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Where To Buy Tea Bags?

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The cheapest place to buy Tea Bags ,Sanphet at Nathon. Plain BOH teabags ( Malaysian ) 25 @ Baht 55. But they also have an extensive range about 20 to 30 Baht cheaper then tesco, depending what you buy.

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Here on Samui I go to Tesco Chaweng and purchase HELADIV English breakfast tea bags pure ceylon tea you get 100 tea bags and the cost is 170 bht the box is 24x13x7 it is in a grey box with a union jack on it better still here is a photograph the tea is much nicer than Liptons and as the previous op stated it aint cheap living on Samui but at 170 bht for a 100 tea bags I think that is a very good price


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7/11. The yellow ones and if you think that 160 Baht is expensive I suggest you look elsewhere to live.

Samui doesn't do cheap !whistling.gif

Lipton I guess.

It's been a while since I bought t-bags but when I did I bought the Tesco own brand which were much much better than Lipton. I gave up drinking hot tea because even after years of trying I just couldn't stand the milk in Thailand. Now I make iced lemon tea using PG tips which I bring from the UK or get someone to bring them with them. I can't remember exactly how much the own brand bags were but it around 160 for 80 bag. Maybe more but it was certainly well under 200.

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Moderators. Please do your job. Is there really room for mundane topics like this?

get a life you miserable so and so !!!!!!!!!!

He has a point in a way. What next ? Where is the nearest 7/11 ?

The guy has moved to a new country to live and he is having trouble finding T bags blink.png

I was here one day and spent it exploring the islands shops. It is part of the fun of moving somewhere. Yes forums are great for those hard to locate parts for your lawnmower or motorcycle, I have just posted looking to get a Jack Russell dog but everyday items which are everywhere ? blink.png

Sorry if this means you think that I'm miserable. I'm not, I'm just honest !

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Each time I ask something in this forum it goes in a troll... I am used to it. No problem.

I admit sometimes I ask weird questions (not this time), as I am cheap and curious...

But even when I'm serious it goes in a troll so I am not offended anymore!

Yes, I'm here since a few times, most of the things are cheaps for us, farangs, but I think tea is expensive. So I ask if I can get cheaper, is it big deal?

Please note that I don't feed the troll, so I won't answer anymore if this goes, again in a debate... (we'll speak at the TV party!!)

Thanks others for your answer, much appreciated !

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That crazy guy is right.... HELADIV English breakfast tea bags are about the best you'll find... for reasonable good tasting tea from a bag.... here at least... wink.png

But the best "real man's" tea is Tata tea... but it's loose ,w00t.gif so you need a "sock" to brew it! It's in a bright green bag...

Makro some times has... There is a store in the Lamdon market that has it too, turn in at Chinese temple... . small Burmese shop at 2 0 clock from end of street you turn into ....

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Moderators. Please do your job. Is there really room for mundane topics like this?

get a life you miserable so and so !!!!!!!!!!

He has a point in a way. What next ? Where is the nearest 7/11 ?

The guy has moved to a new country to live and he is having trouble finding T bags blink.png

I was here one day and spent it exploring the islands shops. It is part of the fun of moving somewhere. Yes forums are great for those hard to locate parts for your lawnmower or motorcycle, I have just posted looking to get a Jack Russell dog but everyday items which are everywhere ? blink.png

Sorry if this means you think that I'm miserable. I'm not, I'm just honest !

What's next should not be where is the nearest 7/11 but what is the largest distance between two 7/11's.

That way we can drink tea and have a pool predicting how long it will take build a new 7/11 in that spot....

Oh no, am I really this bored w00t.gif

Anyways, I would be interested to know what the best tea available on the island is. Can really see myself tracking down the cheapest.

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Each time I ask something in this forum it goes in a troll... I am used to it. No problem.

I admit sometimes I ask weird questions (not this time), as I am cheap and curious...

But even when I'm serious it goes in a troll so I am not offended anymore!

Yes, I'm here since a few times, most of the things are cheaps for us, farangs, but I think tea is expensive. So I ask if I can get cheaper, is it big deal?

Please note that I don't feed the troll, so I won't answer anymore if this goes, again in a debate... (we'll speak at the TV party!!)

Thanks others for your answer, much appreciated !

The mrs's and I tend to disagree when it comes to tea. I am always getting her the best tea I can find but she only enjoys a very cheap no name type

tea. I would say must be a cheap generic brand "loose" tea sold in the markets.

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My instant thought at reading the OP headline was to suggest he asks his local immigration office for info as according to a lot of posts in this forum, they must drink a lot of tea with their 'tea money'.

Can't help as I am a coffe man.

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The problem sometimes especially with imported foods etc, whether cheap or not, (usually not!) is sometimes have and sometimes "no have".. so looking just once does not always work...

Tesco at the moment is out of a lot of imported foods... but they are getting better with some items.. coming in more often. I think if items move quickly they are more likely to restock, more often.

Interesting KTD says he finds loose tea, in markets, other than Tata loose tea, I have never seen... Thai's seem to be more into coffee, or that awful orange coloured tea, you find at drink stands... bah.gif

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