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Sukhothai Business District Flooded


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Mr Plodprasop said to the people of Sukhothai he was sorry about the flood, adding that it was inevitable.

This bufoon Plodprasop needs to still be in Chiang Mai selling lion and elephant steaks at the restaurant. No qualifications for his current position other than a Yingluck lap dog.

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According to the governments plan It will take five years to complete the upgrading of the existing defenses and the addition of Hi Grade Defenses to High Value asset areas such as industrial parks and high risk risk towns and villages. It is inevitable as the project advances some existing defenses will fail as the transference of hydraulic pressure profiles are redistributed by the effect of new flood defense works. All everyone has to do is to keep faith with the overall objective and to trust that the end result will have enduring integrity. Meanwhile carefully collected data of all events will enable the water management engineers to update their overall design to include all weaknesses discovered in older water management works. Personally I am confident that the plan will provide an integrated water management system protecting all of Thailand. However Thailand will always be vulnerable to flash floods and extreme run off events. Thailand's water management engineers will need to develop separate safety and management procedures for such events.

I believe, what is inevitable is that during this "five year plan", a great percentage of the monies provided will go into the pockets of vested interests and what is left will produce extremely poor quality "defences" that will ultimately fail way before their intended "expiration date". Of course, only my opinion. I'll stick around to see what occurs. Shouldn't take too long.

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Mr Plodprasop said to the people of Sukhothai he was sorry about the flood, adding that it was inevitable.

This bufoon Plodprasop needs to still be in Chiang Mai selling lion and elephant steaks at the restaurant. No qualifications for his current position other than a Yingluck lap dog.

Surely you mean Thaksin lapdog.

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We have had the usual suspects defending Yingluck & splitting hairs to excuse her.

I wonder what the residents of Sukothai think about the Yingluck statements about 'no repeat' & no 'major floods'. I know that if I lived there I would consider it a repeat & a major flood, despite all the money allocated to flood mitigation.

As Robblok says, it is the lies that make the situation worse. IMO it is exacerbated by putting idiots like Plodprasop in charge.

Would the hair being split be reality vs imagination since she never said there would be no flooding or major flooding and in fact stated their could be no guarantee as there is no way to know the volume of rain to come and as for "no repeat" what she said was flooding would not be as severe as last year.

If you really believe this is anything close to last year then there really isn't much else I can offer except to say you might want to consider Thailand's weather, geography and this entire regions long long long history of flooding as well as that floods happen all across the globe in much more developed countries.

Again, I am not fan of Yingluck but the reality is that flooding will continue to happen in Thailand in the future and it would and will despite any the administration in charge.

Edited by Nisa
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Plodprasop apologizes to Sukhothai residents for unpreventable flood

BANGKOK, 11 September 2012 (NNT) - Chairman of the Water and Flood Management Committee Plodprasop Suraswadi has apologized to Sukhothai residents who have been facing rapid flooding, saying the incident was unpreventable.

Mr Plodprasop said to the people of Sukhothai he was sorry about the flood, adding that it was inevitable. He expected the water level to decrease within two days. The authority has shut down a sluice gate to reduce the water level before repairing a damaged Yom River dyke.

The chairman is confident the water released from Sukhothai will not affect areas in Nakhon Sawan, saying the Chao Phraya River can take up more water. He also insisted that there will be no major flooding, citing this year's precipitation is 20% less than last year’s.

Mr Plodprasop rejected claims that flooding in Ayutthaya resulted from the government’s water release test in Bangkok, saying the farmers wanted to keep water for farm use; besides, Wang Noi District, where flood happened, is upstream of the sluice gates on the Rapeepat Canal.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has instructed officials to inspect all dams for leakages to prevent damage from overflowing water.


-- NNT 2012-09-11 footer_n.gif

Plodprasop apologizes to Sukhothai residents for unpreventable flood

BANGKOK, 11 September 2012 (NNT) - Chairman of the Water and Flood Management Committee Plodprasop Suraswadi has apologized to Sukhothai residents who have been facing rapid flooding, saying the incident was unpreventable.

Mr Plodprasop said to the people of Sukhothai he was sorry about the flood, adding that it was inevitable. He expected the water level to decrease within two days. The authority has shut down a sluice gate to reduce the water level before repairing a damaged Yom River dyke.

The chairman is confident the water released from Sukhothai will not affect areas in Nakhon Sawan, saying the Chao Phraya River can take up more water. He also insisted that there will be no major flooding, citing this year's precipitation is 20% less than last year’s.

Mr Plodprasop rejected claims that flooding in Ayutthaya resulted from the government’s water release test in Bangkok, saying the farmers wanted to keep water for farm use; besides, Wang Noi District, where flood happened, is upstream of the sluice gates on the Rapeepat Canal.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra has instructed officials to inspect all dams for leakages to prevent damage from overflowing water.


-- NNT 2012-09-11 footer_n.gif

Lies, BS and corruption are preventable!

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Sukhothai flood worsens


SUKHOTHAI, Sept 11 – Floodwaters in the provincial seat of northern Thailand’s Sukhothai province continues to rise as the authorities keep working to fill gaps in flood barriers to slow down the water flowing into the city from the Yom River.

Several agencies joined forces to place one tonne rock and sand bags to reinforce the prevention embankment which was eroded by floodwater leaving a 10 metre gap.

Local authorities are gearing up to pump floodwater out of the provincial seat as the flood level has risen to 1.30 metres.

The local authorities are using boats to help affected people, and an evacuation center has been set up at the Institute of Physical Education Sukhothai Campus.

In Phetchabun, flooding claimed one life after a man drowned as he was checking the floodwater level in front of his house. Rescue workers spent an hour searching for his body.

The Ping River overflowed its banks to flood nine communities in the Lomsak municipality in Phetchabun.

About 1,000 households have been affected and the main roads linking villages were under half a metre of water, forcing villagers to travel by boat. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-09-11

Since when did the Ping River flow through Lomsak? Petchabun lies in a valley between two mountain ranges and is drained by the Pa Sak River. Sis in law who lives just outside Lomsak said ten minutes ago that there had been no flooding that she knew of.

Edited by Bagwan
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Actual Yingluck quote .... "I am pleased to inform you that we are in the process of implementing an effective water management system to protect the communities and the important economic and industrial zones," Ms Yingluck said in a speech at a business forum hosted by Keidanren, Japan's largest business lobby.


"I have reaffirmed to the Japanese government and business leaders that the Royal Thai government is committed to ensuring that the devastation caused by such disasters will never happen again," Ms Yingluck said.

Not sure what the lady actually said but I have:

End of January, World Economic Forum, Switserland

"Yingluck assured the various leaders in attendance that with effective water management, there will be no repeat of last year's flood crisis."


Following begin of March in Japan

"Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, on a visit to Tokyo, has reassured powerful Japanese investors there will be no repeat of last year's flood fiasco."


credit where credit is due

I dont think she is saying there will be no floods, but rather....we promise to try our very best not to c*kc it up again when it does happen

For you and Nisa

Rubi and the press did not say that Yingluck said 'there will be no floods', nor did she Yingluck say anything that could be interpreted as ".we promise to try our very best not to c*kc it up again when it does happen", what she said is what Rubi gave several references to and that was

there will be no repeat of last year's flood crisis

Now anyone can twist and turn the meaning of that as much as they wish but the meaning is quite narrow and explicit in terms of how it can truly be perceived. So for the sake of all those poor ba****ds whose houses were trashed, who died, and the 600 000 who lost their jobs, lets hope she has been truthful and that she herself has not been telling white lies 'To boost confidence in Thai investors'. Perhaps the Communicable Disease Control Department should be warning us of how endemic the spread of the White Lie virus could be, rather than about some rat poop in a Californian camp site.

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We have had the usual suspects defending Yingluck & splitting hairs to excuse her.

I wonder what the residents of Sukothai think about the Yingluck statements about 'no repeat' & no 'major floods'. I know that if I lived there I would consider it a repeat & a major flood, despite all the money allocated to flood mitigation.

As Robblok says, it is the lies that make the situation worse. IMO it is exacerbated by putting idiots like Plodprasop in charge.

Would the hair being split be reality vs imagination since she never said there would be no flooding or major flooding and in fact stated their could be no guarantee as there is no way to know the volume of rain to come and as for "no repeat" what she said was flooding would not be as severe as last year.

If you really believe this is anything close to last year then there really isn't much else I can offer except to say you might want to consider Thailand's weather, geography and this entire regions long long long history of flooding as well as that floods happen all across the globe in much more developed countries.

Again, I am not fan of Yingluck but the reality is that flooding will continue to happen in Thailand in the future and it would and will despite any the administration in charge.

You didn't read what I said.

I didn't say that this flooding was close to last year. What I said was that, to the residents of Sukothai, what do they think of the 'no repeat' comments? They have been flooded again, primarily due to more incompetence, which surely makes it a repeat - to them.

I don't have to be told that floods happen everywhere. In some cases the floods are handled well & in other cases, poorly. Thailand falls into the latter category. What this government refuses to do is to put competent people in charge of a single body responsible of flood prevention & mitigation - not led by politicians. Yingluck is repeating last years incompetence by appointing politicians to take charge & Plodprasop is an idiot who is only a Thaksin lackey.

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From the press release

Mr Plodprasop said to the people of Sukhothai he was sorry about the flood, adding that it was inevitable. He expected the water level to decrease within two days. The authority has shut down a sluice gate to reduce the water level before repairing a damaged Yom River dyke.

So actually it was preventable and it was not inevitable.

When will plodprasop learn to shut his mouth? It was totally unnecessary at the press conference to say "I expect the water level to go down in 2 days". Is that just a statement to make people 'feel good', a bit of Kittirat disease? If the water level does not go down he is going to look even more of a prize twerp than he does already.

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We have had the usual suspects defending Yingluck & splitting hairs to excuse her.

I wonder what the residents of Sukothai think about the Yingluck statements about 'no repeat' & no 'major floods'. I know that if I lived there I would consider it a repeat & a major flood, despite all the money allocated to flood mitigation.

As Robblok says, it is the lies that make the situation worse. IMO it is exacerbated by putting idiots like Plodprasop in charge.

" as there is no way to know the volume of rain to come and as for "no repeat" what she said was flooding would not be as severe as last year".


Then she (Thailand) has a big fundamental problem to deal with floods. You can't beat the enemy that you don't know its strength.

Rule no. 1 for flood mitigation and control is you have to know what you are up against. If you don't know the ultimate size of flood to look for, then you have to decide what the maximum intensity and duration of flood you wish to deal with. Only by doing that you will know what you can and what you can't promise with mathematically precision.

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Also as someone who lives and works in Sukhothai but much more handsome than that Robson fella. I have to agree with what he said, many people have complained about the cracks that were appearing all around the market and behind the schools but nothing was done. The maintenance of the roads near the river in the town was started approx 2 months ago and has just been completed. The actual upper walls that hold in all that water are no thicker than a concrete paving flag, I wish I had picture evidence.

I have 20 bottles of water between 2 of us. Dried noodles that never get eaten but now our new staple diet and a bit of cheese. Oh the joys. Yes I can wade out of the house at nipple height and Im 6 ft tall but nowhere has any stocks.

The army are doing a good job I was out with them yesterday filling sand bags and helping others, until the second surge of water came and its at my house now. The sand bags are holding which is a good thing.

Lets just hope for a lot of dry and quick pumping days.

Oh its just started raining.... SERIOUSLY.

Oh well enjoy your bit of paradise like I am enjoying mine, but to leave you with a short story......

Not that I'm a tittle tattle but I am about to tell a 100% fictional story about a town named Floodsville.

Ttake from it what you will.......

A certain big wig who we shall call Mr X is a prominent member of the community in Floodsville, told his foreign staff on a dinner outing that Floodsville gets approx 18 million baht per year for flood repairs and compensation. Now the PM and cronies all decide how much as a maximum each household shall receive in compensation, say the number is 5,000 per household. It is then upto Mr X to say, we will give you 2,000 each per household, businessess a little different but still pittence on actual damage caused. Mr X rather happy with himself pockets X amount, his minions pocket Y and the lowly servants of X and Y get whats left, lets call it Z amount. First hand experiences from a small town named Floodsville.

As I say take from it what you will.

Night night


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From the press release

Mr Plodprasop said to the people of Sukhothai he was sorry about the flood, adding that it was inevitable. He expected the water level to decrease within two days. The authority has shut down a sluice gate to reduce the water level before repairing a damaged Yom River dyke.

So actually it was preventable and it was not inevitable.

When will plodprasop learn to shut his mouth? It was totally unnecessary at the press conference to say "I expect the water level to go down in 2 days". Is that just a statement to make people 'feel good', a bit of Kittirat disease? If the water level does not go down he is going to look even more of a prize twerp than he does already.

What sluice gate? How dare they open the sluice gate that can cause water level dowstream to rise above its banks. Pray that the sluice gate does not belong to any of these dams, namely Bhumibol and Sirkit. Otherwise I smell big trouble on the making.

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We have had the usual suspects defending Yingluck & splitting hairs to excuse her.

I wonder what the residents of Sukothai think about the Yingluck statements about 'no repeat' & no 'major floods'. I know that if I lived there I would consider it a repeat & a major flood, despite all the money allocated to flood mitigation.

As Robblok says, it is the lies that make the situation worse. IMO it is exacerbated by putting idiots like Plodprasop in charge.

" as there is no way to know the volume of rain to come and as for "no repeat" what she said was flooding would not be as severe as last year".


Then she (Thailand) has a big fundamental problem to deal with floods. You can't beat the enemy that you don't know its strength.

Rule no. 1 for flood mitigation and control is you have to know what you are up against. If you don't know the ultimate size of flood to look for, then you have to decide what the maximum intensity and duration of flood you wish to deal with. Only by doing that you will know what you can and what you can't promise with mathematically precision.

Agree --- There were screw ups last year but nobody was prepared for the 50-year rain fall levels especially after coming out of a drought and farmers demanding water storage levels remain high. In most years Thailand has accepted flooding and the areas to be flooded are pretty well known depending on the areas most hard hit by rains. Flooding in many of these areas is inevitable and people living there accept it and prepare for it including building their houses high. Even in the US we had many places like this but the difference was people didn't generally build too many homes there and they typically are parks, golf courses and such but do include roads that get shut down but still do build homes along rivers and seas that get destroyed by floods. The key as you mention is deciding what level of protection is feasible ... same with earthquake regions when it comes to what level of protection they will build.

One thing also to consider is last years floods were a big wake up call but with all the other things Thailand needs to address in its rapid growth, you just cannot expect this or any other large scale problems to be solved overnight. Give it another year (just like earthquakes in California) and the priorities and attention of people will change including if there is a severe drought and farmers demand water in dams be kept at the highest level in case there is another drought .... forgetting all about the floods years ago but only now concerned with the government mishandling or not being prepared for the worst drought in 50-years.

Edited by Nisa
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We have had the usual suspects defending Yingluck & splitting hairs to excuse her.

I wonder what the residents of Sukothai think about the Yingluck statements about 'no repeat' & no 'major floods'. I know that if I lived there I would consider it a repeat & a major flood, despite all the money allocated to flood mitigation.

As Robblok says, it is the lies that make the situation worse. IMO it is exacerbated by putting idiots like Plodprasop in charge.

" as there is no way to know the volume of rain to come and as for "no repeat" what she said was flooding would not be as severe as last year".


Then she (Thailand) has a big fundamental problem to deal with floods. You can't beat the enemy that you don't know its strength.

Rule no. 1 for flood mitigation and control is you have to know what you are up against. If you don't know the ultimate size of flood to look for, then you have to decide what the maximum intensity and duration of flood you wish to deal with. Only by doing that you will know what you can and what you can't promise with mathematically precision.

Agree --- There were screw ups last year but nobody was prepared for the 50-year rain fall levels especially after coming out of a drought and farmers demanding water storage levels remain high. In most years Thailand has accepted flooding and the areas to be flooded are pretty well known depending on the areas most hard hit by rains. Flooding in many of these areas is inevitable and people living there accept it and prepare for it including building their houses high. Even in the US we had many places like this but the difference was people didn't generally build too many homes there and they typically are parks, golf courses and such but do include roads that get shut down but still do build homes along rivers and seas that get destroyed by floods. The key as you mention is deciding what level of protection is feasible ... same with earthquake regions when it comes to what level of protection they will build.

One thing also to consider is last years floods were a big wake up call but with all the other things Thailand needs to address in its rapid growth, you just cannot expect this or any other large scale problems to be solved overnight. Give it another year (just like earthquakes in California) and the priorities and attention of people will change including if there is a severe drought and farmers demand water in dams be kept at the highest level in case there is another drought .... forgetting all about the floods years ago but only now concerned with the government mishandling or not being prepared for the worst drought in 50-years.

Considering they built virtually the entire country's electronics manufacturing, in the flood plain i dont think they planned for a flood of that size at all.

In fact if they considered flooding in their consideration they would have stopped developing anything north of Bangkok 30 years ago. But hey, a guys gotta make a buck right?

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Good news. Plodprasob just promised on a Thai TV channel that he would resign should Bangkok get flooded.

If you take a poll tomorrow from most of the people in the flood zone they will probably say "open the bloody sluice gates at those dams, ...all the way now"!

Edited by GentlemanJim
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Do you have any idea how many MP's and their family members will have started 'Dyke repair companies' last year, charging 1 million baht a day for 10K's work.

No but assume you can tell us how many and which ones did.

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Do you have any idea how many MP's and their family members will have started 'Dyke repair companies' last year, charging 1 million baht a day for 10K's work.

No but assume you can tell us how many and which ones did.

I have names and details that will be witheld until the appropriate time whistling.gif (any chance of a job in Thai politics now?)

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I thought there would be no flooding this year, does this count as a broken promise.

I think when I read this idiotic comment one more time I will throw myself to the crocodiles.

I dont think crocodiles like tough, bitter, ropey old meat

I think this year its Tigers, not crocs:)

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We have had the usual suspects defending Yingluck & splitting hairs to excuse her.

I wonder what the residents of Sukothai think about the Yingluck statements about 'no repeat' & no 'major floods'. I know that if I lived there I would consider it a repeat & a major flood, despite all the money allocated to flood mitigation.

As Robblok says, it is the lies that make the situation worse. IMO it is exacerbated by putting idiots like Plodprasop in charge.

Would the hair being split be reality vs imagination since she never said there would be no flooding or major flooding and in fact stated their could be no guarantee as there is no way to know the volume of rain to come and as for "no repeat" what she said was flooding would not be as severe as last year.

If you really believe this is anything close to last year then there really isn't much else I can offer except to say you might want to consider Thailand's weather, geography and this entire regions long long long history of flooding as well as that floods happen all across the globe in much more developed countries.

Again, I am not fan of Yingluck but the reality is that flooding will continue to happen in Thailand in the future and it would and will despite any the administration in charge.

Given that the rains have been nothing like last year, it would be surprising if the floods were anything like last year.

But it is also surprising that the floods are this bad given that there has been much less rain compared to last year. It basically shows that if the rain was as bad as last year, the floodd would probably be as bad too.

Sent from my HTC phone.

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We have had the usual suspects defending Yingluck & splitting hairs to excuse her.

I wonder what the residents of Sukothai think about the Yingluck statements about 'no repeat' & no 'major floods'. I know that if I lived there I would consider it a repeat & a major flood, despite all the money allocated to flood mitigation.

As Robblok says, it is the lies that make the situation worse. IMO it is exacerbated by putting idiots like Plodprasop in charge.

Would the hair being split be reality vs imagination since she never said there would be no flooding or major flooding and in fact stated their could be no guarantee as there is no way to know the volume of rain to come and as for "no repeat" what she said was flooding would not be as severe as last year.

If you really believe this is anything close to last year then there really isn't much else I can offer except to say you might want to consider Thailand's weather, geography and this entire regions long long long history of flooding as well as that floods happen all across the globe in much more developed countries.

Again, I am not fan of Yingluck but the reality is that flooding will continue to happen in Thailand in the future and it would and will despite any the administration in charge.

Given that the rains have been nothing like last year, it would be surprising if the floods were anything like last year.

But it is also surprising that the floods are this bad given that there has been much less rain compared to last year. It basically shows that if the rain was as bad as last year, the floodd would probably be as bad too.

Sent from my HTC phone.

Well technically if plodprasop is to be believed, he tells us that the rainfall is 20% less than last year, but last year, the rainfall was 50% more than normal! So where does that leave us? Rainfall between 20-25% more than a normal year, so potentially still a lot of trouble. The more this country floods, the bigger the blank cheques the Government can write to try and fix the problem, so get your wellingtons out and move your furniture upstairs :)

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Do you have any idea how many MP's and their family members will have started 'Dyke repair companies' last year, charging 1 million baht a day for 10K's work.

No but assume you can tell us how many and which ones did.

I have names and details that will be witheld until the appropriate time whistling.gif (any chance of a job in Thai politics now?)

If considering a job as a Thai politician, you'll need to provide us with just the initial the name begins with.


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Good news. Plodprasob just promised on a Thai TV channel that he would resign should Bangkok get flooded.

If you take a poll tomorrow from most of the people in the flood zone they will probably say "open the bloody sluice gates at those dams, ...all the way now"!

Fully open 2 gates either at Bhumibol or Sirkit for 14 days, then the authorities can simulate the scenario very close to the 2011 flood if not bigger than it. Sluices gate operation shall be handled experts. It is extremely wrong to take for granted a senior technician knows how to handle it. What is the tricky part? Incompetent gate operators has tendency to assume down stream water level by looking level rise immediately after the gate. This is a deadly mistake since most of the time water level rise after the gate is very much lower then the possible rise at dowstream. I think what had happened to Sukhotai currently carried the same sign of such mistake. I derived this conclusion based on the fact that Plodprasob said that the authorities had lowered the sluice gate to enable repair work to be done on the breached dyke. I can't think of any reason why the sluice gate upstream had to be opened when floods had already occurred. If the sluice guide belong to either Bhumibol or Sirkit, I can conclude right now that it was a terrible mistake. There is no reason for any sluice gate at these two dams to be opened except to supply the waters to stakeholders. If I were him I would have instruct EGAT to reduce power generation from Bhumibol and Sirkit down to 30% or even lower. By doing this the Chao Pharaya peak discharge will reduce by 350-400 cubic meter per second until the Chao Pharaya water level falls back below the lowest flood level. This helps to reduce flood levels at many areas downstream.

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