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What Is It With Women And Handbags Does Yours Go Mad For Them?


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I won't complain about my Wife's collection of handbags (about 20 or so).. I support it in fact - If handbags make her happy then thats good, I have something to get her for her Birthday.

My Wife doesn't complain about my watches which amounts to a significantly greater sum than her 'plethora' of handbags (I can't think of a better collective noun other than 'herd' (as in leather - cow tenuous link)).

And lets not talk about tastes in Whisky or the latest automative purchase - No, I have no right to complain.

We both have plenty of shoes which we leave to fight their own battle for territorial supremacy.

But the fact is my Wife only chooses what she really likes - Lately she has seen a Prada bag she likes, but she won't let me get it her as she's not 100% sure she likes it - I'm now stuck for her Birthday present.

Is it a female thing? of course it is, but its useful - Guess where my phone and wallet go when were out together, straight into her handbag, extremely convenient !...

Now, another female thing... Why is it the back of a ladies car is like a shoe shop ?... I'm talking at least 6 or 7 pairs of shoes in the back...

Funny my wife keeps shoes in the back of the car as well ,whats that about?

Easy. Circumstances.

Certain shoes not suitable for certain things, and a change is needed.

Aww cmon guys, that ones pretty logical isnt it!

When i was a student i had to walk to the club for a night out, so, on went my walking shoes, and heels in the bag. Quick change at the club, and quick change for the walk home. Easy!

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Why does a man need 50 spanners? (because one size doesnt fit all or suit every circumstance.. i know, because i my own set).

But, wouldnt matter if you were buying 100, as long as i wasnt the one paying for it.

So, isnt it more about you buying them for her then?

So, a possible solution to the problem would be her earning and spending her own money on them?

I tried that logic with my ex in the UK....OK you guys at the back, stop sniggering, I know I used the word logic..... the trouble was that she kept blowing all her money on shoes, bags, clothes, hair-do's and I had to pay all the house bills. Bloody great... she made Imelda Marcos look like Scrooge. Thank heavens I binned her, but oh too late!

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Finally got wife and daughter to concede that some shoes had to go to free up some space in the large walk in cupboard where they are the sole whistling.gif occupants, the shoes that is.

4 hours later we had managed to get rid of one pair of flip flops and a solitary platform heel, left foot, that they both denied ownership of.

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