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Things To Mitigate Dissatisfaction In Thailand For Gf


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Good news/bad news..

Bad news, sounds like the GF is a goner. You're working too hard...

Ever seen the T-shirt with "No matter how beautiful she is, somebody is tired of putting up with her s_it!" ? tongue.png

Good news, you're well placed for an easy replacement! Just start doing all the things you wanted her to do. You'll meet some fine women for sure. smile.png

I want to keep her. I just cant afford three residences and need three months until the eviction is finalized. I want to leave LOS too and go home, I just am willing to wait until I have a place to live.

I just need to buy time..three months...

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My husband and I have ...

That was the fastest sex change operation I ever heard about... from girlfriend to husband... => TROLL

Lol, you guys are so quick to call troll..i was quoting the average cost of living from a message board for Vegas.

It was not not my post.

Click on the link, dude.

take it back and apologize, please.

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My husband and I have ...

That was the fastest sex change operation I ever heard about... from girlfriend to husband... => TROLL

Lol, you guys are so quick to call troll..i was quoting the average cost of living from a message board for Vegas.

It was not not my post.

Click on the link, dude.

take it back and apologize, please.

Why should I apologize if you post unclear stuff...

but "dude", you got all advice you need...

- if money is more important than GF, drop her and send her where she wants...

- if GF is more important than all else, bite the soure grape, go back to the US, rent your house in Thailand to cover cost for mortgage and live a frugal life in the US for 3 month...

- if you are important to her and she is important to you, then she will agree waiting another 3 months and stop complaining, otherwise she is just a selfish bitch and deserves being dropped.

what more do you really need to know?

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GF problems aside Aurellian,

You made an offer in another thread you started to shout someone dinner so they could see your GF, thus proving her 'hotness' factor (my words).

Did anyone take you up on the dinner offer?

No. I think that many of the posters were too afraid of the prospect that i am exactly who i say I am...of that one if ten thousand chance. The guy does have a smoking hot model gf, the guy is an ivy league graduate, the guy is a former diplomat (3161), and the guy is a one per center (or 3.4 percenter).

A few guys did want me to by their beers around Nana..lol...but no, nobody would meet me in the steakhouse or koi or whatever I proposed as the location.

I hate the term troll. I find it immaterial. if it took my proving bonafides to moot this claim i would do it,. I was having dinner there anyway that night.

I will be at Koi tonight for sushi. if you want a tuna roll and want to chat, come out, I will get your bill if you can provide some salient advice.

It's not about me.

Edited by Aurelllian
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Well you’ve made it clear your saving a few dollars a month is much more important than her happiness so what do you expect? You claim you’re saving $3K a month living here, but need time to evict your tenant because you can’t afford to maintain a second place. Why is that? You could easily rent an apartment for what you are collecting in rent from your condo in the US yes? The rent from the condo will stop once you complete the eviction anyway, so what’s the big deal? It makes no sence.

If I had a girlfriend who hated it here, and assuming I gave s sh*t about her I would move. But apparently you either do not want to move or you’re not very bright, or you’re blowing smoke up our asses.

Please stop trying to go through my posts and pick out (faux) inconsistencies. It is irrelevant and more important inaccurate.

My tenet has not paid me in 7 months (so i am forced to pay the mortgage and the hoa fees myself), if I depart Thailand I will stay pay the mortgage since I am only about 17 grand from owning the place in Thong Lo. I dont want to lose that investment. Thus I am locked into paying the mortgage here and the mortgage on the place back home.

Please, if you have no constructive advice...

If there are things that people find inconsistent in your story, then why not make you clarify them? Are you so insecure that you cannot be questioned?

A tenant who does not pay rent for 7 months????? Surely, as such a worldly person, you have a clear contract that would apply the order of the boot LOOOOOONG before 7 months have elapsed?

An earlier poster told you to get your gf's head out of her a**....... I suggest a mutual extraction session might be beneficial for you.

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I had a hot model gf and can relate to this, people would constantly stare and talk behind our backs.

She was a model for shoes in larger sizes and had size 32 feet ;-)

Ah.... but his was a model for Ford............ a mustang????? whistling.gif

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GF problems aside Aurellian,

You made an offer in another thread you started to shout someone dinner so they could see your GF, thus proving her 'hotness' factor (my words).

Did anyone take you up on the dinner offer?

No. I think that many of the posters were too afraid of the prospect that i am exactly who i say I am...of that one if ten thousand chance. The guy does have a smoking hot model gf, the guy is an ivy league graduate, the guy is a former diplomat (3161), and the guy is a one per center (or 3.4 percenter).

A few guys did want me to by their beers around Nana..lol...but no, nobody would meet me in the steakhouse or koi or whatever I proposed as the location.

I hate the term troll. I find it immaterial. if it took my proving bonafides to moot this claim i would do it,. I was having dinner there anyway that night.

I will be at Koi tonight for sushi. if you want a tuna roll and want to chat, come out, I will get your bill if you can provide some salient advice.

It's not about me.

That's a very kind offer Aurelllian and perhaps next time i am in bkk ill take you up on the offer.

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Well you’ve made it clear your saving a few dollars a month is much more important than her happiness so what do you expect? You claim you’re saving $3K a month living here, but need time to evict your tenant because you can’t afford to maintain a second place. Why is that? You could easily rent an apartment for what you are collecting in rent from your condo in the US yes? The rent from the condo will stop once you complete the eviction anyway, so what’s the big deal? It makes no sence.

If I had a girlfriend who hated it here, and assuming I gave s sh*t about her I would move. But apparently you either do not want to move or you’re not very bright, or you’re blowing smoke up our asses.

Please stop trying to go through my posts and pick out (faux) inconsistencies. It is irrelevant and more important inaccurate.

My tenet has not paid me in 7 months (so i am forced to pay the mortgage and the hoa fees myself), if I depart Thailand I will stay pay the mortgage since I am only about 17 grand from owning the place in Thong Lo. I dont want to lose that investment. Thus I am locked into paying the mortgage here and the mortgage on the place back home.

Please, if you have no constructive advice...

If there are things that people find inconsistent in your story, then why not make you clarify them? Are you so insecure that you cannot be questioned?

A tenant who does not pay rent for 7 months????? Surely, as such a worldly person, you have a clear contract that would apply the order of the boot LOOOOOONG before 7 months have elapsed?

An earlier poster told you to get your gf's head out of her a**....... I suggest a mutual extraction session might be beneficial for you.

No, the assumptions that are made in order to cast aspersions on my post are both erroneous and irrelevant.. It is the equivalent of asking someone for an ID when taking out the trash and when it is not produced to declare them an illegal alien.

The issues raised are completely irrelevant that some are attempting to highlight. If the numbers add up to 2400 or 3500 the only germane fact is that I am unwilling to maintain three residences.

I made a mistake with my tenet...it's vegas...I believed her lies month after month and finally in August after recieveing nada i filed papers to evict her.

Once again you assume too much: are you aware that it can take up to 13 months between the time a savvy deadbeat is served with papers until the time the Sheriff kicks them out..and in the interim they trash your place...

Dude, it's not Bangkok. I cant nor will will I pay someone to rough her up. There are laws which will be followed... a shame she chose to exploit them.

My gf does not like it here. Most women of her ilk would not wish to live her either.

i am seeking advice to mitigate this.

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GF problems aside Aurellian,

You made an offer in another thread you started to shout someone dinner so they could see your GF, thus proving her 'hotness' factor (my words).

Did anyone take you up on the dinner offer?

No. I think that many of the posters were too afraid of the prospect that i am exactly who i say I am...of that one if ten thousand chance. The guy does have a smoking hot model gf, the guy is an ivy league graduate, the guy is a former diplomat (3161), and the guy is a one per center (or 3.4 percenter).

A few guys did want me to by their beers around Nana..lol...but no, nobody would meet me in the steakhouse or koi or whatever I proposed as the location.

I hate the term troll. I find it immaterial. if it took my proving bonafides to moot this claim i would do it,. I was having dinner there anyway that night.

I will be at Koi tonight for sushi. if you want a tuna roll and want to chat, come out, I will get your bill if you can provide some salient advice.

It's not about me.

That's a very kind offer Aurelllian and perhaps next time i am in bkk ill take you up on the offer.

please do. have a nice day.

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I had a hot model gf and can relate to this, people would constantly stare and talk behind our backs.

She was a model for shoes in larger sizes and had size 32 feet ;-)

Ah.... but his was a model for Ford............ a mustang????? whistling.gif

ROFL... original...where is the lady boy joke? HA HA HA...does she have an adam's apple? LOL. LOL..LOL...

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i am seeking advice to mitigate this.

repeating myself, you got all advice you need...

- if money is more important than GF, drop her and send her where she wants...

- if GF is more important than all else, bite the soure grape, go back to the US, rent your house in Thailand to whowever to cover cost for mortgage and live a frugal life in the US for 3 month until your tenant is out...

- if you are important to her and she is important to you, then she will agree waiting another 3 months and stop complaining, otherwise she is just a selfish bitch and deserves being dropped.

what more do you really need to know?

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GF problems aside Aurellian,

You made an offer in another thread you started to shout someone dinner so they could see your GF, thus proving her 'hotness' factor (my words).

Did anyone take you up on the dinner offer?

No need even for all that, he could take a picture holding a Thaivisa sign and prove the troll callers wrong in 5 minutes

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Sent from my XT910 using Thaivisa Connect App

i would rather read the post of a troll any day over the self righteous bleatings of someone squealing troll.

at least one of the posters involved in a discussion like that has an imagination.

I have much more disdain for those message board forensic scientists and keyboard gum shoes running through the OP's entire posting history and triumphantly waving snippets of posts past while yelling aha! in misguided victory, than i would have for many a troll.

you all forget, a troll is only successful if YOU rise to the bait.

makes you all look petty in my opinion.

The op has an interesting premise, and i have experienced similar, im sure many of us have, so beyond a few of the details, why is the story hard to believe?

So rather than bleat what may or may not be the obvious to you, why not write out a well-reasoned report to the moderation team rather than subjecting the rest of us to your petty need to prove to the rest of us that the wool will not be pulled over your eyes.

Some of us have the ability to ignore posts we think beneath our highly-prized dignity. We have been able to form our own conclusions since our first pair of big-boy pants.


if you are having this kind of problem now, you are likely to have it again in varying guises for the duration of your relationship with this girl.

If the mere thought of returning to Thailand is enough to send her into tears, there is likely deeper issues behind it.

you just need to decide whether you are willing to up sticks every time she hits a rough patch

Edited by tinfoilhat
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Hmm, 400 to 700 a month in utilities? Are you running a meth lab? Where in the US are you planning to move to? Don’t you have to buy furniture and a car and insurance anyway when you get there anyway?

" Average cost of utilities in Henderson/Las Vegas?

I was in a forum about Henderson and someone in there said they pay an average of $600/month for electricity, gas and water for a single story home?!?!?! Is this true?

My husband and I have been looking at the Las Vegas area as a place to possibly re-locate to, but even if housing is affordable there right now, there is no way we could afford to pay that much just for utilities .


I looked at your link, and as I suspected, all BS. One would think that if you owned a condo there you would have some idea of what the utilities cost there. Even if you’ve been gone for ten years, you'd know that winter is far and away the cheapest time of year in Nevada. I lived in Vegas back in the 70's and I still remember the electric bill would drop 90% when you turn the air conditioner off.

Actually, I did a quick Google search and it appears that utilities in Henderson Nevada are about 8% lower than the US national average.


Oh what a wicked web we weave….

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If she worked for Emirates as a trolley dolly she obviously doesn't have the brains to go with the beauty. Put her back to work on the airline, then she'll have lots of other pretty but not that sharp girls with which to discuss important issues like make up and boyfriends.

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Hmm, 400 to 700 a month in utilities? Are you running a meth lab? Where in the US are you planning to move to? Don’t you have to buy furniture and a car and insurance anyway when you get there anyway?

" Average cost of utilities in Henderson/Las Vegas?

I was in a forum about Henderson and someone in there said they pay an average of $600/month for electricity, gas and water for a single story home?!?!?! Is this true?

My husband and I have been looking at the Las Vegas area as a place to possibly re-locate to, but even if housing is affordable there right now, there is no way we could afford to pay that much just for utilities .


I looked at your link, and as I suspected, all BS. One would think that if you owned a condo there you would have some idea of what the utilities cost there. Even if you’ve been gone for ten years, you'd know that winter is far and away the cheapest time of year in Nevada. I lived in Vegas back in the 70's and I still remember the electric bill would drop 90% when you turn the air conditioner off.

Actually, I did a quick Google search and it appears that utilities in Henderson Nevada are about 8% lower than the US national average.


Oh what a wicked web we weave….

Again, you focus on the immaterial and incorrect: This time, "you astutely call BS", because you believe that 400-600 per month is too much for utilities in Vegas

Electric bills can easily run 400 bucks per month in Vegas during the summer. Remember that Vegas is a desert and its hot...very hot..for an extended period of time.

Let's do some basic math, shall we? 200 per month for electricity...110 per month for phone, cable and net through Timewarner, 50-100 bucks a month for gas and water...what's your math say? 360-400 is what mine says. datafeed plans for phone is $89 per phone (two of us)..my my my Sherlock, we are at 600 bucks now.

And this does not even account for the car, insurance, and higher entertainment cost. Vegas is not Bangkok....you can spend 200 bucks at the Marqee and drop another 40 bucks in tips getting from the car to the club.

You made an error. I expect you to acknowledge and say sorry.

Come on dude, 600 bucks for utilities in not really that much in the US anymore. I am shocked you did not cast doubt upon my assertion that I am a former diplomat.

That's much more harder to refute if claim the negative.

Once again, explain the relevance of utility bills in Vegas to a very attractive euro women not liking BKK?

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Sent from my XT910 using Thaivisa Connect App

i would rather read the post of a troll any day over the self righteous bleatings of someone squealing troll.

at least one of the posters involved in a discussion like that has an imagination.

I have much more disdain for those message board forensic scientists and keyboard gum shoes running through the OP's entire posting history and triumphantly waving snippets of posts past while yelling aha! in misguided victory, than i would have for many a troll.

you all forget, a troll is only successful if YOU rise to the bait.

makes you all look petty in my opinion.

The op has an interesting premise, and i have experienced similar, im sure many of us have, so beyond a few of the details, why is the story hard to believe?

So rather than bleat what may or may not be the obvious to you, why not write out a well-reasoned report to the moderation team rather than subjecting the rest of us to your petty need to prove to the rest of us that the wool will not be pulled over your eyes.

Some of us have the ability to ignore posts we think beneath our highly-prized dignity. We have been able to form our own conclusions since our first pair of big-boy pants.


if you are having this kind of problem now, you are likely to have it again in varying guises for the duration of your relationship with this girl.

If the mere thought of returning to Thailand is enough to send her into tears, there is likely deeper issues behind it.

you just need to decide whether you are willing to up sticks every time she hits a rough patch

Thanks. I thought I was the only sane one on here. A lof of it is envy I understand; if the farangs here were top tier professionals with gorgeous Western women I suspect they would not be in Thailand. However, the cry of troll and the faulty logic used to level the accusation perplexes me.

Yes, some folks are good looking, are well educated, and not into Thai women. I don't know why this is shocking in the least bit.

You are correct that there are larger issues at play--mostly she wants a commitment--but I must focus on what is in my purview to solve.

I like Thailand, but only for less than 3 weeks at at time. And my constant bitching about the place likely evokes similar negativity with her.

However, I bitch like the former infantryman I am..to vent, not necessarily to action. .And as I said before, I don't wish to pay for change right now. I can survive another 90 days here as long i take frequent trips abroad.

I am a loner by nature and have accepted a long time ago that Thailand is not for me, but I can deal with it. I have my tennnis, my xbox my books, and my travels. i have been content with less.

the prettier the girl is the whinier they can be. It's a fact of life. She can bitch in London and still have her needs met by a platoon of men with cash and nice cars.

She's a nice catch and does not bust my balls too much, but I need to figure something out to keep her at bay until the eviction transpires.

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You say that you work in "conflict zones". Where does your girlfriend stay while you are at work? does she go with you into the conflict zone? If so, is Bangkok really worse than that? She enjoy being in the conflict zone more than here?

If she doesn't go with you, then where does she go? Home to mummy? If she really loves you, she would be happy being anywhere in the world with you, as opposed to home at mommy's house or anywhere else in the world without you.

Someone said earlier that there is probably a deeper issue. I agree. She sounds deeply neurotic and insecure. Breaking out in tears at Cinnabun? She probably caught you staring at the cute waitress / lovely women everywhere here, and figures you're going to go and shag someone hotter than her.

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I don't have a problem with his electric bills. But why would you post the same odd topic twice?

Why Do Hot Farangs Dislike It Here?

Because we left for about a month, she had surgery back home and was away for two months, and now she is crying and making my life miserable. That's why.

I thought maybe I can get an answer. I am at wits end.

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Hmm, 400 to 700 a month in utilities? Are you running a meth lab? Where in the US are you planning to move to? Don’t you have to buy furniture and a car and insurance anyway when you get there anyway?

" Average cost of utilities in Henderson/Las Vegas?

I was in a forum about Henderson and someone in there said they pay an average of $600/month for electricity, gas and water for a single story home?!?!?! Is this true?

My husband and I have been looking at the Las Vegas area as a place to possibly re-locate to, but even if housing is affordable there right now, there is no way we could afford to pay that much just for utilities .


I looked at your link, and as I suspected, all BS. One would think that if you owned a condo there you would have some idea of what the utilities cost there. Even if you’ve been gone for ten years, you'd know that winter is far and away the cheapest time of year in Nevada. I lived in Vegas back in the 70's and I still remember the electric bill would drop 90% when you turn the air conditioner off.

Actually, I did a quick Google search and it appears that utilities in Henderson Nevada are about 8% lower than the US national average.


Oh what a wicked web we weave….

Again, you focus on the immaterial and incorrect: This time, "you astutely call BS", because you believe that 400-600 per month is too much for utilities in Vegas

Electric bills can easily run 400 bucks per month in Vegas during the summer. Remember that Vegas is a desert and its hot...very hot..for an extended period of time.

Let's do some basic math, shall we? 200 per month for electricity...110 per month for phone, cable and net through Timewarner, 50-100 bucks a month for gas and water...what's your math say? 360-400 is what mine says. datafeed plans for phone is $89 per phone (two of us)..my my my Sherlock, we are at 600 bucks now.

And this does not even account for the car, insurance, and higher entertainment cost. Vegas is not Bangkok....you can spend 200 bucks at the Marqee and drop another 40 bucks in tips getting from the car to the club.

You made an error. I expect you to acknowledge and say sorry.

Come on dude, 600 bucks for utilities in not really that much in the US anymore. I am shocked you did not cast doubt upon my assertion that I am a former diplomat.

That's much more harder to refute if claim the negative.

Once again, explain the relevance of utility bills in Vegas to a very attractive euro women not liking BKK?

More harder, is that diplo-speak?

It's mid-September, why are you talking about electric bills in the summer?

Regardless, the car the phones the utilities, all of those things you would have to pay for whether you were in a rental or in your condo, so I still don't see how your not able to make this work if you want to.

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I don't have a problem with his electric bills. But why would you post the same odd topic twice?

Why Do Hot Farangs Dislike It Here?

Because we left for about a month, she had surgery back home and was away for two months, and now she is crying and making my life miserable. That's why.

I thought maybe I can get an answer. I am at wits end.

I don't doubt that...

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I don't have a problem with his electric bills. But why would you post the same odd topic twice?

Why Do Hot Farangs Dislike It Here?

Because we left for about a month, she had surgery back home and was away for two months, and now she is crying and making my life miserable. That's why.

I thought maybe I can get an answer. I am at wits end.

I think it is obvious to everyone that you wanted to brag about having a hot non Asian woman which you assume would make all of us living here with Asian women jealous. One thread was OK but two is a little much. No one believes you and if they do they don't care. Hot women here are inexpensive and go by the hour, day or lifetime. It is not a big deal. We all live in Thailand. Maybe you should try your luck impressing people who live in the US or UK.

Edited by chiangmaikelly
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