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Picking Through Trash


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I live in a Moon Baan and have caught the staff here picking through my trash when I set it outside.

I first suspected this was happening when the bags had been re-tied and generally rearranged, then later I saw them doing it, but did not say anything and I was not seen. It's the same person doing it who manages the property in part.

It's not an issue of recyclables since we are talking about small bags and sorting through a small amount of waste. Is it normal for Thais to feel what is set out is fair game? Or, do I need to assume there is a more serious snooping going on?

This happens on the corner with the larger trash pile regularly by the general public, but it's an anonymous pile so does not feel personal like it does in my own waste bin.

Edited by jacktrip
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the cleaning ladies at my condo will jump on even the smallest piece of pet or can they can resell.. in fact they seem to spend more time going through the trash collecting bottles than doing their actual job :whistling:

Edited by yoslim
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its widely accepted in most appartemnts that the maids will search the garbage for anything they can salvage

this probably goes double if the property is farang occupied

even at night like 3am i be coming pissed and sometimes see people searching the garbage bags out in the soi

to make sure there isnt an empty bottle they can sell

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Recycle what is recyclable. Other than that, isn't trash just trash? When it is set out, it should'nt have any other sort of value; otherwise one would probably keep it.

Maybe if there were important statements and other documents, but I'd try and find a better way of disposing them other than leaving them out for others to ruffle through.

I noticed that quite a few thais I know do the same - they really value the importance of the baht. Just the way things are sometimes.

Edited by hookedondhamma
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Hehe our guards will first ask permission. They seen the short end of the stick before...

But seriously just unload a few mr whippys in there and no one will search ya trash after a while lol.

You should be sorting recycling anyways.. get ya maid and kids to do it. Free pocket money for em.

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I do have to say though, it's great to see people recycling stuff, even if their primary reason is for making a baht.

In my home country one could get into some serious trouble for 'picking through trash.'

Plus, doesn't it make your heart melt when you see the schoolkids and sometimes even groups in the mubahn cleaning up their neighborhood, with smiles on their faces?

It sure does make mine melt, moreso than the stuff that is called 'bread' is left out on the counter for a few days.

Sometimes you do what you have to do get by.

I had no idea about the bags and cardboard though - that's a new one.

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I saw a trash picker pull out a massive syringe an put it aside for safe keeping.

One of the more disgusting things I've seen in Thailand. Picking through medical waste.

i wonder if they clean and re-use other personal things?

arrrgggghhhhhhhhhhhh thats GROSS !!

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If you can you should consider a good cross-shredder and shred your mail, bills and anything else with so much as your name on it.

I don't have a shredder so what I do is tear documents up as best I can and then put bits of it into different bins. If they ever try to re assemble it, they will hopefully not be able to find all

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If you live in a Moo(n) Baan, then you must have seen the pick ups driving around, with all sorts of recyclable stuff in the back. anything form old rusty motorbikes to cardboard. The staff may be looking for stuff to sell to them.

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I saw a trash picker pull out a massive syringe an put it aside for safe keeping.

One of the more disgusting things I've seen in Thailand. Picking through medical waste.

i wonder if they clean and re-use other personal things?

If you can you should consider a good cross-shredder and shred your mail, bills and anything else with so much as your name on it.

I don't have a shredder so what I do is tear documents up as best I can and then put bits of it into different bins. If they ever try to re assemble it, they will hopefully not be able to find all

What kind of documents could you possible have that are so secret? blink.png

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At the trash collection point in our soi, the garbage men stop for as much as 30 minutes to pick through every bag in the eight or so bins they should be picking up. The big problem is that all the liquid waste spills on the ground, and the soi stinks for the next day or so. It's like their personal treasure trove, though, and I assume this occurs fairly universally. Our soi is a cul-de-sac, so no one really objects to them parking there while hunting for treasure...

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