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Blasts From The Past - 50S,60S And 70S Music


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The trouble was nisakiman I was in love with a woman at that time, very much so and I remember sitting in her car, I think it was the wonderful summer of 76 in the UK when you could drive at 9.00 pm at night with your windows down, it was that balmy, and she was singing along with this number, making sure I got the message! 5555

Still we've remained good friends to this day which is a good vibe.



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No need for abuse on this thread GiantBlob. Everyone has different tastes but we all get along fine by simply ticking or commentating on the songs we like. For those numbers members don't care for it's best just to walk on by, whistling in the wind with one's head in the air thinking, ''There but for the grace of God go I.'


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First time I heard this album (the original 'Doors' album) was in 1967, when I was living in a hotel in Kabul, Afghanistan. A couple of crazy New Yorkers turned up with an Alfa Romeo Spider (which they were planning to sell to one of the Afghan princes - there was still a king in those days - which is a whole story in itself I won't go into now), and they had a reel to reel tape recorder with them, with this album on it. We spent many a hash hazed evening listening to it, and it remains one of my favourite albums. I still play it regularly.



The trouble was nisakiman I was in love with a woman at that time, very much so and I remember sitting in her car, I think it was the wonderful summer of 76 in the UK when you could drive at 9.00 pm at night with your windows down, it was that balmy, and she was singing along with this number, making sure I got the message! 5555

Still we've remained good friends to this day which is a good vibe.


Heh! I feel for you. Unrequited love is hard to take when you're young.


I think that track is one of the greatest love ballads ever. I'm not usually a fan of love ballads, but that one is particularly special.


Edited by nisakiman
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Jim wrote some great ballads himself. I ended up living in Bath in Somerset in the summer of 74  after going down there to see a friend studying Architecture at the university. Everyone was renting rooms in those magnificent Georgian houses in the crescents there and we often ended up putting the final Doors album on the record player late at night.

Wonderful summer nights with beautiful women and surroundings. Shame they didn't last!


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