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U.s. Woman Forced To Eat Maggots While Locked Up In Thai Prison For 9 Years


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I am going to express what seems to be the minority view here.

a. prisoner or not she is a human being, deserving of decent treatment --- human rights, the rights of prisoners.

b. does anyone think that the Mr Bigs of the drug market will ever be put on trial? The occasional small timer (like this woman) is imprisoned and everyone gets a pat on the back, and the biz goes on.

c. drugs -- I venture to say that legal drugs cause more problems than illegal (viox anyone remember?). And for illegal drugs --- imo, if you are an adult you can take what ever you want and suffer the consequences, be that a dozen jack daniels, 10 cartoons of ciggies or heroin. Your choice, your life.

So give this woman, fat and dumb she might be, a break.

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Good chance she has an untreated thyroid condition.

the excuse of all who like good food and a lot of it laugh.png

I don't think her being fat (if she was) had anything to do with the conditions she was in. I doubt she had relatives able to send her lots of money to help her out, and therefore to make fun of her on this basis is very low indeed. She did a stupid thing, went through an ordeal brought on by those acts, and then has people laughing at her. If she was your sister you might hope she had better conditions than this and people were not laughing about the woeful life she has led for the past years. Shame on you.

I just saw that episode last weekend. Very well said!

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Another media circus here... Maybe they should consider the alternative she could have faced for smuggling drugs.

Curios statement ? we are not reporters we are a forum giving an opinion. " Maybe they should consider the alternative she could have faced for smuggling drugs." what alternative? do you mean the death penalty or do you mean something else? Not really clear.

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In the video she says she did not know where that evil thing came out of me Is she still so stupid that she did not know she was a lowlife drug smuggling fat cow trying to bringing drug misery to the streets of US she should have been locked up for a lot longer she’s a very nasty evil person

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stefb1964, on 2012-08-30 12:24:10, said:

Another media circus here... Maybe they should consider the alternative she could have faced for smuggling drugs.

A bar girl would be a better option than a drug smuggler and she might even earn some respect a good few rungs higher up the ladder than a drug smuggler + she might have found herself a nice new boyfriend

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Ms Carnegie doesn't really look malnutritioned to me... (wow, it rhymes!)

This however is how heroin addicts look before and after



Any questions?

Our "poor" forced to eat maggots drug smuggler should have done the time she was supposed to (which is life) without the possibility of parole to have enough free hours to reflect on the question of "how many lifes the smuggled Heroin would have destroyed permanently". In addition it would have given her ample time to inform herself (by reading some non-mainstream books) about who the real big drug smugglers are who actually use naive people like her as patsies while the real stuff is shipped in by big containers on a daily basis...

The funny thing is that they all believe they wouldn't get caught, just like the drug addicts believe they could easily stop tomorrow if they wanted to, but they simply aren't up to it yet...

I don't feel sorry for her at all and can have no sympathy whatsoever for a heroin smuggler - regardless of being a first timer or pro. I also feel a bit uneasy about the series banged up abroad, etc. since it gives me the eerie feeling that any drug dealer (big or small) can become a national hero or celebrity all of a sudden. If that isn't wrong, what is?

These are METH addicts. not heroin addicts. believe it or not, there's a big difference.

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My guess is that most of the people here posting so judgmentally; saying she should have got life..have never been in a situation where they were in serious financial distress-and abroad..

I realize that heroin is addictive; but it's the addicts who destroy their own lives, alcohol destroys many more lives every year.. I think LIFE or 10 years for a small mount-just enough to fit into the lining of a bag--is cruel and unusual especially when rapists and sometimes murderers get less.. there are many people in Thai prison just for being caught with 20-30 yaba tablets-and they get 2-3 years just for personal use.. these overzealous laws are destroying more lives than they are saving..

it should be 3-5 years for a first time trafficker/dealer of HARD drugs like yaba or heroin, personal users should just get a few months or just take anti-addiction treatment..

human being make mistakes, 1 mistake should not mean the end of ones life.

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Another media circus here... Maybe they should consider the alternative she could have faced for smuggling drugs.

Curios statement ? we are not reporters we are a forum giving an opinion. " Maybe they should consider the alternative she could have faced for smuggling drugs." what alternative? do you mean the death penalty or do you mean something else? Not really clear.

I was indeed referring to the death penalty. Don't get me wrong, I do not approve inhumane penalties and if what has been written is true, than it's disgusting. By following media content, we all should be aware that what we read not necessarily is the exact truth. Recently a number of articles and pictures from countries in war have have been found manipulated by the reporters for whatever reason. That's why I used the suggestive terminology 'media circus'.

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Another media circus here... Maybe they should consider the alternative she could have faced for smuggling drugs.

Curios statement ? we are not reporters we are a forum giving an opinion. " Maybe they should consider the alternative she could have faced for smuggling drugs." what alternative? do you mean the death penalty or do you mean something else? Not really clear.

I was indeed referring to the death penalty. Don't get me wrong, I do not approve inhumane penalties and if what has been written is true, than it's disgusting. By following media content, we all should be aware that what we read not necessarily is the exact truth. Recently a number of articles and pictures from countries in war have have been found manipulated by the reporters for whatever reason. That's why I used the suggestive terminology 'media circus'.

Ok but alot of the replies are to the womans own statements on youtube and the program Banged up Abroad. So mainly opinions on her own words not media

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She was a drug smuggler, and prepared to lie and cheat her way out of it after she got tumbled.

Who actually supplied the drugs? Her boyfriend possibly?

Why did this drug transporting daughter of death not receive a real life sentence or even the death penalty?

Now she will probably make a fortune and find fame by selling her story to the media.

I have no doubts that her only regrets is that she got caught. A complete joke and I for one will not be watching, buying any books or movies featuring her ordeal.

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Why do they let these scumbags out after only a short time. She didnt care about the problems her actions would inflict on others so she should still be rotting there now!!!

Obviously you have never heard of the principle of proportionality. Yes, she committed a very serious crime, but it may well have been her first and she was in her twenties. You would not allow a human being a second chance in life? Says a lot about you. Hope you don't have kids, or even pets. And make sure never to make any mistake!

I agree with you to a large extent - she was young and stupid, and we all make mistakes when we are young.

However, she was also looking for easy money, and her greed overcame any thought for the consequences.

She's been given her second chance in life as she was released.

Not those kind of mistakes bud, don't remember ever thinking of doing such a thing anytime in my life...stop looking for excuses for her..there aren't any. Your right though on the other part, easy money and greed.
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AKA Joy Nash. She doesn't seem to traumatised by her ordeal. She has a number of nutty video's on Youtube and appears to be a self centred attention seeker.

It disgusts me that scum like this woman are able to profit out of their stay in prison. Get up on tv spout off a sob story and lie about what happened and get fame and cash in return.

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Another media circus here... Maybe they should consider the alternative she could have faced for smuggling drugs.

Curios statement ? we are not reporters we are a forum giving an opinion. " Maybe they should consider the alternative she could have faced for smuggling drugs." what alternative? do you mean the death penalty or do you mean something else? Not really clear.

I was indeed referring to the death penalty. Don't get me wrong, I do not approve inhumane penalties and if what has been written is true, than it's disgusting. By following media content, we all should be aware that what we read not necessarily is the exact truth. Recently a number of articles and pictures from countries in war have have been found manipulated by the reporters for whatever reason. That's why I used the suggestive terminology 'media circus'.

Ok but alot of the replies are to the womans own statements on youtube and the program Banged up Abroad. So mainly opinions on her own words not media

thanks for the update, I just didn't get that far yet. I will have a look at it when I get home in a few hours.
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I feel very sorry that any country feels they can treat human beings this way, regardless of what they have done.

I would think it breaks several human rights laws that Thailand has signed up to. But lets face it successive Thai governments have been the kind that will sign anything and do nothing. - disgusting.

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It disgusts me that scum like this woman are able to profit out of their stay in prison. Get up on tv spout off a sob story and lie about what happened and get fame and cash in return.

Thank all the "real-TV" shows for that. Apparently there's a lot of demand, so I'd blame the watchers for the existence of this industry.

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This is a perfect example of sensationalism and poor journalism. One headline reads "US woman forced to eat maggots in Thai prison for 9 years"; another reads "US woman forced to eat maggots while locked up in prison for 9 years." These are two very different things. The first implies that she was intentionally fed maggots every day for 9 years against her will. The second says that she was in prison for 9 years, and that during that time, she was forced to eat maggots.

A further read says that she was forced to eat rotting food teeming with maggots. So, was she forced to eat maggots or food infested with maggots? Was it her choice to eat it or was she actually forced against her will to eat it? How many times did this occur? Was it every day for 9 years? That's highly doubtful.

The word "teeming" is a loaded word. It's not quantifiable and is unsuitable for the objectivity necessary to professional journalism. The word "forced" is also subjective, as it implies that these things were shoved down her throat or that she was somehow otherwise forced to eat these things against her will, using some kind of physical force or threat of physical force.

All of it is hearsay. Without evidence or a legal ruling, there is no way one can know what actually happened.

What's wrong with saying: "Convicted drug smuggler claims prison food had maggots" or "American felon claims prison food infested with maggots"? These are facts. She is a convicted drug smuggler. She is an American and a felon. She claims her food had maggots.

I suggest Thai Visa and its writers purchase copies of the AP Style Guide. Do not presume that the use of journalese and sensational headlines makes your articles de facto news.

Edited by HowardV
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The only good thing about these TV shows is that they send out a warning to anyone thinking about committing a crime in Thailand..........even if the stories are exaggerated.

Hell mend anyone that thinks thay being involved in the drug trade in Thailand is a good idea.

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AKA Joy Nash. She doesn't seem to traumatised by her ordeal. She has a number of nutty video's on Youtube and appears to be a self centred attention seeker.

It disgusts me that scum like this woman are able to profit out of their stay in prison. Get up on tv spout off a sob story and lie about what happened and get fame and cash in return.

As far as I'm aware, Joy Nash who appears in that video is the actress who played Angela Carnegie, the real life woman who was locked up in the BKK Hilton for 9 years.

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Geez, even the maggot industry gets its' supply from the the Fast Food industry. I would suggest that while she may have indeed had prison-provided food given to her with maggots in it, she must have had someone on the outside bringing food into her...and lot's of it.

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She broke the law

She received the prescribed punishment

Som Nom Na!

More like ... Som Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom Nom everything that moves ... for 9 years!

Also, it's "Som nam naa", there's no nomming involved! The word nam there is that of water, although it does not mean water when used with the word naa (face).

Nam naa or น้ำหน้า is a insulting word for the face or someone's appearance.

I wouldn't say "som nam naa" is applicable here. 9 years? Not even close to long enough, considering where she committed the crime and how blasé she seems to be about trying to import class A drugs and then having the audacity to bleat on about how hard done by she is.

Like when she first committed the crime, all she's after is money. Money was the motivating factor in the criminal offense and it's the motivating factor with appearing in the documentary and all this digusting publicity.

I take exception to the "I've broken up with someone so the next logical thing to do is to become a heroin mule." line. BS.

You're a greedy b*tch and 9 years in a Thai prison couldn't even show you the merest ounce of humility or teach you to keep your porcine face out of the media spotlight.

I can't stand these people and recovered drug addicts that publicize their experiences for financial gain and/or adulation (Russell Brand).

I haven't been arrested for any misdemeanours in my life, I've never been addicted to drugs to recover from them.

Where's my frigging awards, sympathy, book deals, TV shows and profits? I don't have any and nor should I for going through life in a non-criminal and drug-free fashion.

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Apparently she was so hungry she had to eat 10 maggots a day!


Fried with a bit garlic: Isn't supposed to be a delicacy?

I think I would like it if I wouldn't know what it is. kind of land living lobster....

........ that could turn into a serious Monster Fly....presuming it avoids being eaten by inmates .:)
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