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Thai Muslim Women Criticise Infidelity Survey


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Well for starters anyone who compares Muslim women and the way they dress against our free and uninhibited beauties, probably would say its like comparing oranges and lemons, would anyone ask a Muslim women her sexual habits , I think not , Muslim women are in the minority, long live uninhibited evil thinking lovelies and god save the king.coffee1.gif

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What evidence does she have to state this? I've lived and worked in Arabic countries for 11 years and the women there are no different from anywhere else. In my experience African women, in particular South Africa are the most promiscuous. Maybe Thai women were just being honest but it's by no means a scientific survey.

NOTE: The point was about infidelity, but you refer to promiscuity above which is not the same thing. Off the top of my head I'd figure Japanese women are near or at the top for being the most promiscuous, but they'd be way down the list on any infidelity rankings. I have no idea if this is correct, merely my perception.

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Muslim women are too busy being married off to their aged uncle at the age of 10 and being beaten by their husbands to bother about such things. Muslims are not promiscuous that's why they have 4 wives.

At least real Thai women have a choice.

The Koran permits up to four wives, if you can maintain and treat the wives equally. At the time the Koran was written their was a lot of warfare with the outcome of a disparity in numbers between men and women. Four wives to keep population growth and availability of fighting men.

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Muslim women are too busy being married off to their aged uncle at the age of 10 and being beaten by their husbands to bother about such things. Muslims are not promiscuous that's why they have 4 wives.

At least real Thai women have a choice.

The Koran permits up to four wives, if you can maintain and treat the wives equally. At the time the Koran was written their was a lot of warfare with the outcome of a disparity in numbers between men and women. Four wives to keep population growth and availability of fighting men.

Muslim women are too busy being married off to their aged uncle at the age of 10 and being beaten by their husbands to bother about such things. Muslims are not promiscuous that's why they have 4 wives.

At least real Thai women have a choice.

The Koran permits up to four wives, if you can maintain and treat the wives equally. At the time the Koran was written their was a lot of warfare with the outcome of a disparity in numbers between men and women. Four wives to keep population growth and availability of fighting men.

Yeah that's their excuse and even if true no longer relevant today. The first wife is arranged by the family and that's for breeding purposes, the other 3 are for fun. They can get divorced without even telling a wife and it takes minutes, then he's off for more. When business owner had 4 wives I was in in Oman a local business man had 4 wives, one very young, not sure how old but young teen, the others older and the oldest in her 59's. He was in his late 60's and had at least 5 divorces. I could also mention the Indonesian maids that got serviced regularly. Not uncommon. I think just the thought of 4 mothers-in-law would worry me!

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Didn't realize Muslim was a race.

You are right. But the muslim women think they are. And also that they are better and on a higher level than everyone else and as such have the right to dictate what others should do and think. Like all funda(mental) muslims. Winnie the Pooh also had a small brain but at least he had some common sense.

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Why are you making racist comments towards thai men? Durex condoms fit the average farang man under 7, the dirk digglers here can go home because if your not a nightworker, most thai girls arent size freaks.......

..........................that's what she said!

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Didn't realize Muslim was a race.

You are right. But the muslim women think they are. And also that they are better and on a higher level than everyone else and as such have the right to dictate what others should do and think. Like all funda(mental) muslims. Winnie the Pooh also had a small brain but at least he had some common sense.

My wife is a Thai Muslim - you have no idea what you're talking about with your insulting comments. By the way I do not practice the Islamic faith & I have not been circumcised as so many TV posters insist is a prerequisite.

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What evidence does she have to state this? I've lived and worked in Arabic countries for 11 years and the women there are no different from anywhere else. In my experience African women, in particular South Africa are the most promiscuous. Maybe Thai women were just being honest but it's by no means a scientific survey.

Now a survey should be initiated on that, 'being honest' are you joking?

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Since the Muslim belief works in multiple wives and like the catholics, likes to 'increase' the faithful to swell the ranks of the brainwashed, I hardly think anyone cares whether Muslim women believe in promiscuity of other women since they are prepared to share 'their man' anyway. And in Thailand - only 59%? rolleyes.gif

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Since the Muslim belief works in multiple wives and like the catholics, likes to 'increase' the faithful to swell the ranks of the brainwashed, I hardly think anyone cares whether Muslim women believe in promiscuity of other women since they are prepared to share 'their man' anyway. And in Thailand - only 59%? rolleyes.gif

As this topic is about Thai Muslim women, what's the percentage of Thai Muslim men do you think can afford to support & maintain multiple wives? I live in a Thai Muslim area & there is not one such arrangement

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Unbelievable that such a crappy newsfeed could reel in 57 posts (including mine)... Starting off by religions mixing up with races, etc. and the whole text comes accross like a 5 year old tried to copywrite a newsthread about something he read and misinterpreted at teenvogue.com

Why is this news and what point they are trying to make? That muslims use condoms, even though the Q'uran forbids it, or that muslim women are not only a "special" religious group, but a special "race"???

Did Hindu Thai women make a statement here claiming their racial superiority and explaining why they prefer Strawberry flavor condoms over Banana?

Will the world spin faster or slower because of these "news"? I believe no... coffee1.gif

Will there ever be Nutella flavor condoms? I certainly hope so smile.png

Edited by catweazle
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Unbelievable that such a crappy newsfeed could reel in 57 posts (including mine)... Starting off by religions mixing up with races, etc. and the whole text comes accross like a 5 year old tried to copywrite a newsthread about something he read and misinterpreted at teenvogue.com

Why is this news and what point they are trying to make? That muslims use condoms, even though the Q'uran forbids it, or that muslim women are not only a "special" religious group, but a special "race"???

Did Hindu Thai women make a statement here claiming their racial superiority and explaining why they prefer Strawberry flavor condoms over Banana?

Will the world spin faster or slower because of these "news"? I believe no... coffee1.gif

Will there ever be Nutella flavor condoms? I certainly hope so smile.png

Like you I was not going to post but here goes!

It is said that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

I bet this whole thing was cooked up by Durex and they must be very happy to receive all this free publicity.

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Unbelievable that such a crappy newsfeed could reel in 57 posts (including mine)... Starting off by religions mixing up with races, etc. and the whole text comes accross like a 5 year old tried to copywrite a newsthread about something he read and misinterpreted at teenvogue.com

Why is this news and what point they are trying to make? That muslims use condoms, even though the Q'uran forbids it, or that muslim women are not only a "special" religious group, but a special "race"???

Did Hindu Thai women make a statement here claiming their racial superiority and explaining why they prefer Strawberry flavor condoms over Banana?

Will the world spin faster or slower because of these "news"? I believe no... coffee1.gif

Will there ever be Nutella flavor condoms? I certainly hope so smile.png

Like you I was not going to post but here goes!

It is said that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

I bet this whole thing was cooked up by Durex and they must be very happy to receive all this free publicity.

Yupp! And I still keep my fingers crossed that Durex comes up soon with the Nutella flavored ones thumbsup.gif

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Unbelievable that such a crappy newsfeed could reel in 57 posts (including mine)... Starting off by religions mixing up with races, etc. and the whole text comes accross like a 5 year old tried to copywrite a newsthread about something he read and misinterpreted at teenvogue.com

Why is this news and what point they are trying to make? That muslims use condoms, even though the Q'uran forbids it, or that muslim women are not only a "special" religious group, but a special "race"???

Did Hindu Thai women make a statement here claiming their racial superiority and explaining why they prefer Strawberry flavor condoms over Banana?

Will the world spin faster or slower because of these "news"? I believe no... coffee1.gif

Will there ever be Nutella flavor condoms? I certainly hope so smile.png

Like you I was not going to post but here goes!

It is said that there is no such thing as bad publicity.

I bet this whole thing was cooked up by Durex and they must be very happy to receive all this free publicity.

They probably figure Thai Visa is a good place to advertize and it is free.clap2.gif

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