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U S Embassy In Bangkok Issues Security Warnings To Citizens In Thailand


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I'm Christian and you know what Islam says about my religion? It says Jesus Christ wasn't the son of God. Neither was he crucified and he didn't die on the cross for the sins of the world. They have disrespected the foundation of my religion. Now do you see any Christians going out there protesting and killing Muslims? Or firebombing their mosques?

There is no excuse for their kind of barbaric behavior. And it's amazing some people are still practically defending what they're doing in the name of their peaceful religion.

No.. but I see Christians creating this stupid movie that seemed to have only 1 point.. to insult and incite violence and hatred.

It's apologists like you that encourage the crazies to just continue their cycle of violence. You guys always blame someone else but never the crazies that commit the crimes. It's the same as the people who blame the rape victim because she was dressed sexily. You'd make an excellent Muslim.

I'm no apologist. No need to go throwing labels around. There are 2 sides to the coin. I have no sympathy for those out there committing violent acts. They should be held accountable for their actions. So too should those that incite the violence.

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Just punish the guy who made it ... And all this will be gone ....

Why punish the filmmaker and accept oppression from Arabs? Freedom of expression anyone?

Because Freedom of Speech shouldn't allow hatred of religion or ethnicity....wouldn't you agree that the world would be a happier place if there was less hate of others?

I think you miss the point about freedom of speech. Islamists can say what they like (and they do say nasty stuff) about Christians and their bible - but dare say the same about them. It's truly one way traffic designed to bolster the extremist view about the west. We live in nasty times, indeed we do.

Edited by ianf
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I can't believe a crappy movie is making such an impact.

The movie is just another bad excuse to make violence.

It has been discovered, that the main part of the protesters haven´t seen the movie, but have been paid to riot. I wonder if they by any chance could have learned this from the Red Shirts in Thailand.

Edited by Xonax
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I'm Christian and you know what Islam says about my religion? It says Jesus Christ wasn't the son of God. Neither was he crucified and he didn't die on the cross for the sins of the world. They have disrespected the foundation of my religion. Now do you see any Christians going out there protesting and killing Muslims? Or firebombing their mosques?

There is no excuse for their kind of barbaric behavior. And it's amazing some people are still practically defending what they're doing in the name of their peaceful religion.

The problems between Christians and Muslims has been going on a long time. What is happening now is just another episode in a very old war


The First Crusade

Pope Urban II (1088-1099, see art below) was responsible for assisting Emperor Alexus I (1081-1118) of Constantinople in launching the first crusade. He made one of the most influential speeches in the Middle Ages, calling on Christian princes in Europe to go on a crusade to rescue the Holy Land from the Turks. In the speech given at the Council of Clermont in France, on November 27, 1095, he combined the ideas of making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with that of waging a holy war against infidels.1

Dr. E.L. Skip Knox gives a summary of the pope's speech, which has been recorded differently in various sources: urban.jpg

"The noble race of Franks must come to the aid their fellow Christians in the East. The infidel Turks are advancing into the heart of Eastern Christendom; Christians are being oppressed and attacked; churches and holy places are being defiled. Jerusalem is groaning under the Saracen yoke. The Holy Sepulchre is in Moslem hands and has been turned into a mosque. Pilgrims are harassed and even prevented from access to the Holy Land.

"The West must march to the defense of the East. All should go, rich and poor alike. The Franks must stop their internal wars and squabbles. Let them go instead against the infidel and fight a righteous war.

"God himself will lead them, for they will be doing His work. There will be absolution and remission of sins for all who die in the service of Christ. Here they are poor and miserable sinners; there they will be rich and happy. Let none hesitate; they must march next summer. God wills it!

If the Muslims are still smarting over whatever happened a thousand years over, I'd suggest they get over it.

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The movie was just as an excuse for the crazies to come out and kill people. If it wasn't the movie, they would have found some other excuse to kill Americans anyway. I really don't understand these Muslims. Everything offends them. Idiots.

Happily, nothing seems to get under your skin...wow...one word ... "Mirror"

It's okay to let things get under your skin. It's another to go out there killing people. You do understand the difference right?

You can't just lump a whole religion of people into a group like that, it is just utterly ignorant and stupid. I know two muslims personally, they both live in the UK. One was born there with parents from Indnesia and one was born in Iraq but her family had to flee due to innocent deaths around the time of the war. Both girls are amazing people and I have a lot of respect for them, more than many people on this site that is for sure. So before you start using such dualistic words to put an entire relgion of people across the world in one boat like that, yes take a look in that mirror of yours.

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It´s not the movie itself that triggered this reaction worldwide weeks or months (?) after it was released!

This is not spontaneous reactions but well planned attacks coordinated througout the world, a continuation of the arab spring by islamists wanting to rule the world. They know what they want and they know what theyre doing.

Smart people these islamists, they are far ahead of the rest of this world in this conflict that the rest is denying even exists!

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I'm Christian and you know what Islam says about my religion? It says Jesus Christ wasn't the son of God. Neither was he crucified and he didn't die on the cross for the sins of the world. They have disrespected the foundation of my religion. Now do you see any Christians going out there protesting and killing Muslims? Or firebombing their mosques?

There is no excuse for their kind of barbaric behavior. And it's amazing some people are still practically defending what they're doing in the name of their peaceful religion.

No.. but I see Christians creating this stupid movie that seemed to have only 1 point.. to insult and incite violence and hatred.

It's apologists like you that encourage the crazies to just continue their cycle of violence. You guys always blame someone else but never the crazies that commit the crimes. It's the same as the people who blame the rape victim because she was dressed sexily. You'd make an excellent Muslim.

I'm no apologist. No need to go throwing labels around. There are 2 sides to the coin. I have no sympathy for those out there committing violent acts. They should be held accountable for their actions. So too should those that incite the violence.

You're missing the entire point. It doesn't take much to incite these people to violence. This movie was offensive, yes. But it's only a matter of time before the next thing comes along and incites these people to violence again. They just want an excuse and if there isn't one, you can bet they'll find one.

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You can't just lump a whole religion of people into a group like that, it is just utterly ignorant and stupid. I know two muslims personally, they both live in the UK. One was born there with parents from Indnesia and one was born in Iraq but her family had to flee due to innocent deaths around the time of the war. Both girls are amazing people and I have a lot of respect for them, more than many people on this site that is for sure. So before you start using such dualistic words to put an entire relgion of people across the world in one boat like that, yes take a look in that mirror of yours.

You know just two Muslims personally and because they're nice and respectable people, they're representative of all the 'peaceful' Muslims in the world? Okayyyy.

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Even If the muslims here did start kicking off i somehow cant imagine the Thai police standing for it one iota, i think there is little sympathy for them here in Thailand

Think again and read the article. The Royal Thai Police warns about a muslim protest in Bangkok on Saturday

A protest is a bit different, what i said was if it 'kicked off' the Thai police wouldnt stand for it. Do you really think the Thai police will let them go on a rampage through Bangkok. They shot dead 96 of their OWN people when that was tried a few years ago.

I bet if it rains they will for sure blame it on the American bastards lol
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I'm Christian and you know what Islam says about my religion? It says Jesus Christ wasn't the son of God. Neither was he crucified and he didn't die on the cross for the sins of the world. They have disrespected the foundation of my religion. Now do you see any Christians going out there protesting and killing Muslims? Or firebombing their mosques?

There is no excuse for their kind of barbaric behavior. And it's amazing some people are still practically defending what they're doing in the name of their peaceful religion.

The problems between Christians and Muslims has been going on a long time. What is happening now is just another episode in a very old war


The First Crusade

Pope Urban II (1088-1099, see art below) was responsible for assisting Emperor Alexus I (1081-1118) of Constantinople in launching the first crusade. He made one of the most influential speeches in the Middle Ages, calling on Christian princes in Europe to go on a crusade to rescue the Holy Land from the Turks. In the speech given at the Council of Clermont in France, on November 27, 1095, he combined the ideas of making a pilgrimage to the Holy Land with that of waging a holy war against infidels.1

Dr. E.L. Skip Knox gives a summary of the pope's speech, which has been recorded differently in various sources: urban.jpg

"The noble race of Franks must come to the aid their fellow Christians in the East. The infidel Turks are advancing into the heart of Eastern Christendom; Christians are being oppressed and attacked; churches and holy places are being defiled. Jerusalem is groaning under the Saracen yoke. The Holy Sepulchre is in Moslem hands and has been turned into a mosque. Pilgrims are harassed and even prevented from access to the Holy Land.

"The West must march to the defense of the East. All should go, rich and poor alike. The Franks must stop their internal wars and squabbles. Let them go instead against the infidel and fight a righteous war.

"God himself will lead them, for they will be doing His work. There will be absolution and remission of sins for all who die in the service of Christ. Here they are poor and miserable sinners; there they will be rich and happy. Let none hesitate; they must march next summer. God wills it!

If the Muslims are still smarting over whatever happened a thousand years over, I'd suggest they get over it.

There in lies the problem, since those early days Christians/The West have never ever left the Muslim lands, they have never ever stopped interfering in Muslim lands.

These riots and protests have absolutely nothing to do with this movie, It is just a rallying call to those that are angry at the never ending western interference in their lands.

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I'm Christian and you know what Islam says about my religion? It says Jesus Christ wasn't the son of God. Neither was he crucified and he didn't die on the cross for the sins of the world. They have disrespected the foundation of my religion. Now do you see any Christians going out there protesting and killing Muslims? Or firebombing their mosques?

There is no excuse for their kind of barbaric behavior. And it's amazing some people are still practically defending what they're doing in the name of their peaceful religion.

No.. but I see Christians creating this stupid movie that seemed to have only 1 point.. to insult and incite violence and hatred.

It's apologists like you that encourage the crazies to just continue their cycle of violence. You guys always blame someone else but never the crazies that commit the crimes. It's the same as the people who blame the rape victim because she was dressed sexily. You'd make an excellent Muslim.

I'm no apologist. No need to go throwing labels around. There are 2 sides to the coin. I have no sympathy for those out there committing violent acts. They should be held accountable for their actions. So too should those that incite the violence.

And that would be the clicks that showed the film to them - that is if they even saw it at all. They then told them about it in their terms, and spun it up - Most would have never even known it was made. The incitement comes from the same source as the killing and not the film at all.

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The thing the 1st amendment people don't realise is that it's not a defence to inciting a riot to say the people rioted unreasonably , the only defence is that a reasonable person would not have known they would riot ....... that argument becomes less and less valid everytime people riot over insulting Islam as Jayman also points out.

Yes, it's now becoming acceptable for muslims to riot. Doesn't that disturb anyone? Or will it when all things, ideas and beliefs contrary to the Quran become forbidden.

Thats not the way I see it ..... it's not acceptable for Muslims to riot but it's also not acceptable to intentionally cause them to riot , the interesting question you raise is .... should a day come where all resonable people know or should know that all things ideas and beliefs will cause Muslims to riot what does the Law say about that ..... it says : “Urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts.” 18 USC

That code has been amended to include the assumption that it's a meanfull act not just a gratuitious inslut.

So the answer to your question would be .... No ....... because i don't find gratuitous insults to be in the best intrest of the public and the law allows for expression of belief if not done in a "meaningless" way.

So the only real problem is that people MIGHT need to become more civil when expressing their ideas not that they can't express them.

I didn't say it was acceptable for Muslims to riot , I said it is illegal to incite a riot with intentional meaningless insults that a reasonable person knows or should know will cause one. I noticed that I left the "meaningless" part out of the above but have been mentioning it so many times I forgot I guess. So the point is that what makes acts illegal when inciting a riot is concerned are the same for muslims as for everyone else.

An additional point I would make is that it's not Legal to riot just because you were incited to do it !.............. Hence it's Never legal or acceptable to riot.

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The real crazy people are not the muslims, but the ones who manipulate the Americans, so we talk about the jews from Israël. They know exactly how to hurt muslims and are using these tactics already a long time. The former Mossad Chief, Mike Hirari was in Bangkok and told he was setting up terrorist points in Asia.

watch the news. the crazies are all muslim

At the moment thanks right, but you must also include Chinese citizens over the past few days. Who are the security forces protecting US assets, during the riots, guess what, it's Islamic state security forces.

Don't forget the crazies in the far right groups in western countries who have killed more than a few of their fellow citizens

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You can't just lump a whole religion of people into a group like that, it is just utterly ignorant and stupid. I know two muslims personally, they both live in the UK. One was born there with parents from Indnesia and one was born in Iraq but her family had to flee due to innocent deaths around the time of the war. Both girls are amazing people and I have a lot of respect for them, more than many people on this site that is for sure. So before you start using such dualistic words to put an entire relgion of people across the world in one boat like that, yes take a look in that mirror of yours.

You know just two Muslims personally and because they're nice and respectable people, they're representative of all the 'peaceful' Muslims in the world? Okayyyy.

By personally I mean that I have known them for most of my life and are actually good friends of mine, I have met and talked with many others, spent time with some of their friends and they are just people. Throwing around the word 'muslims' is stupid like I said, there are people who are dedicated to that religion across the world who are very respectable and people from that religion who are not, like with Christianity and Buddhism etc. The US or whatever western country going to war and killing a bunch of people, innocent people in the process as well is still killing people. There may be a 'cause' for it and if you look at why these people around the world now are pissed there are many reasons above this movie. I am pretty sure if I lived in Iraq my entire life trying to get by, I would be fuc_king pissed at the west as well.

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Why demonstrate in front of the U.S. Embassy? The U.S. government had no part in making the film. Wouldn't it be more logical to protest in front of a symbolic computer set to youtube?

And I bet they will be burning American flags and effigies. Its their MO. Cant say/do anything about them but they can burn flags and effigies of our leaders etc. Some people need to lighten up.

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No.. but I see Christians creating this stupid movie that seemed to have only 1 point.. to insult and incite violence and hatred.

It's apologists like you that encourage the crazies to just continue their cycle of violence. You guys always blame someone else but never the crazies that commit the crimes. It's the same as the people who blame the rape victim because she was dressed sexily. You'd make an excellent Muslim.

I'm no apologist. No need to go throwing labels around. There are 2 sides to the coin. I have no sympathy for those out there committing violent acts. They should be held accountable for their actions. So too should those that incite the violence.

You're missing the entire point. It doesn't take much to incite these people to violence. This movie was offensive, yes. But it's only a matter of time before the next thing comes along and incites these people to violence again. They just want an excuse and if there isn't one, you can bet they'll find one.

You miss the point and seem to be the apologist.

I am a jew and I take offense to this dipshit creating such a stupid and offensive movie and then spewing lies that he is a jew. Jews are already huge targets in the middle east and the last thing we need is some middle eastern born christian claiming to be a jew and spouting hateful speech towards muslims.

I am all for freedom of speech and have served my country to protect this right but that does not mean that people should not be held accountable for their actions.

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It is very unlikely that the the person who made this film will be charged under any "incitement to riot" law. Even less likely to be convicted. Here is the applicable U.S. federal statute 18 US Code - Section 2102: Definitions: (the italics are mine)

"As used in this chapter, the term "to incite a riot", or "to organize, promote, encourage, participate in, or carry on a riot", includes, but is not limited to, urging or instigating other persons to riot, but shall not be deemed to mean the mere oral or written (1) advocacy of ideas or (2) expression of belief, not involving advocacy of any act or acts of violence or assertion of the rightness of, or the right to commit, any such act or acts"

Individual states have their law on "incitement to riot" laws and they generally follow the same principles. The speech, writing, film, or whatever, must actually urge the rioters to riot or urge the commission of an act of immediate violence. The mere making of a file, even if someone considers the film insulting, in poor taste, disrespectful, or even "hateful", is not incitement to riot.

Edited by Baloo22
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Even If the muslims here did start kicking off i somehow cant imagine the Thai police standing for it one iota, i think there is little sympathy for them here in Thailand

Think again and read the article. The Royal Thai Police warns about a muslim protest in Bangkok on Saturday

A protest is a bit different, what i said was if it 'kicked off' the Thai police wouldnt stand for it. Do you really think the Thai police will let them go on a rampage through Bangkok. They shot dead 96 of their OWN people when that was tried a few years ago.

Yup. And the last time the RTP/army killed muslims in a muslim demonstration in the deep south they had an 8 year old ( so far ) conflict involving drive-by shootings towards soldiers, beheadings of monks and children and bombs in city centers in retaliation! I believe they think twice before úsing a heavy hand this time!!!

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By the way, there is a very real difference between 'free speech' and idiotic intentional whipping up of xenophobia. Flaming is a lesser parallel. It serves no purpose other to set one against another which is precisely the Government's (in this case Obama's) agenda and nothing more. DO wake up.

A soldier handling secret information and then releasing it to someone else is not 'free speech'. It's treason. I'm not defending the person who made the movie but I think it's really stupid when someone brings up what Bradley Manning did as 'free speech'.

Bradley Manning stupidly tried to do you lot a favour and wake you up to what your government after government would prefer you did not know!

You seem to be of the Ignorance Is Bliss brigade. No wonder they believe, and seemingly rightly so, they can continue to manipulate you ad infinitum. At the peril of The Rest Of The World. Baaaaa

He didn't try to do anyone except himself a favor, and if you follow Wikileaks, you are being manipulated.

'... and if you follow Wikileaks, you are being manipulated'. Yeah ... And how did you 'form this conclusion'?laugh.png Fox News?
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A question to the posters that continuously quote the American Constitution on "Freedom of Speech"

For what reason do you think that American law is World law ?

I dont think people believe that they are quoting it because it's a citizen of America inside American borders and would not be sent to the International court of Justice for any crime he commited.
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US to close Bangkok embassy during Islam film protest

BANGKOK, Sept 17, 2012 (AFP) - The United States said Monday it would close its embassy in Bangkok in response to a planned protest by "several hundred people" over an anti-Islam film.

The consulate, on a main road in the business district at the heart of the Thai capital, will close at noon Tuesday and "non-essential personnel will be sent home", according to a statement posted on the embassy website.

"The large number of demonstrators is expected to disrupt traffic in the area," it said.

Embassy spokesman Walter Braunholer confirmed the planned rally was part of a wave of often violent protest against a low-budget trailer for a movie entitled "Innocence of Muslims", believed to have been produced by a small group of extremist Christians in the United States.

The US statement said there was no specific threat to US citizens in Thailand, but it urged Americans to "exercise caution".

"Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly escalate into violence with little or no warning," it said.

An official at Japan's embassy, which is close to the US compound, said closure was under consideration, but the Netherlands is planning to keep its nearby embassy open because it has an entrance on a separate street.

Protests have been staged since last Tuesday in at least 20 countries, with at least 17 people killed and dozens wounded in violence linked to the film.

Buddhist-majority Thailand has about 1.2 million Muslims -- about 4 percent of the population -- according to the latest available data, many living in the country's southern states near the Malaysian border.


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-09-17

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You miss the point and seem to be the apologist.

I am a jew and I take offense to this dipshit creating such a stupid and offensive movie and then spewing lies that he is a jew. Jews are already huge targets in the middle east and the last thing we need is some middle eastern born christian claiming to be a jew and spouting hateful speech towards muslims.

I am all for freedom of speech and have served my country to protect this right but that does not mean that people should not be held accountable for their actions.

Ok let me ask you this. Would punishing this moron who made the movie stop the violence?

This movie was used as an excuse for them protest and to do violence. You really can't stop the next person from insulting Islam can you? Was Satanic Verses being hateful to Muslims? It was just a book but they deemed it offensive, got violent, protested and and killed people. All because of the perceived insult on Islam. Everything sets off these people and when this blows over, I'm just waiting for the next thing to make them explode again.

It really has nothing to do with freedom of speech. It has to do with a bunch of crazy people looking for an excuse to explode and kill white people. Face it, they're racists and because they're part of a quirky little religion, it's okay for them to be racist!

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