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I'm Gonna Be A Father For The First Time!


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Just found out yesterday that my wife and I are going to have a baby, our first. Is it normal to feel so proud, excited, and scared all at the same time. What kind of advice do all you wise venerable sages have for me?



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Just found out yesterday that my wife and I are going to have a baby, our first. Is it normal to feel so proud, excited, and scared all at the same time. What kind of advice do all you wise venerable sages have for me?



If thats you in your avatar,......I hope it takes after the mother... :D

congrats :o

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Beware Of Pregnant!

The dozen things Not To Say To A Pregnant Wife: :o

12. "Not to imply anything, but I don't think the kid weights forty pounds."

11. "I sure hope your thighs aren't gonna stay that flabby forever."

10. "Well, couldn't they schedule the c-section the day after the game day?”

9. "Darned if you ain't about five pounds away from a surprise visit from that weight watcher fella."

8. "Boy, that's gotta hurt."

7. "Whoa! For a minute there, I thought I woke up next to a beach whale!"

6. "I'm jealous. Why can't men experience the joy of childbirth?"

5. "Are your ankles supposed to look like that?"

4. "Get your *own* ice cream."

3. "Geez, you're awfully puffy looking today."

2. "Got milk?"

And the Number 1 Fatal Thing To Say If Your Wife Is Pregnant...

1. "You don't have the guts to pull that trigger."

Otherwise...Happy Father day :D

Edited by BKK90210
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Congratulations. I just became a father a month ago, it's an amazing experience and I absolutely love it. It will (should) re-focus your entire life for the better. You have an entire pregnancy to go through first though and that should be quite an experience as well.

Be really extra helpful to your better half and also find extra bags of patience. As you can imagine being pregnant your wife will be experiencing serious hormone changes and it could be akin to a long bout of pmt. If this is the case she may say things that she doesn't really mean, don't rise to it!

Good luck and I hope everything goes well.


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My wife is at 4 months now.

Never had children before.

I feel like I am walking through a dreamland.

Words really cannot describe this sort of magical feeling.

Scared, happy, excited, impatient, hopeful, joyful .....

Good luck to you with your journey.

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Congratulations! I have had 3 since coming to Thailand 7 years agao. See them at http://www.family.michelonia.com

So remember this funny saying: Children are God's punishment of how you acted when a child and Grandchildren are God's reward for not having killed the little tykes.

Again Congratulations! Your are entering the most beautiful time of your life with moments you will never forget and others that you will be unable to forget.

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Just found out yesterday that my wife and I are going to have a baby, our first. Is it normal to feel so proud, excited, and scared all at the same time. What kind of advice do all you wise venerable sages have for me?



If thats you in your monniker you have done well to even get laid. :o

If it is not then congratulations my friend. :D

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You are blessed.

I have 3 and I have never regretted a moment of being a parent.


"A Man without children is a Man without a future"

Congrats and enjoy

its not a pleasure cruise but well worth the ride :D


My wife is at 6 months... this will make baby number 4 for me ....:o


you gotta factory Si? :D

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Just became a dad for the first time 3 months ago... I'm still a newbie... it's the best feeling in the world, but let me tell you, you need to get ready for some major sleep deprivation. Treasure every full night's sleep you get for the next 9 months because it's gonna be awhile before you get another one.

Another life-altering experience: be in the delivery room for the birth of your child.

Thought of any names yet? :o

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You all are blessed. May God/Buddha bless all your children and children to come.

We've been trying for the last 12 years with no luck :o , getting too old and starting to realize "its not gonna happen", so looks like adoption for us :D .

Mouse, nice pix. They are beautiful indeed.

Edited by Misplaced
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You all are blessed. May God/Buddha bless all your children and children to come.

We've been trying for the last 12 years with no luck :o , getting too old and starting to realize "its not gonna happen", so looks like adoption for us :D .

Mouse, nice pix. They are beautiful indeed.

I do believe that adoption can be equally if not more rewarding by giving a poor unfortunate child a chance at a better life, i have the upmost respect for people who adopt. Good on you misplaced :D

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Topic subtitle - Flame me!?! Why? You'll get plenty of that from your wife when pregnancy steps in.

I had to work with a pregnant woman for two years once. I don't know how her husband survived, but it was a nightmare for me. Thai girls are easier though, they still think it's their duty (to be pregnant) while farang girls try to spread it over the whole world and think they are the victims.

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Just became a dad for the first time 3 months ago... I'm still a newbie... it's the best feeling in the world, but let me tell you, you need to get ready for some major sleep deprivation. Treasure every full night's sleep you get for the next 9 months because it's gonna be awhile before you get another one.

Our five months old baby can work as a "height detector": once he is put down starts crying :o:D

Congrats to the OP :D

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Thanks for the kind words and the good advice. Lots to think about! (joy!) Lots to buy! (Cringe, lol)

As far as buying stuff goes, try doing what me and mrs daleyboy have done, and that is every time you go shopping just buy a few items that your baby will need e.g newborn nappies, baby wipes, baby shampoo etc, and if you know if yours is a boy or girl then you can buy some clothes.

We have done this every week since we found out we were having a boy and now he has a full wardrobe of clothes, the little bugger has got more than me and he hasnt even been born yet. All we have done is buy half a dozen sleep suits, half a dozen body suits, a few jumpers, and clothes ranging in sizes from newborn upto 9 months. So we dont have to worry about buying anything for the first 9 months or so. :o

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It will change your life, no matter which way it is changed, it surely is for the better evey time.

I had a boy in 2002 and it was so good we had another in 2005.

You can take it from me, I hated kids prior to this and kids hated me. But when my little boy came along it just changed instantly to the opposite.

Whatever they do to you, piss on you, shit on you, spit, dribble, hit, throwup, whatever, you will be surprised how little it effects or bothers you. Especially when he looks up at you and wants you to hold him, or asks you to come play with him, or grabs hold of you when he is scared for protection.

It is the biggest commitment you will ever make, you will be responsible for that child for up to 18 years at varying levels of care and attention. But it does not end there either I imagine.

Raising a child, especially a half mixed child in Los is even a greater experience than in the west.

I look at my boy and now my little girl and think just how lucky I am to have them every single day of their life. As they develop, from just laying there and crying and shitting as a baby, to crawling, to standing, to walking and going out and doing stuff with Dad, every aspect and every change that you notice keeps you enthralled every day with them. I know I do, I love my kids more than anything can describe.

Just be a good and caring Dad, there are to many <deleted> out there that do not. The love and smiles they return to you will make every day of the rest of your life simply wonderfull.... I'm gunna cry now... :o

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Just found out yesterday that my wife and I are going to have a baby, our first. Is it normal to feel so proud, excited, and scared all at the same time. What kind of advice do all you wise venerable sages have for me?




My first thought/feeling when I was told

I was pregnant was fear.

How could I be responsible for another life.

Again I say "Congratulations."

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Congrats mate, my wife is 7months gone with our 2nd. Our first is now 25 months old and has started to rpeak quite well. She said to me the other day "lub you Daddy"

That makes the sleepless nights worth while :o

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Daleyboy and Simon43,

wow you two are expecting the same time as me...Around the Thai new year...I have got a couzin also expecting around that time. July must be the right time for conception.

Cheers and congrats to everyone else contributing to my race :o

Edited by greenwanderer108
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Just found out yesterday that my wife and I are going to have a baby, our first. Is it normal to feel so proud, excited, and scared all at the same time. What kind of advice do all you wise venerable sages have for me?



You'll learn selfless love.

You'll learn to love that new baby smell.

At about 8 months there's a wonderful turning point where the little one reacts to you.

I love the whole experience and despite all the work I wouldn't change a thing. Many parents would take a bullet for their little one's well-being, and I can relate without hesitation. I had no problem at all changing diapers.

Hot tip (just my opinion -your milkeage may vary); Don't be in there for the birth, it ruins that cute fuzzy little patch forever. You'll never forget the vision. Come in right after and you still get the glow of the new life and get to welcome the little one to the world. Tell everyone right now that blood makes you faint and your sex life will survive long term.

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