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Thai Lessons - Any Teachers In Khon Kaen? (Or Even Phon?)


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I have just moved to live in Phon (75 kms from Khon Kaen) for a while and would like to take intensive Thai lessons. can anyone send the contact details of any local teachers? I realise there are rules against advertising so a PM would be fine.

thanks a lot in advance!

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The teachers are Thai. There are not too many farang in these parts. I can go weeks on end without ever seeing one :-)

If you are wanting intensive classroom learning then the best places would be Khonkaen or Korat. 'Walen' are probably the best known but they have no training facilities in Isaan as far as I know, though they do offer online courses through Skype. My other half is a teacher so I've asked her to dig up some info. I think there may be a 60 hour student course at KKU but this focuses more on culture and only covers the basics of language. Would be a good start I suppose.

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There was an english guy setting up a school in Phon in a building inside the bus terminal. His name is Raymond, he was talking (a couple of years ago) of expanding & may be able to put you in touch with thai teachers. *he may not still be there as haven't been to phon in a couple of years.

I will also ask my husband to ask around his mates to see if anyone knows of anything.

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As far as I know Raymond is back in the UK though from what I gather he returns every now and then. I have heard nothing recently about the English Language Centre that he operated. Learning Thai in Phon will more than likely be a 1v1 as there is no centre that teaches Thai. This shouldn't be a problem its just finding the best teacher to do the job and one who the OP will be comfortable with. I know teachers in all the Phon schools so I can put in a word if that way would be acceptable.

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I live in Phon and have, in the past, tried to find a teacher of Thai language here. My wife's a teacher and has been for 30 years around the town, her friends are teachers and some of those are teachers of English but I found nobody willing to take on the role. I've given-up now.

The most convenient I found was a teacher via Skype based in KK. Her name is Katt, married to an American, has studied in US and visits often & she was a good teacher but the internet connection was very poor which affected the lessons. Try this link - http://kketp.com/thai-language-skype-classes-available

Ray is back in UK so I think his school is shut for now - he goes back to UK for extended periods quite often so I wouldn't rely on his being around. I've never heard him mention having contacts to teach Thai but I might be wrong.

If you DO find a teacher IN PHON and don't mind a co-learner in your lessons, please give me a shout. I live very close to Phon police station.

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There is currently a guy listing a two week, intensive Thai language course for Expat's in the Khon Kaen area on khonkean.com forum... He is running the course from 5:PM to 7:PM Monday thru Friday the first two weeks of Oct., and charging about 4,000 baht... the timing is just a bit off or I would be there for it...


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thanks everyone for the help..

Boo or Towzak if you hear of a teacher in Phon willing to give one to one lessons for falang, yes please let us know!

pianoman, great of you to point that out.. I looked at the Khon Kaen forum, but somehow managed to miss that one. I have the details of the course now.

Martin. I actually contacted Katt a few days ago and she said she might be able to come and give individual lessons in Phon, however the cost would have to include her transport and time taken to arrive here of course. However if both of us are interested I guess we may be able to split some of that extra cost? I will PM you in any case because its also good to meet another falang in these parts!

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