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Price Of Squid - Is It Falling


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Tonight on Jomtien beach, the boats are all using green lights. Some time ago, I was informed, that white lights are for fish, yellow are for shrimp, and green are for squid. Is this true, does anybody know?. Are squid in season, and might a reasonable person expect the price to reduce? Thank you

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Squid are always about as seasons are more about rain & dry seasons here.

The lights used to always white & then they seemed to go green almost over night (boom boom).

I asked a talay restaurant about the green lights & his explaination was that one fisherman turned up with a green light & had a tremendous haul & so within a month the whole fleet of fisherman changed to green lights,

Don't quote me on that though

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Shurely its red for starboard and green for port ?

It's red for port and green for starboard. Every where I have seen night fishing in asia it is always white floro's. Red light is usually used at night for illumination because it does not destroy your night vision. No idea if the green light theory works for squid although the shorter wave lengths of light at the green blue end of the scale will penetrate deeper in the water then the longer wave length or red end.

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I like the theory that any one colour of light at sea can effect prices in a market. There is something quite metaphysical about that.... smile.png

Glad you like that. But something always affects price in the market. Knowing what it is, can be worthwhile.

Tonight the lights are almost all green again --- the odd yellow and white.

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