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Rev. Moon, Religious And Political Figure, Dies In South Korea At 92


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Rev. Moon, religious and political figure, dies in South Korea at 92

(CNN) -- The Rev. Sun Myung Moon -- founder of the Unification Church, a significant institution in East Asia that gained fame decades ago for its mass weddings and its ownership of The Washington Times -- died early Monday in South Korea, the church said.

The Universal Peace Federation said on its website that Moon died early Monday morning of complications related to pneumonia. He was 92.

"Our True Father passed into the spiritual world at 1:54 AM Monday, September 3rd, Korea time," a message on a Unification Church English-language website said.

Full story: http://edition.cnn.c...dead/index.html

-- CNN 2012-09-03


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Sun Myung Moon, leader of Unification Church, dies at 92


File photo : Family Federation for World Peace and Unification Leader Sun Myung Moon and his wife Han Hwak-ja are during a mass wedding ceremony at the Sun Moon University in Asan City, South Korea.//EPA

WASHINGTON: -- The reverend Sun Myung Moon - a self-proclaimed messiah, leader of the Unification Church and conductor of massweddings, often of strangers - died Monday in South Korea, reported The Washington Times, the US newspaper he founded. He was 92.

Moon died from complications of pneumonia at a church-owned hospital in Gapyeong, about 60 kilometres east of Seoul, the Timessaid. The newspaper quoted Unification Church leaders as saying hewas surrounded by family, friends and followers when he passed away.

Moon founded his religious movement, whose followers were often called Moonies, in 1954 in South Korea. His church said it grew to 5million to 7 million members worldwide.

It mixes beliefs from the Bible with Eastern philosophy and whatMoon said were teachings revealed to him by God. Its critics often derided his church as a cult that brainwashed its members, a charge the church denied.

Moon established a business empire as well as a church. Hisventures included media holdings, hospitals, schools, a football team, a ski resort, construction and pharmaceuticals.

Moon was famous for supporting anti-communist causes during the Cold War, promoting international and interfaith peace activities andadvocating a pro-marriage, pro-family culture.

In the 1970s, Moon was one of the world’s best-known South Koreans, and in its heyday, his church was famous for mass weddings so large they had to be held in sports arenas. The marriages were arranged by the church, and many times, the brides and grooms met oneanother for the first time at the ceremonies.

"His vision of sacred marriage, of the formation of ideal families and a world of peace has been taken up by millions of people aroundthe world and a second and third generation of Unificationists," said reverend Joshua Cotter, vice president of the Unification Church USA.

But Moon’s teachings and his church’s practices sparked criticism.He and his wife were banned from travelling in Germany for more than10 years beginning in 1995, for example. The German Interior Ministry said his movement was a sect that recruited youths and used psychological pressure to stop them leaving the organisation. Thecountry’s supreme court overturned the travel ban in 2006.

"I am a controversial person," Moon wrote in his 2009 autobiography, As a Peace-Loving Global Citizen. "The mere mention of my name causes trouble in the world." His church taught that Moon was tasked with finishing what Jesus Christ could not complete, and he declared himself and his secondwife, Hak Ja Han, the "true parents of humankind."

"Am I foolish and insignificant or am I great?" he once asked. "Igave all the individuals in the world cause to kneel down in front ofme."

The Washington Times said Moon was jailed six times in his life,including for tax evasion, and survived numerous beatings and time ina North Korean labour camp.

The church is now led by Moon’s youngest son, Hyung Jin Moon. The Washington Times said after a period of almost two weeks to allowtributes and preparation of the body, a memorial service would beheld September 15 at the Cheongshim Peace World Centre in Gyeonggi province


-- The Nation 2012-09-03

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He was a good buiness man Moon established a business empire as well as a church. His ventures included media holdings, hospitals, schools, a football team, a ski resort, construction and pharmaceuticals,And a weapons business . Do you think he used Hypothesis his followers?

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He was a good buiness man Moon established a business empire as well as a church. His ventures included media holdings, hospitals, schools, a football team, a ski resort, construction and pharmaceuticals,And a weapons business . Do you think he used Hypothesis his followers?

there is no proof that he hypothised his followers whistling.gif

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He was a good buiness man Moon established a business empire as well as a church. His ventures included media holdings, hospitals, schools, a football team, a ski resort, construction and pharmaceuticals,And a weapons business . Do you think he used Hypothesis his followers?

Not to mention a federal conviction in the US for tax fraud. Bye!

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He is a prime example of our Sheep mentality following and supporting the wrong leader. Wow he got away with his BS for so many years and lived to the ripe ole age of 92 obviously wealthy and without remorse.

Unfortunately for the human race there is always some smooth-talking "messiah" who comes along and mesmerizes millions with crazy claims such as being able to heal the Earth and cause the oceans to recede. These followers might have otherwise led productive lives but instead become mindless zombies, enriching the "messiah" by donating their wealth to him and buying his books/DVDs which gives them little more substantive than a tingling feeling running up their leg. Or should that be a tinkling feeling running down their leg? In any case, wherever there are weak-minded people, looking for a change in their lives, and holding out for hope, you will always find predators like the good Rev. Moon.

Edited by koheesti
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Hmm let's see, his religious group attracted members that some would say were easily manipulated or susceptible. Ok. What happened? They worked to spread the word and to strengthen the church. Some worked hard. Some did not. What was it that the Church did so wrong? Did it encourage deviant sexual acts? No. Did it encourage or promote the use of illegal substances? No. Did it engage in violence or intimidation? No. Did the Church have the taint of sexual abuse? No, not even a whiff. Were its practices discomforting for some. Yes, but then it never promoted self flagellation as practiced by some mainstream religious groups that no one dares question. Nor did the Church pass death sentences on anyone that disagreed. Nor did the Church attack other religious groups calling for their persecution and the death of its practioners. There was no hate speech.

Had it not been for the Church, some if not many, no doubt would have fallen prey to vices and sins that would have killed them. Many people left the Church when they "matured" or developed self confidence or had the view that they had enough. They had that option. Try and leave some other groups and you can end up buried in a field somewhere or fed to the fishes. Ok, so the pre-arranged mass marriages were a bit odd, but arranged marriages are a way of life in some parts of the world and they can work.

Rev. Moon was the darling of the groups that gave rise to the teaparty with very conservative Republican senators and congressmen providing their support.Everyone is entitled to their religious beliefs and if folks like Orrin Hatch thinks their swell, so be it. Not my cup of tea, but he did me no harm and prevented no threat to my belief system or values. For all the detractors out there, they are outnumbered by supporters and believers. It works for them and made people that would have otherwise been unproductive, productive and gave them a purpose in life, a purpose theyy probably never had before the Rev. Monn cam into their lives.

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If he were a real 'Messiah', he should have tackled the Middle East.

It is up to those that live there to accept the wisdom and guidance of the Church. Rev. Moon never sought to impose his beliefs upon others. The Church did send its people to Israel where they were able to visit and tour in peace. As for other countries , they were predominately muslim, I believe you know the consequences of anyone that would accept christianity as their faith. Perhaps out of love for the people, the Church did not seek to cause additinal problems or violence. All the Church could do was to show its love and understanding.

If you would like to learn more, please contact the Church itself.wink.png

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