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The Intellectual Aspects Of Living In Thailand


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I notice that nobody has noted 'reading Thai' yet. I learnt French, Swiss German and High German, but was never so challenged as now that I'm getting into Thai.
The title was Intellectual pursuits, while learning to read Thai may be a challenge, the actual written content is the usual crap.
I strongly disagree.It depends where you get your books from.there are many interesting books - some eones too.Try here - http://thaiebook.org/ Edited by Neeranam
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I went to the RBSC once, but either I didnt have enough money to join or they didnt appreciate flip flops = i was thrown out. What do I do at the British Club? I sit in the bar and look out at the window and frown at the farangs with their thai wives in tight bathing suits playing silly in the pool - how dare they bring disrespect and envy to such an esteemed place. I have a very full life thanks, and am happy as I ever have been = thanks to the wife and kids.

Not that intellectually stimulating to go 'ga ga goo goo' to my 3 month old, but when my 3 month old says something like 'daddy, what the hell is that stupid man thinking' I canr find the words to say 'son, dont swear at that asshol_e'.

Have a good sleep, wake up tomorrow and think about this. If it rains again does that mean it rained yesterday? Will it rain tomorrow and the day after? Do I have to wear brown shoes while having a curry? Tough decisions..

Do you know how much it is to join? Last I heard it was over 2 million baht.

Did you go with a member?

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I went to the RBSC once, but either I didnt have enough money to join or they didnt appreciate flip flops = i was thrown out. What do I do at the British Club? I sit in the bar and look out at the window and frown at the farangs with their thai wives in tight bathing suits playing silly in the pool - how dare they bring disrespect and envy to such an esteemed place. I have a very full life thanks, and am happy as I ever have been = thanks to the wife and kids.

Not that intellectually stimulating to go 'ga ga goo goo' to my 3 month old, but when my 3 month old says something like 'daddy, what the hell is that stupid man thinking' I canr find the words to say 'son, dont swear at that asshol_e'.

Have a good sleep, wake up tomorrow and think about this. If it rains again does that mean it rained yesterday? Will it rain tomorrow and the day after? Do I have to wear brown shoes while having a curry? Tough decisions..

Do you know how much it is to join? Last I heard it was over 2 million baht.

Did you go with a member?

It's not about money but the handshakewink.png
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I went to the RBSC once, but either I didnt have enough money to join or they didnt appreciate flip flops = i was thrown out. What do I do at the British Club? I sit in the bar and look out at the window and frown at the farangs with their thai wives in tight bathing suits playing silly in the pool - how dare they bring disrespect and envy to such an esteemed place. I have a very full life thanks, and am happy as I ever have been = thanks to the wife and kids.

Not that intellectually stimulating to go 'ga ga goo goo' to my 3 month old, but when my 3 month old says something like 'daddy, what the hell is that stupid man thinking' I canr find the words to say 'son, dont swear at that asshol_e'.

Have a good sleep, wake up tomorrow and think about this. If it rains again does that mean it rained yesterday? Will it rain tomorrow and the day after? Do I have to wear brown shoes while having a curry? Tough decisions..

Do you know how much it is to join? Last I heard it was over 2 million baht.

Did you go with a member?

It's not about money but the handshakewink.png

Gambling is actually legal there......http://www.thaizer.com/sport/horse-racing-in-bangkok/
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there are other words wrong to, i'm not taking my time crossing the i's and dotting the t's incase the grammar police come out in an attempt to appear smarter then the rest, could it be english is my second languageand i'm realy kicking ass.

how many do you speak

Other words wrong too ........

How good do you feel, making fun of a poster, bearing in mind English is not his first language, on an English written forum, excepting certain fora, regarding his grammar?

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people say thai people have no intelect, the landing system for vehicles off to mars were all but given up on until a thai desighned one.

We're not talking about 'intellect' aka being smart, but 'intellectualism' which is the pursuit of knowledge of one's self, particularly about the human condition in fields such as psycology, philosophy, antropology, political science, history, art and the like.

Being highly knowledgable in one area is just an expression of dedication and probably some intelligence. However, the need and want to pursue knowledge of ourselves is what separates an intellectual from say a highly trained (brain work) professional.

And we're also not talking about knowledge snobs as I call them, who think knowledge without purpose/frame is worth anything.

I'd say the hallmark of an intellectual is curiosity, almost a childlike curiosity of the world. An intellectual simply can't stop being curious about how things and people work.

Think you've cracked it in one. First class post. thumbsup.gif
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Advaita vedanta has a method of constantly asking: 'Who am I?", and the answer eventually will come from beyond intellect, for we are , in our true nature, above and beyond intellect. The knowing of self melts knower and known into pure knowingness, without an object.

Thus the meditator enters samadhi, and the fusion of enoying and enjoyment leaves but pure joy, ananda, bliss-consciousness, which can become permanent, eternal, everlasting.

More commonly known as self inculcation. If you spend enought time trying to convince yourself that you are a three legged purple chicken you will finally believe it. Nothing more (or less) than self induced insanity.

Socrates was at the point at the end of his life, where he was able to say: "I know nothing".

Sounds like he needed a trip to a gogo club to remind him of carnal pleasures, instead of racking his brains against a dead-end. I know, I know, he was Greek, but they do have boy-a-go-go's too.

This accomplishment of coming to "not knowing", is not an accomplishment, for the ego, the small self, is out of the pecture now, and what is happening is at most simply witnessing what transpires, not being involved, on the level of the Higher Self. The process is effortless; one cannot try to transcend; it happens by itself. Those who continuously concentrate on a mantra stay stuck with it; however,when the mantra goes by itself, finer and finer experiences of it occur until, it is gone. And what is left is the pure field of knowingness, absent knower and known.

Some would claim that it is easier for the non-intellectual to be at one with this experience, but it is our inherent nature.

Desires drop off, and samadhi comes. It is a matter of when the time is right when anything comes to us or leaves us.

And Byron Katie has said that the only honest answer is: "I don't know."

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