa. However the application form asks for the proposed duration of stay. Now as an "O" type visa is valid for 90 days, should I say 90 days or there about, or say about 6 months but will be visiting some neighbouring countries during visit. I am aware a "visa run" will be required but does it make sense to make it obvious that this is what I intend to do. Any suggestions gratefully recieved.


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Your from the UK correct?........so presumably your applying for the Non Imm O on the grounds of visiting family and friends.

If you are applying for a Multiple entry Non Imm O it will be valid for a year............simply put duration of stay as 6 months on the application form.

If for some reason its only a single entry O you are applying for then you/ll have to put 90 days as your intended stay...........problem with the single will be if you leave Thailand after the 90 day period and return by AIR without an onward ticket back out of Thailand within the next 30 days you may be refused boarding.............returning overland however should not be a problem.

Go for the multi from Hull would be my advice.

I/d assume the reason your not applying for a double entry tourist is down to the fact that you are going to be travelling in and out of Thailand visiting neighbouring countries.

A lot depends upon your exact itinerery...........but you/ll def be safe with the multi O (95 pound)

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One bit of advice I have not seen on these pages or ever heard being announced on a flight is that you must noew retain your boarding pass for presentaion to BKK immigration.

When did this come in?...........must admit ive never heard of it, i flew back from Singapore in December and was not asked to show my boarding pass.

Regards onwards tickets and refusal of boarding............maybe i/m just overly cautious but i/d rather be safe than sorry.......thats just my opinion of course.


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Yes but you don't get to your luggage until you have been admitted :o

That wouldnt matter, you would still have the reciept they normally either stick it to the back of your passport or to the back of your ticket...........so it can be shown to trace your luggage incase it does not arrive.

Above said all airline reciepts are not the same.......ive still got one stuck to my passport from my Air Asia flight from Singapore and it only has a barcode and number but no flight details on...........i do remember that Eva Air have the flight number on as well though.

Going to Singapore again next month will remember to hang onto the boarding pass this time on my return just incase though.

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In 2004 they stricly enforced presenting boarding passes at arrival, at least at DM-airport. Airlines did advice before landing, to take it along (E.g. CX and SK)

Towards middle of 2005 this disappeared and so did the signs at the arrival counters.

Arrived last night, no body announced and noboady asked for my boarding pass. Regardless of this, I always keep them with me, until the mileage is credited by the carrier for the one or other program.

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Hi guys thanks for replies,

From what you say then I assume it is okay to write 6 MONTHS for "proposed duration of stay" although a Multiple "O" type only allows stays of 90 days and would therefore mean a visa run. Are the Thai Consulate okay with this? I intend to apply to the Consulate in Hull U.K.

Regards Neil

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