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Video: Obama In Tonight's Late Show With David Letterman


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Seems so. Here's some good advice for Governor Romney and for a Union General:

"We should gain more by letting the world see what we are than by trying to seem what we are not" La Rochefoucauld

It's Governor Romney's complete and utter lack of authenticity that is killing him. He reeks of it. It's not political lying but inauthenticity. We can vote for liars provided they're authentic liars - e.g. Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. Governor Romney isn't a liar so much as he's constitutionally inauthentic. His goose is cooked. Not because he lies about his voting record like some others with political motivation.

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Maybe, but that's life. All men make mistakes, but only wise men learn from their mistakes. - Winston Churchill

It's surely debatable that evidence of having learned from from mistakes is voting for Governor Romney. Quite the opposite one would think thumbsup.gif

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Actually, it might be worth voting for Romney. His perceived flaws will make excellent fodder for the late night talk shows. It just hasn't been the same since Bush left office.

Personally, I lean toward Obama, but if Romney wins, so be it. I don't think the world will end either way.

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Sounds like rather biased personal opinions. Romney seems more "authentic" than Obama to me and of course, I have the benefit of knowing what Obama has not accomplished as opposed to what Romney has accomplished with saving the Olympics and in business.

Well, I'd hardly be able to establish 'objectively' that Governor Romney is inauthentic now would I?smile.png

I do think that Governor Romney is a stranger even to himself - he's a kinda strange Stepford Husband to himself. It's eerie and off putting.

But I have seen what Governor has been able to accomplish with his Olympics mastery - basically piss off the Conservative Government of the the UK and the City of London. Nice work.

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As a member or the 53% of Americans that do not feel a sense of entitlement. Also have paid Federal tax since 1968. I will be casting my absentee ballot for President Obama in the next couple of days.

I've paid taxes since 1955. So what?

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Sounds like rather biased personal opinions. Romney seems more "authentic" than Obama to me and of course, I have the benefit of knowing what Obama has not accomplished as opposed to what Romney has accomplished with saving the Olympics and in business.

UG, next thing these Obama cultists are going to come up with is the startling admission that Romney once had a pair of brown suede shoes...and he actually wore them in public.

They're getting desperate now. :cheesy:

Edited by chuckd
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I don't know what you would expect of me, and don't really care unless you are describing me with your "religious and pious" bit. I certainly hope not. Please clarify.


are you taking the p_iss?

If not, google your handle

I also know what my name is. What does a drug addled rocker have to do with me?

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That was before years of unemployment rates above 8%, 6 trillion of added debt, devisive politics, breaking most of the promises he made to get elected and so on. I won't make the same mistake twice.

Dont spread more Lies. The overwhelming majority of those who support Romney now and are vitriolic toward the President now NEVER did and NEVER will vote for him. How about attacking the nay sayers Republicans in congress, who want to cut the deficit but by only attacking the middle class and all those who suffered under the last republican president and spend another 2 trillion $ on a defense budget , all ready for Romneys wars I guess, Even the pentagon doesnt want the funding. It beggars belief but thats what the GOP has become. Hijacked by the Tea bag loons.

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I wouldn't claim that Governor Romney every had, of if he had, had ever worn a pair of sued shoes.

It has occurred to me though, that Governor Romney has found throughout his political life that it's better not talk at all about those things that he holds to be most true and dear. Of course that's his Mormonism and it's associated practices - the underwear etc. This having been the key to his political success to this point, I believe that through habit and practice the Governor now finds it's very difficult to speak truly about what he believes. I don't for one minute think that he really holds 47% of the electorate in contempt - I think he said it for the audience he was with to impress them that he's one of them (which he is not, as evidence by his tenure as Governor). He now does this for ANY audience. He can't help himself. It's become second nature - hence he appears inauthentic, woodenly and cravenly inauthentic. It's why women cannot warm to him and now he's batting with a 20% deficit with that sex.

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I don't know what you would expect of me, and don't really care unless you are describing me with your "religious and pious" bit. I certainly hope not. Please clarify.


are you taking the p_iss?

If not, google your handle

I also know what my name is. What does a drug addled rocker have to do with me?

chuck d is a rapper, you were complaining about rapper parties in the white house, it was funny.

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Romney is leading with the middle class.

In our latest

POLITICO-George Washington University Battleground Poll with middle-class families, which comprise about 54 percent of the total American electorate and usually split in their vote behavior between Republicans and Democrats, Romney holds a 14-point advantage (55 percent to 41 percent). Middle-class families are more inclined to believe the country is on the wrong track (34 percent right direction, 62 percent wrong track), are more likely to hold an unfavorable view of Obama (48 percent favorable, 51 percent unfavorable), and hold a more favorable view of Romney (51 percent favorable, 44 percent unfavorable) and Paul Ryan (46 percent favorable, 35 percent unfavorable) than the overall electorate.

Politico is weird. They're reporting that Ryan has abandoned Romney and that he now calls him "Stench". Not much sense of loyalty in that one:

But if this Politico piece (http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0912/81618.html?hp=r13) is to be believed, Paul Ryan has already bailed out:

Though Ryan had already decided to distance himself from the floundering Romney campaign, he now feels totally uninhibited. Reportedly, he has been marching around his campaign bus, saying things like, “If Stench calls, take a message” and “Tell Stench I’m having finger sandwiches with Peggy Noonan and will text him later.”

Calling Romney "Stench"? And, according to this piece the Romney brain trust in Boston running the campaign really does refer to Ryan as "Gilligan" and, I suppose in doing that, unwittingly confirm Governor Romney as Thurston Howell III. These clowns have to get their act together - it's not a good thing for Obama to win by default. The country needs a good enimatic discussion about what ails it.

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Well it seems Romney's airplane window gaffe may be compounding his reputation as a sort of wannabe Dan Quayle.

President Barack Obama has opened a double-digit lead over former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney in two of the nation's three largest swing states in a poll released Wednesday.

With Election Day less than six weeks away, Obama received more than 50 percent support in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Florida in a random telephone survey of likely voters taken Sept. 18-24. He has held smaller leads in those states in earlier polls.

Obama, enjoys a huge advantage among women, minorities and young voters. He leads his Republican challenger:

  • 54 percent to 42 percent in Pennsylvania.
  • 53 percent to 43 percent in Ohio.
  • 53 percent to 44 percent in Florida, the biggest prize of the three with 29 electoral votes.

The poll by Quinnipiac (Conn.) University, CBS News and the New York Times had a margin of error of 2.8 percentage points in Florida and 2.9 percentage points in Ohio and Pennsylvania.

No one has won the White House since John F. Kennedy in 1960 without winning at least two of the three key battleground states.

The president did better with voters on nearly every issue, including the ability to handle the economy, which was the top concern for voters in all three states.

"For the first time in the entire campaign, he is seen as better able to fix the economy," said Peter Brown, assistant director for Quinnipiac.

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But if this Politico piece is to be believed, Paul Ryan has already bailed out:
It is nonsense. Simon is a Politico political columnist, not a reporter and the hit piece is supposed to be "humorous."

Hey, just a small request in good faith and humor. Would you please stop using the quotation function to snip pieces from what I've said and then replying to the snippet. If you can't quote the whole thing then just don't quote any of what I say at all. I feel that your snippets more often than not misrepresent what's said. Perhaps not intentional but certainly constitutional. Thanks.thumbsup.gif

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When asked about NASCAR the best Governor Romney could come up with is that he knew a few owners. Not much a man of the people. And then he laughed. it was frightening.

Are you really bringing up NASCAR in a discussion about which presidential candidate is out of touch? OK, I say we let NASCAR fans pick the next president. Anyone think Obama will get over 20% of the vote? 10%?

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But if this Politico piece is to be believed, Paul Ryan has already bailed out:

It is nonsense. Simon is a Politico political columnist, not a reporter and the hit piece is supposed to be "humorous."

Hey, just a small request in good faith and humor. Would you please stop using the quotation function to snip pieces from what I've said and then replying to the snippet. If you can't quote the whole thing then just don't quote any of what I say at all. I feel that your snippets more often than not misrepresent what's said. Perhaps not intentional but certainly constitutional. Thanks.thumbsup.gif

I believe TV prefers snippets, it saves on bandwidth considering the thousands of posts everyday.

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Seems so. Here's some good advice for Governor Romney and for a Union General:

"We should gain more by letting the world see what we are than by trying to seem what we are not" La Rochefoucauld

It's Governor Romney's complete and utter lack of authenticity that is killing him. He reeks of it. It's not political lying but inauthenticity. We can vote for liars provided they're authentic liars - e.g. Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. Governor Romney isn't a liar so much as he's constitutionally inauthentic. His goose is cooked. Not because he lies about his voting record like some others with political motivation.

Can you name one authentic thing about Obama? Just one?

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Romney is leading with the middle class.

In our latest

POLITICO-George Washington University Battleground Poll with middle-class families, which comprise about 54 percent of the total American electorate and usually split in their vote behavior between Republicans and Democrats, Romney holds a 14-point advantage (55 percent to 41 percent). Middle-class families are more inclined to believe the country is on the wrong track (34 percent right direction, 62 percent wrong track), are more likely to hold an unfavorable view of Obama (48 percent favorable, 51 percent unfavorable), and hold a more favorable view of Romney (51 percent favorable, 44 percent unfavorable) and Paul Ryan (46 percent favorable, 35 percent unfavorable) than the overall electorate.

Politico is weird. They're reporting that Ryan has abandoned Romney and that he now calls him "Stench". Not much sense of loyalty in that one:

But if this Politico piece (http://www.politico....618.html?hp=r13) is to be believed, Paul Ryan has already bailed out:

Though Ryan had already decided to distance himself from the floundering Romney campaign, he now feels totally uninhibited. Reportedly, he has been marching around his campaign bus, saying things like, “If Stench calls, take a message” and “Tell Stench I’m having finger sandwiches with Peggy Noonan and will text him later.”

Calling Romney "Stench"? And, according to this piece the Romney brain trust in Boston running the campaign really does refer to Ryan as "Gilligan" and, I suppose in doing that, unwittingly confirm Governor Romney as Thurston Howell III. These clowns have to get their act together - it's not a good thing for Obama to win by default. The country needs a good enimatic discussion about what ails it.

Hmmmm. Roger Simon, the author of the opinion piece, let's look at a couple of things:


From his profile:

Roger Simon is the Chief Political Columnist of Politico. He grew up on the South Side of Chicago where politics was a contact sport.

At the Chicago Sun-Times, where he wrote a column four times per week, Simon was taught that the only way for a journalist to look upon a politician was down.

White House correspondent for the Chicago Tribune and the political editor of U.S. News World Report.

Simon, who has a B.A. degree in English from the University of Illinois, and in the spring of 2005 was a Kennedy School of Government Institute of Politics Fellow at Harvard University. He was also inducted into the Chicago Journalism Hall of Fame,

When Simon dies, he intends to be buried in Chicago, so he can still participate in the politics of that city.


Nope! Nothing in that could make one possibly believe Simon has an agenda considering he only has teensy little ties to Chicago and Illinois politics.

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With a long post, we want members to snip the quoted post, ie quote only the part of the other member's post that is relevant to the reply. However, it is not acceptable to snip the quoted post leaving parts of the post to change the meaning or "taking the piss". Instead of bickering about this (off topic), if you believe there has a breach of these guidelines, then by all means use the report button and a mod will determine if the snip is valid or taking the piss.

Some posts have been removed.

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Seems so. Here's some good advice for Governor Romney and for a Union General:

"We should gain more by letting the world see what we are than by trying to seem what we are not" La Rochefoucauld

It's Governor Romney's complete and utter lack of authenticity that is killing him. He reeks of it. It's not political lying but inauthenticity. We can vote for liars provided they're authentic liars - e.g. Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton. Governor Romney isn't a liar so much as he's constitutionally inauthentic. His goose is cooked. Not because he lies about his voting record like some others with political motivation.

Can you name one authentic thing about Obama? Just one?

His citizenship?

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But if this Politico piece is to be believed, Paul Ryan has already bailed out:

It is nonsense. Simon is a Politico political columnist, not a reporter and the hit piece is supposed to be "humorous."

Hey, just a small request in good faith and humor. Would you please stop using the quotation function to snip pieces from what I've said and then replying to the snippet. If you can't quote the whole thing then just don't quote any of what I say at all. I feel that your snippets more often than not misrepresent what's said. Perhaps not intentional but certainly constitutional. Thanks.

I believe TV prefers snippets, it saves on bandwidth considering the thousands of posts everyday.

It also makes it clear exactly what part of the post is being replied to.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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But if this Politico piece is to be believed, Paul Ryan has already bailed out:

It is nonsense. Simon is a Politico political columnist, not a reporter and the hit piece is supposed to be "humorous."

"Hours later, word got around that Simon had made it all up. Even the part about how Romney had taken to calling Ryan “Gilligan.” Some of the folks who got fooled groused about it being too subtle or not particularly funny."

Read more: http://www.foxnews.c.../#ixzz27clr2EpI

Edited by Ulysses G.
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I don't know what you would expect of me, and don't really care unless you are describing me with your "religious and pious" bit. I certainly hope not. Please clarify.


are you taking the p_iss?

If not, google your handle

I also know what my name is. What does a drug addled rocker have to do with me?

chuck d is a rapper, you were complaining about rapper parties in the white house, it was funny.

Thanks nurofiend, I'm glad somebody got it.

For you I recommend Shakira's Poem to a Horse.


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When asked about NASCAR the best Governor Romney could come up with is that he knew a few owners. Not much a man of the people. And then he laughed. it was frightening.

Are you really bringing up NASCAR in a discussion about which presidential candidate is out of touch? OK, I say we let NASCAR fans pick the next president. Anyone think Obama will get over 20% of the vote? 10%?

I originally brought up the NASCAR issue on this thread as Sean Hannity's favorite redneck Republican group and how everyone thought they were in Romney's pocket. I was wrong. Somehow Romney managed to alienate even this group with his elitist comment about loving NASCAR because he knew some owners. This news from a 3 days ago: "Obama opens up lead over Romney with NASCAR voters..."


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Actually, it might be worth voting for Romney. His perceived flaws will make excellent fodder for the late night talk shows. It just hasn't been the same since Bush left office.

Personally, I lean toward Obama, but if Romney wins, so be it. I don't think the world will end either way.

This is an excellent point. Even JIMMY CARTER said the same thing the other day. He would be "ok" with Romney as President. I would prefer not to see Romney, but I could live with him as President, provided he does not start another middle east war. However, as tough as he talks to appease hawks beating war drums for Iran on the far right, I do believe he has proven to be a moderate, and if elected would act much more rationally. Your view, mine, and Carter's contrast greatly with the nonstop vitriol from the Republicans that the "sky is falling" with Obama in office, and started falling the day he was inaugurated.

I am intrigued at trying a successful businessman at the helm. Having been one myself my whole life I can see the benefits of having someone in office who knows how to get things done. However, I'm not sure that works in Washington. Are businessmen better Presidents?


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When asked about NASCAR the best Governor Romney could come up with is that he knew a few owners. Not much a man of the people. And then he laughed. it was frightening.

Are you really bringing up NASCAR in a discussion about which presidential candidate is out of touch? OK, I say we let NASCAR fans pick the next president. Anyone think Obama will get over 20% of the vote? 10%?

I originally brought up the NASCAR issue on this thread as Sean Hannity's favorite redneck Republican group and how everyone thought they were in Romney's pocket. I was wrong. Somehow Romney managed to alienate even this group with his elitist comment about loving NASCAR because he knew some owners. This news from a 3 days ago: "Obama opens up lead over Romney with NASCAR voters..."


An online poll? They report those now? To me that is further proof polls are being manipulated in Obama's favor. Next day after the election expect to hear that Obama won with 110% of the vote.

In other polling news...

If you're going to believe the polls released from CBS/New York Times this morning -- you know, the polls the media's currently using to beat Romney senseless and to depress Republican enthusiasm, you have to believe that the turnout advantage for Democrats over Republicans will blow away every previous record and common sense.

It's that simple. Because these polls are not only telling us that Romney is losing OH, PA, and FL by insurmountable margins; these polls are also telling us that Democrat turnout is projected to blow away every modern record.

But these media polls don't headline what they're seeing as far as the Democrat turnout advantage because no one would believe it. In fact, no one believes Obama will match the D+7 nationwide advantage he enjoyed in 2008. And no one certainly believes he will surpass it.

Edited by koheesti
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I am intrigued at trying a successful businessman at the helm. Having been one myself my whole life I can see the benefits of having someone in office who knows how to get things done. However, I'm not sure that works in Washington. Are businessmen better Presidents?

I don't get this "successful businessman" stuff.

Even when he "saved" the Olympics he did it with $1.5 BILLION of taxpayers money, a lot of which went to wealthy developers in Utah - and I wonder how many of those funded his campaign?

The most damning aspect of the Salt Lake tab wasn't the final amount, but how it was being spent. In their exhaustively researched Sports Illustrated accounting, Barlett and Steele explain how many Olympics projects amounted to little more than slush funds for wealthy donors to the games. Wealthy Utahns used the games as an excuse to receive exemptions for projects that would otherwise never meet environmental standards, or to receive generous subsidies for improvements of questionable value to the games—but with serious value to future real estate developments. In one example, a wealthy developer received $3 million to build a three-mile stretch of road through his resort. Where'd he get the money? Federal funds that had been deposited in the Utah Permanent Community Impact Fund. Per the piece:

The U.S. Treasury collects royalties from mining and petroleum companies that prospect and drill on federal lands, and from individuals and businesses that buy and sell the related leases. The Treasury returns half the payments to the states where the lands are located. States generally distribute the money as grants or loans to those communities that have been socially or economically affected by prospecting or drilling. In Utah this money traditionally has gone to struggling counties to help with public needs, like purchasing a fire truck.

Now the state was going to give $2 million in federal royalties to Summit County—by far the state's richest county, and one in which a majority of the mines closed years ago—and the money would be in the form of an outright grant rather than a loan, even though the fund's rules state that grants can be made "only when the other financing mechanisms cannot be utilized, where no reasonable method of repayment can be identified, or in emergency situations regarding public health and/or safety." On top of that the grant was earmarked for construction of a road that would benefit a private developer.


and the original Sports Illustrated piece:


So when Romney tells you the Olympics are a perfect example of how he runs things, take a look at that article and see once again who benefits. It will give you a clue as to who would benefit if he was elected President.

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