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The Farang Men Swarthy Girl Couple Syndrome.


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The difference is farang men don't care about skin tone. Thai men do. That is all.

Now, if we were dark skinned I'm sure most of us would also prefer light skinned girls just like Thai men. Opposites attract.

Personally, I'm attracted to dark skinned AND light skinned Thai women.

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I would have thought most right-minded, educated people wouldn't judge anyone by the colour of their skin.

You're right. Most Thais judge people by their background.

Edit - skin colour is just an indicator or where they come from.

Edited by F1fanatic
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It never made much difference to me. I will admit that I do find dark skinned girls more attractive. I have to be a bit careful talking about that because my wife has light colored skin.

Years ago while working in a Thai factory, the engineers and I would go bar hopping on pay days. They always made teased me for picking ugly girls. Meaning petite dark skinned girls. As long as the girl was tall and had very white skin, the Thai guys thought they were beautiful.

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Many Isaan girls prefer to work in the tourist areas, rather than their home area - where there is little work available other than the lowest paid work.

Once they have children, it is even more difficult to support their extended family without well-paid work.

Most Westerners meet their wives in tourist areas.

Politely put.

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I would have thought most right-minded, educated people wouldn't judge anyone by the colour of their skin.

Maybe that is why Thai's judge each other so harshly by the tone of their skin?

Thais are bad but Thai Visa is worse. This is one of the worst my wife is whiter than your wife threads we have had lately.

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Many Isaan girls prefer to work in the tourist areas, rather than their home area - where there is little work available other than the lowest paid work.

Once they have children, it is even more difficult to support their extended family without well-paid work.

Most Westerners meet their wives in tourist areas.

If there divorced that doesn't bother me.

But if they have a kid and want me to raise her kid and support a whole family I get on my bike and peddle away like Lance Armstrong !

This whole thing of Farang men raising a thai child as there own when there not.. I just don't get it at all. It seems to me only the sad men who can't find any other women do this

Edited by dansat
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I would have thought most right-minded, educated people wouldn't judge anyone by the colour of their skin.

Maybe that is why Thai's judge each other so harshly by the tone of their skin?

Now just be a good wee mannie and play nicely Pseudolus, or someone might judge you by the tone of your posts (perish the thought!)......whistling.gif

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'pale skinned' rich thai-chinese ladies are VERY fussy about a man's background. The girl I was seeing came from a good family and even though I come from a 'good' family myself it took ages to be introduced.

I laughed when said she only dated "A list' men in Bangkok, models and actors etc (taste and money are separate entities).

Have you ever thought that the reason you were never introduced was nothing to do with your background or ' good family ;) '. It was more likely to be if you are the person you sound like from your posts she didn't want you to bore her family to death for a night .

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'pale skinned' rich thai-chinese ladies are VERY fussy about a man's background. The girl I was seeing came from a good family and even though I come from a 'good' family myself it took ages to be introduced.

I laughed when said she only dated "A list' men in Bangkok, models and actors etc (taste and money are separate entities).

Have you ever thought that the reason you were never introduced was nothing to do with your background or ' good family wink.png '. It was more likely to be if you are the person you sound like from your posts she didn't want you to bore her family to death for a night .

I was responding to another post, and background means jack shit to me. I'm sure she'd rather be with a boring fart like me than a bitter farang with a great big chip on his shoulder

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