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Have 7/11 Stopped Selling Cigarettes?


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Oh goodie! A fight! My 70 year old gardener was a Nak Muay for 17 years and he says he's up for a pop at the pair of you.

It's an age old urban myth that "Thai" Marlboro are "fake" as they don't come from the US. They are made under license by PM in the Pips.

Well you need to email that info to the Canadian consulate.

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NO, they are waiting for the new higher taxed versions to arrive with different barcodes etc. (I think)

Barcodes identify the product (and selling unit) not the price, and not the batch/lot.

Any price change (due to tax or otherwise) can be made at any time the seller deems fit, without the need to change anythign in the way the product is barcoded. It's one of the main reasons for barcoding, that you don't have to relabel everythign for every price change. (Right after the main reason of being quickly machine-readable, and tracking what goes out the door)

You got me curious there Winnie (I don't know how they work!) I would have to agree with you that it shouldn't be a problem to electronically alter a bar code for price differences; makes a lot of sense to me. Here is a link to changing it manually:


sorry, that is ludicrous (e-how, not your post). The barcode simply identifies the product. The price is associated with the product in the system.

to change the price of any one item they look up the product code (UPC), and change the price value it has been assigned.

it would be silly to do it any other way, because you would have to alter the products packaging any time the price fluctuated.

much easier to change it once centrally. I am certain the barcodes on the cigarettes at 7 and across Thailand have not changed at all.

7-11 most certainly had supply issues, but for another reason altogether.

Edited by tinfoilhat
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sorry, that is ludicrous (e-how, not your post). The barcode simply identifies the product. The price is associated with the product in the system.

to change the price of any one item they look up the product code (UPC), and change the price value it has been assigned.


"UPC" stands for Universal Product Code. UPC bar codes were originally created to help grocery stores speed up the checkout process and keep better track of inventory, but the system quickly spread to all other retail products because it was so successful.

UPCs originate with a company called the Uniform Code Council (UCC). A manufacturer applies to the UCC for permission to enter the UPC system. The manufacturer pays an annual fee for the privilege. In return, the UCC issues the manufacturer a six-digit manufacturer identification number and provides guidelines on how to use it. You can see the manufacturer identification number in any standard 12-digit UPC code. The UPC symbol has two parts:

  • The machine-readable bar code
  • The human-readable 12-digit UPC number

The manufacturer identification number is the first six digits of the UPC number -- 639382 in the image above. The next five digits -- 00039 -- are the item number. A person employed by the manufacturer, called the UPC coordinator, is responsible for assigning item numbers to products, making sure the same code is not used on more than one product, retiring codes as products are removed from the product line, etc.

In general, every item the manufacturer sells, as well as every size package and every repackaging of the item, needs a different item code. So a 12-ounce can of Coke needs a different item number than a 16-ounce bottle of Coke, as does a 6-pack of 12-ounce cans, a 12-pack, a 24-can case, and so on. It is the job of the UPC coordinator to keep all of these numbers straight!

Source - Howstuffworks

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Most people dont realize that marbloros that are sold in Bangkok are not that, they are not real.

When giving advice it is a good idea to have been around Thailand for a while like maybe 10 years or so. Unless of course you have an area of expertise.

I don't smoke, but when I was staying in the UAE and coming here for holidays, my Thai friend asked me to buy Marlboros in the UAE (I think they were produced in the USA) because he said they were much "better" than those available here.

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Most people dont realize that marbloros that are sold in Bangkok are not that, they are not real.

Real or not, they will still get the job done, killing one, before their time, a hard, hard habit to quit, most say they don't want to, because they don't want to admit the coffin nails have an addictive hook in them, some, derive so much pleasure, they don't care.

The sad part is toxic cigarettes usually win, taking some priceless years away, before ones time.

One thing, to please, keep in mind, If one can't or don't want to, quit, Please consider, not flicking or dropping the Toxic Butts, anywhere, as it takes up to 12 years to decompose, have been known to kill, wildlife, including ones sea and fresh water food, has and is documented, made children deathly ill, contaminates all waterways. Toxic Butts and Bottle Caps are 2 of the most littered items, in the world, both fitting in the mouths of children and wildlife, Chocking, Poisoning, Killing.

Please Pack Out, What One Packs In...Not sharing ones bad habit with others, Is greatly appreciated by all, mainly, the Voiceless, Children, Wildlife, Waterways and Our Soil.

Not trying to verbally bitch slap anybody, just stating some facts

I also was a smoker, it was the hardest thing, I ever had to quit, I mastered drugs and booze before I could quit, the coffin nails. Thank You

Edited by koto
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I apologize for being rude. My uncle works in tobac exportations from canada, i live in thailand and smoke.. I inquored about the smokes here and he contacted people from marb, very low, yet informed people... He told me they do NOT export marbs to thailand, hence my retort, i get mad at over assuming people, apologies.. I live in bangkok and am still learning.

Have you ever heard about parallel import?

In the same way it would be possible to import Marlboro´s to Thailand from a neighbouring country, and that does not make them fake.

Just a thought!

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Im not about to take an insult. Drinking with my mom and dad? Yes i am, my mom recenty recovered from cancer, im enjoying her company as much as i can. As for allegations against my age, you dont know where i come from in canada, boy. Ive experienced much in my small age and i still respect my ancients and elders. You have an issue com bring to my face son, eight years boxing two years muay thai... Im more of a man than you. I respect, i perservere and i learn. You ever again voice such disraspect to me and my family, give a location... I dont tolerate.

I apologize for being rude. My uncle works in tobac exportations from canada, i live in thailand and smoke.. I inquored about the smokes here and he contacted people from marb, very low, yet informed people... He told me they do NOT export marbs to thailand, hence my retort, i get mad at over assuming people, apologies.. I live in bangkok and am still learning.


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Most people dont realize that marbloros that are sold in Bangkok are not that, they are not real.

Most people dont realize that marbloros that are sold in Bangkok are not that, they are not real.

OK Ill bite. What makes a real Malboro? Have you ever been to Thailand kid?

i suspect he has not, but horrible counterfeits are all too common in china.

I cant remember the last time i saw counterfeit cigs in Thailand.

beach road

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In regards of quality of the make, these smokes in Thailand are pathetic to the ones back home. I don't know if any of you gents have managed to try Belmonts, Canadian smokes. Single puff off one of those and you'd understand the vast quality seperation.

Rasterferian Old Holbourn for me every time? I am now a non smoker.


Edited by jimbeam1
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In regards of quality of the make, these smokes in Thailand are pathetic to the ones back home. I don't know if any of you gents have managed to try Belmonts, Canadian smokes. Single puff off one of those and you'd understand the vast quality seperation.

Canadian cigarettes are completely different in flavor to their US counterparts, which are generally more harsh.

Canadian cigarettes, while often very strong, have a milder taste, i have always suspected there is a lower amount of saltpeter and additives put in them. they tend to burn more slowly and dont pop like us cigarettes can.

Candian chicken, i suspect you know very little of what you speak

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Im not about to take an insult. Drinking with my mom and dad? Yes i am, my mom recenty recovered from cancer, im enjoying her company as much as i can. As for allegations against my age, you dont know where i come from in canada, boy. Ive experienced much in my small age and i still respect my ancients and elders. You have an issue com bring to my face son, eight years boxing two years muay thai... Im more of a man than you. I respect, i perservere and i learn. You ever again voice such disraspect to me and my family, give a location... I dont tolerate.

Easy now Foghorn Leghorn, dont get your feathers ruffled over a few words on here.

Im still young, words exchanged over text or words in regards to my family or me cause me anger.

thicken your skin a bit if you dont want to go crazy in anger from hanging around here then. Nobody is having a real go at your family, and if they did, let it slide. Shows more about them than you and rest of us recognize this.

People (usually smokie, its a spurs thing) have a go a me on here all the time. I do in return. Generally good fun. Occasionally you have whip out the old thesaurus once in a while to really give to those brainy types that role out words like misogynistic (still dont know what that means and couldnt really care enough to go look it up either)

Be careful of other people using slang and sarcasm on here to. For example if they say "Hey Chicken Little, cat got your tongue?" really means "Hey meathead, did my last comment shut you up for good?" stuff like that. It's confusing I know but you'll get the hang of it.

Back to butts at 711, reminds me of last years flood and lack of stock. Speaking of which, looking at the news about Sukhothai and Ayuthaya, I think I will start hoarding early this year..

Well said Mr. BkkJ.

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Most people dont realize that marbloros that are sold in Bangkok are not that, they are not real.

Philip Morris imports real Marlboro's into Thailand.

If you will look on the Philip Morris package, it will say imported from the Phillipines. They don't import direct from the US.

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  • 5 months later...

Most people dont realize that marbloros that are sold in Bangkok are not that, they are not real.

>Most people dont realize that marbloros that are sold in Bangkok are not that, they are not real.

OK Ill bite. What makes a real Malboro? Have you ever been to Thailand kid?

In 1998 I declined an offer to buy a container of fake "Marlboro" from a Chinese manufacturer. They were very cheap and looked real but the quality of tobacco was poor (harsh) and the tightness of the rolled cigarette was not the same as a real Marlboro. I'm pretty sure a lot of what is being sold here are fake.

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Most people dont realize that marbloros that are sold in Bangkok are not that, they are not real.

>Most people dont realize that marbloros that are sold in Bangkok are not that, they are not

OK Ill bite. What makes a real Malboro? Have you ever been to Thailand kid?

In 1998 I declined an offer to buy a container of fake "Marlboro" from a Chinese manufacturer. They were very cheap and looked real but the quality of tobacco was poor (harsh) and the tightness of the rolled cigarette was not the same as a real Marlboro. I'm pretty sure a lot of what is being sold here are fake.

I bought Marlboro in Thailand every day for 5 years from 7/11 and never got a fake.

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It would be nice to see every shop stop selling them.

Filthy habit for weak minded people.

It would be even better if people stop butting into someone else's life and minded their own business.

Edited by missy1827
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Couldn't agree more l

It would be nice to see every shop stop selling them.

Filthy habit for weak minded people.

It would be even better if people stop butting into someone else's life and minded their own business.

Edited by missy1827
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It would be nice to see every shop stop selling them.

Filthy habit for weak minded people.

It would be even better if people stop butting into someone else's life and minded their own business.

Clearly, you've never lost a relative to a smoking-related illness. As a society, we butt into the lives of heroin addicts and alcoholics all the time, but smoking is a bridge too far. Pop back in and let us know when you've moved to an electric (ie smokeless) cigarette - till then, I have no respect whatsoever for the opinion of an addict who doesnt give a shit about those around him.

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It would be nice to see every shop stop selling them.

Filthy habit for weak minded people.

It would be even better if people stop butting into someone else's life and minded their own business.

I agree 100% with this guy....I wonder when is he going to stop now and blowing and forcing his filthy business onto everybody else ?

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It would be nice to see every shop stop selling them.

Filthy habit for weak minded people.

It would be even better if people stop butting into someone else's life and minded their own business.

Clearly, you've never lost a relative to a smoking-related illness. As a society, we butt into the lives of heroin addicts and alcoholics all the time, but smoking is a bridge too far. Pop back in and let us know when you've moved to an electric (ie smokeless) cigarette - till then, I have no respect whatsoever for the opinion of an addict who doesnt give a shit about those around him.

Again what and who I lost is none of your business. Just as your respect is not sought or asked for .

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Just on a side note, the counterfeit cigarettes may actually be less harmfull than the real cigarettes Real cigarretes have alot of chemicals added to make them burn longer, be more addictive, etc. The counterfeit ciggys may not have these chemicals in them and thus may be more like american spirit which as far as i know are just pure tobacco.

However the fakes may also be chocked full of other, more evil chemicals...

just a thought.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Just on a side note, the counterfeit cigarettes may actually be less harmfull than the real cigarettes Real cigarretes have alot of chemicals added to make them burn longer, be more addictive, etc. The counterfeit ciggys may not have these chemicals in them and thus may be more like american spirit which as far as i know are just pure tobacco.

However the fakes may also be chocked full of other, more evil chemicals...

just a thought.

I think most smokers would not care, the lack of self control would soon bypass any misgivings.

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I notice every time i come to thailand i get a smokers cough. I dont get this in australia and i smoke the same amount.

When i fly in i buy duty free (suvarnabumi) mild sevens. Im fine until the carton runs out. As soon as i start on 7-11 sold mid sevens, marlboro or any other brand, that is when the cough starts. Im not sure if its possibly due to other factors like air pollution from being in Thailand for 2 weeks or the fact i dont excercise as much in TL and drink more booze.. but i am suspicious that they put in "extra bad stuff" into smokes sold in Thailand.

Ive always wondered why cigarette companies put all these extra horrible chemicals in cigarettes. Surely its in their interest to keep their customers living longer so they spend more on cigarettes.

Edited by BuffaloRescue
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