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U S Embassy Bangkok To Close Ahead Of Film Rally


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US Embassy to close ahead of film rally

The Nation, Agencies


Several hundred Thai Muslims tipped to protest in Bangkok this afternoon

BANGKOK: -- The US Embassy will close today when "several hundred people" are expected to protest about an anti-Islam film in front of the mission's compound in downtown Bangkok.

US citizens also have been warned to exercise caution and to avoid large crowds or gatherings, the embassy said in a statement posted on its website yesterday.

It said it was informed by police that a demonstration involving several hundred people was planned on Wireless Road in front of the US mission from 1pm to 2pm today.

"Demonstrators will assemble at Lumpini Park and march to the embassy. The large number of demonstrators is expected to disrupt traffic in the area," the statement said.

Because of the expected protest, the embassy "will be closing to the public at noon and non-essential personnel will be sent home", it said.

The embassy said it was unaware of any specific threat to Americans in Thailand, but it advised them to avoid areas that might be targeted for demonstrations.

"Even demonstrations intended to be peaceful can turn confrontational and possibly escalate into violence with little or no warning. You should avoid areas that may be targeted for demonstrations and exercise caution if within the vicinity of any demonstrations or large gatherings. You should monitor local media to keep updated with the latest information about demonstrations and areas to avoid," the US mission said on its website.

Embassy spokesman Walter Braunohler confirmed that the planned rally was part of a wave of protests, some of which have turned violent, against a low-budget trailer for a movie titled "Innocence of Muslims". The film is believed to have been made by a small group of extremist Christians in the United States. In its statement, the embassy did not mention Muslims or say whether the planned protest was connected to the controversial film.

An official at the Japanese Embassy, which is close to the US compound, said closure was under consideration, but the Netherlands plans to keep its nearby embassy open because it has an entrance on a separate street.

Protests have been staged since last Tuesday in at least 20 countries, with at least 17 people killed and dozens wounded in violence linked to the film.

Buddhist-majority Thailand has about 1.2 million Muslims - 4 per cent of the population - according to the latest data. Many live in the Southern provinces near the Malaysian border.

Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul said police would be instructed to provide security at the US Embassy as well as its consulate in Chiang Mai, although the US mission had not made any specific request in regard to the rally.

"I have ordered the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to work with the police," he said.

However, Surapong did not think violence similar what has happened in other countries such as Libya and Egypt would occur here.

Interior Minister Yongyuth Wichaidit said no suspicious movements had been found in Thailand linked to the protest.

"But we will not lower our guard; we will keep a close watch," Yongyuth said.


-- The Nation 2012-09-18

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Sad, that so much MIS-information has spread throughout in mosques. NO, the United States government did NOT produce an anti-Islamic film (it was a short amateur movie created by some "loser" that has been in trouble with the law before); NO, the movie was not made in Hollywood (the video is so poorly made it almost looks like a joke); No, the movie was not shown in US cinemas (no one knew about it or paid attention to it until protests around the world started). NO, the US does not pay attention to what is put on "Youtube" since it is a democracy and ITS people can handle controversal (and offensive) topics without getting angry and wanting to kill someone.

Yes very objective!! I like it. The problem we have here is that most of these people protesting are doing so with a crrtain amount of ignorance. What my mind finds hard to accept of the muslims, why they habe to anger themselves so much so as to kill! Fear, pride and ignorance are virteous if maintained in love, but hate makes them a venom to those who instill it in themselves. If Allah spoke of love.... Then the world is not hearing it.

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I don't know what information has been spread im mosques, because I don't attend them. You don't need mosques to spread misinformation, the mass media is perfectly capable of doing that.

Am I missing something here? It appears to me (only my opinion) that this awful movie was made ONLY with the intent of offending muslims.. and now we are all talking about how unresonable the muslims are by being offended by that... To a muslim living in an islamic state there may appear little difference between a government that allows that, and one that condones it. After all, the US government doesn't really have a good track record with public relations in that part of the world!

Just because it may not be illegal to make an offensive movie, it doesn't make it right.. that's my opinion anyway.

Sad, that so much MIS-information has spread throughout in mosques. NO, the United States government did NOT produce an anti-Islamic film (it was a short amateur movie created by some "loser" that has been in trouble with the law before); NO, the movie was not made in Hollywood (the video is so poorly made it almost looks like a joke); No, the movie was not shown in US cinemas (no one knew about it or paid attention to it until protests around the world started). NO, the US does not pay attention to what is put on "Youtube" since it is a democracy and ITS people can handle controversal (and offensive) topics without getting angry and wanting to kill someone.

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I was hoping the local muslims were a bit more worldly, oh well, irrational thought leads to irrational behavior...... watch the little youtube movie. Support freedom.

Worldly, no. This is Thailand remember. A large percentage don't give two hoots about the film though. A few hundred protesting outside the embassy is not a majority.

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I was hoping the local muslims were a bit more worldly, oh well, irrational thought leads to irrational behavior...... watch the little youtube movie. Support freedom.

I thought the terms 'muslim' and 'worldly' were mutually exclusive.

Oh and before we get the tree/muslim hugging community telling us how 95% of all muslims are good people (looks like way more than 5% are demonstrating and murdering worldwide but hey...) I will defer to the words of Edmund Burke which are so apt in the dark age religiously exclusive society that plagues the muslim world; "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing."

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Hi to all

To be honest too much attention have been placed around this episode which I think it is totally irrelevant. The movie in question is a 13 minutes rubbish film put together in a very unprofessional way by an amateur "movie director". It is a piece of crap!! And by the way seems that the "director" is actually a Jew!

People can't kill each other because of this!!

I believe that all this is happening because of the US foreign policies of the last century (american people have nothing to do with it). I think people are tired of economical, political and military colonization of USA! This could just be the straw that broke the camel's back

When they wants something they just go and get it with force and if it could be controversial they act through the United Nations like they did in Libya with Gheddafi.

I am European and I believe European countries are nowhere better in this terms but US has been playing around for too long now. The problem is that they always do what they want and nobody stop them, maybe because like i said most of the organizations related to UN are manipulated by US government.

I believe that US should just get out of the middle east and all the other countries they are in and don't bother too much about exporting "democracy". And again all this is fomenting hate between religions and races.........what a waste of time!!

They know very well how to keep us divided and turn us into each other. They are worried of people being united against the system, they need us to be divided!

There are many more problems to take care beside different religious beliefs and is definitely not the world economy. I don't care about economic crises, because I still can grow food and survive. What I am worried about is the world crises, food is poisoned, air is poisoned and water is poisoned, climate change, resources depletion. These are the things we should be worry about.....all together!!!

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Hi to all

To be honest too much attention have been placed around this episode which I think it is totally irrelevant. The movie in question is a 13 minutes rubbish film put together in a very unprofessional way by an amateur "movie director". It is a piece of crap!! And by the way seems that the "director" is actually a Jew!

People can't kill each other because of this!!

I believe that all this is happening because of the US foreign policies of the last century (american people have nothing to do with it). I think people are tired of economical, political and military colonization of USA! This could just be the straw that broke the camel's back

When they wants something they just go and get it with force and if it could be controversial they act through the United Nations like they did in Libya with Gheddafi.

I am European and I believe European countries are nowhere better in this terms but US has been playing around for too long now. The problem is that they always do what they want and nobody stop them, maybe because like i said most of the organizations related to UN are manipulated by US government.

I believe that US should just get out of the middle east and all the other countries they are in and don't bother too much about exporting "democracy". And again all this is fomenting hate between religions and races.........what a waste of time!!

They know very well how to keep us divided and turn us into each other. They are worried of people being united against the system, they need us to be divided!

There are many more problems to take care beside different religious beliefs and is definitely not the world economy. I don't care about economic crises, because I still can grow food and survive. What I am worried about is the world crises, food is poisoned, air is poisoned and water is poisoned, climate change, resources depletion. These are the things we should be worry about.....all together!!!

Actually the 'director' is Egyptian

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Hi to all

To be honest too much attention have been placed around this episode which I think it is totally irrelevant. The movie in question is a 13 minutes rubbish film put together in a very unprofessional way by an amateur "movie director". It is a piece of crap!! And by the way seems that the "director" is actually a Jew!

People can't kill each other because of this!!

The film in question was produced by an Egyptain Coptic Christian, not a "Jew." The man and his financiers are a scurrilous and fringe lot--the director is on federal probation for check fraud.

Coptic Christains are an oppressed and disenfranchised lot in Egypt.

I agree that violence should not occur over this incident.

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Hi to all

To be honest too much attention have been placed around this episode which I think it is totally irrelevant. The movie in question is a 13 minutes rubbish film put together in a very unprofessional way by an amateur "movie director". It is a piece of crap!! And by the way seems that the "director" is actually a Jew!

People can't kill each other because of this!!

The film in question was produced by an Egyptain Coptic Christian, not a "Jew." The man and his financiers are a scurrilous and fringe lot--the director is on federal probation for check fraud.

Coptic Christains are an oppressed and disenfranchised lot in Egypt.

I agree that violence should not occur over this incident.

Sorry for the misinformation....I read it somewhere but maybe it is wrong

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The hipocracy of the situation is that youtube is full of muslim made hate vids, much more inflamatory than the "innocence of muslims" video that so offends, there are countless examples of the bearded ones preaching death to all infidels, kafirs and the like. (also educational pieces on how to correctly beat your wives).

well the thing is, those guys (extremist muslims) who make those vids you refer to, want to kill everyone anyway lol, so a movie like this makes no difference to their 'honourable aspirations'

though i do sense some islamophobia in the end of your post

separate the extremist ones from the civil ones.

they are a minority thank... allah wink.png

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I understand that few of the those who are protesting have seen the film clip when asked by a reporter. While Technologybytes wrote a nice piece about Muslins and their comprehension towards the west I am afraid that he and many others are missing the point. These demonstrations are not really about the film but the film is being used by those with power and a ulterior motive to use uneducated and some ignorant people to inflame anti-American and anti western sentiment. Other Western Embassies have also been attacked which clearly cannot be associated with the film. In the overall scheme of things there are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world but only a few thousand are actually protesting and these are being encouraged to do so. The Hezbollah leader, well know for his anti western feelings, mainly due to the West supporting Israel, has now called for a further week of protests and certain Imans are doing the same during Fridays prayers. I am also sure that providing no military reprisals are taken then it will all blow over in a couple of weeks and the west will seen to be weaker and the Muslims stronger and the Wests' freedom of speech curtailed once again by external forces which is one of the objectives of those pulling the strings of the protestors.

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Hi to all

To be honest too much attention have been placed around this episode which I think it is totally irrelevant. The movie in question is a 13 minutes rubbish film put together in a very unprofessional way by an amateur "movie director". It is a piece of crap!! And by the way seems that the "director" is actually a Jew!

People can't kill each other because of this!!

I believe that all this is happening because of the US foreign policies of the last century (american people have nothing to do with it). I think people are tired of economical, political and military colonization of USA! This could just be the straw that broke the camel's back

When they wants something they just go and get it with force and if it could be controversial they act through the United Nations like they did in Libya with Gheddafi.

I am European and I believe European countries are nowhere better in this terms but US has been playing around for too long now. The problem is that they always do what they want and nobody stop them, maybe because like i said most of the organizations related to UN are manipulated by US government.

I believe that US should just get out of the middle east and all the other countries they are in and don't bother too much about exporting "democracy". And again all this is fomenting hate between religions and races.........what a waste of time!!

They know very well how to keep us divided and turn us into each other. They are worried of people being united against the system, they need us to be divided!

There are many more problems to take care beside different religious beliefs and is definitely not the world economy. I don't care about economic crises, because I still can grow food and survive. What I am worried about is the world crises, food is poisoned, air is poisoned and water is poisoned, climate change, resources depletion. These are the things we should be worry about.....all together!!!

As an American, I agree. The USA can pull its troops, and billions of dollars out of the Middle East and elsewhere. Supporting these loony-tune governments is a waste of money. NO other country is worried/ involved with their politics, so why should the USA (and some of their allies) send young military men and woment to be targets for a bunch of irrational tribesmen who couldn't care less about "freedom of speech" or democracy. The USA would have been off to have spent its billions and billions of foreign AID on improving its own security and communication system, decaying infrastructure (airports, bridges, highways, trains...) and education. Someday it will be left in the "dust" in progress due to its involvement in "saving the world" when it should have been saving itself!!!

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Hi to all

To be honest too much attention have been placed around this episode which I think it is totally irrelevant. The movie in question is a 13 minutes rubbish film put together in a very unprofessional way by an amateur "movie director". It is a piece of crap!! And by the way seems that the "director" is actually a Jew!

People can't kill each other because of this!!

I believe that all this is happening because of the US foreign policies of the last century (american people have nothing to do with it). I think people are tired of economical, political and military colonization of USA! This could just be the straw that broke the camel's back

When they wants something they just go and get it with force and if it could be controversial they act through the United Nations like they did in Libya with Gheddafi.

I am European and I believe European countries are nowhere better in this terms but US has been playing around for too long now. The problem is that they always do what they want and nobody stop them, maybe because like i said most of the organizations related to UN are manipulated by US government.

I believe that US should just get out of the middle east and all the other countries they are in and don't bother too much about exporting "democracy". And again all this is fomenting hate between religions and races.........what a waste of time!!

They know very well how to keep us divided and turn us into each other. They are worried of people being united against the system, they need us to be divided!

There are many more problems to take care beside different religious beliefs and is definitely not the world economy. I don't care about economic crises, because I still can grow food and survive. What I am worried about is the world crises, food is poisoned, air is poisoned and water is poisoned, climate change, resources depletion. These are the things we should be worry about.....all together!!!

Actually the 'director' is Egyptian

He must be Muslim. Only Muslims seem to ignore that fact over and over.

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Are the protests by muslims an overreaction? I don't know. In the UK people have been sent to prison for making racist comments on facebook and twitter, I'd personally call that an overreaction. Yet the maker of this movie faces no prosecution. I understand that and I believe in the right to free speech, but if the movie was made just to be offensive then that's clearly wrong and is an abuse of the right to free speech.

To a muslim who lives in an islamic state it's probably totally beyond their comprehension that a western government could allow such a thing, so it's hardly surprising that they may feel that the government is in some way responsible or condoning of it. It's just a matter of perception based on your own reality, the reality of someone in living in an islamic state is different to that of someone living in California for example.

While the freedom of speech is regularly quoted in this context, it's by far not the only legal aspect here. Does freedom of speech allow for hate speech? And how about willfully offending [____] (fill in the blanks here)? Common sense says "no go", but unfortunately, common sense can't be defined in legal terms, as it's such a rare commodity these days.

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The hipocracy of the situation is that youtube is full of muslim made hate vids, much more inflamatory than the "innocence of muslims" video that so offends, there are countless examples of the bearded ones preaching death to all infidels, kafirs and the like. (also educational pieces on how to correctly beat your wives).

well the thing is, those guys (extremist muslims) who make those vids you refer to, want to kill everyone anyway lol, so a movie like this makes no difference to their 'honourable aspirations'

though i do sense some islamophobia in the end of your post

separate the extremist ones from the civil ones.

they are a minority thank... allah wink.png

Yes, I admit to islamaphobia, and also religiaphobia, a (phobia being a fear of) as I am an atheist, I read and hear many hate filled statements that directly threaten my wellbeing and secular society in general. I fear the spread of sharia law, theocracy of any type. I know they hate me. I have no problem with individuals that respect the rights of nonbelievers.

well the line between fear and hate is very thin, especially with regards to islamophobia, just sayin'

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Let 'em protest. Listen to what they are saying at the protest to get an idea of what the organizers are all about. Note the crowd reaction. Note the attitude (peaceful, holiday-like). Make mental notes. Go home. Catch a nap.

Mosty of these protesters should be of Thai nationality. I suspect they are getting some cash to go. I suspect the protest will be like any other Thai protest, where the government is not involved.

Nothing interesting here.

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Man is not that long out of the Wild, unfortunately. Throughout recorded history there is the constant theme of death in the name of Religion--or some other imagined differences. So few of our fore bearers, or even ourselves are fully innocent of ignorance and/or the Beast in Man. Just happens that today some radical muslims just want to kill. Fast forward 20 years and it will be the Priests against the Nuns (hyperbole). My beliefs are closer to Buddhism than any other religion--Buddha taught us to ask why and critically question the world around us--and do no harm to anything. Seems to make sense to me--how about you? Respectfully.

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