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Moving To Chiang Mai With Little Kids


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Hi All, we are planning to move to CM next year, never been to Thailand but want to experience it for a year or two while our kids are still small and moving is not as hard on them.

We haven't decided on the school yet but so far we really like the Laana International School for our 4 year old. Anyone has any experience with that school?

Been looking at homes for rent in the area but it is so hard to do online, it's very confusing. Anyone knows if there are nice places to live close to that school, are there any western food stores close by? Or is it better to live somewhere else and drive or hire a driver to get my daughter to school every day. We aren't picky but with 2 little ones everything is a bit harder. We are looking for a safe place for about 30,000.

I was told there is an option to hire a driver because I'm kinda scared to drive in areas I don't know and I'm from the US so the whole driving on the left side of the road makes the idea of driving impossible for me. How much does it cost to hire a driver?

Any tips for moving there with small kids?

One last thing, the internet connection is very important for my husband's business, we can live anywhere as long as the internet is fast and reliable, Any recommendations for a good ISP in CM?

Sorry for all the questions.

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We have a child in Lanna. She's been there since 1st grade. WE're very happy with the school.

Rim Ping is a great supermarket with just about every Western food you might need, and it's not far from the school. Also, Makro isn't far and they have a pretty good selection of Western gourmet items. Also not far is Central Airport Plaza which is an upscale mall with a really good Thai food court on the ground floor and virtually every other kind of store you might need.

Driving really isn't a problem. Remember that the steering wheel is on the other side of the car so you pretty much orient yourself automatically to keeping the driver's side towards the center of the road. The biggest hazard is watching out for motorcyclists. Most of them haven't a clue about what it's like to drive a car and put themselves in harm's way because of that. But you can get a driver.

We live about 1 kilometer from the school. For 30,000 baht you can get yourself a really nice place in a gated community. We prefer to live in an ungated area where rich people, middle class, and working class people all live close by in an unplanned jumble. Feels more like Thailand. But if you're worried about the kids, there are plenty of gated communities nearby. Most with community pools.

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I don't think you need a driver but one would cost you around 8,000 to 10,000 Baht a month if you employed on a permanent basis. Taxis and other forms of hire transport are not expensive so you could always use those until you grown confident enough to use the roads even though they drive on the correct side of the road here!

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If you had read an article about the annual smog that i read this morning, you wouldnt even consider bringing kids here.

The snap shots I picked up, were, you are 7x more likely to get lung cancer/emphycemia in Chiang Mai, than any other part of Thailand.

During those toxic weeks the particle matter is multiple times worse than the permitted toxic levels in western europe.

Chiang mai has one of the highest death rates from lung cancer in the world and children particularly suffer with aesthma

I am not trying to be negative; its a consideration especially with children.

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If you had read an article about the annual smog that i read this morning, you wouldnt even consider bringing kids here.

The snap shots I picked up, were, you are 7x more likely to get lung cancer/emphycemia in Chiang Mai, than any other part of Thailand.

During those toxic weeks the particle matter is multiple times worse than the permitted toxic levels in western europe.

Chiang mai has one of the highest death rates from lung cancer in the world and children particularly suffer with aesthma

I am not trying to be negative; its a consideration especially with children.

I agree and have read the same data.

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I've said it once and I'll say it again...I don't understand how anyone could move to a country they have never been to before...

Agreed; especially if even such everyday things as driving a car somewhere sounds scary. At the very least you want to explore a bit on your own first.

Unless of course this is one of those missionary deals.. young families get dumped in random places, all expenses paid for.

If you had read an article about the annual smog that i read this morning, you wouldnt even consider bringing kids here.

Fortunately it coincides with the main school holiday. So easy to go for a beach holiday, or a trip back home. coffee1.gif

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Unless of course this is one of those missionary deals.. young families get dumped in random places, all expenses paid for.

I'm not a Christian but I've gotten to know a fair amount of missionaries. First off, they are definitely not "dumped" When the families first arrive there is a big support network for them. They are sent to school to study Thai 5 days a week for at least aa year. And if they can't gain a reasonable mastery of the language they are scrubbed out. I wonder what percentage of non-missionary expats could match the missionaries' facility with the Thai language.

Nor are all the missionaries subsidized by their congregations. I knew a family in my moo baan where the husband had been a very successful banker. And he gave it up (before the crash) to come here. He and his wife are now running an orphanage.

Others are partly subsidized, using their own savings as well as what their congregations give them.

Edited by butterisbetter
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We have a child in Lanna. She's been there since 1st grade. WE're very happy with the school.

Rim Ping is a great supermarket with just about every Western food you might need, and it's not far from the school. Also, Makro isn't far and they have a pretty good selection of Western gourmet items. Also not far is Central Airport Plaza which is an upscale mall with a really good Thai food court on the ground floor and virtually every other kind of store you might need.

Driving really isn't a problem. Remember that the steering wheel is on the other side of the car so you pretty much orient yourself automatically to keeping the driver's side towards the center of the road. The biggest hazard is watching out for motorcyclists. Most of them haven't a clue about what it's like to drive a car and put themselves in harm's way because of that. But you can get a driver.

We live about 1 kilometer from the school. For 30,000 baht you can get yourself a really nice place in a gated community. We prefer to live in an ungated area where rich people, middle class, and working class people all live close by in an unplanned jumble. Feels more like Thailand. But if you're worried about the kids, there are plenty of gated communities nearby. Most with community pools.

you can't be serious about driving not been a problem!

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just choosing a country at random for me is quite irresponsible, especially when you have a young family to consider, with regards to internet, well what can i say, it's just about ok, but if i were relying upon it for my business and income, well....erm...no!

but that's just my opinion, after 11yrs in thailand.

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I think it sounds like a great adventure! You'll figure out what your comfortable doing and probably surprise yourself and find you self coping with situations that might look impossible from there but once here are all part of the experience. I have 3 kids here and marvel at how they are having the kind of childhood I had in America 40+ yrs ago. I was 8 yrs old on my first trip to Thailand when my parents and two young brothers visited. Those times had a great influence on me and I'm sure your decision to come here is going to give your whole family a lasting and rewarding experience. Chokdee Crap!

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Houses in CM are very cheap to rent, in San Sai a 2/3 bedroom house will cost about 6,000bht

At Ban Wan Taan (Near Lanna school) the same house would cost 12,000 as many foreigners live there (and foreigners are known to be foolish with money).

If you rent through an agent please be aware, you will more than likely be cheated.

If you pay more then 15,000bht a month ............. more fool you.

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I think you have made an excellent decision. Not everyone has the chance for adventure that you have, so I say make the most of it. Even if you don't like it here, it is only for a year or two as you stated. As for driving, it shouldn't be a problem. I have only been here two months now, and after the first three or four days of driving I become more comfortable with driving on the opposite side of the road. What almost gave me ulcers was learning to navigate around the motorcycle drivers. Best of luck to you.


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Houses in CM are very cheap to rent, in San Sai a 2/3 bedroom house will cost about 6,000bht

At Ban Wan Taan (Near Lanna school) the same house would cost 12,000 as many foreigners live there (and foreigners are known to be foolish with money).

If you rent through an agent please be aware, you will more than likely be cheated.

If you pay more then 15,000bht a month ............. more fool you.

Take care what you are saying, yes there are “black sheeps” out there but this don’t mean all agencies are pulling the money out of peoples, there are more good than bad ones out and agencies get paid from the landlord and not from the renter.

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Excuse me CMweb, but let's be clear here, the landlord may pay you, usually from the deposit, which is why the deposit is never returned to the renter ...as the landlord feels it has been "spent", but that is another subject ...however, the cost of the commission is included in increased rental cost, which is paid for by the RENTER.

And I am pretty sure, that agencies, have a good deal to do with inflating rents in general, that are targeted towards farangs here, especially newly arrived ones. We only have to look at ads in magazines to see this for ourselves.

As I say there are “black seeps” out there and not only in Thailand.

I know most of the properties, maybe some not, are the same if you would find it yourself, not all landlords are the same and try only to get money in. I just have got a house from 25000 THB plus mooban fee down to 22000 THB with mooban fee and the renters before paid 25000 THB plus mooban fee, this shows not all agents are trying only to make money, I lost 3000 THB commission but I know I have a happy renter and this is all what count for me and my company and also many others.

If you sign a contract with my company, I as director will sign the contract as witness, in case the landlord keep the deposit (if he is wrong and the house is not damaged or unpaid bills) then we will give the deposit to the renter and short it out with the landlord if needed with lawyers etc. I know there are also other agencies in CM who work on the same way.

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Well CMweb, I hope you are one of the "good guys" out there ...I can't say I have met any myself, but still hope for the best! Actually I can't really suggest any other good methods for a new person to find a rental, if they need any "help" every "helper" they will find, will usually show them inappropriate homes for their needs, at inflated prices, because they are trying to get commission. Only they might not realize that every person they speak to, from the 7-11 cashier, their friendly fruit vendor, their hotel manager, the tuk-tuk driver, the waitress at their favorite restaurant, all their new best friends, are all operating with the same intentions. (I dont' mean to say you would be doing these things.) But many people suggest to newbies, that they use a "Thai friend that they trust" and a new person can't possibly have a Thai friend that is trustworthy yet, and these people, according to my experience will usually show you the most disgusting homes (of their friends/family) that are 20 miles out of town, and try to charge you NYC prices, etc. Anyway, I haven't been in the rental market for some years, after a series of bad experiences I just gave up. But there is a lot of better info now on the internet which might make it a bit easier at least. As well as ThaiVisa to help out. But it is good to know you are more client friendly and not just landlord friendly.

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I know most of the properties, maybe some not, are the same if you would find it yourself, not all landlords are the same and try only to get money in. I just have got a house from 25000 THB plus mooban fee down to 22000 THB with mooban fee and the renters before paid 25000 THB plus mooban fee, this shows not all agents are trying only to make money, I lost 3000 THB commission but I know I have a happy renter and this is all what count for me and my company and also many others.

That must have been one hell of a house, 5 bedrooms, maids quarters, double garage, 2 rai garden, swimming pool, etc.?

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I know most of the properties, maybe some not, are the same if you would find it yourself, not all landlords are the same and try only to get money in. I just have got a house from 25000 THB plus mooban fee down to 22000 THB with mooban fee and the renters before paid 25000 THB plus mooban fee, this shows not all agents are trying only to make money, I lost 3000 THB commission but I know I have a happy renter and this is all what count for me and my company and also many others.

That must have been one hell of a house, 5 bedrooms, maids quarters, double garage, 2 rai garden, swimming pool, etc.?

No, 4 bedrooms, one maiden room with own bath, large perfect done garden, very good maintain house, full furnished (quality), western kitchen with all you need to cook, large US refrigerator, washing machine, laundry dryer, bathtub and a Jacuzzi, the house has no pool but is 2 min away in the clubhouse.

What you more want for 22000 THB?

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however, the cost of the commission is included in increased rental cost, which is paid for by the RENTER.

Yes, and.... blink.png

stop being pathetic....businesses in CM and the rest of the world are in business to MAKE MONEY. Agencies, restaurants, bars, Robinsons dont sell for free. They have to make a living.

Yes you can get a cheap rent from the owner direct, but if you go through an agent, he has done a service and you need to pay him.

every single tour agency around the city is getting between 50bt and 400bt on every trip and tour they sell.

Is that a surprise to you?....,stick to buying beer and you ll be fine (paying 20-40bt profit you know)

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Please do not be discouraged. Chiang Mai is a good place to live in.

You are concerned about your children as well you should be. Well from my personal experience travel broadens the mind. Even if you do go back to the states or where ever it is you come from after two years the kids will be able to talk about their adventures for years. And how every one drives on the wrong side of the street.

Do not let the negative people bother you. You have stated a price you are willing to pay for rent. On looking around you may find what you expect is cheaper than that. Don't get caught up in the 6,000 or 12,000 baht posters. If you can afford it do it.

The smog will be a reality and it is OK to wear a face mask here. Still have the smog but a proper one will help or as WTK said it is school break time go to the beach. As for where to rent look on line a lot and contact some of the companies that do it here. Or if you have the time come and get a nice apartment for a month and take the time to look around. I don't know how much to rent a car and driver. Just get some phone numbers of tuk tuk drivers for now.

I wish I could help you with information on the internet. All I know is location is very important. If you find a place you like knock on some of the neighbors doors ask them how it is. I have a air stick as a backup. Even in the best reception areas some times they have trouble some times once a year some times more often.

Do not listen to any one who claims to know all about it because they have been here X number of years. I have been here 6 years and I have seen a tremendous improvement in it. Still not as fast as what I had in Canada 7 years ago but acceptable. The only reason I have a air stick is the 3BBB where I live is not always reliable but it is free. I am quite sure if I was closer to their tower it would be better. There are many people here making a living off of the computers so do not be discouraged.

As I said it can be a great experience for the kids to treasure in later life. Also you can treasure it. I never traveled until I was 50 and that was only to Mexico but it sure showed me other ways to do things and not do things.

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however, the cost of the commission is included in increased rental cost, which is paid for by the RENTER.

Yes, and.... blink.png

stop being pathetic....businesses in CM and the rest of the world are in business to MAKE MONEY. Agencies, restaurants, bars, Robinsons dont sell for free. They have to make a living.

Yes you can get a cheap rent from the owner direct, but if you go through an agent, he has done a service and you need to pay him.

every single tour agency around the city is getting between 50bt and 400bt on every trip and tour they sell.

Is that a surprise to you?....,stick to buying beer and you ll be fine (paying 20-40bt profit you know)

Think you're quoting the wrong poster. And about the beer, that's only if you go to farang bars.

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